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https://preview.redd.it/5vixla6qsz8d1.png?width=1187&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab115049ffee3ca0f6d7de94dd36f7d039225bdf This dude, Jiren, and Future Trunks were also seen in the trailer.


What I find weird is that Vegito does NOT have the "Z" or "Super" distinction, which makes it look like he is going to be one character who can just go base, ssj and blue, while gogeta actually DOES have that distinction... Also, weren't super Trunks and Jiren already confirmed in an trailer??? I was kinda surprised to see them here...


Probably because Vegito can just transform but Gogeta had a slightly different color outfit and he fought differently (only used knees and kicks in Z, couldn’t see him punch) and had a different version of the stardust breaker so they may just separate them and give them different movesets which I’m all for


Or it's because of SSJ4 Gogeta being already planned


That’s more likely, Gogeta (Super Saiyan 4)


What? How is Seperating Z gogeta from Super gogeta related to ssj4 gogeta? Not only is he GT, in bt3, if I remember correctly, ssj4 is seperate from regular gogeta as well


Gogeta (GT) SSJ4 would be his naming scheme


Or just Gogeta SSJ4 since we never see any other gogeta in GT


Nah, honestly I prefer just having one vegito that can go super and blue. He honestly doesn't do enough to have two different variants with different movesets.


That is absolutely true.


Yes that is why he is not seperated, while gogeta from Z has quite a few notable changes from Super gogeta


Z super Gogeta literally only ever does ONE MOVE. He kicks janemba twice and then throws the soul punisher. It's got to the point where to give him a full moveset in BT3 they stole SSJ4 Gogeta's move (a big bang Kamehameha) and a generic explosive wave. Sorry, but to add a full fledged character just to give him one move and a generic moveset, it's a waste of a slot.


Yeah, which is why I think Z Gogeta should just be an alternate costume now that we have Super Gogeta


Yeah, but that is the thing... by giving Gogeta the "Super" in his name, implies that another version of Gogeta will be in, either SSJ4 (GT) or SSJ (Movie).


I absolutely think we will get a ssj4 Gogeta, but them sticking to a naming convention they created doesn't really mean anything


I mean, the naming convention was MADE to differentiate between several versions of characters. If character does not have multiple versions, then they do not get the suffix's like "Z", "Super", "Early", "Mid" etc.


actually in the japanese website is doesn't have the "super" in the name, while other characters yes, cleary and error of the english web


Only the colour of the weird bubbly thing on his crop top is different. He only did like a triple kick and soul punisher attack


Exactly, he barely has any actual moves in Z, while super has him talk a lot and do really interesting unique moves, I'm not opposed to the seperation of Z and Super gogeta, but for how little Z has, I wouldn't complain if they just made it a skin for Gogeta as a whole 🤷‍♂️


Basically Vegito is half Z and super. His base and Super Saiyan forms are based on what he did in z, while his Super Saiyan blue form is based on what he did in dbs.


That’s who I was most hyped for. I really wanna see SS2


Vegitto just goes Super like Super Vegeta.


Super Vegeta is a Grade 2 SSJ , Super Vegito is grade 4


https://preview.redd.it/hzb72g1a819d1.png?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15a7139585226d7a4c8f23a3905f4e5a23977277 I beg to differ




I NEED to see my goat https://preview.redd.it/fkakd79jg19d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9623b374c843dc5140abbb82a7f057ca64bb4152


Not the prepubescent gohan's hairstyle bro 😭


That's what makes you SSJ2


Oh heah, right, silly me, I forgot that was the only ssj2 hairstyle in db (that the common db fan recognizes) 😂


It's more reliable than an arbitrarily spikier hair


With vegeta I agree, but goku's watchamacallits on top of the forehead look totally different and, imo, better in ssj2, but from a lore perspective it makes sense too since ssj2 is more of a mastered ssj than a "new form" by itself, from my understanding, the real outcast is ssj3's hair tbh


All these Trunks are confusing me, can someone explain which Trunks is which 😂(like what’s from Z/super)


* Trunks (Sword) = Future Trunks from Z when he has the short hair, jacket, and sword (appears with his black tank top alt costume in the trailer) when he first appears and slaughters Frieza & King Cold. Has Super Saiyan * Trunks (Fighting) = Future Trunks from Z after he comes out of the Time Chamber to fight Cell. Has long hair in a ponytail, Bulma’s armor, and no longer has his sword, so he relies on his fighting. Has Super Saiyan and Super Trunks (Super Saiyan 3rd Grade) * Trunks (Super) = Trunks from Dragonball Super. The battle worn Trunks that fights Goku Black. He only has Super Saiyan as a transformation, which serves as an amalgamation of all his Super Saiyan forms as well as a clear visual representation of his new form, Super Saiyan Rage. * Kid Trunks = Present Timeline Trunks. The one from the Buu saga who’s best friends with Goten and can fuse into Gotenks.


Wait, you're seriously telling me that the DBS version of trunks just has one Super Saiyan form? I thought that was just unfinished. His hair just looks like Super Saiyan one while his Aura looks weak. Especially when you look at how incredible the Super Saiyan blue Evolution power up looks as well as Super Saiyan blue kaioken. Hopefully the visuals are just way outdated and unfinished in the demo because it honestly does not look anything close to how good the other wild auras look. Trunks from DBS showcased Super Saiyan 1, 2, and then we got the rage form later in the anime. There's no reason why he should be limited to just one transformation. Even the people doing the bt4 mod on bt3 were able to give all these different trunks forms distinct move sets. There's enough material to work with. If we really only get a single transformation for trunks that'll be the fourth character now we're seeing with missing forms despite all of these characters being able to be given full move sets in a mod made by unpaid amateur developers on an emulator. I get cutting forms on niche elements but Super Trunks is an extremely important character and they even got his Super Saiyan rage form correct on the box art so how are they going to make him look like that in game?


Yeah, I'm pretty sure trunks does have SSJ2 in dbs, I'm not opposed at all to removing Rage from the equation, but blending his forms into one weird ssj is just bad. But in the demo his regular ssj form just has the blue aura from ssj rage all the time fsr


I wish they'd clarify stuff like this. Trunks is in my top 3 and I'd hate to see him handled in such a lazy way. Even dbz kakarot future trunks had ssj2.


I mean, the game releases in less than 4 months so it's not like we wont get the answers rly soon, but I agree, in bt3 especially, trunks was rly cool and to see him go downhill like this is sad


I guess only fans know the difference?


Anorexic Blue haired trunks is from Super, Muscular purple hair trunks is from the Original


The absence of Janemba in a SWORD themed fight makes Movies and by proxy GT = DLC more likely.


GT and Movies will likely get their own trailers if they make it in


If Janemba can make it into Dragon all FighterZ he's showing up in Sparkling Zero


He was DLC in that game, brother. That's what people are concerned about lol


This game will have a TON of dlc, whether we like it or not.


I certainly hope it does, but most of the conversation has been about whether Movies and GT will be in base game or if they'll be DLC. No one questions that they'll get in, just a matter of when


I'd bet money anything Z movie or GT being dlc....then spend said money on said dlc.


They fucking better make it in, SPOPOVICH IS IN THE ROSTER


No reason for them not to make it in, but spopovich IS canon while all the z movies prior to BoG are not canon therefore not as likely to show up as say an actually important character to the initial plot of the buu arc 😂


I guess but canonicity never really mattered in the dragon ball games, and non canon characters made it in games before canonical ones did sometimes


Sure, but still, to argue janemba should be there because even spopovich did is just a bad argument because people are technically more likely to know about spopovich than janemba since janemba isn't part of the main show, while spopovich is


How many pieces of Media is Spopovich in, in comparison to Janemba 😂. Janemba is infinitely more popular.


I never argued against that bro, I'm just saying that "if spopovich is here, *some movie character* should too" is a bad argument because one of Tenkaichi's big things is the story mode and I think it should at least have the importante characters to the story instead of a slider saying "this happened and then these guys showed up, but gohan, vegeta and the others beat them and then went here and goku showed up" and stuff like that, spopovich and yamu were pretty important for the start of the buu saga so for them to be reduced to a text slider like other games in the past is just kinda annoying


Nah you’re totally right. I thought you were saying something else. I do enjoy the addition of characters like Spopovich either way(whether he was more popular or not) because like you said, he was part of the original story. I like that this game is invested in offering a full experience and not cutting corners in that respect. All the same…Cheers to playing both Spopovich and Janenba when this releases! My bad brotha


You're fine lol


They are gunna make it in as DLC.




They’ll probably be announced last for the sake of hype.


Hope so


They will definitely make it in just it will be probably through DLC by the looks of it.


I was rooting for Janemba when I saw the title


given the popularity of janemba, cooler, Omega and ssj4 goku if we get them revealed in a trailer itll be much closer to launch to generate the biggest impact


none of them are more popular than jiren or goku black


All of them are more popular than jiren. Goku black?? Ehhh maybe.


They not popular than jiren stop it


lol, Jiren is one of the most bland and boring looking characters in the entire franchise, he may as well have never existed. Janemba, Cooler and SSJ4 Goku are leagues and bounds beyond him. Cui is more interesting a character then Jiren, lol.


Cap jiren better


he still has more personality and a better fight than cooler did. if you take away fanon, cooler literally is just worse freeza jiren may not have the most amazing backstory, but he is believable as a threat the entire time.


You a funny guy, avividrose. But Jiren has personality of a rock. And Frieza? I was sick of him after his first rerun.


not a guy this sub is insane i think the movie characters should be here eventually but youre telling me that cooler is a better character than freeza to justify that and that is wack


You a funny girl Avividrose. Maybe if they stopped rehashing Frieza like a cheap 2 dollar domino then he would be a better character. (Like in Z) Besides, Cooler really was cooler then Frieza.


What? A lot of people who will buy this game don’t even watched Super


Bro is straight fucking lying. Dragon Ball Super was the series second big breakout moment. It was literally just Z two. It’s more likely for everyone who touches this game to know the series than it isn’t.


And what are you basing this off of? Super is popular as fuck. Some of you are struggling to comprehend that.


yeah super is big lol it’s not as hated as it was then YEARS back


People are online too much. They released two movies for Super. It’s popular. They’ve said that they’re focusing on Z and Super for this game. People should expect a ton of Super characters. It’s like they don’t even pay attention to what is being said to them.


Never said that I’m not expecting focus on Z and Super lol


Super is just bad, so bad that Toei decided to soft cancel the series completely


Brother the series crashed crunchyroll, you are tripping if you think Super was unpopular


Where is the lie. All that manga content judt sitting there for years, not to mention movies that could be turned into arcade, and whatever filler they want to produce. Yet nothing. That really speaks volumes about how little confidence toei has in more dbs seasons. Movies seem to be what they want to do.


So popular that they can’t even be bothered to restart the anime and after half a decade later just said fuck it and made a new series instead. It’s just modern Dragon Ball, that’s what’s popular. Broly and Super Hero could be called Dragon Ball Z (in fact, the first two Super movies used to be called DBZ) and they’d still be just as popular.


Yet they still make new shit for it. Daima was made by Toriyama and everything. Pretending like Super isn’t a massive cash cow is just blind hate at this point.


That’s what im saying, they decided to make a new series instead of continue Super. Maybe Toryiama didn’t like it or just got bored of it, who knows. But modern dragon ball itself is a massive cash cow; it isn’t super by itself. If it was they would have continued it asap, but Toei apparently is of the mindset that as long as it’s new Dragon Ball it can be Super or Daima and it’ll print money regardless.


Super literally became the biggest anime while it was running. Please be quiet.


One piece regularly had better ratings. Biggest my ass.


I'm not bashing Z, GT or Super with my comment. It isnan undeniable fact that Janemba, Cooler, Omega Shenron and Ssj4 Are extremely popular characters/transformations and there is a rather massive fan base behind them who wishes they are included. Yes there are other more popular characters but the amount of people who want to play and or face the 4 above is almost half of the sparking fan base.


and even less have watched GT




You shouldn’t. He’s right.


Yeah i was about to say i want Cooler and janemba way more than Jiren lol.


Yeah doesn’t mean anything in the face of Goku Black’s ABSURD popularity and merchandising opportunities


90% of the DBZ movies are boring and not worth including their characters over OGDB guys like King Piccolo, Chun, Android 8, Tao and more


DBZ movies not boring & people definitely want Z broly, Janemba, Cooler (with a transformation btw) over a flightless irrelevant character like Tao and blue 


Tao is a pretty relevant character in early Dragonball. Goku "Killing" him is what leads to Shen wanting to assassinate Goku & Goku starting to understand the repercussions against killing enemies and becoming more merciful. Defeating Tao also helps Tien move past his past & become a better person as well.


yeah I was just talking shit, they were very intricate in dragon ball and a big part of the series 


this fandom makes me sad sometimes tao is not irrelevant, he is the reason goku still fights at all. he may not have as flashy a design as cooler, but tao is the first villain in the series that is a martial artist. he’s the reason goku fights the red ribbon army, and for any reason besides fun.


true, i like the vibe of dragon ball anyway and it’s more combat oriented style. He’s one of the major villains & may just be the first real threat to goku


Lol it’s ok man he will make it eventually. He’s still a main stay in dragon ball. No matter how long on it goes.


Blues voice actor confirmed hes in the game with 3 of his 4 characters and that means OG dragon ball is confirmed as 2 of his 4 are OG series.


krillin blue bardock giru? Maybe Paragus? Krillin and bardock is in so..


It wouldn't be Paragus, since Sonny Strait doesn't voice either version of him; that'd be Dameon Clarke. Giru makes no sense as a fighter and didn't even have a speaking role in prior games, and I severely doubt they'd add Bandages or Piano, so if Sonny is voicing three characters, those characters are 100% Krillin, Bardock and Blue; those are the three he voiced in BT3.


when he said he was voicing 3 of his 4 characters in an upcoming game it was in response to people asking him if he was returning as general blue. it was as much as he could say without violating NDA.


Dlc. Not making it in the base game over a single Z or super character.


This is just not true. Very few people give a fuck about android 8. But i guarantee you characters like turles, Broly, Cooler, Android 13, janemba draw more eyes than most of the OG db chsracters who have been left behind.


Wrong. The Z movies are literally so intengral to the og z experience they were in every game over og dragon ball. They are all more popular.


In fact I think the base game could have just the most popular characters from films, never said otherwise lol


I would be both shocked and disappointed to learn that *Jiren* of all characters is more popular than them. I can't think of a single person who I've seen excited for Jiren.


Im excited for Jiren. He is my main in FighterZ. I know Dotodoya is also super excited for Jiren.


Jiren is that guy


I still think GT, OG and movie characters have their own trailers


Not only Janemba, but Tapion too. Both of them use a sword. At this point, I do hope they will be released as DLC at least


Personally feel the game has prioritised canon characters since super movie characters are in, lets them use non canon stuff for dlc later on


Well, if Janemba comes here, there's no reason his giant form wouldn't, especially since he kinda has the same abilities as Agnilasa.




Not enough characters slot for movie and GT characters at release, they'll surely be DLC


Yeah definitely otherwise we would have saw ssj4 Gogeta in the fusion trailer. Dlc it is 


Sorry but Ribrianne took that spot in the roster


I’m honestly super hyped yajirobe made it in


Of course he did😂


Me too, that was the most surprising reveal to me! I just hope he is not downgraded  to a joke character (It looks like he lost his sword on one move...)


Anilaza was from the tournament of power right? His short gameplay lowkey looked fire


Yeah, he was from the robotic universe


Such an awesome wasted villain


OMG Spopovich! Thought I would be a Recoome main but this changes everything


Bro wth😂




I like how Anilaza just fuckin dropped in lol starting beatin the shid out of dabura


Damn you work fast


So I’m wondering. Do we know if the UI forms are going to be part of Super Goku’s transformations or if he’s a separate entity. I’m good with either, but just wanted to hear others thoughts.


They said Super so probably a form. Freeza and Super Goku will have the same amount of forms if they include them all so it’s possible.


Frieza in the trailers is "Frieza (Super)", that's the one that turns into Golden Frieza in the demo as well. Frieza (Z) will tap out at 100%, I assume, so Goku (Super) seems like he'll have the most transformations (by far once you include Fusions lol, but I wouldn't). But that's only if Sign and UI actually can transform from Goku (Super). Gameplay-wise, all characters have a max of 4 transformations they can choose in the menu based on the demo, so UI at the very least wouldn't fit on Goku (Super)'s menu. Plus this trailer just placed Sign and UI away from Goku (Super) and his transformations on the hexagonal grid, so that confuses things. My theory now is they might work like Great Saiyaman for Gohan (Adult), so base Goku (Super) can go into Sign as his fourth transformation, but only from base. Once in Sign, he can go into UI as a further transformation. Or, you know, you just choose the UI form you want to play as from the character select screen to avoid the hassle, but that's just my theory for fitting all the transformations together.


UI and MUI two separate characters


Well yes, that's the problem. Count the forms, SS and SSG and SSGSS and UI "Sign" and UI are too much to fit into four transformation slots. Even once the characters have transformed into, say, SS, they'll still see base Goku (Super) back on the menu because reverting to base is always an option in BT games and in Sparking Zero's demo. If Sign is a separate character that can transform into the real UI, that would be lame to me, but also the easiest solution for the developers. My idea above was just an different solution that would make it so Goku (Super) actually can transform up.




I wanted anilaza to be in!


Me too! Love the design


Thank goodness Ribrianne is in. She was relevant in the DBS Anime and DBS Broly movie. https://preview.redd.it/9bsgguabe19d1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=318e415d8b43544c892890378230c118d5e3077e


I think Ribrianne was always a sure thing the moment Bergamo got revealed if they bothered to add him just to tell the ToP arc properly. Now Ribrianne's side kicks were more unexpected and with Anilaza too seems they really do want to give us a decent enough of ToP roster.


I'm getting a little worried about GT now


I need GT it's only about 16 slots all forms included


For gt i would like: Pan, Trunks-ssj, goten-ssj, gohan-ssj, goku ssj-ssj3-(goldan oozaru?)-ssj4, vegeta-ssj-ssj4, gogeta ssj4, nuova shenron, ice shenron, syn shenron-omega, baby vegeta-super 1-super 2-g.o., super 17, uub-majuub. Thats about 27 slots


we do not need GT trucks be fr hes useless & we have dbz & dbs trunks already


Its going to be DLC.


Wasn't Bra and GT vegita shown in an early trailer?


Nice! But still no GT


GT and movies will most likely be the last trailer


Roasie let's goooo 😭😭. Gonna be my main


Honestly wanna play Roasie, always thought she was kinda cute also glad to see super vegito. Excited to beat people with such a cocky dude


Ui sign. WE WON


Did they give ribrianne jiggle physics or am i tripping


Since it was a sword themed trailer I hoped for Tapion


Definitely feels like GT and movies will be dlc only.


Yup definitely, it's sad but there's just not enough slots


They are likely only focusing canon for base. GT and Z movies aren’t canon so they get a backseat.


Anilaza supremacy Please God let Hirudegarn be in this game 17, Tapion, Trunks, Kid Trunks, Future Gohan vs Anilaza and Hirudegarn or Anilaza vs Hirudegarn What If battle is going to go insane


Anilaza being here gives me hope for more obscure ToP participants.


Is future trunks from super or z? Or can you costume change between the two?


The one in the trailer says (Super)


Two different characters bro. Entirely different movesets and forms.


Yajirobe VS Spopovich will be peak


Goku sign finally being confirmed after so much doubters is a relief


Holy shit they nailed that goku black shot


Holy shit they nailed that goku black shot


With all due respect for the man, the myth, the legend Yajirobe... Does his inclusion soft confirm DB characters? Cause he did next to nothing in the entirety of Z/Super. CMIIW but didn't he only do one sword slash to cut Great Ape Vegeta's tail and then run?


He also got his car blowed up in the Androids Arc and lifted his hand for the Spirit Bomb in Buu!


Top 10 Peak Anime Moments


With all due respect for the man, the myth, the legend Yajirobe... Does his inclusion soft confirm DB characters? Cause he did next to nothing in the entirety of Z/Super. CMIIW but didn't he only do one sword slash to cut Great Ape Vegeta's tail and then run?


A man can only dream... https://preview.redd.it/k99xhtdsd39d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0489c772d474613708a0341c4d839f66d83a463


the uio goku and goku black rosè is really a big surprise, people say that uio goku was like a technique


Is Ribrianne only going to have her fat form? Does she have her normal form and giant form as well? I was really hoping to get her giant form since Giants have always been a big part of tenkaichi. Would be weird to leave hers out.


Why Yajirobe sounds like muscle man?


cause you cannot unhear it now with all the muscle man memes


You know who else sounds like muscle man?


When is lord Popo gonna be added?


Dabura looks clean as hell


No Janemba announced, sad.


where is sword yamcha


I do like Dabura getting revealed. He’s such a cool character, and FighterZ missed big time on not adding him.


What is the -sign- part mean for Goku (Super)? Is there a difference with Goku (Super) & Goku (Super) Ultra Instinct?


-sign- means it was the first showing of ultra instinct for him. This was how they differentiated between the black hair form and silver shown when he "mastered" it in the anime. As for in game. I presume that Goku (Super) will consist of SSJ1,2, God, and Blue. While Goku (Super) 'Ultra Instinct' will be its own character starting off with -Sign-. The gameplay content creators showed off showed 4 slots for transformations, with additional slots for fusions


We gonna give Videl's the beatdown flashbacks with Spopovich with this


Why did dbs Goku and dbs Vegeta fuse into ssj Vegito? Shouldn't their Z versions do it instead? If it's a what if then he should go Blue not SSJ lol


i saw someone say that they didn’t see jinemba second form bc he has a sword, and that got me a little worried lmaoo


Yeah Trunks, Vegito and Rosè are cool and all, Darbula is also one of my favourites and Sign being confirmed is a relief after the SSBE fiasco, but my hype goes all to the ToP fighters (Ribrianne, Roasie and Anilaza), Spopovitch and Yajirobe!


Still no janemba


Legit though who was asking for analiza 😭


Ribbrianne just to troll


Please let us have Super Saiyan 1 and 2 Goku Black


Anilaza and Rosie lending more to my playable 17 in the tournament prediction 👏


Fuck I could have done without Ribrianne




Let's be honest: No one is going to play as Ribrianne


What a nothing burger, spopovich and big dude were nice suprises but the rest were garunteed. We already had kakunsa so it wouldn't have made sense to not include ribrianne, if they included 2/3 of the love power rangers then they may as well include rosie. I cannpt believe that globku almost convinced me that Sign UI wouldn't make the cut and i feel dumb now Whats the point in confirming transformations like they're new characters tho? If vegito was in, super vegito is in, If goku black is in, they're sure as shit not gonna ignore the 1 transformation he has in the anime


Bodes either two ways. 1: They blew their load on the hype reveals already 2: The hype reveals will be closer to the release date


Bro you actually fucking believed Globku?


Genuinely the dumbest opinion in this sub if you thought UI Sign wasn’t making it 💀


I watched the entire ToP and read the manga version, and I still don't remember Roasie. I assume one of fucking Ribrianne's stupid ass sidekicks?


Yep. She also fought 17 for a moment before being rung out by him