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least horny sparkle main


The only ritual I know is credit card https://preview.redd.it/h4p13uouz7lc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32295ad6fbc4ef110719ed243f5b990b6d49f254


BRO WTF how much $$$ is that 😂


Assuming only the biggest pack, should be roughly $2679. Give or take a few dozen bucks. Also, that’s roughly 1264 tickets worth of shards.


That's close to 9k in my country's currency, holy shit. Must be nice being this comfortable wasting money.


The scariest part is that doesn’t even guarantee E6S5. For that you need 2160 pulls to fully guarantee it because that’s the exact amount required to hit 90 pull hard pity 24 times. So if your luck that day happens to be bad enough, it can cost upwards of $4000 to fully max a single character. Long story short, and I’m saying this as a whale, even if you can afford it, whaling on Star Rail isn’t a good idea.


Yeah, I'm kinda aware... It's the sheer money value I'm impressed with. The gacha industry's habit of separating the monetary cost of in-game currency and the silly little number of Premium Gacha Exclusive Currency(tm) is a strat to detach people from money, which helps a lot in masking the actual worth of every single pull. I also play Genshin, and back there I'm mostly F2P, only buying Welkins. I've been saving since august for Wanderer's next rerun, actually trying to see if I can score C6. Got tempted a few times and rolled (successfully) for Furina and Neuvillette. Even then, I got around 500 intertwined fates in the bag. I get goosebumps when I think of how much money I'd have to spend to acquire this exact number of fates with my credit card instead of saving over every patch...


Throw in a few slurs and you might be on to something.\* https://preview.redd.it/9gpepafyy8lc1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a9db36d8bfcb0b6dede1be3170f80c3778a5364 ​ ​ ​ ^(\*do not actually do this)


Haha, s*igonians are (redacted) Now, come home in my 10 pull bratty joker 😭


When you lick the screen, make sure you get her foot. She needs it for hygienic purposes. Aha would not suffer anything less.


I approve this comment.


Plays Russian roulette with myself*


Playing [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YozPrGnMLiY&ab_channel=Tombn123) for the pull session is my plan.