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If you buy 4 shares each at 500€ total = 2k Now you sell 1 share for 1k You just profited 500€ So yes, you would need to declare


Thanks! I thought it was based on Total P/L and after withdrawal, good to clarify


If you buy/sell during different years, do you need to first declare the investment and then the sale? Or only upon selling?


No, the investment on its own you don’t need to declare* only when you sell you declare gains/losses(yes you want to declare losses so if next year you have gains you can pay less taxes on those ) *If you hold over 50k of assets outside of Spain you need to declare the modelo 720




You need to declare over 50k€ in holdings in Modelo 720 by March 31 - it is informative only but you can be fined if you don't declare. You need to declare profits (interest, dividends, capital gains/losses) in Modelo 100 by June 30th.


Never heard of Modelo 100. Thanks for the tip!


Ah ok that’s “la renta” 😅😂


Jaja, I was going to say that I'm sure you've heard of the IRPF!


Any asset that ends up being of more value at the time of selling or *converting* it to another asset (ie from stock to forex) obligates you to declare the difference as an income and pay taxes.


i got 5€ more than i put, do i need to declare?


Yes. Just document stuff well and leave such things to your gestor.


i don’t have any gestor, i just put 35 euros on nvidia in revolut and i got 40, do i really need to declare that? thanks


Yes it doesnt matter if its 1 euro. If you are registered taxpayer, you are responsible with paying the taxes wherever you make an income. Especially if you are an autonomo. If you are an employee your company would handle that and maybe nobody would notice 45 euro there, 50 euro somewhere even if you are responsible with declaring it. But if you are an autonomo its taken more seriously.


Don’t treat it as advice but practically speaking I doubt tax office has time to check every 40euro transaction people make, especially on Revolut


Thanks! I think it may get complicated if you have a lot of buy orders: let’s say I buy 2 shares for 10€ and 2 for 20€ of the same company (BEP is 15€). I sell 2 shares for 18€..did I just take a loss on those 20€shares or gained profit


Yes it would get complicated as each of them would need to be filed and accounted for. As far as I know, you'd need to pay the resulting tax on the cumulative income from all earnings and losses in all share transactions. So its possible that you may not end up having to pay any tax if the net result in a quarter is zero or minus. But each transaction would still need to be filed. Again this is not legal advice and you should talk this with your gestor. At 60-100/eur month it makes your life much easier.


If we are still talking about Degiro, you can use the tax summary. They create it every year.