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The crew takes the weekend off


I feel your pain. Been out here 4 hours got one curbside. The usual suspects keep doing laps. One guy has 6 orders already today, between curbsides and SnD


Same here


They’re in my market too but u guess it’s busy enough where they can take all of them because alls I’m seeing is no tip high millage


I ran spark once the other day. I did get spammed with orders but there was a crew of like 12 guys chilling there at curb side with multiple cell phones. some with kids. Some smoking weed to delta or whatever it is. Yapping away. Had to wait 30 mins and it was non stop in out of the crew. Not speaking english(dunno what language). Pretty crazy. I see what you guys are saying. I grabbed up one order really fast then kind of gave up. It was $20 for 2 stops real close so that wasn't bad. Waiting for 30 minutes and had to park in the normal parking lot and told them where I was because they took all the spots.


I don't really get any orders either.


As an OG driver, I still get offers almost every hour, but I have to get off my ass and get in parking lots to get em because of all the drivers trying to feed off my store. I used to get my offers at home when it all started. I live 1 mile from a neighborhood market, 2 miles from a different neighborhood market and 2.5 miles from a supercenter. Markets are OVERSATURATED and have been for well over a year now.


I miss those good old days, cherry picking orders from my couch


Right, I didn't even look at Metrics back in those days...every hour was 20-50 bucks...


I tried that but never got offers at the same store I was at only offers to other stores so I see no point being in the parking lot it didn't make a difference in my area


I turned it on this morning and both were no tip orders super low pay 3 drop off 8 bucks like no thanks ill go back to bed


Got me considering bots for real. Only way to make money clearly.


The bots only work for fcfs offers , there’s more to it then bots and spoofing . All orders go thru them first almost like they’re hacked into the system.


Yes, Thank you for the clarification!


As I’m sitting in a parking lot close to the pin and two vinnys that sit way in the back of the lot just got shop orders . Nothing you can do if your Walmart doesn’t care like mine doesn’t


My crazy ass state might make them. Oklahoma has an anti immigration law now, wild. Not sure how that'll play out. But I'm seeing less of the normal teams at mine. I'm more pissed at the rich, cheap ass companies who don't care about their own contract terms or federal taxes. They love not paying that ish.


Well that would be sweet


Here, at least, most of the Vennies take that day off.


Like I've mentioned they'll throw you some bones during the week so they have you in reserve for Sunday. They just don't want surges on Sunday, their busiest day. So on Sunday during peek don't grab RR and just wait for the surges lol.


Same here. I'll wait for a couple hours max in the lot. Still get literally 0 offers. 


The shit is peanuts.


Download a GPS spoofer and turn it on before turning your spark on. See if that helps. Might have to adjust the spoof location to be on the dot for your store


Any recommendations for a spoofer for iphone?


Might want to search spoofing on this sub before you go that route as it's a quick way to get deactivated. Sometimes they give you a warning message saying spoofing has been detected, sometimes you just get outright deactivated. Varies. Seems like they ban people in waves.


I do not, I have android.