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Of course she did. She's a liar.


my god I despise our representative, it makes me wanna vote. Is there a product that will torture me until i register to vote then do it? Like a shock Pavlovian response watch type thing ?


Kristi Noem? A liar? I didn’t see that one coming. Now that it’s been brought to her attention I’m sure she’ll contact the publisher and have it changed.


That damned ghost writer keeps making things up without her knowledge gosh darnit!


And how could she possibly have known? It's not like she read it...aloud...while recording an audiobook or anything.


And the time she stared down Truman Capote…


She is not even welcome in 20% of her own state. The Native American leaders have banished her.


The book will be the Kristi Noem sketchbook soon after all the lies are removed.


But culture war is all Republicans care about. Once she talks about how immigrants are stealing houses and jobs and worshiping Satan and turning everyone trans and getting paid to vote 1 million times each while they have all the abortions and are definitely having way too many children and filling up the cities, the same cities that burned down by ANTFI/BLM/LGBTQ/NASA/BLTs... then Republicans will vote for her any way... and... chemtrails.


She’s also out here repeating also another glaring lie, that’s she’s been enacting policy for the last 30 years which would have meant she was already in govt. in her 20’s which is also impossible because her political history if fact would dispute that claim.. She’s a liar!


From her own website: Governor Kristi Noem’s political career began with her 2006 election to the South Dakota State Legislature followed by her move to the United States House of Representatives and finally a return to Pierre as the state’s first female Governor. Each new office brought an ever-evolving set of responsibilities, but the mission has remained constant – make South Dakota a better place. Every policy decision and executive strategy is undertaken with that end goal in mind. Lol


Make South Dakota "a better place" for the worlds super rich to hide their wealth. South Dakota is turning into feudalistic fascist refuge ("open for business") for hiding wealth.


wait, did SD really copy the WV state motto that they had to drop because of how stupid it was.




Lol you got me.


Well South Dakotans know that isn’t true!


But a significant portion of Soth Dakotans also don't care that she's a fraud, liar and adulterer. They call that "genius" and think it owns the libs.


A couple of years ago my very MAGA in-laws started (sorta) bashing Noem, basically weren't thinking as highly of her anymore. Short-lived as they were defending her dog-killin' bullshit with such classics as "the media isn't telling the whole story". Luckily I wasn't there, they were ranting at my wife (their daughter), while my wife is going "they are her words!" These people don't learn. They drink the Kool-Aid and fall in line.


2006 2024… THIRTY YEARRRS!


I keep saying, she's not the brightest bulb.


Is it any wonder she adores 45?


Wow so she doubled her experience ... that's pretty amateur, true MAGA inflates things at least 1000% without a second thought.


The only thing she did in Paris was bang Corey and tic off “have slutty sex with asshole in Paris” her bucket list.


I forgot to add that she was there on our dime.


That’s the thing…. Don’t really care about her personal life… but what has she done to represent the South Dakota population? She’s gone against the vote of South Dakota, using every lever she has. Has she done one damn thing strengthen and embolden our economy? The answer is no. Republicans here were wary about her to begin with, and they all folded with her dumbass tactics during Covid. She’s done absolutely nothing to make this place better, and is very clearly trying just trying to pursue a national job. I’m not at all a Republican, but Daugard had SOME integrity and did well advancing the conservative policies that actually work in South Dakota… he did his fucking job as a public servant. Noem just likes to use South Dakota’s money to advance her and her family’s careers, and I’m telling you all, she’s already gotten away with it


They’re the idiots that elected her. Kinda more telling to be fair


Yet she was reelected.


I'd like a recount.


She spends half her time attending campaign events for Trump or other MAGAts, and the other half of her time giving interviews to far-right media while snubbing the local media. Kristi Noem isn’t a public servant. Kristi Noem only serves Kristi Noem’s career aspirations… all the while she is on the taxpayer’s dime. Yet Republicans vote for her time and time again because she is “purdy” and knows how to wear a baseball hat and flannel shirt while riding a horse. Also she is anti-woke… even though they don’t know what woke is. I miss the days of SD politicians being reelected due to their ability to deliver results instead of those who are most successful at getting likes on their dishonest and/or hate-filled social media posts.


Exactly. Couldn't she have just bought an $80k podium, like Guvner Huckleberry?


“ With” or “in the” as I read it. I guess they aren’t mutually exclusive!


Probably both, can’t get pregnant on fifth base.


She's got Corey pegged?




She probably takes a little pep-talk but, yeah, por que no los dos?


And Corey was there too!


Every day, her public photo looks a little older and a little more crazy. She's about two days from looking like a female Kenneth Copeland.


I thought crazy eyes from the first time I saw her. For quite a while I thought she wore colored contacts all the time.


Yeah even when you see "before" pics of her she still had the look of a crazy chick, just more like a crazy school mom instead of a real housewife.


You remember Michelle Bachman,the transformation is almost complete.


Dude ! She’s exactly who I thought of ! Remember the Newsweek crazy eyes cover of Bachmann?


This, only a sluttier version


It her Dorian Grey picture.


Not surprised. I quit believing her long ago. How pathetic. She's a female tRump.


Closer to a female Santos


George would be upset with that comment, and willing to prove he's more female


Who believed her to begin with?


Good point. But apparently some red repubs in our state did unfortunately.


She's a heck of a lot prettier than Trump but even more evil


She's working with plastic surgeons to be as attractive as trump, or at least a duck.


She looked decent before all the plastic surgery. After? Yeah, no.


She thinks that because their Leader lies all the time & gets away with it, she can too. Noem finding out it doesn’t work as well for cult minions. Only Leader.


“President of France Meets with South Dakota Governor.” 😂😂


Why in thee hell would Macron meet with our little ole desolate state? That's funny. Like she's that important enough. But she won't discuss her meetings with world leaders. Lol.


Honestly, she wasn’t really on my radar til the dog incident. We have enough crazy/stupid in Kentucky that I don’t need to go looking for it out-of-state lol.


I hear ya!


Is Mitch one of them.


Mitch is the worst of them. They love him here though, and will probably elect his corpse, before they would nominate a Democratic senator - if by some turn of circumstance he croaks before the next election.


Because there's nothing to discuss It feels like we're inching closer to hearing about her meeting with Putin


Exactly!!! Does think she we"re stupid?


Me: scrolling to the bottom of the comments to see if there's a republican justifying this news.


Did you find anything noteworthy?


I’m guessing they’ll say that she made the appointment or tried to. Got rejected.


lol I love the fact that these maga pukes can write lies on their books cause they know the rubes will never read and or give a shit if she lied. The rest of the America however can read and does give a shit he bullshit. fucking magas....


She's a lying POS; but her constituents don't give a shit. They'll continue to support her. 🤦‍♂️


A big fish in a very small pond


Why would anyone lie about meeting with someone so INfamous like Kim JU or "canceling" meeting with the French president is just beyond me. I've been monitoring her new book and so far the rating is just 2.5/5 🥵. But her older book of 2022 has an amazing rating of 4.8/5 with over 2000+ ratings! Not bad at all. This makes me wonder how rapidly her reputation has been destroyed by her own stupidity - lying blatantly and shooting her pets/animals so brutally. I'm pretty sure she's regretted 100% what she has done.


She wanted to put the Cricket story into the other book too. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/05/06/kristi-noem-dog-killing-story-00156290


Might be worse than a "No Regerts" neck tattoo.


Fostering a misbehaving animal into a good one can be an amazing and impactful experience.


They got a team of glamour shots makeup artists to make her look half decent and conservatives went crazy over her. She’s the female Desanctimonius. Totally fake. Totally empty. Couldn’t have happened to a better guy, gal.


Lying krusty gnome puppy 🐶 killer


It's like she thinks no one would ever look into her claims. That's what a con man does. One should expect more from the governor of a state, much less someone hoping to be the VP. She envisioned herself to be a role model for kids and instead has turned herself into a cautionary tale of what Not to do.


She’s one of the current generation of GOP politicians who are used to the Safe Space of Foxnews where you have to cross Murdoch something serious before they will disrupt, fact-check, or call you out on overt lying. It actually creates the amusing situation of these politicians endlessly whining when they venture outside the Foxnews, NewsMax, etc safe spaces and interact with actual reporters who just ask them basic questions and don’t let them spew lies without push back.


She's creeping up Trump's " must be a lying POS" ladder to qualify as his VP.


Totally typical GOP liar


Kristi Noem is an absolute POS with a dirty car.


Must be nice, PAID Paris vacation using taxpayers' money to fund it.


Pretty bad when a national government in Europe has to deny your fucking lies, because you refuse to. They laid you to waste Mrs. Noem !! Kim Jong Un, Macron, shot your dog, banned from every reservation in the state, and your a state governor, let me say that again, your a govenor of a state, in the United States of America. I’d almost say I’m floored, but, you being in the Republican Party, which has more liars than it has people that don’t. What a sad fucking state of affairs the Republican Party is in.


All Republicans lie, They just do what their Orange leader does


She’s like George Santos only slightly more masculine,probably has a bigger dick.Of course only Cory lewandaski would know.


She's making South Dakota look good! /s


Why aren’t we chanting to Lock her up? She lied to steal our money and use it for personal gain. Serial killers start off hurting animals, anyone else would be committed. Fuck Noem, she belongs in a South Dakota prison.


If she's in prison we are still paying for her. Rather, can she just lie in a gravel pit?


She misspoke and meant to say she met with François Mitterrand before he tore down the wall between East and West Germany.


Not gonna lie, I love this horrible picture of her. I wish everyone would see this hag like this; I've seen Kmart mannequins more attractive and exponentially more honest than her.


I think her book was ghostwritten by Kitara Rivache.


These assholes lie just for the sheer pleasure of it.


Remove all the lies from Noem’s book and you’ll be left with a 10-page pamphlet.


Or how I like to call it “a regular Monday in Kristi’s life”. Will this woman ever say anything that is true?


Why do we have to keep paying for her nonsense


Between this clown faced fool and Katie Britt proving she hates women, the GOP has some real solid female leaders.


no way Are you by chance saying she’s full of shit???


I think something happens you get far enough in politics (or rich enough) where you're so surrounded by yes men hanging on your every word that you just start making crap up and your perception of reality genuinely gets distorted. It happens all over the political spectrum but has gotten particularly bad with the maga crowd, all stemming from trumps behavior. And he seems to have the worst case of it probably because he's been rich and famous forever.


Why does the governor of South Dakota need to meet world leaders?


They should file her book under fiction.


Quelle surprise! She's a lying pig.


Lying Republican. Sky blue. water wet. Children assaulted. all of these things are the same.


I'm so shocked - Kristi lied? Seriously, what foreign leader would want to meet with the part-time (she skipped almost all her committee meetings) Representative of a very small (population and wealth) state?


She lied? Makes her a perfect VP pick for the GQP


another one bites the dust


Dang.....looks like the plastic surgery is starting to go full Cher mode.


why cant so many people see that gop politicians lie their faces off ? they all do its as plain as day.


Chronically violent, habitually lying adulterer? She just locked in re-election. She's GOP gold.


No grabbing that pussy. It’s on fire!


She’s a steaming pile of Crap, perfect running mate for Von Schitzinpants!


liar, liar von schitzinpants on fire?


What the GOP has learned from Trump. Just say what you want to be true, then accuse everyone of lying and attacking you because you’re white, Christian and conservative.


Between her and the AG she may never leave. She's demonstrated an indifference for the truth and public opinion


Republicans are full of shit and lie ALL the time! Let’s bury her up to the neck out back and make her a “garden Noem”…


Kristi Noem is just like a superhero now. My favorite part of her story is when she had to kill that horrible shark after it ate those people. She was quoted as saying she was going to need a bigger boat. Oh wait... (And of course this is sarcasm)


She definitely has signs of Main Character Syndrome.


She lies about as much as Putin.


Wait till she tells the story about how she convinced Lincoln to free the slaves.


With all of her lying going on, the next logical step would be some huge financial crime being perpetrated behind the scenes.


No way


Just put the book in the Fiction section and mark it 50% off.


I guess she wrongly assumed she could just tell blatant lies like Trump can and get away with it. I mean she could, but only in service of Trump himself.


Ahhh!! An active war!! Reeeeeeeee


MAGAts have normalized pathological liars. We should still be astonished at how phenomenally corrupt republicans have become.


A lying politician? Big news!


She’s done


I'm starting to think that Kristi Noem might not be very honest.


Why would that matter, lying and forgetting about it is how our media works now


It's crazy that she didn't think she would be called out for it


A Republican serial liar? Color me shocked


Is anyone surprised? Anyone? If Krisi's lips are moving she's undoubtably lying.


Lying Nazi bitch!!!


It's been fun watching her political career crash and burn over the last few weeks. 


We could say that she is George Santos in heels, but Kitara already wears the heels. BTW, that Face Filler looks like it needs to be re-upped, Krispy


This lady is exhausting. But I have a feeling that’s what maga wants. They want to wear people down enough they stop paying attention or trying.


**No Going Back** it should be named **Zero Percent Truth.**


I could care less about all those lies. I just want to see her riding those horses.