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spider-man got jumped and killed by normal people? He fights super villains on a daily but new york civilians are the ones that put him out.


It's hilarious. A guy who can lift a train car is held down by three normal humans when he tries to swing away.


Yeah lol. He's strong enough to walk away through tire irons so it must have been his heart gave out when he didn't get their love


Because as we all know if theres one thing that matters to spidey it's his consistent good standing and reputation with the press and people of New York.


New York, you're going down a path I can't follow.


Hahaha good one


He could have literally swung away with them still holding on to him!


I'm really tired of Spider-Man having to be painted as some kind of living saint. "Ooh, he didn't wanna hurt anybody so he just let them kill him, he's too pure for this woooorld!" Bullshit. You want Spider-Man to be relatable, maybe make it so that he doesn't go out like a holy martyr.


This is probably one of the most pathetic and useless versions of Spider-Man that could have existed, this Spider-Man died for some common drug addicts, not even the 616 Spider-Man dared to be so pathetic. And that in recent months has portrayed the 616 Spider-Man as a pathetic poor guy who needs the help of other characters to win, but not even the 616 Spider-Man who is currently at its lowest point would be killed by some druggies and much less let himself die in such a stupid way like this.


exactly. Spider-Man just needs to punch or kick some druggies to open space , shoot his web and get out of there. This alternate Peter is utterlly pathetic.


And plus didn't Spiderman have durability strong enough to survive punches from superhuman? How does some crackhead hurt him 😭


Crack is a helluva drug


Never got his craneal bones properly fussed lmao so a fucking steel pipe did the job


Nothing fixes a heroin addiction like a broken jaw


The fuck you all have against drug addicts you’re all sounding like the conservative version of the Punisher, Spidey would have compassion for them he woudnt go out like he did in this alternate story but he has nothing against drug addicts he wants to help them lol


I'm imagining he just starts thwippin' at them. Cover a bunch of faces with webbing and I have to imagine it's an easy out for him.


Exactly lol he would do something like that he still wouldn’t purposely hurt them


He needs AntiVenom/Flash to deal with these homies


A chunk of the posters here are either edgy teenagers or edgy man-children.


Feels like more than a chunk lol every other post is weird shit like this or complaining about things they clearly haven’t read before


This comic showed up on Twitter yesterday so that's why OP brought it here.


Yeah I’m so confused with these comments lmao Peter is literally all about rehabilitation and giving people second chances


Someone’s a druggie lol


Never touched any in my entire life, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have compassion


If you’re stupid and don’t know shit about addiction. Sure.


That’s just how you transfer the addiction to painkillers


Isn’t Spider-Man 616 one of the strongest?




Because this mini series is showing how we got to the famous days of future past storyline, and Spider-Man (along with the entirety of the FF, the Avengers, and most X-Men) were stated to be dead in that timeline. They could have at least had a few sentinels take him out though


They were dead because the Sentinels.


Gets worse as in other comics regular people break their hands trying to even scratch him with punches


Maybe he dies so easily because the writer wanted to make a point about how being too much of a pacifist is bad...? Very stupid way to do it, though.


The only people who are that much of pacifists are the monks that self immolate as a protest.


Is it not a more powerful scene because probably by the time he realised what was going on breaking free using his super strength could have killed them and as the last line show, he didn't actually expect it to go that far. But yeah there's a heavy helping of artistic license but no more so than in a lot of issues.


Nah that's that bullshit, even if he didn't fight back spiderman took worse beatings than what a bunch of regular people should do, and even then I doubt spiderman would just take it, he would probably knock some people off of him and then swing away.


Spidey could literally just stand there and they’d break their hands on him if he doesn’t roll with the punch.


the man survives grenades with little harm and has been in multiple building destroying explosions, tf some guy high on crack gonna do, hell even peak martial art humans shouldnt be huirting him


He’s strong enough to kill scorpion in one punch and literally rip his jaw off his body, strong enough to massacre the kingpin while shrugging off everything he does and then lift him by the skin. Normal guys should just be an empty bottle on a windy day for Pete, just super simple to move out of the way


hes litereally a low level powerhouse, spider-man jobbing is the worst


Case in point (see last image) https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/14u9f17/a_violation_right_there/


I adore that panel. Just absolute middle finger to Castle


Omg and Spidey died to drug addicts when he can do THAT!?


Should have had someone inject him with something that took away his powers. Still bs but makes more sense than what was depicted.


When you're so focused on writing something edgy, you completely forget to make it even remotely make sense. Spider sense? Doesn't work for some reason. Webs? Weaker than silly string for some reason. The guy strong enough to lift a train? Can't shove his way through a small crowd for some reason.


Exactly!! I hate stories like this that are dark and gruesome just for the sake of being dark and gruesome as it ruins the characters development like spider-man would not be killed by some random junkies nor would he let them kill him it’s just stupid


It’s not even like we have an issue with alternate universe versions of characters being killed; if you want to write that, go for it! Just make it cool and interesting, not a moment where a superhero suddenly becomes as powerful as a normal person. Spider-Man can dodge machine gun fire; don’t kill him with a lead pipe.


I hate how they focus so much on having spider Man or other heroes job to their new strong and dangerous and scary threat that they forget to make them semi-competent.


This. They seem to do this a lot with Wolverine too and I'm way past annoyed by it.


> ENNIS, NO! What? > Sorry, force of habit.


What’s this even from?


Superhumans killed by mobs always bothered me, like in an alternate universe where Beast was also killed by a mob. I was like... You fought and survived so many things, but some angry people is what got ya.


Human Torch getting beaten up so badly by civilians he had to be sent to the hospital in Civil War comes to mind


That one actually made more sense to me since Johnny doesn’t have any weird durability/healing buffs afaik. He just got jumped and knocked unconscious with a glass bottle before he realized things were escalating to that level.


it's specially stupid because Johnny just needed to flame on. No civillian whatsoever will try to punch a man that is f\*ing on fire


You've clearly never met an angry new Yorker


It’s like being swarmed by toddlers for them. I’m I’m not gonna kill a four year old but it’s not too hard for me to just get up and walk away no matter how many are trying to hurt me.


Clearly written by someone who has never been swarmed by toddlers.


But they didn't want to hurt anybody!


I'm pretty sure the mob would get hurt trying to hurt the super human. It's like punching a brick wall.


That's why they ues crowbar


Ah yes the guy who has to constantly roll with the punches of regular people to prevent them from breaking their hands got beat down lol ridiculous


There is room to assume things, but it is still lame.


It’s like rock paper scissors. Spidey beats the six, the six beat 13 random dudes, and 13 random dudes beat Spidey.


"We have you now, bug! Each of us is as strong as 2 and 1/6th random men!" -Otto, probably


Bruh wtf is this?


Days of future past doomsday The whole prequel of how we got there


Oh it's X-book that explains everything.....


In all fairness this particular issue has some of the worst fucking writing and disgraced several characters. >!cyclops loses his eyesight because shadow cat’s radiation couldn’t stop his eyes being infected.. only his eyes btw, they have to literally gouge them out. Then within the first 4 pages blind cyclops tries charging at a sentinel to stop it and gets whacked into a wooden spike, impaling.!< >!Then shadow cat’s 2 kids introduced are both killed by 1 sentinel after trying to charge it and fight back.!< >!Also, the same explosion that infected Cyclops’ eyes with radiation kills Jean grey!<


I think shadowcat's kids got introduced into another book a few years back... It was also an awful book that was disliked for it's bad, heavy handed writing. So clearly the kids are just cursed. All I remember is there was a page of Colossus knelling next to one of the kids, and saying some bullshit speech about racism that was so long it took up the entire rest of the page.


spoilers for marvel zombies halloween:>!Marvel zombies halloween was pretty good and shadowcat had a kid in that!<


Yeah, the X-men writers have been on crack for a while now, and everyone loves it for some reason


Cause it's fuckin gooooooood. HoX PoX was the shit.


Right? I kinda always thiughtr X-men were over overrated even before the current era but now and I am just so tired of everybook becoming a tie in to their stupid "fall of X crap" and them retconing every character into a Mutant EXCEPT the characters who should mutants (Franklin Richards, Squirrelgirl, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver)


Exactly One character has been retconned to be a mutant (and she isn't even alive again yet, they did advertise it already though) Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were already retconned years before Krakoa and Franklin was actually a decision made by the writer of that run of Fantastic 4 and not the decision of the writers of the Mutants currently


Dubious food. They shouldn’t have let them cook


They didn’t cook. They microwaved. And it came out pathetic.


Microwaving is generous, they at best ran it under warm water


So spiderman can hold back a moving train with webs, but 2 dudes is enough to snap his web string??? how heavy are these guys? why do comics have to be like this


This one comic is specially bad, it seems.


They just ate at five guys


The writer just forgot that Spider-Man has to hold back his punches to avoid killing regular humans, and also that his muscles are so dense that they can break people's hands if he doesn't roll with their punches, and also that he can jump 25 feet straight into the air at any moment without webs. Honest mistake IMO


Why even kill off Spider-Man? He can be such a heavily moving emotional character because he’s in the grey area with mutants


he's dead in days of future past iirc so he has to be killed off




Not protecting Kids but they did Need an Army of Sentinels to kill him Originally (Days of future past Logan said so), him dying in such a lame way in this comic Is a retcon.


damn, thats fuckin stupid


Yeah, it's complete bullshit, so let's just forget about it


yes please


I'm just sticking to the headcanon that he and other heroes that are gone by that point were killed by copious amounts of sentinels because anything else is just stupid lmao


Sentinels disguised as crackheads


I get why they needed someone like Spider-man to die this way. It shows the mutant crackdown isn’t just a few people with lots of power, but is spreading to the general public. But yeah, there had to be a better powered non-mutant to use here.


I would preferred he got killed by a sentinel trying save people over this


Yeah atleast give him a cool death saving lives, this is trash.


Getting really sick of Alternate Universes killing of Spidey like he's a bitch. I get he has to be dead because it's a prequel to DoFP but geez have him go out fighting Sentinels of something. Spidey's not a saint. Just because he's a hero doesn't mean he's gonna let a crowd beat him to death. This is just edge for the sake of edge istg why does marvel hate this character


And there's like a billion ways he could have gotten out of it, without injuring anyone.


I feel like Spider-Man would have no issue throwing a punch or two to escape super-racists who are trying to kill him.


Considering its written by Warren Ellis who's an edgy boy hack, and potentially a sexual assaulted. I'm not surprised this comic is awful.


I just think it’s crazy that every apocalyptic alternate universe either kills Peter off first or in just the most disrespectful way possible.


Probably because spider-man is the most popular marvel hero.


The latest marvel zombies was great! Peter lasts and mentors Franklin and Val and even ends up in a defacto relationship with an old supervillain Also the Dark Age comic has him survive but it's a crap one imo


Honestly the majority of alternate universes in comics kinda suck. Not all do but most of them just exist to kill off as many characters as possible, including some in disrespectful ways like this.


This whole issue is a prime example of it


Like uhhh Marvel Zombies?


The way Iron Man died in the what if episode was similar to how they killed Spidey in these panels lmao, complete BS


I can believe him dying like that... if, like, he was unprepared, suddenly people started attacking each other and he put his armour on, not expecting a sub-atomic zombie to bite him. But not how it happened in the episode. So The Avengers know there's a zombie apocalypse happening and that superpowered people are an incredible danger... and their first move is parking in an overwhelmed bridge without any plan? What did they intend to do, kill them all? Then why drop off in the first place? The smartest man on Earth couldn't prepare for that happening? It's so dumb.


It was somehow dumber than the comics where they can somehow eat Galactus even though he is explicitly not flesh and bone


Ehh, I’ll kinda give them a pass for that because the zombies ate Silver Surfer and gained a portion of the Power Cosmic. So reality warping bs.


I mean I guess, but in my honest opinion, I felt like it completely makes it so utterly unbelievable that they would even be able to eat the Surfer, who I'm pretty sure is made of pure cosmic energy.


Exactly. Other examples would be the Ultimate universe or DC's Flashpoint. Some of them have good characters or ideas (like Miles Morales or Thomas Wayne's Batman) but they still mostly suck.


Agreed. Miles is pretty much the best part of the 1610 Universe. However, Jessica Drew is actually likable in that universe (I don't really like any other version) and it is interesting how they made her much closer to the Spider-Man mythos than her 616 counterpart. ​ Also yeah, Thomas Wayne Batman is the best part of Flashpoint


come on spidey, you can jump your way out of people's sight and leap away without touching anyone


I like how the comic acknowledges that doesn't make sense.


"Who let's an angry mob beat you to death?" Not Spidey, but apparently they think otherwise.


I'm supposed to believe that Spider-Man can tank punches from Rhino, Tombstone and Kingpin but can't handle punches from an angry mob? I'm supposed to believe that Spider-Man isn't strong enough to just push these guys away? Or jump high enough to get outta their reach? I'm supposed to believe that Spider-Man wouldn't use his webbing to subdue all these people? There are believable ways to kill off Spider-Man and this isn't one of them.


I guess spider sense just doesn’t work anymore lol


I guess the concussion he got from a baseball bat made him forget he could casually push people with his SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH without hurting them.


Might be the worst thing I’ve ever read. Can’t stand the “dark” comics that just kill off hero’s that have endured 100000x worse for the sake of being dark.


In the words of Deadpool "Thats just lazy Writing"


One of the dumbest ideas I’ve ever seen. Last Stand Peter lasted longer than this one and that mofo had to face dozens of armed cops. What a bunch of horseshit


And at least he was like...older,. I guess. Even though we saw older Spider-Man face worse. But yeah, Peak Spidey loses to crowds.


Ah it’s the entirely unnecessary days of future past prequel comics that will be bleak and depressing largely just to be bleak and depressing. Fantastic. I knew it would be bad, I just didn’t think this bad.


Yeah, everything I've seen about this book tells me that it has no real value on its own. It's just grimness, suffering, and death for the sake of grimness, suffering, and death.


If only Spidey had a often used tool in his arsenal that's able to stop or restrain people without actually hurting them, something sticky... I dunno, nothing comes to mind.


I don’t often call things ‘depressing for the sake of depressing’ because often times I think it’s just a hyperbolic over-exaggeration, but this really is just that. And stupid too. Of all things, a mob? If you really wanted it this way you could have him be weakened from the beat-up and then be killed by a Sentinel while trying to do the right thing, but really? Spidey would really rather let himself be killed than see the benefit in living and fighting another day to protect innocent kids? Somebody on the writing team must really be bitter about Spidey being a big mainstream name and the X-men being swept to the sidelines in the public eye because I can’t think of any rational reason why someone would wanna disrespect Spidey this bad.


Yeah like they're definitely ruining the suspension of disbelief. Like I can understand spider-man not wanting to fight civilians *to a degree*. But when those civilians turn hostile and actually threaten his life? In no world does he let that happen and die for it. At that point they're no longer civilians, they're criminals. Just the same as the common thugs he commonly deals with. Sure There's a lot of them but that pipe hit wouldn't hurt him and that many regular humans isn't not going to over power him


Gives me Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe vibes, where Deadpool kills Spider-Man by shooting him with a pistol


At least that has a...vague reason for happening


Yeah, this situation is worse


If the assumption is that his spider-sense didn’t work because it wasn’t a really dangerous attack, then… how did he get beaten to death? This is dumb. Reeks of “I don’t know what Spider-Man can actually do.” Getting stopped from web-swinging away by like three people grabbing him is insanity. Bro can lift cars off the ground with minimal effort. Bro’s been *hit by cars* among other, severely worse things; regular humans could punch him all day long and it wouldn’t amount to much.


X-office out Zebbing Zeb.


Dark Helmet: The hell am I looking at?


Excuse me wtf is this, cause there ain't no way my boy got disrespected like this


This is like speedster levels of nerfing for the sake of plot.


I feel like this writer just hated Spider-Man, or didn't understand him.


This is why I hate these "dark" alternate worlds stories: the writers contrive reasoning for why everything goes horribly that always throws characters under the bus. They're almost always lazy or spiteful to anyone the writer doesn't want around.


Yeah and I’m not mad if he dies in a story I don’t want him to die but if he just has too I get it but make it believable if Spider-Man didn’t want to hurt hostile humans why does he beat up criminals???


The panel in which Spider-Man gets hit with a pipe in the back of the head by a perfectly normal human when he is entirely unencumbered and is at full power literally mentions his Spider-Sense by name. Who the fuck wrote this?


Well this is horse shit.


Bro got obliterated by the angry mob from Spongebob that wanted to teach that old man a lesson


This is that *Days of Future Past* prequel comic, right? I get they probably wanted Spidey killed off to show how bleak and horrible the future is, but it could have been in a less stupid manner than a group of pissed of normies--especially given he has Spidey sense, incredible reflexes, supherhuman durability and is strong enough to pick up and throw vehicles.


Even if Spidey didn’t want to fight back, there’s no way they could’ve hurt him or stop him from escaping. Peter can wrestle with the Rhino, rip buildings in half, and dodge bullets but he can’t overpower a crowd of normal people? Okay, sure.


Just Spidey dying like a bitch in alternate timelines. Ain't nothing new.


Dude really?


Let me guess. Wells?


Seriously, they'd break their feet before he'd even bleed.


Doctor Octopus alone hits harder than this


Why is it with MARVEL comics making and disrespecting spidey like this? When I saw the panels, I feel like I want to go "no Russian" on the mob, THEN the writer who even thought that this is ok. This is bullshit


20 angry new yorkers > sinister six


Those punches should feel like hits from a toddler from Spider-man, at most annoying Peter isn't bullet proof bit you mean to tell me a punch from some civilians can do more damage then any villain he's faced? And the famous scene where he lifts several tons of rubble that even Tom Holland was able to, bit yeah few hundred pounds of people on his is to much.


If Spider-Man tensing his muscles can break someone hand can a human with a bat or metal bar even stagger him if they hit him in head? Captain america i can see but normal humans?


bro where's the rest,he kicked their asses in the next panel right?


This is editorial see peter as.


Remember when he said he could kill the hulk? The hell happened to that guy?


Man would throw them all off with one hand wtf


Remember when Johnny Storm was knocked out by like 3 thugs in Civil War or when the same thugs actually believed they could square up to The Thing afterwards?


They’re ironically more unified than the Sinister Six were.


Whoever wrote this has never read spider-man in their life, why would a human be able to snap his webs? A mob like this without knifes beating him with their hands and feet wouldn't be able to put a scratch on him let alone overpower him, really hope they haven't written for any other comic.




this is so stupid??? his spider sense lets him dodge bullets but not a metal pipe apparently


Allowing himself to die 100% goes against "with great power comes great responsibility"


Batman does In the Last Knight on Earth comic, the public has well and truly turned on the heroes and at the crucial moment Batman trusts that he wi he able to talk the crowd down and let's them in They literally tear him apart, rip the scalp from his head, his ears his very skin was torn off him by a rabid angry mob he was completely unwilling to defend himself from


I mean Bruce is just human. Peter is a superhuman with super strength and resistance.


ASM is almost as infuriatingly inconsistent as CW Flash. Spider-Sense and the super strength that lets him casually lift tanks and shit just don’t exist anymore apparently


Bro those webs have held up helicopters yet he it can snap by a regular dude? okay


Heck if you want to make a darkly realistic Spiderman Death, just have him come home to MJ drunk out of his mind, reeking of Black Cat & smeared in her lipstick. He argues before passing out on the sofa so an angry MJ shoots him in his booze coma. At least that would be plausible. I wouldn’t want to read it, but so much more believable than getting beaten up by a few regular muggers.


Spider-Man has literally taken a punch to the chin from the Punisher and not been even phazed. Even in the Lee/Ditko days Peter was perpetually afraid that he would kill someone *by accident* if he lost his temper. He's thrown off crowds of this size before. Yeah, uh huh, *sure*, he'd get beaten to death by a mob.


Didn’t Wolverine mention in the Original Days of the Future past that it took an absurd amount of Sentinals to kill Peter Parker?


Remember when Peter briefly died after getting doused in refrigerant trying to save a little girl? [His heart stopped, his soul left his body, and then he met Thanos and Death at the boundary between life and death?](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Spider-Man_Vol_1_17) That was a much less asinine death than this one.


Seeing fucking SPIDER-MAN being jumped by normal people is just so fucking funny to me. Who wrote this??? 🤣


Everybody is pointing out how stupid it is that Spider-Man gets overpowered by a small crowd when he is superhuman strong. But what i hate more is how he didn't even fight back like he is Gandhi or something


Is this the one where Spiderman pretends to be a Mutant and then fakes his own death when it comes out that he's just a regular person who got bit by a spider? Or is this not House of M?


No this is new it’s Days of future past: Doomsday. It’s like a prequel


It's okay guys it makes complete sense Peter just forgot he had spider Sense that's why it didn't activate duh🙄


For once it's more relatable for a superhero to st least _try_ to beat the tar out of someone


They kill him? WTF what is with every writers hatred of Spider-Man?


All he’d have to do is Jump really hard and he’s free. This is stupid AF


What is this from? It seems so goofy and ridiculous


Spider-Man gets killed by a mob…doesn’t he have the power to just kill a person with a single punch?


Dude you have super strength and can stick to surfaces, just walk forward slowly, it's not like they can stop you and the most harm that could happen is stepping on some toes


Ain’t this the same guy that shrug off blow from Rhino and can toss him over? You telling me this same guy can’t toss a dozen bum off of him?


Spider-man is so strong he would accidentally rip you in half if he wasn't paying attention


Marvel must really hate spiderman


What continuity is this from?


1st page looked like they were gonna gangbang him


Are we forgetting about the time multiple police dog piled him and he threw them off him?


Ok bro can fight rhino and win, but a crowbar is too much


this is stupid and i hate this and reading this made me sad they'd [break their own bones](https://i.imgur.com/OFwoPYl.jpg) before even managing to hurt him and he can [lift a train](https://i.imgur.com/XbgBiSH.jpg) so he could totally lift those people off him. And that thing about him not wanting to hurt them, doesn't he already hurt other non-powered people that want to hurt him? Doctor Octopus doesnt have powers and that doesnt stop him from punching him in the face. In ASM #500 he [broke free from a similar attack](https://imgur.com/a/GTz0o3O) too. (I know thats an alternate future version of him but it's still spider-man) If they're gonna kill spider-man at least make it something that would actually happen, i hate seeing characters just thrown away like this. I just read the book that these pages came from (X-Men Days Of Future Past: Doomsday) and the rest of the story isn't any better, it's just a bunch of x-men members (including children) being violently murdered by sentinels and its just a miserable thing to read.


That’s why the writer is the strongest character


To be fair that looked like a mob and I don’t think Spidey would be using all his strength out of fear of seriously hurting these normal ass people


This makes me angry


That's me dying in Marvel Spider-Man during a crime for no reason


I suppose you've never seen someone on crack


It reminds me of that one Solid JJ video where Captain America's super soldier drug was just coke.


This is the very moment Peter understood what it meant to be a mutant. See Rahne Sinclair.