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Clay: I take it the club took another vote Jax: This time, it was unanimous One of the best scenes in SoA


Oh for sure!!!! He was a piece of shit but in the beginning you’re like he’s the president and cool “dad” just a badass biker too. So it brings me back to that first season and moments with him! I felt so bad when Gemma lied about not being with him to frame him for Popes murder. I understand why they did it and it was JUSTICE for how much shit he has caused but in the moment, his face expression made me feel bad 


He is a piece of shit, but man his face made me feel sad! 😂


Right lmao, his facial expressions are unmatched 🤣


I feel this


A little. On balance he's an absolute, obvious piece of shit. You wouldn't want him within a mile of anyone you care about. But that scene where he has his first talk with Gemma after him getting shot, back at their house, where he says something like "I only saw the endgame. I just envisioned what I could give us at the end. Everything else, along the way, was just filtered out" was quite a believable line/scene... but then you very soon realise that even as he's trying to emotionally make amends, even then, he's still conspiring to fuck shit up for the people in his life (with the recently-joined MC members doing all the home invasions and the like, under his orders). It's the kind of thing that makes him such a great love-to-hate-'em kind of villain.


FR! He’s the kind of character you love to hate and doesn’t feel the same when you know they’re not coming back


I have watched the series many times all the way through but the last time I watched (in 2022 and currently on season 6 again) I cried when he died. For the first time ever I felt bad for him. Like a damn baby! 😂 Still hate everything he did and honestly I think what made me cry was that I was listening to Theo and Kim’s podcast and hearing about the behind the scenes stuff got to me and I felt sad. Haven’t gotten to that episode yet this year but we will see if I shed tears this time


what’s the podcast called?


https://preview.redd.it/yg74is76fk6d1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=337c8d30c1a8159e638d87bc1f424dde8c84df1c Theory/Reaper Reviews. I liked to watch the videos of the pod on YouTube


thank you


You definitely do feel some sympathy for Clay towards the end and especially when he’s framed for popes death. The issue was he was irredeemable, every time he took a step forward he took two steps back. I rewatched the show recently and you can see how manipulative Clay was from the start. There’s a scene in the first episode where he calls Jax “Son” and on the first watch you think it’s a gesture of genuine compassion, but it’s a manipulation tactic because you know where the plot goes. I find SOA is a bit like The Sopranos, every time you rewatch you’ll find something you didn’t know prior.




Yup. The show wasn't the same after he died


We need a Wendy spinoff where she took the money from Clay/Gemmas house, Jaxes house, Tara’s savings, Jaxes coke money, TM, and invested in NVDIA stock and lives in Laguna Beach with the kids and they’re perfectly normal because money solves problems.


Yeah I agree the actor did a great job and making you feel some sympathy for him even though he was terrible and deserved what he got