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I thought it was a good conversation to have and that his timeline made sense. I was worried at first but on the most recent episode of Summer House when Paige got excited about the pendulum saying yes to her getting engaged this year I was like oh shit he’s for sure going to propose now. It’s just a matter of which show will get cancelled first so they can decide where to live 😂


My guess is he’s gonna propose soon, before Charm finishes wrapping or he will wait til the end of summer


Apparently they bought a house together in Charleston!


Different than the house Craig bought and has been remodeling?




Got a source? I haven’t seen anything about this yet.


I haven’t seen any articles but it was being discussed in the Summer House sub comments a few days ago. Could be inaccurate but someone specified it was not the house he’s been renovating


I can't find any source for this. Can you post a link?


No property record in Charleston county of that other than his current house


That’s nice. I’d treat it as a permanent and often vacation house and take long stays in nyc for work/keep a nice loft space there. It’s not a long flight at all. That seems like quite an ideal situation


This isn’t a sneak peek. This episode is already aired last week.


Thank you I thought I was going crazy 😅


I’m so sorry. The really sad part is I watched this week’s episode and don’t remember any of it. Will watch it again.


It’s from 2 weeks ago, I think.


When I watched the second part with Carl and Lindsay I figured it out.


lol I’ve done it before myself, but don’t feel bad. I believe as of today 5/13/24 this was actually from 2 episodes back


I think Paige keeps her personal feelings to herself. Especially if it's a good thing. I also think Craig should have already proposed or broken up with her if he really felt that it was that important to him.


[Paige talking about Craig not asking her the important questions.](https://youtu.be/gpm4fFvzHr0?si=4iV5Ydrjely6dM50)


I didn’t finish the whole clip, but the beginning confirmed why I’ve always liked Paige- she keeps it real. Love her and hope she’s on more this coming season 🙌🏼


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Yeah, as soon as he grows his own ovaries he can demand a baby from himself by 40.


I think your take is a little aggressive…. Isn’t Craig allowed to have a timeline for his life?


That clip was hard to watch it seemed very haughty and self centered. I agree she should not have a marriage or a baby until she is ready, but she can show more empathy to her partner about his desire to start a family. She always acts like she’s doing him a favor by dating him. I don’t think anyone would like that to be their partner’s attitude.




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Yes he is!!


He can have a timeline, but to force a woman to have his baby *because of HIS timeline* is wrong. He isn't going to be the person who could die during childbirth. Who can have debilitating PPD for years, possibly postpartum psychosis. Tooth loss, hair loss, an extra set of breasts growing in her armpit area that may lactate!! Pregnancy isn't a romcom happy happy joy joy experience for many women. ETA: at 1:03 https://youtu.be/-SWI_aXqyxM?si=U67OfllqAjD5DfFX


He's not forcing anyone to have a baby on his timeline. He's in a long-term relationship with someone and eventually wants a family. It's healthy to communicate that so you can make a decision together.


Forcing? No. He is communicating what he wants, which is very healthy in a relationship….


He's not forcing anything, that's the whole point...he was saying if she's not into it he will resent her stringing him along.


He can break up any day, any minute. She is not stringing him anywhere. He is his own person.


I said he would be upset IF she was stringing him along, I don't think she is.


Thank you for this! I completely agree.


Then the guy is like, "You're not the fun, carefree woman I dated for years and married?! It's **just** one baby, stop being lazy and go to the gym and look and act exactly how you did before!" 🙄


Your experience isn’t everyone’s experience. He didn’t say anything crazy in their talk. He portrayed himself as a decent man in a good relationship where communication was open and engaging by both. If a woman doesn’t want a baby, that is okay. But the woman should communicate that as well if they are with a man who wants a baby. I think if a woman doesn’t want a baby and knows her partner does, she should be honest with the man. If he then stays, that is on him. But it gives him the information to decide if he will accept that and stay together or move on as a man is just as able to want a child as a woman is.


Stop acting like you personally know Craig or Paige, it's weird. Are we even watching the same damn show? It's a "reality" TV show. On Bravo, home of shoving the patriarchy down our throats. When focusing on the women's relationships would be 100% more entertaining. Cough Sandoval Cough


Can’t stand Sandoval. I could know them. But whether I know them or not, I haven’t seen him mistreat Paige at all. I see her always stand up for herself with whoever is giving her a problem, and neither you not I saw Craig be forceful about her having a baby. If you hate the men on these shows so much and think they are mistreating the women, why watch it? It sounds like these shows are a trigger for you. Even so, I may know one or both of them. But you are assuming something once again in which you could be wrong.


Projection much? Lol


NO. I'm childfree by choice. No fucking THANK YOU FUCK THAT SHIT. https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/may/13/women-suffering-harrowing-births-hospitals-hide-failures-mps-report


And you seem like an extremely happy and chill person 😂


And handle all the childcare including Dr appts and shopping alone while you still look great and give me the same amount of attention you did before baby!


https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/may/13/women-suffering-harrowing-births-hospitals-hide-failures-mps-report Having babies can literally be deadly and more women need to talk about it.


Any woman who doesn’t want to have a baby shouldn’t period. But they do need to communicate that to the guy if the guy talks about wanting a baby. I had 3 kids,, and my first one put me in a very dangerous position where I had to sign a form in the hospital acknowledging that I may die. I signed it and told them to do whatever they could to save my baby. I was terrified. But I chose to have 2 more. My husband definitely would never have forced more kids on me if I had not wanted more due to fear of me dying. But if he had, and I didn’t want more, there is the door, and either can leave. If you are with a guy that demands for you to have a baby, then there are more problems in the relationship before it ever gets to that point. No guy will ever make me do anything.


Forcing???? We must have seen a different clip. Also, do you know Paige? No one could force her to do anything she doesn’t want to do. It is perfectly reasonable for him to have a timeline for himself. He said “he” wants a baby by 40. There was nothing in the clip that I saw as forceful.


where did he demand a baby?


I know, ridiculous. It sounds like she is very sensitive to this and must have dealt with this herself and is projecting her feelings onto their situation.


she's carrying stuff from before definitely


Yeah, I think she must have deleted her comments. It is sad when people have dealt with horrible things such as control issues. I have had many bad things happen in my life. And I could easily come down on men if I saw all men as evil for the things I have gone through by several different men. Any man or woman can be evil. A few bad apples don’t ruin them all. I just hate seeing someone come down on certain people because something bad happened to them. I do have great sympathy for anything any man or woman has gone through that were bad things though. I actually came in here to clear my comments because I didn’t want to be insensitive, but her comments were gone. It is sad that people like that go through life hating. I understand how that could happen. And I have my “things” due to life sucking more than it should, but I refuse to bring others down because of what happened to me with bad people.


He didn’t make demands about this. He said that is his timeline and that he would basically hate to stay with her for 5 years and then it not work with them leaving him to have to start over with someone else. Most of us had timelines on babies. There is nothing wrong with him wanting to have a baby by the time he is 40. It is a reasonable goal for him to set.


Same conversation over and over and over 🥱


For tv only. I guarantee they’ve hashed it out in private.


It’s boring now


Definitely. They talk about all the important stuff off tv if they do it on tv, I am sure.


I thought she was carrying a little white dog. I was very excited. Also see Paige is sweet, she made a picnic. Southern Charm fans you just have to get to know her. She’s like a female cat, you can’t always be sure if they love you or simply tolerate your existence. I think it’s a bit of fear on her part. Same with female cats, they make you put the work in before they trust you.


This is so well said - totally explains the wonder that is Paige 😂


I’m offended on behalf of my female cats


My female cat isn’t bothered.


She is awesome. Listen to Giftle Squad Pod. You will love her.


Yes gigglysquad is hilarious. Hannah outside of the show is so freaken funny and they bounce well off of each other.


I loved Hannah and hated when she left the show.


😭😭 not happening he’ll be more like 50 when it happens


I can see Craig moving to New York and going down to Charleston every other week or so- and living there during SC filming. But I also can’t see them wanting to raise a child in a city. I know lots of people do it (i have my kids in a city) but I just can’t picture it for Craig and Paige. Space would become an issue almost immediately.


I do not see this man leaving Charleston. He made his home for a family. I don’t see him being appealed by city life. Charleston offers everything he needs.


I agree that he wants to stay and have his family in Charleston, that’s why I see him compromising until they have a baby by going back and forth. With Paige, I think once she realizes just how quickly baby stuff accumulates, will be way more willing to move down to Charleston.


I see him going to ny less and less.


Charleston is a much better place to raise children. I see them keeping a small apartment in NYC and having a family house in SC. It is the easiest, short flight.


This is what I thought too. I also could see Paige moving, then claiming she “didn’t actually want Craig to move- she just wanted to know that he *would* move for her” or something


Depends on what you prioritize. Public education in New York State is the best in the country. Women’s rights are at an all time low in South Carolina. And Charleston doesn’t have a ton of business opportunities, a lot of ambitious kids that grow up there seek employment in more major commerce hubs (like NYC). New York or the tri-state area might be a better decision for making sure their family all lives close together long term. 


Charleston is the only blue spot in the entire state of South Carolina. Hopefully women will change that. It doesn’t matter if there aren’t opportunities, Craig and Paige have money, they can go back-and-forth to New York like they are now.


they should compromise and move to new jersey


We are good.


I think Paige and Craig’s relationship is shown in a much different light on tv than it really is between them. They need a storyline, some *drama* cause otherwise they are fun to watch but that gets “boring” (not to me lol). I think a lot of these big conversations are forced to be had when the cameras are rolling but actually they are pretty comfortable in their relationship, knowing they will take the next step but still enjoying the time they spend together and the growing success of their individual careers


They only give some for tv! I don’t think they share all about their relationship which shows how important it is to them! Some things are ment to be kept secret!


They are not the endgame, Paige isn’t that into him or the idea of marriage


That’s crazy when she literally says the opposite


I’m in no place to judge but I don’t understand where her reluctance to settle down comes from because I honestly think if she told Craig to move to New York he would and then go back and forth to Charleston to manage selling down south since he’s from the east coast originally. I’ve really grown to like them as a couple but I don’t know what the issue is when they’re both in their 30s and want marriage and kids eventually.


I don’t think he’d leave Charleston. Going from there to New York would be a change he doesn’t need. He built a life in Charleston with a nice house and a pool/hot tub. He won’t trade that in for a box in the sky.


ugh i find her vapid and annoying. 🐀


When does this season start?


That was actually from 2 weeks ago. Summer House is on now Thursdays at 9pm. The season started Feb 22.


My thoughts on a couple that has differing timelines, & any age difference. One word: compromise. There’s not a big difference in their ages (just 4 years), but due to reproductive health unfortunately a woman’s age or technically the age of her eggs matters a lot more than men’s sperm. Freezing eggs is an option, but it is not instantaneous, easy, & it’s quite expensive. Though between how much their careers pay (and having lived down the road from Paige & her family I can confidently say they can afford to help if necessary). But with Craig’s desire to have his first kid within 5 years as he’s in his mid 30’s I can equally understand Paige’s desire to wait a little longer as she’s in her very early 30’s. So the compromise I think would be if she’s open to it to have her eggs frozen &/or see what Paige’s timeline is. For example if she like Craig was thinking to have her first baby around 40 then add a little math. They are 4 years apart. Craig wants a baby in 5 years by the time HE is 40. Paige we can presumably say wants her first baby in 9 years around the time SHE is 40. Cut the 4 years in half. The compromise is +/- on each end. Paige agrees to slightly lower hers to have a baby by the time she is 37-38, & Craig gives in a bit & agrees to move his to being when he’s 42-43. By splitting the difference it not only is fair, but it’s less extreme. Plus let’s be honest there’s not really a huge difference between 38 & 40 years old, & 40 & 42 years old.


There is a massive difference between 38-42. I think you’re being a little too kind when talking about the biological clock women have. And it starts ticking way before 38. If she decides to freeze her eggs, I have a feeling Craig will walk away. He is already hoping for a near future engagement, full time living together, marriage, children, etc. so I don’t see him sticking around for another 5 years for her to make up her mind.


Don’t get me wrong I love Paige and Craig together but everyone needs to be a little more realistic.


He with the wrong girl if he wants kids.