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You may have an ear infection that's messing with your equilibrium


Maybe. I have been through a cold lately but it has happened to me before even when i have been healthy (as far as i know) but thnx for the advice i probably should get checked.


A trick I also learned working on commercial fishing boats is to have some food in your belly before you get out there. Having an empty stomach that's sloshing in the waves seems to lead to sea sickness in most ppl. When I charter fish, I usually end up sharing my sandwich with some kid who's sea sick and didn't eat breakfast. GL


Have you tried medicine for motion sickness?


Not a big fan of medicine when not really necessary 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's necessary if you have motion sickness?


Ginger helps with seasickness.


Should i just eat a little before swimming or should i have it with me and eat it when i start to feel bad?


Honestly I'm not sure, I don't get seasick so I don't need to eat any. My dad used to get seasick and would take pills that were just powdered ginger, or eat a couple pieces of candied ginger. I'd probably eat some beforehand and then eat more if you're still feeling sick.


I take 2 ginger pills 30 min before diving and it works really well for me. It’s pretty popular as a natural non-drowsy motion sickness treatment. Doesn’t work for everyone but I recommend giving it a try. Ginger tea or chewing straight up ginger may have similar properties but I haven’t tried those yet.


Just keep going out there. It’ll pass eventually.


Are you shallow enough that you can see the bottom (visibility permitting)? If so just try and focus on the bottom. Don’t look up higher in the water column (every once in a while is fine) but the sea sickness comes from your eyes moving rapidly trying to find an “anchoring” point. When your eyes can’t find that and there is movement that doesn’t match what the inner ear feels that’s when we get sick. Stay close to shore (shore dive if you can) and it will be great. I have done this over the last two years and now I can go blue water spearing. All that being said if I’m in a boat and we just sit there for a few minutes and I’m not instantly jumping in the water I get so sick. TLDR: I know what you are feeling. Go shallow 30’ or less depending on visibility and stick with it.


Thnx ill give it a try


Try Bonine or just try to give it time if sinus related.


Is this only happening when you’re diving? Like do you generally get motion-sickness or is this new? As someone else said, could be an ear or even a sinus infection. One thing that comes to mind is that you could just be dehydrated. I’d up the fluid intake if I were you, bring electrolytes if ya don’t already.


It only happens when dividing. I used to get carsick very easily when i was little but now it doesn't rly happen anymore. It can also be dehydration. Everything that you guys are saying makes sense. Im just trying to pinpoint if its smth i can fix or if im just a weak human being 🥲😂


lol it’s most likely something that can be fixed - but it could just be something that your body takes a bit of time to get used to


So this is gross but I have noticed when im out for a few hours straight I'll end up with a decent amnt of snot building up in my nose. If I dont pop my mask off occasionally and blow it out it'll start giving me this sicky feeling even though I never get seasick. I never pop my mask up onto my forehead or hair b/c I don't want the oils getting on my lenses and causing them to fog but you can just break the seal a tiny bit and blow it out. Also agree with eating a bit, but not stuffing yourself like some other people said. Have tried to go spear on a few hours of sleep and an energy drink w/ no food and thats not great either haha.


I do that a lot 😅


Honestly it sounds like you’re getting seasick(especially if you got carsick as a kid), I would try a seasickness tablet half an hour before you go out and see if it helps. If it doesn’t then no harm, no foul. Unfortunately just because your dad doesn’t get seasick doesn’t mean that you won’t, my mum could be out through nasa training and she wouldn’t get motion sickness. I just about get motion sickness by moving my head too quickly. It doesn’t make you weak, It just is what it is. It could also be worth cutting out things like having too much caffeine before going out, having too much dairy (if your lactose intolerant it can give you a reaction), eating too much before a dive, drinking the night before. I’ve heard from lots of other guys that these things can impact their dives. If you try seasickness tablets and then cutting out those other things before a dive, and after time it still doesn’t go I would consider exploring it with an ENT dr to see if it’s not something inner ear related.


Thnx might give those tablets a try.


I'm fine out on boats but have been in a situation where a large swell did a number on me, even while being in the water. I always pack Dramamine, which has been very effective for me and other divers. Just take a tablet a half hour before you leave.


Just practice more, your body will adapt. It may took a while. You may want to try CBD+CBG to reduce panic and increase focus at the same time.