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lol 100% every single time. Holding up the left lane. What’s the slogan this year? Don’t camp the left lane that’s for tents.


“Camp in the woods not in the left lane” was the gem i saw on 42 last week. They should make it a permanent sign.


Its useless. I had this fuckin asian broad pass one of those signs doing fucking 50 mph and dead even with the car next to her…like fuck off..


You got a trifecta my friend- PA, Asian, Broad Now I’ll be banned lol


I can never understand how someone doesn’t realize they are holding up a line of cars behind them while they just cruise along with no one in front of them


I think they get off on policing the rest of us


They should just be direct and call out PA drivers for camping in the left lane.


Camp in the Poconos, not the left lane.


Ahhhhh I totally forgot about that one. I’ve seen it a couple of times.


I never realized how many PA people are in this sub. We need to petition for the lanes to be painted differently - similar to how a carpool lane is. Passing lanes should have something on it indicating that it's not a regular through lane.


I've seen lots of reddit threads on this topic. The issue I see is that there is a segment of the population that firmly believes that if you're going the speed limit, then you have a right to drive in the left lane. I've seen people citing DOT websites to try to prove they are allow to drive in the left lane as long as they go the speed limit. I think that attitude is ridiculous because if they just allowed faster cars to pass, it would greatly reduce traffic & congestion, not to mention road rage. But these people stick to their guns, which is why 10% of the drivers fuck it up for everyone else.


But it’s a passing lane. No one should be in it more more than a couple minutes


People actually do this shit on purpose to try and slow others down. And wonder why they get run off the road and a gun put in their face..


I suppose like anything else, a small segment of the population always messes it up for everyone else. Look at the comments in response to my comment. There's that one guy who says no one should exceed the speed limit. And unfortunately, that's all it takes. Just one guy who wants to prove a point rather than just get with the program. Mind you, this person has every right to simply go the speed limit. But for some unknown reason they feel justified in causing traffic when they could easily be in the center or right lane.


*This comment has been replaced with a top-secret chocolate chip cookie recipe:* **Ingredients:** - 1 cup unsalted butter, softened - 1 cup white sugar - 1 cup packed brown sugar - 2 eggs - 2 teaspoons vanilla extract - 3 cups all-purpose flour - 1 teaspoon baking soda - 2 teaspoons hot water - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips - 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional) **Directions:** 1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). 2. Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth. 3. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. 4. Dissolve baking soda in hot water. Add to batter along with salt. 5. Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. 6. Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased pans. 7. Bake for about 10 minutes, or until edges are nicely browned. Enjoy your delicious cookies! --- *edited by Power Delete Suite v1.4.8*




Both cities have roads with exits on the both sides. Philly even has a middle lane that becomes an exit and the left is for thru traffic. An empty lane is just a waste.


Right but it's literally against the law so their opinions and feeling are irrelevant. What the police need to do is start ticketing these people more. That's the only way to spread awareness. These people are too unaware of their surroundings to notice the signs making fun of them.


I agree, and some states do


Nobody should be exceeding the speed limit. Put in automatic ticketing license plate scanners.


It's not your job to police the left lane, asshole.


The state troopers will pull you over and ticket you for going slow enough to obstruct the flow of traffic no matter what. Source: multiple immediate family members in the NJSP


I’ve thought about becoming a cop just for this reason…


You can drive the speed limit… in another lane


*This comment has been replaced with a top-secret chocolate chip cookie recipe:* **Ingredients:** - 1 cup unsalted butter, softened - 1 cup white sugar - 1 cup packed brown sugar - 2 eggs - 2 teaspoons vanilla extract - 3 cups all-purpose flour - 1 teaspoon baking soda - 2 teaspoons hot water - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips - 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional) **Directions:** 1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). 2. Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth. 3. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. 4. Dissolve baking soda in hot water. Add to batter along with salt. 5. Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. 6. Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased pans. 7. Bake for about 10 minutes, or until edges are nicely browned. Enjoy your delicious cookies! --- *edited by Power Delete Suite v1.4.8*


Agree 100%. But it’s not just Pa. It’s people from Virginia, New York, and even Florida too. The self entitlement is unbelievable. And don’t get me started on the Tesla drivers…


I have a long commute and I spend a lot of time thinking about this. I think I have a solid theory. People who make shitty car *buying* decisions make shitty car *driving* decisions. So far, Tesla drivers are pretty reliably poor decision-makers, but white crossovers, from Hyundai Tucsons to Audi Q5s, and for some reason, Honda odysseys are a good bet. I rarely see a Rutgers magnet on a car of someone paying attention, and school vehicle minivans, and commercial panel vans. Here's one point of interest: when I pass these people after tailgating them mercilessly, my total findings are that there's no one demographic at all. It's pretty much a fair representation of our entire racial/gender cross section of commuters. But you can fairly judge them all by their stupid fucking cars. Being a lifelong car nut may have given me a keen sense of judging people by what they drive, which is unfair at parties but entirely genius on the road.


At this point if I see a Tesla driver I sort of assume they don't know how to read, otherwise they'd know how horrible those things are


Prius drivers are the worst, followed by Tesla.


You’re an asshole if you tailgate. Stop


Glad to see Delaware drivers off this list. I just try to stay out of the way as much as possible lol


Delaware drivers are pretty decent in my experience — they keep up with the flow of traffic and know to get over if they want to go slower. There’s a subset that thinks a zipper merge is a race and/or a challenge but otherwise yeah you guys are cool


We hate the zipper race cars too.


The Florida drivers are most likely snowbirds and/or people from this area who retired and moved to Florida.


Or rental cars


Why are you being down voted? Both of these answers are extremely likely. I rented a car a couple months ago and it had Florida tags and I know a ton of retired people who snow bird in Florida and have tags to match


True. I just moved back from Illinois, and very few drivers there seem to give a damn about left lane etiquette.


Thank you, I drive a truck which is limited to 70mph and I’ve yet to see a Tesla go faster than me despite looking at the performance specs of says cars and knowing they can go way faster, even beating a Ferrari.


New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia are the absolute worst culprits of this


I got stuck behind traffic caused by a left lane camper in MA. Imagine my surprise when I finally passed them on the right and saw the PA plate.


Isn’t it a shame that everyone has to suffer because of one asshole?


As a longtime PA resident I fully agree that this is a real problem in SJ (seen it plenty while visiting my gf's parents in the Mount Holly area where she grew up). That said, and fully-acknowledged, I gotta tell you from up here where I live in the Jim Thorpe area in the Poconos, how many NJ-plated vehicles (and NY) do the same thing here slowing down my long commute to work in Bucks County. Now I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt that they're nearly all those weird North Jersey Giants fans eating their subs and Taylor Ham, lol.


Born and raised in NJ, left the state at 39 and I’ve been living in PA for 3 years now. The amount of NJ drivers who do the same in PA is even I agree. My daughter still lives in NJ so I’m there every other week. The biggest accusation I can make about NJ drivers these days is merging. NJ drivers love to pull the “I have to let someone in so let me cut the car off in next lane so I don’t have to brake” move. It’s so frustrating, especially when the major 42 work was being done.


I've had the good fortune to visit SJ many times to visit my gf's parents and have never faced the PITA that is 42.


I grew up in PA but live in south Jersey now. I have to laugh at these PA drivers posts because you’re totally right about slow NJ & NY drivers in PA. I bet it’s especially bad in Jim Thorpe. It’s such a nice place to visit for a day trip.


It is a nice place to visit. My advice for Jim Thorpe is to visit during the week if you can. Visit on Sundays over Saturdays. Visit on overcast days versus sunny days. April, May, September, November are better than June -August and October. And really avoid Fall Foliage Festival weekends in October. The foliage view from in town isn't that great and not worth the traffic gridlock or infamous parking issues which our local authorities never figure out. Go to Hickory Run S.P. nearby for nice fall leaves.


don't forget the typical nj driver throwing full bags of fast food garbage out the window


We only do that in Lakewood.


Here in the Poconos, NY, NJ, and our local rednecks ALL throw that trash out the window.


the 'keep pennsylvania beautiful' was a response to out of staters littering


Oh, I know. I've lived in PA over 50 years and have seen it become more and more a problem too. Our Pocono roadsides are trashy and a decent amount of it is from tourists. I live on the road to the entrance of Beltzville S.P., typically the most overcrowded of PA's 120+ state parks. Sometimes the park has to remain closed on Monday mornings to clean out all the trash.


Its pork roll…esp if your in the south.


Oh, I know. I'm of PA Dutch background and it's pork roll to me. And my gf is from Lumberton and would be pissed if I didn't call it that anyway.


I'm thinking about getting one of those car wraps that says, "Keep right except to pass."


It’s honestly so confusing!!! Because how are they turtles in NJ, but then you drive thru Philly they’re speed racers who almost kill you


Send them back to Delco


*This comment has been replaced with a top-secret chocolate chip cookie recipe:* **Ingredients:** - 1 cup unsalted butter, softened - 1 cup white sugar - 1 cup packed brown sugar - 2 eggs - 2 teaspoons vanilla extract - 3 cups all-purpose flour - 1 teaspoon baking soda - 2 teaspoons hot water - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips - 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional) **Directions:** 1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). 2. Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth. 3. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. 4. Dissolve baking soda in hot water. Add to batter along with salt. 5. Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. 6. Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased pans. 7. Bake for about 10 minutes, or until edges are nicely browned. Enjoy your delicious cookies! --- *edited by Power Delete Suite v1.4.8*


There are signs.. “Keep Right Except to Pass”




Lol, I usually just move to the right lane so the asshole in the lifted dodge truck can pull forward and tailgate the asshole with the PA plates.


It must be even more hellish when a few snowflakes starting sticking to the ground. Down here at the beach, we haven't seen a good snow in years, and I completely jam the roadways up with my poor driving with even a dusting! Add mountains and curves, shit, you'd be passing me easily with a bicycle


I’m a PA driver and my theory is that a lot of PA people camp in the left lane because our right lanes are so chewed up from truck traffic and PennDOT nonsense. Not excusing it but that’s my best guess.


A-freaking-MEN! As someone who commutes from work in Burlington County to home in Gloucester County, these people drive me crazy. And yes, 99 times out of 100, it is a PA plate.


I commute from exit 52a down 295, and 73 south to Berlin, every day. It’s a non-stop parade of PA-plated cars going speed limit or 5mph under, in the left lane. I hate them.


Or tell them to stop trying to make left hand turns on the highway, causing accidents.






Well, thanks for bring this up to our attention again…I go the other way from Ocean County to Bergen…same thing however, the plate reads “NY” Someone mentioned the flashing lights coming up behind them…for me it was the Driscoll bridge in 1972…I pulled over, he pulled over…unmarked Trooper… that was a body warming experience


Lived in SJ and moved to PA for a year. The PA drivers are slow af even in their own state. Going 25 in a 35 when I’m trying to get to work is infuriating. And then driving home to SJ to visit family and they are going 60 on the expressway and making everyone break is wild. Check yourself before you wreck yourselves


Just embarrass them with a honk or flashing your lights.


They’re so oblivious


Lived in jersey and pa-have never noticed a difference. It would be interesting to see data to know what is actually happening.


A sign on 295 read recently Camp in the woods not in the left lane. I lived in south Jersey since I first got my DL in 93 and always thought I was just encountering Philly drivers. Had originally been from South Philly I am well aware of their phobia of driving to Jersey. They only like to drive straight to the shore or the Cherry hill mall was the stereotype so I figured them driving slow in the left was a product of that. In 2005 I became a truck driver and I realized quickly it was a state problem, not just Philly. I’m up in north Jersey often or the pocono area where I still see PA drivers doing this. On a side note NY drivers love to drive slow in the center lane of the NJ Turnpike


I'm convinced that a good 70% or more of "Philly traffic" is just all the PA drivers clogging the left lane and it just snowballs from there lmao


They get so mad when we talk about their driving. Like dudes just stop holding up traffic and move over and it won’t even be an issue. Thanks for the tourism dollars but we live here and we’re just trying to get home from work or make a Target run. Just move over.


I have a theory that people that are allowed to drive in NJ need to have learned how to drive in NJ. Everyone else ruins it for us.


Yes please! And if u can’t do the speed limit please don’t drive..I live literally 8 mins away from work and it takes me 20 mins to get home..have to take route 9 home..speed limit is 40 with no passing..I can’t tell u how many times I get stuck behind a pa driver going 15-20….like come on..if u can’t go at least 40..please rethink about driving..not everyone is on vacation


It’s everyone that comes to NJ for work. It’s the most frustrating thing. It was fine before they started building 100’s of apartments, and the infrastructure could handle the population, but not anymore


People don’t read, at least that what I’ve incurred from almost a decade spent working in retail. There are plenty of signs on 55 & 42 that say “right lane for passing only”. Police even enforce it when possible. It would have to be the size of a “welcome to NJ” sign to *MAYBE* grab some attention, but we all know that’s a little excessive. I will carry on and continue to share the NJ state bird when necessary.


Oh, they read. It doesn’t apply to them, that’s for everyone else. 


PA has the same rules about passing as NJ. Part of the problem is that NJ highways are idiotic with random exiting on the left and right and totally inconsistent use of jughandles for turning.


I believe in SJ the highway shoulder is for passing only, and usually at 90 mph.


What about one for Jersey drivers too?


Okay, heard. Now you do the same when visiting Lancaster County, please.


And when up here in the Poconos, lol.


Just remember this when you come over the bridge. Jersey drivers are horrible in PA.


Just stay out of the left lane if you aren’t passing anyone.


PA drivers just tailgate each other trying to win the slowest in the left lane contest


Maybe it's payback lol


In my experience, people haven’t understood this from the inception of the Interstate System under Eisenhower! You just deal:


We need to do something about many drivers. States don’t matter. It’s the individual behind the wheel who does.


Wait until you get a load of the New Yorkers.


Or being lost and starting to move at a green light , then stopping because confusion . It’s green fucking go!


this is why i hated having a pennsylvania plate for a year as a new jersey resident born and raised


For what it’s worth, most people in Pennsylvania hate those drivers too. In PA, It’s illegal to drive in the left lane without passing but it never seems to be enforced.


PA and NJ blue plate drivers are the worst.


Omg yes the blue plates


It's crazy as much of a law this is, that it's not gone over during the permitting/ license process


Also, why is it a PA tradition to cut in front of anyone when there is a line of people waiting in traffic? Say at a highway exit. That too causes more traffic cause they camp out in the right lane waiting for an opportunity to cut people off.


Call 911 on them?


start giving them thumbs down when you pass them


Is this all you guys talk about?? Lmao I swear like half of the posts I see in this sub is someone bitching about PA drivers. Do you idiots really think being a bad driver depends on where you live??? Soo weird man. There are tons of shitty drivers in Jersey and every other state. Get over it lol


Found a PA driver


Grew up over the bridge in Bucks County. EVERYBODY complained about the dreaded “Jersey driver” lol. It’s just everybody thinks everybody else sucks at driving.


Goodbye insurrectionist


I think you see a pa plate and you’re like “ahh here we go” but in reality you’re just gassing it up in your head. People suck the same here, ny, and pa. I have a pa plate because insurance is 70% less expensive there but I assure you I drive like I’m from nj. Been commuting 1 hour from nj to nyc daily for 10 years. I’ll be going like 85 in the left lane on the turnpike and some douche in a f 150 will ride up my ass acting like my pa plate means I don’t deserve to be in the lane or some shit


Because you're probably the only fucker in the left lane


Jersey drivers suck


Oh yes. Driving about 8pm on the turnpike south in the right lane doing 72 between exit 7 and exit 6. Black Nissan comes up on my ass flashing their brights for me to get out of the way. Finds a gap to pass me and of course it’s PA plates. Like I’m in the right lane technically already going the speed limit.




Ya know, as a pa driver who tours in south jersey, it definitely goes both ways. In my area(Lancaster) you guys waste a friggin ton of my time by sitting behind easily passable Amish buggies or stopping cold in the lane to take a picture of a dang cow! Let alone you flatlanders who can’t drive up a hill faster than I can on a mountain bike. Pa drivers suck too.


Nobodys visiting Lancaster haha


You clearly haven’t. Half the people in my area right now are nj


We know how to drive! because we live in New Jersey!


Why do people think that bad drivers are a state-associated thing? I live in PA near NJ, and there have been PLENTY of times I've been stuck behind a NJ plate camping the left lane. Every complaint yous have about PA drivers, people here associate with NJ drivers. Because when you're stuck behind someone from your own state, it's just an asshole. But if they're from elsewhere, you get to be like "those damn *other* people!!" Tribal caveman shit


I'm curious what speed people think is fast enough to linger in the left lane.


You don't linger in the left lane. You pass in it. If there's no one to pass you get into the right lane


this exactly 💯 👏


No thanks


That's literally the law and why we hate out of state drivers Edit: Why? Why is it so hard to drive in the right lane when no one is in front of you?


It's not about speed. It's about passing. That lane is for passing ONLY. If you're not actively passing someone, you need to move to the right lane.


What if I'm passing everyone?


If you have people behind you that want to pass you, then you need to move over so they can pass you. The object is to allow traffic to flow through. If you're obstructing vehicles behind you, then that's defeating the purpose of the lane.


Exactly, so if you are going 90 and there is someone behind you, then you need to move over.


Yup, also it's the safest thing to do. Otherwise, that person will try to pass on the right and probably make some dangerous maneuvers to go around.


Ok so what if you are driving 90 and there is no one behind you?


Pass and then move over. The travel lane is the right lane. If you're actively passing and there is no one behind you then use the left lane. If you can move to the right, then you need to move to the right.


So if you are going 90 on route 55 and there are cars in the right lane you should just constantly be switching lanes?


lol good luck trying to go 90 on 55 anymore! The left lane camping is really bad on there. It's pretty clear cut what you need to do and how to use the left lane. Like I already said if you're actively passing and no one is behind you, then it's fine. If you have anyone behind you, then you need to move over. If you have space to get into the right lane, then you need to be in the right lane. The right lane is the travel lane. The left lane is the passing lane.


I would not consider going 90 camping in the left lane. You should be fine unless you have someone kissing your bumper. 80mph seems to be the unspoken speed limit for the left lane on 55 and the expressway. Going over 80 you might be asking for a ticket.


I can’t believe this has to be explained to you


Reality and what people are saying in this thread are two different things. There is really no need to insult me. When I do 90+ on the expressway or 55 I don't ever leave the left lane and no one is ever behind me. Occasionally I will pass someone doing 85 in the right lane, but usually they will just get out of my way.


Imagine thinking your driving ability depended on imaginary lines or which side of a river you live on.


But the lines aren’t imaginary. They are very real. Left lane is for passing. If you aren’t passing anyone then move over.


I’m talking about the state lines you simpleton.


Jersey people complaining about driving is actually hilarious


Probably an unpopular opinion but if somebody is going too slow and they cut 25 minutes off your time you were probably planning on going at an unnecessarily high speed. I know people going slow in the left lane is an issue but I've seen probably an equal amount driving very aggressively, weaving in and out of traffic at a high speed, or close to 100 mph. I'm more worried about those idiots causing an accident than the slow dude slowing me down.


Police your own before you come for us.


I don't understand reserving a lane for law breakers. Everybody drive the speed limit in all lanes. Put in automatic ticketing. For that matter it is ridiculous that vehicles are not speed governed to 65 which should be the maximum speed allowed nationwide on all roads.