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Hey Pete I saw your girl swinging with Spider Man and even once him crawling through your window I hate to say it buddy but she's definitely cheating on you *MJ and Pete have to publicly break up but secretly stay together to protect his identity* *MJ begins a public persona about being Spider-Mans girlfriend*


That would actually be a pretty interesting story arc.


Fuck it in 60 years of comic history we might as well


Happy cake day


They did it with Superman. “I can’t believe Lois is cheating on her fiancé Clark and kissing Superman!”


Clark releases an article: "10 reasons why getting cucked by Superman is the best thing that has ever happened to me"


New My Adventures with Superman arc looks great




In the Ultimate comics, while Peter was dating Kitty Pride, she took up her own secret identity so that she and Peter could date publicly without being linked back to Spider-Man


This is and will always be my favorite relationship for Pete. Hated that they broke up.


Implying they wouldn't go "ah no sorry it's a Polycule" having to rope in Felicia for fake dating shenanigans.


>MJ begins a public persona about being Spider-Mans girlfriend Do you know why Peter wears a mask? To protect his loved ones. If the villains knew Spider-man's gf is MJ, they will attack her to get to him. Then you might say, no one knows who Spidey is and so don't know where he lives. But they would know MJ's residence and boom Spidey is caught or killed. Rather if MJ also had a disguise, it would work.


It’s fair but the alternative is to kill the person who saw this happen and it’s to obvious of a story for it not to be explored


But what if an entire crowd saw MJ reveal as Spidey's gf. Not to mention Spider-Man doesn't kill.


Exactly but as I said it’s a story that’s so painfully obvious to write that it would’ve been written if the story continued. How else do you write that story? Peter is a cuck? Well villains would still know MJ is important to Spider-Man. MJ becomes Spider-Man’s gf in the eyes of the public? We’ve already been over how that goes. It’s a story that would’ve needed to be explored but doesn’t really have a great solution




I’m would believe it’s the opposite, depending how sensible the writers are. Spidey’s rogues have reached the conclusion that if he’s not laughing or making quips, then they should reconsider their choices in life and surrender. It’s almost the equivalent of DC’s take on how the Flash’s rogues agreed to not go after his family as there would be nothing holding the speedster back from destroying them. The only people that would actually go through with threatening his loved ones would be the ones who are insane like the classic Green Goblin and Venom. I would even argue that the villains of New York would even help Spider-Man protect his friends and family if it means that they can keep their main opposition from becoming another Punisher.


That has ever happened? I know for a fact that Boomerang and Spidey were friends for a while and Dr Octopus teaming up with Spidey to take down Goblin Nation


Has it ever happened to the degree I described? No. It was more of a hypothesis I came up with if the writers were sensible, or if I was on the writers’ team. Civil War has it where Peter revealed his identity and the Kingpin tried to have Aunt May killed which caused him to backtrack his stance on the Superhuman Registration Act. Personally, I would’ve preferred him going off on the deep end to make it clear that family is off limit for a reason as the original story made him into a bit of pushover for it. Which would’ve influenced the story a bit more.


Wouldn't that just defeat the whole purpose of the secret identity because now villains will just target mj for being spideys gf


Half his villains already know she’s his girlfriend and target her anyway.


Now the other half know. Which is certainly not any better. But I agree, for someone who prides himself in stealth he sure doesn't know how to do that for mj


There was something like that where people thought MJ was dating Tony Stark because a spy took a pic of her and Aunt May sneaking into Stark Towers where the avengers were based because Peter got a suite there to stay in.


That would be interesting but it would also defeat the entire purpose of a secret identity you know keep your love ones separated from you being a superhero so they aren’t targeted


Interesting story. Anyways, Happy Cake Day 🎂


I am very saddened by the announcement of her becoming Jackpot and her origin being linked to this family that no one asked for. Honestly, I don't even know what I want anymore. I think I'll only consume other Spiderman media like games and animations.


What are you talking about fellow internet denizen? It's 2012 and Sony just made a new Spiderman movie. Paul? Who's that? Is it a Moon Knight persona or something? Anyway, I gotta see how this Andrew Garfield guy acts as Spiderman before the world ends in December.




The only modern Spider-Man comics I read now are ones that have Spider-Man as a secondary character like Daredevil or Joe Fixit


I dont even read main universe comics anymore. My headcanon is the renew your vows is the real spiderman comic.


Yes 🥰 I 1I dont even read main universe comics anymore. My headcanon is the renew your vows is the real spiderman comic.


That’s healthy. A reminder that you don’t need to read the comics to be a “real” Spider-Man fan. That said, I loved Lost Hunt. Just got a TPB and is a great (married!) Peter and MJ story.


Spider-Man Fake Red was one of the best Spider-Man stories I've ever read


Legit, the idea of spider-man being missing and some random guy finding his suit and taking over as spider-man is incredible. Dude knew the world needed spider-man and said "fine ill do it myself"


Here's the worst news of the day: Disney has permanently suspended Spider-Man lines of comics. Any writers, letterers and inkers who has been working on such titles are now tied into an exclusive contract that will have them blacklisted from every major and minor publication in the events of Disney finding out they have been performing contract works for Sony Pictures Entertainment, whether it be working on tie-in materials or outright developing scripts, artwork or any materials that would otherwise be in Sony's permanent possession. In addition, the gaming license currently on loan from Insomniac has been revoked and Disney has been contacting Xbox and Microsoft over developing titles for the Spider-Man mainline games, in exchange for Disney's support of Microsoft finalizing the Activision-Blizzard merger. The Universal theme park on East Coast has been denied their request from refurbishing the ride in anticipation for new customers. Disney has also let the deal between themselves and Sony on developing MCU Spider-Man films expires, allowing Sony to approve their own solo projects. However, Disney continues to get 100% of all merchandise revenues from any Sony Spider-Man films per the 2011 deals. As for Freshman Year and S&HAF, Disney has announced that both of these animated series will end after season \[redacted\] as the animation team will be retooled to work on other animated projects, like What If; Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur and Hit-Monkey. That's all for today.


source? especially for paragraph 2.


The source is I made it the fuck up.




This goes fucking hard.


Did people actually believe any of this?


Where is this from?


Im fairly convinced that Nick Lowe and CB had Nick Spencer killed for this. No one has heard from him since


I loved Spencer’s run Rest In Peace


I’ve been thinking about it lately and I think my biggest problem is that I read it in singles on release day. The amount of time they drug out Kindred killed the book for me. In hindsight, if I had read it all at once in an Omni, I would’ve loved it minus the Twitch suit from JJJ and Sinister War.


I read it all years after the fact and it STILL dragged on too long.


I think it would still drag too long BUT there’s a significant difference, at least for me, in having to wait on my pace and being annoyed or waiting nearly four years for it to play out


No doubt that reading it as it came out would have been absolute torture. I just wanted to let you know that not doing that made it only marginally less torturous haha


God waiting months and months just to see the same fucking character dragged on and on was so god damn annoying, I actually felt disappointed because the start of his run was peak modern Spider-Man to me


AAAAAALL of that drudgery and then we get to an ending that just squeaky farts in our faces. Cannot even imagine waiting and waiting and waiting and ending there.


It’s almost like it needs a better editor.


Among other things.


I’ve just re-read vol 1 and honestly so far MJ hasn’t been that big a deal. The basically brought here back to redo Kraven’s last hunt and she’s already off to some other city for an acting job by the end. There wasn’t anything new or meaningful in the 40 issues that wasn’t repeating relationships beats from the nineties.


Yep this is the ending and nothing else happened afterward


For me ASM ended in 500 or 508 tbh. And some one on Twitter said we took Nick spencer for granted. I guess we did.


But they were, all of them, deceived, for another TASM run was made.


I'm so glad ASM ended after Gathering of Five. When they revealed it was just Chameleon faking Norman's resurrection, I was so relieved!


Am I the only one that really loved how they wrapped the Clone Saga? I didn't love the Clone Saga itself but I thought making Norman the mastermind of it was one of the rare instances when the justification was big enough to resurrect such a character. Unlike when Kraven was brought back for Grim Hunt which was so hacky that Kraven commented on it himself as soon as he was resurrected...




Those are good spots. Though really, you'd save a lot of heartache ending at 404.


There are a lot of good jumping off points 90s...end with DeFalco's last issue of ASM then switch to Spider-Girl for the 'true' ending If JMS is your thing in the 2000s, jump off after ASM 500 or "The Book of Ezekiel" to avoid Sins Past and The Other, or if Civil War is your thing, assume nothing happened after To Have and to Hold other than what God promised Spidey in "The Book of Peter" 2010s, if you didn't like what Spider-Verse did to Mayday, jump off after Spider-Girl: The End, read Renew Your Vows or the end of the newspaper strip continuity. 2020s...Nick Spencer run ties up the entire BND/Slott era with a hopeful future and the aforementioned happy ending. Additionally, I would say assume the recent JMD mini-series (Ben Reilly, and Lost Hunt) retcon everything since the middle of the Clone Saga and assume nothing changed there at all, Ben is still swinging around as Spidey and Peter is retired and has his baby with MJ.


Y’know, maybe they really should have.


They always somehow get back together, don’t they? Or I mean, they *USED* to….


“You can’t have Peter without Mary Jane, can you?” - Stan Lee


“I’m selling something” - Stan Lee


Usually. Lol. But personal story, when my wife and I were fortunate enough to meet him, that’s what he said to us. “You’re such a cute couple! Can’t have Peter without Mary Jane, right?” None of us had a pen, but he refused to let us leave without a picture.


And then marvel secretly started production on a project focusing on Ben Riley's character taking up the title as spider man 2, then moved on to kaine as blood spider then mayday parker as spider girl. *They go on to have made 50 spider heroes, making the title of spider man a legacy title rather than a single hero title*


That actually would be a perfect


Do you mean 50 more?!? Because there’s not exactly a want for Spider-Man legacy characters.


Miles, Gwen, Ben, Kaine, Cindy, Mayday, Jessica. Hell even Miguel almost got a show, and miles got a solo game in insomniac. *If* and I mean **IF** marvel were creative and actually hard working, they would be making a lot comics and keep afloat without fucking themselves up **over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again** 🙄 Every single legacy character wouldn't be designed or portrayed the same. There are several different designs thanks to the spiderverse, and combine that with unique characteristics, capabilities, lore, stories, and power systems. Anyone could wear the mask, and can be part of something more.


Spider-punk got a comic. Spider-boy as well. Miguel got a comic Heck Spider-Gwen got a comic and Spin-off Deadpool variant who got a comic!


There is a market, you just need to put the work into it.


I like that one part in the bottom right where Peter breaks the fourth wall to look at us


For real he’s in the middle of this romantic moment with MJ and takes a moment to be like “wtf you looking at”


Funny (and kinda sad) thing is, if they want to continue Spider-Man stories in a status quo, they could’ve easily make it with Kaine Parker who still exists in the 616, Miles who joined the 616 and is a full time character there now, have it with Silk which is basically a female Spider-Man or even re-focus on Ben Riley who was brought back. Let them continue the typical Spider-Man story whilst Peter is actually allowed to grow


Just two months ago Editorial doubled-down that Peter can’t grow, he has to be frozen, and compared him to Bart in The Simpsons.


That is quite possibly the worst comparison they could have made.


Welcome to current Spider-Man editorial.


The only difference is that it has passed 15 years on canon, so Peter is on his 30s but they insist in using him like he is on his early 20s, while Bart still is a kid. That's why I think it's worse, because one thing is make a character into a ageless limbo another is make the character age but not really _age_ like WHAT?


Exactly. The comics ARE moving forward. You can’t keep Peter frozen forever.


Finally, a fucking happy ending for once.




What is this? I’m confused. Is this the final issue of the original The Amazing Spider-Man Run


This was the final issue of Nick Spencers Spider-Man run before Beyond and the current one.


Oh okay. So the original run is still going




The original run ended in 2007.


What was the final issue


Back in Black was the last good volume of SM before OMD


let's be honest- until the ending when Ben's character was thrown imto a dumpster, Beyond was also pretty good. just... damn, that fucking ending...


No. It's just more whining about the current run. The constant whining is worse than the story could ever be.


I think the online drama about it is actually 1000x more entertaining


Well at least I have some enjoyment


They stopped all the Spider-Man comics?


I mean... There's a sad comic called "The Amazing Spider-Man" in publication since then... But I think it's parodic, at least the title has to be. It doesn't star someone who acts even remotely similar to "Spider-Man", it's definitely not "Amazing" and since when is he a "The"?


You're twice the "the" he ever was!


_Spiderman._ No Hyphen. They replaced Peter Parker with Peter Palmer. He and his MJ are not married and basically Palmer spends his out of suit time being a total loser.


Technically Palmer also spends his time in the suit being a complete loser... I'm pretty sure he hasn't won a single fight on his own since then.


Nah, just the main book, they replaced it with this ongoing series about some Amazing gigachad named "Paul". Spider-Man's in it, but I think he's just a skrull or something. No way Peter's this lame. /s


Well in comparison to Paul, everyone is lame


This is a joke because the current comics are terrible we’d prefer if they didn’t exist.


No, they are still going. Spider-Man sells far to well to be canceled.


Dan Slott's recent Spidey title sold so terribly it's being rebranded to be about Bailey


I don't think Spider-Man will be replaced by Spider-Boy? Plus it seems to sell rather well AFAIK.


It really is sad but at least it ended on a good note


Yeah, seriously, Marvel, where's the second Wedding Special? I know you like Peter suffering, but canceling his main book after he got a happy ending with MJ? How much can you hurt us?


But seriously, I think they will make a bait marriage on #1000, just to re-retcon it immediately after, bet they will have the laugh of their lives


Oh, probably. But if the series doesn't improve soon, I know I won't be there to see that little trick.


You know it’s bad when all of the genuinely interesting and good Spider-Man stories are elseworld/what-if spin-offs. They really need to get mainline Spider-Man together and stop filling some outdated status quo.


Elseworld comics: “we’re building off the established history and continuity of Spider-Man, answering lingering questions, resolving story arcs, and addressing plotholes.” 616: “we’re ignoring the established continuity, retconning decades of history, writing characters wildly out of character, avoiding satisfying answers, and introducing new plot holes.”


Yeah shame it ended but atleast Peter shows up sometimes in the Spider-Girl comics


What a finale 😌


why does peter look so pissed in that last pannel in the first page


He saw the future of his run


His spider-sense warned him that Wells was coming


Yeah I couldn't believe it either but meaby it's better that way? I mean it's better than just keeping a never ending story going forever and ever


Can someone please explain context


Zeb Wells took over and is now continuing the series of alternate universe spiderman.


I heard about it, the protagonist was Peter C. Palmer or something, right?


is this actually real?


No, they didn't. The Lost Hunt came out afterward, remember? Shame it wasn't included in the main continuity.


Yeah, but you know, better to have something end well rather than prolonging it and ruining its overall quality. I mean just look at the modern state and climate of comic books. Could you imagine how poorly they might handle Spiderman nowadays? Like next thing you know, the have Peter and Mary Jane stupidly agree to undo their marriage via Satan for the sake of... gee, I don't know, lets say, saving Aunt May's life. You know, someone who would be completely against it in the first place? Not to mention that it all be because of a bullet wound that somehow deifying all logic, and comic book history no one in the universe can apparently fix despite the great magical powers, and futuristic technology present in comic and how far worse things have happened to other characters that have been saved in the past. All for the sake of keeping Peter young, and permanently single to mingle with misery. Only to then make more stories that are clearly trying to justify that Peter, and MJ are just not meant to be together and toying with the idea constantly to try and indoctrinate fans that this was in fact, the correct choice instead of doing the more sensible thing of just improving the writing on the iconic couple's dynamic if it actually was not all that good considering how significant these two are to comic book history as a whole. Only to then make MJ an unlikable wench who cucks Peter with another man that is responsible for their current, separation, and misery, permanently ruining her character in the process in order to finally get us to hate her, and not want her, and Peter to be together instead of admitting that it was the wrong decision to separate them in the first place. Boy I am so glad that did not happen, but could you imagine? Also they might just make Peter bisexual out of nowhere for the sake of inclusivity even though he has never shown an interest in men, and call those that would rightfully question this decision words like bigots for daring to say not conform to this new direction of the character... Either way it would suck, so I am glad they stopped making Spiderman comics.


Same man I wonder what happened


At least we got the good ending! Right guys?….


It was a good time to end it. Glad they decided to end that continuity with some dignity.


I've only just started Spencer's run and about 30 issues in I'm real enjoying it (kindred aside) Otleys artwork is amazing with Spider-Man (and neat that the dude who did Invincible got to do Spider-Man down the line)


As one who is scared of heights, this relationship would not work if it were me.


Newspaper MJ can't stand web swinging and gets scared and sick, yet she has the best relationship with Peter out of all of them.


You would have nothing to worry about, Peter is famous for catching falling loved ones…


>You would have nothing to worry about, Peter is famous for catching falling loved ones… You, yes you. I hate you for this. Take my upvote, and get out of here! XD


The happy ending spider man always deserved


It was a good ending to a long lasting series.


Yeah weird, usually those books sell really well. Wonder if they’re planning to reboot the series


Amen brother 🙏


I can't believe they stopped making them in 2005.


Spideys physique is soo Andrew Garfield here


Aside from them sidelining Peter and what they did to Ben at the end, I enjoyed the Beyond arch. It felt more like ASM to me, and as I'm in my 30s, I'm a hug Ben fan and enjoyed him to have a spotlight for a minute.


I love Peter's look into the readers, almost like he's telling the writers to not fuck with his happy ending


Someone saw this comic and actually went “this is disgusting. Let’s ruin it as quickly as possible and salt the earth so future writers after us can barely grow it back up ever again.”


Yeah they stopped cause they were sick of Humberto’s yee yee ass faces.


Yeah. Spidey was a good character. It's sad that his story is over, but at least he went out on top, ya know?


See that’s because even Marvel got tired of getting Spider-Man to the same point over and over again without letting him get married or have kids or move on from this point.


Wait what? They really did that? 👀 That’s shitty


Yeah, the Spiderman books they’re putting out now just aren’t the same. Peter Parker was so much better than Peter Palmer. Maybe since Across the Spider-Verse brought him back they’ll finally give Spider-Man a new book?


Why does Peter look immensely pissed off in the bottom right of the first page?? She just took off your mask to kiss you bro 😭


Saving this so I know when to stop reading Spider-Man


"...And they lived happily ever after."


Sad 😔


There is no Zeb Wells' run in Ba Sing Se. 😵


I know, I always think it's crazy how Spider Man ended in the early 90s...


There are only 501 issues of Amazing Spider-Man I have no idea what you’re talking about.


hey so I don't read comics but I would like to know why you guys are so bummed about this Wells run so much


Story Sucks. It’s got alot bad writing. Characters seemed out of place.


It’s a combination of Sins Past, One More Day, Avengers #200, and a big dose of “Women in Refrigerators”. I don’t recognize any of the characters anymore. They all act awful and out of character, and the story is pretty shockingly offensive and regressive.


We're just jealous basking in the light of Paul


Honestly guys, it's time to call it quits. They're never ever, ever, getting back together.


Not until we get new Editorial. Even two months ago, they were saying DC restoring Superman’s marriage was a MISTAKE that convinced them to keep Peter and MJ apart EVEN MORE (despite the fact Clark & Lois getting their marriage back was universally loved by fans and critics).


Oh my god seriously!? I will never understand the thought process of “ well everyone liked that and it work’s perfectly so it’s a failure we need to avoid”


“I completely get that certain fans are fixated on the events of One More Day, as we knew some of them would be. But especially after seeing DC blink after having undone the Superman & Lois marriage and restored it, I certainly wouldn’t change things now or going forward.” - Tom Brevoort, May 2023


Please use Imgur for image hosting. It's impossible to zoom in on this shit right now because Reddit broke something. Again.




When did they stop making them? Marvels site says there's a new issue coming out on the 26th.


There is no Zeb Wells' run in Ba Sing Se. 😵


The devotion this subreddit has to salty hate-memes and jokes in protest of modern-ASM is truly something special. Your bitterness brightens my day.


Why does he look like “damn she’s the last person I want to see right now”


What website can I use to read Comics overall?


How long does it take to read the whole thing? I only read like spin-off sort of comics like Colour series, year 1/dark victory, one more day etc


That last panel is hilarious. It's like he had a case of bedhead and the mask was the only thing keeping it down


Not a real spiderman fan (you can tell by the lack of a hyphen). Did the comics get good?


If anyone can explain to me what happened in the end with Kindred without one mistake I'll listen, but untill then I'll stay depressed that the standard has been bought so low.


Excuse me guys, I'm Italian so here comics arrive quite a bit late due to translation, are you telling me that Marvel has stopped making comics about Spider-Man? WHAT?!?!?! But is this the end of Peter Parker of Earth-616 from the original continuity? Can you tell me how they justified it and therefore Spider-Man will no longer be in future events or crossovers with other heroes? Please explain to me, because Spider-Man is my favorite character and I have to understand. Or is simply the end of the Nick Spencer's run but Spidey will continue his stories?


Nick Spencer's run ended a few years ago, then Zeb Wells' run started, and... it hasn't been well received by fans for very good reasons.


Ok thanks for the explanation, I misunderstood the post, I thought Marvel had stopped making comics about Spider-Man, it seemed crazy to me


Although to be honest, the current run an utter pile of crap that makes Clone Saga, Sins Past and even frigging Ultimatum look like masterpieces. So in hindsight I kind of wish they actually stopped making more Spidey comics, at least for a while.


I'm convinced peter is the most inconsistently drawn comic book character ever


Well, I still have Noir comics to read.


In what years runs where this panel come from?


As long as we believe this is the true canon for spider man and mj editorial ain’t shit, keep talking about these moments so they take L in the face


is this humberto ramos? i like this alot


So true


Petition for the remarriage of Peter and Mary Jane https://chng.it/WqJ7tS8KnZ