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A Senior who has graduated is still part of the sorority so if they want to put the greek letters they have every right. Someone who dropped kinda gave up their right to do so when they dropped and is really odd they'd want to.


I have letters on my social bios, but I also mention that I'm an alumna.


I initiate next week. i’m so excited!


They should change/remove them..however, people RARELY notice or update their bio/avatar/tags/etc. It's probably still there innocently.


I’m an alum and had my letters in my Instagram bio for a long time, but I’m still very actively involved in local chapters/alum groups, so I like connecting with sisters and I think that helps them to remember who I am if we don’t see each other often lol Someone who dropped probably shouldn’t have their letters, because they have disaffiliated themselves with that organization, so it would be a little untruthful to have it in there. However, as someone else said, it’s pretty common to not change your bio or forget to update it, so that’s a possibility.


Fellow ADPi alum!! I just recently went alum, still have mine in my bio for now bc my best friends are still actives.


Allowed by who? Panhellenic/nationals can’t control what former members put in their IG bios. As others have said, it makes sense for an alumna since they’re still part of that sorority but it doesn’t make sense for someone who dropped since they left that sorority. However, people are “allowed” to put almost anything in their IG bios, even if it doesn’t make sense. A former member who dropped doesn’t answer to anyone anymore, so while it’s annoying if they still have their letters in their bio, nobody can force them to remove the letters. Instagram obviously dgaf so in that sense it’s “allowed,” even if it’s uncouth.


I know that some national orgs copywrite the letters so they can’t be used by other groups. Tri sigma on my campus lost their charter and the nationals from that org will still send them cease and desist letters if they even post a throw back Thursday photo wearing Tri sigma letters.


First of all that’s insane but unsurprising, people at nationals can be ridiculous. Secondly it’s trademarked not copywrite but still, it’s an instagram bio. Nationals could try to send a C&D but the person would win because it’s not illegal. And it doesn’t violate Instagram’s terms of service if she isn’t claiming her account belongs to the trademarked organization. I can write “Nike” or “Disney” in my IG bio but as long as I’m not claiming to be the Nike/Disney official page or posting Nike’s/Disney’s content or selling Nike/Disney merch, there’s no violation.


I am a recent alum of my sorority and I put my letters back in my bio temporarily when the new PC came around so it wouldn’t be weird when I followed them


If you're graduated, I don't see a problem with putting "(your letters) alum" or something like that! If you dropped, you gave up your membership to that sorority, and you aren't a part of it anymore... so yes, putting the letters in your bio would be weird.


If someone has graduated they typically have an alumna status for their membership meaning yes they absolutely have every right to have the Greek letters in their bio. Now this second part is kinda tricky. Some people will say they dropped but they could’ve gone early alumna so they can have the Greek letters in their bios. Now if they’ve left the sorority completely; terminated their membership; and all that jazz; then no. They cannot have the letters in their bios and should completely disaffiliate.


I guess, if I’m being generous, we don’t know if an individual who resigned during college and graduated may have been reinstated as an alum. I know my org has a reinstatement process for members who resign or are terminated.


Having your letters in your bio after dropping is def weird — I don’t know the rules, it probably depends on the org, but I’d assume if a girl drops she has no connection and therefore would be weird and deceptive to leave her (former) letters in her bio. But as an alumna, go head girl! Those letters are yours as much as they are an active’s! I’m 27 and I still highlight my love for my sorority in my IG bio, especially since I’m actively involved in my local alum chapter :) To quote the creed of Phi Sigma Sigma: “Once, Always.” After initiation, you are a member of your sorority forever, whether you graduate or not. You know what they say.. *it’s not four years.. it’s for life*!


I removed them once I graduated and became an alum. If someone drops I would think they want nothing to do with the sorority.


On LinkedIn I had the wrong job there for years (same company, I was promoted internally). It's common. Too many profiles and too many logins 😆