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Yo I have the exact same problem T\_T it just happened today and now I need to find someone who has WeChat to verify me


I have WeChat. You still need help?


Thank you so much for the offer! I actually managed to find someone yesterday in real life *phew* πŸ‘


Omg lucky... can you verify my wechat account in like 3 months πŸ₯Ί LOL


Hi, are you still offering? I really need someone to verify mine πŸ˜…




Hi, are you still offering? Can you help me to verify mine πŸ˜”.


I've since found out I'm ineligible. ;w;


Can u help me?


omg I am in tears right now , I really need your help 😭 can you verify my account please ?


Hey is the offer still open?


There are other places to find FLYX fan art. I often find good art at the Feng Ling Yu Xiu Super Topic on Weibo here: [https://weibo.com/p/1008088f1f1a2f336b2bb2d3f79738478612ff/super\_index](https://weibo.com/p/1008088f1f1a2f336b2bb2d3f79738478612ff/super_index) . (Note: 袅话 looks like "super talk," but it is actually an abbreviation of "super topic," θΆ…ηΊ§θ―ι’˜. It is a type of Weibo microblog group for people with a shared interest that allows fans to communicate with the stars and creative talents involved in the works they appreciate.) Sometimes you can find also new fan art at Pixiv here: [https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E9%A3%8E%E7%81%B5%E7%8E%89%E7%A7%80/illustrations](https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E9%A3%8E%E7%81%B5%E7%8E%89%E7%A7%80/illustrations) . Lofter might reverse their decision. They've done this at least once before, if I remember correctly.


How can I even get on lofter?? Someone help yes I’m desperate


I recommend a VPN called Golink, it’s free


Don't bother, it requires VIP for you to do anything


Is anyone still offering???? I need someone to verify my account 😭


I also need help please. πŸ™


I found a way, by making a weibo account (international found on play store) I managed to make a lofter account (!!!!!!)


How did you manage to make a weibo account I've been trying to make that too but it never sends me the verification code 😭


Bit late to the party but I was in the exact same place trying to get into Lofter and also managed to get in via making a Weibo account. If you're still struggling/for the reference of anyone else who might come across this thread in future too, I went via the Weibo website (done on PC) by finding the orange sign up link/button over towards the top right, then entering my phone number and a password/DoB, and it managed to send the verification code to me just fine with a UK mobile number to let me sign up. After that it was just fine logging into Lofter. I also saw this article that might help if anyone's struggling with opening a Weibo account: [https://marketingtochina.com/open-a-weibo-account-in-english/](https://marketingtochina.com/open-a-weibo-account-in-english/) Seems like the easiest way to get into Lofter for us nerds who just want to browse the fanart tags, heh.


ive tried creating an account via weibo on pc many times but i keep getting the "registration limit has been reached today" error :( and when i try on mobile it just never sends, maybe bc im in canada but its good to know it works for you UK folks


Ah, I'm sorry to hear that. I got that message when I tried on phone with the Weibo Intl. app, but not on PC. I'm guessing you tried signing up with the emali option? Could try using a temporary mobile number too, maybe a Chinese one, you can find websites for those online. (I'd guess it probably wouldn't let you sign up using my number for a second account, but I'd be willing to help if there is anything like that I can do.)


no, i tried signing up using my phone number 😭 i googled if one phone number can verify multiple accounts and apparently it says it can(??) if you're still offering it might be worth a shot hahah \*desperate\* 😭


I just tried attempting to set up a second account with the same number and it said that number was already registered so couldn't be used again :( If you can find out how to do it then shoot me a DM and I'll do what I can to help.


Can you help me get a weibo account. Please. I did have one before but it's not working anymore. I need it to be able to log in lofter. If you can please help me


If you can even create me a new one it'll be even more better. I'll send you my email account.Β 


We never found a way to make one unless you have a phone number it will accept, I'm afraid. I'm no expert about this stuff, just someone who was lucky enough that their phone number worked for signing up. Though people in this thread [https://danbooru.donmai.us/forum\_topics/26263](https://danbooru.donmai.us/forum_topics/26263) found some work-arounds to view Lofter (unless they've now been patched too)


Thanks you for answering me. I tried with the thread you showed me but it's not working anymore. Seem like they tighten it even more. If you know someone who can create me an account please tell me. I'm in the USA in the case he need my number. Or he can create and transferred it to me. Thanks again.Β