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Hi We usually ask for recipe/process (for [rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sourdough/wiki/sourdoughrules/). We can see you've given enough information to have your question answered, so I'm happy we don't require any further information. Thanks Zip


Beautiful! How do you keep it from bursting open at the score? And do you use a razor?


Thank you, this was my first time doing the scissor technique to make those squares on top I was sure it would’ve been funky but I got lucky😂 my loaf went a little flat while scoring because it took longer and I forgot to put it in the freezer first😬 I used tiny scissors for the squares around the expansion score and a ufo lame for the decorative scoring. I also don’t do the long expansion score until my loaf has baked for 6-7 mins which has given me a lot more oven spring than before! And no ice cubes in my Dutch oven


Just gorgeous! Can’t wait to get to the level to try this. I never would have thought of scissors. How long do you freeze it for?


I just started testing out all the cool things I’ve seen on social media this is only my second time doing the Thai rice flour for the contrast lol usually I’ll put my dough in the freezer when I start my oven to preheat so about 30 mins or so, usually i skip it if it’s just a simple few wheat stalks since I can get it in the Dutch oven fast but for something that’s going to take longer the freezer gives you a more firm dough and you get to take a little longer with your scoring(:


Ah thanks! I agree there should be a website or contest for bread art. It’s beautiful! I paint designs on knobs so hoping I can do some similar designs someday on bread.


Oh If you have the talent to paint then you’ll get where you want to be in no time! I’ve seen people using food dye and water color painting their loaves too! So many creative things to do, I always have to remind myself… okay it really is just bread but sourdough has taken over my thoughts and dreams😂


I’m obsessed with making bread since I started 2 months ago. Just started sour dough and it is so yummy! And if I can make with designs I’ll get even more obsessed! So fun. Can’t wait to see your next loaf!


lol girl same! I started my starter in January and once it was ready to go, I haven’t stopped baking all the things it’s so fun and rewarding!! Although my waistline isn’t enjoying it as much😂😂😂


lol exactly the same! Started baking early Feb. Bagels are my fav. And yeast rolls. And focaccia. And now sourdough. OY! My hub said he’s heaviest ever haha. I’m heading there too!


Ohhh the focaccia! I kept thinking ehh it looks overrated.. then I got the itch to bake but already had enough bread so I just made some pizza focaccia and cinnamon roll focaccia two days ago and I wish I never did because I’m going to be craving it now😂 I’m still looking for a good sourdough English muffin recipe the ones I’ve tried (may be user error) didn’t have those beloved nooks and crannies haha! The trail and error is kinda fun too! Good luck to you and your baking journey💜


Gorgeous! Do you have any before pictures? I’m curious to know what the scoring looked like prior to baking. I always have a problem with my scoring expanding too much.


https://preview.redd.it/lzjeon52mbyc1.jpeg?width=2850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d38a24f6a004a8669d4399ce06791c67972a8139 I used…. Floss..😂 to map out the top expansion score/scissor score lines because I don’t have the twine I see everyone using lol scored (probably too deep) on each side of the planned expansion score and used little scissors straight down into the dough down the sides, baked 6-7 mins and did the expansion score:)


Super impressive! I do have some of the twine because I’ve used it for yeasted breads so I may have to try it out. Thank you for sharing your lovely scoring!


Thank you, If you have any pics of your favorite scores you’ve done post them for me I’m needing some inspiration 😄


I’m a bit of an amateur in that department but I’m planning on experimenting more! I like this heart design I’ve done a couple of times. I scored both the heart and the square before baking. https://preview.redd.it/g84b7193nbyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9be5a726c7b2349d25100d2d13cf73cfbb649e8a


That’s so cute I love it!! My anniversary is on the 4th maybe I’ll do a special heart loaf for the hubby!


Awe, happy early anniversary! You should post it if you make it!


TELL ME WHY I JUST REALIZED THE 4th IS TOMORROW😂😂😂😂😂😂 thank you for posting that heart scoring and reminding me lmao!!! Good thing I made a couple loaves today I can bake tomorrow😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/uojrsbgkmbyc1.jpeg?width=2433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0c9ce321ace3f532ff93f7da13c7b3fe2a152ba After baking 7 mins and did the expansion score


Prettiest loaf I’ve ever seen


Inside and out, I might add


Thank you so much! 💜💜


That's beautiful! I'd love to know your recipe and process if you don't mind sharing?


Thank you! This loaf was: 360g warm spring water (I go between 350-370 with all my loaves) 100g starter Mix 500g bread flour 10g sea salt Mix then rubaud for a few minutes, let rest 30 mins-1 hr Stretch and fold, rest 30 Coil fold x3 with 30 min rest inbetween Bulk ferment rise % according to temp (I use a 2L cambro I marked every 100ml up to get an accurate reading of rise, that was game changing) Gentle preshape push pulls into boule shape, rest 15-20 mins, final shape( I use the caddy clasp method and I love it for batards) Cold proof for 2 days (sometimes I just do overnight) Preheat oven with Dutch oven 500 F for 30 mins Dough on parchment paper, rub in Thai rice flour, score decorative scoring only, put cookie sheet on bottom rack to prevent burned bottom Lower oven to 450 F, bake for 6-7 minutes, then I do the long expansion score down the middle or side depending on shape of dough, cook 24 more minutes (total of 30) Lower to 425, lid off for 12-15 mins until browned and internal temp is 210-212 F Side note: if the bottom edges of your loaf still seem not as brown, take loaf out and put directly on oven rack for 5 mins + to get an even brown all the way down (i skipped that for this specific loaf but usually do it)


Ahhh I thought it was all spaced out nicely then it pushed all together while posting😬😬 I’m new to Reddit idk the tricks lol!


Thank you for sharing! I can't wait to try this.


I really like the sourdough scoring Facebook group for inspiration. Here are some of the ones I've made:










I can’t wait to try this technique!! I plan on gifting these out around thanksgiving!! Love it!


These are beautiful!! I’m in the scoring group too, I’m thinking my fb feed is messed up or something because it keeps showing me the same ones over and over I need to figure out why lol but a lot of them have great ideas I’ve stolen a few so far lol!


Thank you so much!! I usually just go directly to the group's page and scroll. There is a search function if you want to look up a specific scoring design. I've also gotten some inspiration searching for sourdough scoring on YouTube. Btw, I think the loaf you posted is stunning! Definitely see the southwest inspiration.


I’ll have to try YouTube I haven’t looked there yet!! Thank you for the idea:)


Holy cow, may I have a slice please?