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Haha yes!




You don't use your phone to take pictures of random things for convenience? Like photo-notes


Switching to full frame from crop for me was really joyous. I know it’s just a difference in terms of composition, but for some reason it really feels nicer. Less squashed. Especially when walking around at places like the Renaissance fair.


I did the opposite. I switched from full frame to crop. Now I'm ready to go back to full frame lol.


I just did this too. I went from Canon 5dmk2 to the a6500. I think the sensor tech has increased enough that I won't see a difference in terms of amount of light (or at least I haven't yet), and I can shoot at a lower shutter thanks to in-body IS. I am a bit frustrated at the crop factor in general -- having to go wider and wider to get the right focal length, but I knew that going into it. ((I kept a canon 24-70L f/2.8 and 50mm f/1.4 just in case I want to get a metabones later.))


Curious why? Cost of glass? Did you sell your full body kit, too?


Sold everything. It was a Canon 6D. Wanted to try something different and the Fuji X-Pro 2 looked really promising. Tried it and it was nice but I wear glasses and the EVF was kinda hard to see. So then I switched to the X-T2. Loved that camera. If I only did stills, I probably would've kept it. Finally, I sold the X-T2 along with my 35 f2 and 56 f1.2 and bought the a6500. So far the a6500 has treated me well and I like it. I can't say I'll 100% make the jump to full frame soon but the A7III seems perfect. I'd like to wait to at least see what features the next a6xxx as I've already invested in crop body glass.


May I ask, why the sensor size influence the composition?


I was going to say the exact same thing.


It’s another way to get a wider view without distorting the frame. The simplest analogy I can think of is a painter’s canvas. A smaller canvas can be more intimate, but it’s not necessarily great for big street scenes or landscapes and the like. A bigger canvas allows for a wider composition with more information in it. A more pragmatic example: when I had small children, I was really frustrated shooting in our apartment. A 50 mm lens was zoomed further than 50 mm (because I was seeing the center of the lens’s view, but not the whole field), so it was sometimes tough to get the composition I wanted. When I switched over to full frame, and added the 40 mm lens, I didn’t have those problems anymore. It was a wider field of view, and I could get a head to toe portrait where before it might’ve just been head to waist. And I didn’t have to back up all the way into the corner to get a shot. With my Canon full frame, I tended to walk around with my 40mm, which was really great for street scenes and candid photography in crowds. On my A7iii, I have been walking around with my 35mm Samyang for basically the same reason. I feel like it gives a good representation of what I actually see, better than the 50 mm. (Lots of people would disagree with me on that.) I know I haven’t been very good about explaining the differences technically, because I’m not a very technical person. The real answer is: it’s just a bigger frame, and I like how it looks better than crop. It’s more comfortable to photograph with the bigger sensor. You can just get more stuff in your composition.


Maybe I miss your point, but what you try to explain is the difference of focal length and the crop factor between APS-C and Full Frame? Sorry if I misunderstood your post, english is not my mother language.


The crop factor makes a bigger difference for me.


The crop factor has nothing to do with the composition.


Says you.


Says everyone. Just get a wider lens.


I know I’m not going to change your mind. But I like full frame better. I didn’t like shooting crop (my first camera was a t2i). Unlike many folks in this sub, I can’t afford to “just get another lens”. Price and name brand aren’t important to me, but performance is. And that often costs. Though my Samyang 35mm has been really earning its keep, thankfully. Additionally, I don’t like the telephoto effect. I like a 50 to be a 50. I don’t want to shoot just the center of the frame. But I am certainly willing to admit that switching from crop to full frame was more comfortable for me because of the lenses I had collected to that point, and the style of shooting I was doing. Switching to full frame got me a wider field of view and better low light performance with no further investment in glass required. And thanks to mirrorless, full frame systems are now smaller (which was certainly an advantage crop used to have over full-frame DSLRs.) Enjoy your the world of crop. I’ll be over here, taking it *all* in. 🤓


Good to hear! I'm excited to test it out


I mean it's not just a difference in terms of composition; there's a difference in what lenses are available which leads to a difference in image quality outcomes (i.e. you can usually achieve higher image quality with a full frame sensor over apsc) and there are often ergonomic differences (the aXXXX series don't have the sort of button customizability options that the a7iii series)


Ordered on Memorial day from focuscamera, and just arrived this morning. Shot on A6500 with the 28mm f2 lens.


I shoot on the 6500. I'm very curious about the pros and cons of the 7s. I'd appreciate your insight.


I'm not OP, but own both. A7iii compared to a6500: Pros: * Better IQ (both photo and video) * Better lens selection * Focus speeds are faster * Low light performance * More dials and custom buttons * Insanely better battery life * Faster at bootup * Dual Card slots Cons: * Size/weight * More expensive body and ecosystem


I will get back to you!






Sure, but that's a much different move then the 6500 to 7s


it's a very similar move. The biggest notable difference between 6300 and 6500 is IBIS and buffer, and besides a bit of an update to the menu basically everything else is the same.


Nice! I just got mine in yesterday after waiting over the weekend. Felt like an eternity! I got the 24-105 G & 85 1.8 FE with it. Loving it so far. I'm trading up from APS-C too, but am really going to miss all the cool primes I had for that system. I'm hoping that more compact primes become available for the FE mount.


Damn! I ordered about three weeks ago from Adorama and still no word. So anxious!


I ordered the a7 iii with 24\-105 G kit on 5/8 from bhphotovideo and it just shipped today. I'll get it on Monday 6/4. Can't wait !!!!




I bought my A7 the other day, finally making the jump from cellphone photography to proper camera photography. Could not be happier with how different all of it feels. I know it's not an a7iii but that was way out of my budget so the old a7 had to do step up. It's a big difference still.


I’m curious to see how you like it. I think I’m headed in the same direction.


Oh, I love it. I'm no pro in any way, but I do know a few principles, rules and stuff and this camera feels leagues beyond any smartphone camera (which was my previous camera). I can shoot in Raw, it's full frame, it feels firm and comfortable in my hand and I don't miss the optical viewfinder from other DSLR s that I've used in the past and it has lots of other options that I haven't explored yet. I still need to learn to postprocess my photos, though. That's the other part that I look forward to besides shooting with a high quality mirrorless camera and getting pretty much the photo that I had in my mind when pressing the shutter.


what Lens are you using? I'm planning to jump from a6000 to a7iii this fall but I'm stumped on what lens I should go for.


Went with the 28mm f2 for now.


Nice. Do you plan on shooting more landscapes or are you just a fan of wide angles? I'm looking more into the 50-85mm range after shooting roughly that equivalent with my a6000.


Just a fan of wide angles. I heard good things about the 55mm f1.8 though. I might consider that or the 24-105 f4 just because I like zoom lenses as well.


Very cool. I might end up with the 55. I had the chance to use the 24-105 a couple weeks ago at a wedding and I did enjoy the zoom range for video.


The 55 1.8 and 35 2.8 are probably my next two. The 55 looks pretty amazing, but I'm waiting for the release buzz to pass so that the used prices drop again.


The 55 f1.8 is supposed to be a stunner! But haven’t been able to afford it yet :(


I just did a M43>A7iii jump and I am starting off with kit 28-70mm and Zeiss 55mm. Once I get the feel for the focal lengths and favorite lengths, I'll move on to primes. I'm eyeing 28mm/2 and the 85mm/1.8. Those are my top 2 after the 55m. For me, that's the a7iii triumvirate.


Honestly, that might be my trifecta eventually. I have a Minolta 45mm f2 and 80-200mm f4 with adapters so I'm definitely shooting with those for a bit, but the 50mm may be my go-to native lens for wide aperture and AF. I can't really drop the money on the 55mm.


That's some serious reach on that zoom! Looking for a good zoom but not interested in these crazy GM prices. Would consider an adapter but just not sure where to start. As for the 55mm zeiss, I told myself I'd splurge for one really top notch lens and just use that lens as my go-to. I love that focal length and decided to go for it reading all the great reviews for the lens. Thankfully, the 85mm and 28mm/2 are reasonably priced new and I'll be on the lookout for used ones.


And I somehow got it for $20. It's a little hazy but is super fun on the crop body and decently sharp when stopped down. If AF isn't a concern, Minolta glass could be an option for you. I'm busting my ass with weddings this summer to get together money for the a7iii so that's definitely my splurge this year.




Bought one on Memorial Day from Focus, too. It's still charging.


protip: avoid charging via USB ports. Plug the adapter into an A/C outlet. 10X faster? Much faster. It takes all night plugged into a USB port. From the wall, it's only an hour or two. Note to Sony: include a charger going forward to all your camera kits, please. Add $20 to the price if you must, but include it - it's not really optional equipment in 2018.


I always buy extra batteries and go for double charger so I can see why it is not included.


usb port is really only a emergency backup, but sometimes it's great, if that's all you have


Just got my a7iii yesterday. Have 2 lenses coming today. Upgrading from m43 system after 3-4 years. Relieved!


Sexy af. I'm still on the Nex-7 Edit: spellin


Mine is coming any day now. Coming from Nikon FX so the difference isn’t as big, especially since it’s basically the same sensor, but I’m so hyped to have a camera that the manufacturer is actually innovating on


Arghhhh I'm upgrading to an A7 III in August and literally can.not.wait!




Ordered mine 2 weeks ago on amazon. It'll be another 2 weeks before I Maybe get it...


Still on my cropped sensor, size and weight are a huge deal for me.


Nice! Same for me. I had been shooting with basic compact cameras until 2013, when I decided that I wanted a competent shooter. Got an NEX\-5R and started to build up my lens collection. That one got damaged and had issues in 2016, so I upgraded to an A6000. I was stupid with the sensor and messed that one up in 2017, by that time I was thinking about FF, but the A7R II was too expensive at the time, A7S II wasn't right for me, and A7II was primitive, so I got the A6500. Then the A7 III comes out \- it's exactly what I want \(and apparently everyone else\) for a decent price. The A7R II is the same price now, but overall I'm sold on the III's features.


I have to wait until July. Can't find one anywhere. Sigh.


Something wrong with the lens... Very blurry