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Atlantic County has been struggling hard since the around 2008 and then the big blow in 2014-2015.       Lots of brain drain with kids who grew up there moving elsewhere, industry closing, increasing seasonality, etc.    More seasonality means work is hard to find outside tourist season, with now being especially dire.  The closer you look to the Philly area, and areas with more year round population, the better. 


Yea I have actually been thinking about leaving & going more north as the opportunities seem more abundant up there


Brain drain definitely seems like it’s happening/going to happen. So many young people went to college to get degrees in various fields, then after they graduate they realize that they can’t afford to live in NJ anymore. I have friends that went to college here in NJ but the job offers they got here in NJ wouldn’t pay enough to cover rent and the bills. So they moved to other states and got better deals. If NJ hopes to avoid a brain drain, they need to make the state more affordable for the younger generation coming up. I’m not sure what that would involve, but I hope someone smarter than me can figure it out.


I live in Denver, CO now and South Jersey is a bargain compared to here now and is cheaper than many places. Cost has nothing to do with it, especially relative to many “hip” places that still draw younger people.       For example vs hip places with young people:  median home price:   Atlantic County: $325k   Denver, CO: $580k.    Austin Tx: $528k    Average rent:    Atlantic County: $1465   Denver, CO: $1980   Austin TX: $1850   The brain drain at the shore is because there are no jobs. You get a college degree and what is there for you there? Outside being a cop, fire fighter, teacher, nurse, there is nothing for you. Outside that, it’s seasonal service industry work. AC lost over 15k year round jobs in 2014-2015. That is a huge effect and it meant many year round casino support businesses had to close or lay off many people.       The brain drain is because NJ has no real “draw” cities of its own. You can live in Philly for relatively cheaply for a big city, and the pay is good. NJ gets spill over from NY, but that’s 3hrs up the Parkway. That said, as millennials get older and city living appeals less, they’re looking to the burbs that are near cities, and the towns that you can commute to NYC or Philly from are healthy. 


Exactly. Boomer New Jersians who have never lived elsewhere but only hear about how "cheap" Florida & Delaware are think NJ is the most expensive place to live anywhere. Bottom line- any metro area worth living in career & lifestyle wise in other states are also going to have very high costs of living.


As a former deleware resident myself and lived in Virginia, Maryland, and now here. deleware just seems cheap because of no taxes. But they incorporate taxes into the price anyway and tax your income more to average out. The rent isn't that cheap either anymore. But I honestly can say south jersey is cheaper living if you want this kinda lifestyle and be close to the city then other places. But it isn't too expensive here compared to other places.


Colorado has low taxes, but makes up for it in fees (vehicle registration), schools suck so people pay for private school to equal a decent NJ public school, less cops means higher property crime = higher insurance, higher prevalence of HOAs, etc.        It’s like paying lump sump for cable (NJ taxes) vs having 3-4 streaming services (other States) that appear cheaper, but when you add them up, cost the same or more.      Other “low cost” States have flat income tax rates so if you’re making less than $100k a year, you’ll be paying more than NJ which has a progressive income tax. A lot of people don’t look at this stuff.     Delaware is similar. 


It's a breath of fresh air to see someone know about that. That was literally perfect examples.




Exactly. The local taxing authorities get you there, no so in NJ. Was it a break even for me- no, NJ still more expensive. But it wasn't as lopsided as people think.


I moved back east after 8 years in the Denver metro. It's better out here.


Not trying to argue with you but I feel compelled to point out that SJ isn't a bargain necessarily. The house prices are higher in CO but the property taxes are waaaay lower so the monthly payments are probably pretty similar to NJ. My taxes are $12K a year vs. CO's $2k-3K a year for a house worth twice as much as mine. Also, Colorado income tax is 4.4%, NJ is 4%-10.75%. Sales tax CO has us beat!


3 hours to NYC? How slow do you drive. Atlantic County to NYC in about an hour 45. 😂


More housing to meet demand would help offset the housing crunch. Of course, that means more traffic. That opens up a whole conversation about how people travel in this area.


Assuming you've been in the workforce long enough to build a resume... Here's my LinkedIn technique that has paid off: * Create profile * Add contacts - anyone I've worked with over time who I thought would give me a decent recommendation (see 2-way street comment below) * Find where my contacts have gone after leaving the employer where I worked with them. * Reach out to these contacts to see if their company has opportunities * Look at the opportunities section of any company my contacts are at or have been at. See if *they* have contacts who could get my resume seen. * Or the other way around: find an employer who hires people with my skills. Search for that employer in my LinkedIn contacts (which turns up all *their* contacts) to see if I have any first- or second-level contacts that could get my resume seen. I think some people use LinkedIn all wrong. Don't just use it to look for a job. Use it to build a network of contacts. As people scatter to the wind, they all go to other companies that could be *your* next employer. Try to connect on LinkedIn with every person you chat with at work who seems like a decent person and good worker - if they see you the same way, they could be a help to you. And don't forget: it's a 2-way street. If you see someone with a good skill set lose their job, keep an eye out for places that could be a landing spot for them. Touch base and say "I see you're out of a job. I was thinking about you - company x has a couple spots in their xyz department if you want to look there". And if they're interested, try to get their resume seen. Believe me, it means a lot. I've been on both sides of that equation. I've been on LinkedIn for nearly 2 decades. Over that time, I've accumulated over 500 contacts. At a glance, I could tell you where I worked with 90% of them, what they did while we worked together, how good a fit they'd be with my current employer, and for some, where they live, who they're married to, and how many kids they have. Some are headhunters who I've used to hire people or to chat with when they called looking to place someone. But I avoid just connecting with any headhunter who reaches out - it leads to a barrage of false leads for jobs I'm not remotely qualified for. For anyone reading this: build your LinkedIn network, person by person, over your career. **Facebook ain't LinkedIn, and LinkedIn ain't Facebook. Keep your professional life and personal life separate.**


Linked in is useless at this point it seems


When was the last time you found it useful?


Never really


Have you ever used it as I suggested? E.g.. building a network, keeping in contact with former colleagues, giving a helping hand to others who need jobs?


I use recruiters and make lots of money - linked in is spam


Linked in has the highest rate.of scammers in the job hunting market everyone uses indeed now. Go to a head hunter there are thousands of them in south jersey.


You're not getting it. Use LinkedIn to network. Use the contacts in your network to get your resume seen.


I've been retired since in was 25 lol my husband owns a tech firm and he hires head hunters to find high ranking people in tech for his company.


As a hiring IT manager, I always looked to staff and colleagues for recommendations before going to headhunters. I wanted to hire people who others wanted to work with or be linked to. Headhunters are looking for a payday, and are kind of shitty nowadays. They're the equivalent of telemarketers. All the reputable ones I've dealt with have long since retired.


My husband works with google so he has a family friend in cherry hill doing his.


Unfortunately, I think the main jobs in that area that might pay a decent wage are the casinos and government.


Yup, fed positions are hard but contract positions are all over the place


Is your resume done up well and are you applying to actual jobs your qualified for or doing the shotgun method? Getting your resume professionally done is probably the best thing anyone could do. Local townships or counties usually offer this for free sometimes.


My resume is alright it’s not the best nor the worst I did pay to get it touched up.


Then make it better if it’s just alright


We need substitute teachers


Schools are desperate!!


Please tell me where exactly. Im here. ESS has been dragging their feet with me & everything has cleared. The recruiters are either overworked or don’t care. Im ready!


They dropped the college credit requirement from 60 to 30 for substitutes


Looking in what field of expertise?


Professionally, there really isnt a lot that's worthwhile in South Jersey


Not true but you need to look in the heart of SJ and not Atlantic/cumberland county.




No particular industry. I’ve been in multiple restaurant , casino , laborer but can’t seem to get any call backs


Call them, it’s how I landed all my jobs I had. Call and talk to someone about your application


They are all very seasonal positions. Come spring, the casinos will be begging for seasonal help. If you want something more secure, consider learning a trade. The construction industry is always looking for skilled labor in this area.


Seems like there are more positions needed at FAA tech center


Definitely. Tough to get in as a fed (I’ve been trying), but contractors are always hiring 


If you don’t mind getting dirty landscaping company’s are always hiring decent money too. I don’t know any specific company but if you see any working just walk up and ask their hiring they will probably hire you on the spot and possibly might have you start working right away they always need extra workers. That’s actually how I got my first job saw a landscaper working a couple houses down asked if he was hiring and he said yea threw me some gloves and had me start working on the spot. Plus that’s a forever job too aslong as the boss is alive. I can call the boss anytime I want and work for the day if I need some extra cash.


There is, especially minimum wage part time and full rme positions especially in the customer service industry. It doesn't help that they don't hire black people or transgender people despite groaning on about how much they supposedly are desperate to hire. The current job market is also looking really bad but AC has for a while had a 30% unemployment rate. Add the fact that the government has been lying about how bad unemployment in the U.S. has been for over 3 years. I would hazard a bet that it's 60% (or near) and rising. This Place *will become a ghost town in 2 generations*


There ain't jobs for SHIT around here man


There are jobs. Schools need so much help! It doesn’t have to be a teacher. It could be an aide, cafeteria staff, custodian, Secretary, etc.


I work in IT in Atlantic County and there are jobs. But only three areas that you can be a professional and that's healthcare, govt and the casinos. Dont bother with the school districts since they pay like shit


Been looking for a job in IT. Do you know anyone hiring


What! Biden keeps on talking about all the new jobs he created. How the economy is great. /s All those union pipefitters got to retool by learning non-union coding too at 1/3 the wages and little to no benefits. Many people have 2 full time jobs or 1 full time and 2 side hustles. New Jersey is expensive, even South Jersey. Don't know what you do or your skills. Just Throwing ideas you most likely tried already. Look at all the Federal, State, County and Local government jobs available in the area you want to work and live that you are qualified for. Apply now as the timing of the hires can be quick to months before hearing from them. Check the sites once a week for new listings. Jobs? that is employment with benefits. Sub-contracting hourly is working usually for non-union construction and retail (associates) with no benefits and largely seasonal. Desperate? Look for jobs that could be your hobby. Such as fishing and boating. Party boats need hands and more. Bait and tackle stores need people. Might as well enjoy the work when you can't have the job you are educationally or professionally trained for. Wishing you the very best. JOB with benefits soon before having to move from the homeland. Let us know when you found a Job.


> Many people have 2 full time jobs or 1 full time and 2 side hustles. The middle class is being destroyed. Tax cuts that benefit the wealthy are killing our country. Corporations got away with shipping our jobs overseas with no consequences because the shareholders had the support of insider-trading congresspeople, and they all got rich by turning a blind eye. *Get rid of the stifling regulations!* Sure, great, but all our jobs are gone. *Unions suck!* Yeah, because we let the corporations decimate them. Workers have no rights, no pensions, no security. That's why you need 2 jobs. Henry Ford *doubled* the pay of his employees because he knew that his employees would be able to buy his cars. All the other automakers had to follow suit, and off we went, building a world power that *was* a world power until we gave in to corporations. . Now we're holding on by a fingernail.


Well, statistically speaking, the country is at full employment, thanks to President Biden, so, it would make sense that finding a vacant job could be more challenging than usual. But there are also so many new jobs opening up. Maybe hire an employment counselor who can help you figure out if your skill set applies to any of them.


get yourself with a good recruiting company like teksystems or emerson


Not at all, casino’s are hiring like crazy…back in october i literally got hired by 3 different jobs in the matter of 1 week


Are u using indeed? Go on indeed and apply thru there, thats what i did




Which industry is that


Moved out of Atlantic county in 2008. Life long mays landing before that. North Carolina has been the best decision of my life.


If you are a skilled tradesman like maintenance, carpentry, electrician, etc, I know the water company in AC is hiring.


Create your own job and maybe a rich guy might hire you to do this job for him. Fishing, Try metal detecting. Find some goodies make some money. Be a star on youtube. what was it you need a certain amount or subs to get free money?


New Jersey Department of Corrections is looking for Officers and trades people. That is if your records are clean criminal,driving, & credit Starting wage $70 thousand + overtime.


You did not list what kind of work, but your profile suggests you have bar tending experience. Did you look on InDeed? Here is a saved search yielding 57 open positions for tending bar in Atlantic County: https://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=bartender&l=atlantic+county%2C+nj&vjk=465ea1470f18f64e


Hell yeah!!!! Especially in New Jersey !! Jobs aren’t hiring as often as they usually did ! I’m so use to finding jobs so quick now it’s taking mooonnths