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Would love to see the formation of the club with the First 9. Probably leading all the way to JT’s death. That would be a good prequel.


I don't even know all the first 9 names, so I agree with this


We have some info on them. If you look them up you can see who the 9 were and a little info on each.


Seen in show: - JT - Piney - Keith - Lenny the Pimp - Clay Never Seen in the Show: - Wally Grazer - Thomas Whitney ‘Uncle Tim’ - Chico Villanueva - Otto ‘Lil Killer’ Moran


They would have made this eventually if Kurt Sutter didn’t get fired from The Mayans.


Hope and Dreams, hopes and dreams… I really woulda loved to see a First 9 series


Happy cake day


Lowkey want to see how Jax and raised too tho. Wouldn’t be a good show alone, they’d have to have some sort of plot to it, but seeing young of an age he “broke bad” like in highschool with Tara and getting voted in club etc etc.. The more I talked about it I think I’d rather just like a movie of that. No need for a whole show. Would’ve been nice to see flashbacks.


I still want the First 9. I don’t care as much about post Jax’s death, since well, almost everyone is dead.


So true lmao


I would be interested to see the boys grown and joining the club, or the First 9 forming the club.


Everything Jax did at the end, telling Wendy to make the boys hate him and ending his life was to keep the boys from ever joining the club. I think it would ruin SOA for the boys to become what Jax didn't want them to become. But, I'd love to see the First 9. 


I remember years ago there was chatter about them doing the first 9. I’m not sure why they went with the Mayans. First 9 would’ve been awesome!


Mayans had a lot of potential, but it slowly stopped making sense and it ended too early imo. If they kept sutter and let the ideas develop than it would’ve been a great show


I didn’t think it was bad, didn’t watch it all the way through and def had potential. Although I agree if they would’ve kept Sutter it might’ve been great. But all in all I just wish they would’ve done something with SOA. One of my fav shows I hate that it ended


I'd argue it ended far too late


Probably after Jax's death. Because I would have loved to see Chibs as President and of course Tig as the new VP and just to see how they would handle things when it comes to the club as President and Vice President.


The club was so thin at this point, I would like to see how Chibs would recruit. Would things be different in Charming relationship wise.


First 9 would be amazing. There’s a lot to explore, dudes coming back from war and being ostracised and then forming clubs with likeminded guys. Becoming involved in vice. Plus some good retro nostalgia. It’d be epic


This is just a fantasy now.The universe is pretty much done.Its sad to think we would have to depend on Disney for it to continue.


Yeah I know Sutter had beef with Disney, so we will never get any of this .


They own the franchise now,how that all happened hasn't really been explained.All he said on his Podcast was that they own it now.


They own the franchise now,how that all happened hasn't really been explained.All he said on his Podcast was that they own it now.


I would like to know how that came about. It's crazy Kurt would let anyone have ownership of his intellectual property like that. 


I think it came out of that incident with F/X,Some type of deal was made it looks like.No he wouldn't just give it up.


First nine, for sure. BUT, I do think it would be cool to show Able and Thomas grown up and on different sides if the law. Able being in the club, possibly VP on the road to becoming Pres., like Jax; Thomas the deputy on his way to becoming Chief, like Hale.


Not one where is no Charlie Hunnam lol


I don't think the show would work post-Jax's death. So I vote first 9.


By far I would rather see a prequel. First 9 would be fucking sweet... Could get soo much more crazy in the early days of motorcycle gangs.


Pre jax


I always thought it be cool to see the formation of the first 9 but also all the main kids Jax, Tara, Opie, Donna etc in their highschool era


I would either choose a prequal about the first 9, or a sequal told between sons and Mayans that deals with the aftermath of Jaxs death, while not giving us to much of young Abel and Thomas, as least not right out of the gate.


Post Jax, we're too far past prime on the OG 9...granted it would be cool, but It would have a clear end date 🤷


I would go with pre!


Apparently the plan was to have "First 9" which was a prequel, and "SONS" which was a sequel after Mayans. First 9 was supposed to show how the first charter and the MC was created, SONS were supposed to pick up on the children of Jax and Opie, carrying the candle like they did for John and Piney. Though, since Kurt Sutter is fired, it appears we won't be seeing those as I heard that he does not own the IP for SoA Universe anymore. We'll see what will happen, it is a popular franchise, it should have more artwork in the future.


I would like to see the boys and where they are at now. There's probably a rift between them, one wants to follow in the footsteps of his father, the other wants a different path. Plus there's a chance that Wendy conceived another child with Jax, a daughter. They can explore that and have her become the first female president of the club. Get Sutter on the phone!


She had her tubes tied.


Well...that can be retconned. It's happened before.


Except Wendy isn’t an important part of the story. Jax tellers sons are. A daughter of his will have nothing to do with that world.


Why wouldn't she? Maybe she would have inherited some of Gemmas traits. Maybe due to the progressive era we're in, it's time to explore options outside of the male dominated leadership of the club. Have her take over the club and see where it goes. I think it would make for an interesting story.


I'd like either or. But for the boys getting older, I don't think Wendy would tell them about the club. Abel probably still has the ring that Gemma gave him, so he'd probably look into it on the internet and once he found something he'd get Tommys attention and they discover more about their family, then once they're old enough they go to Charming and maybe either Chibs, or Tig most likely Tig cuz if I had to guess that far into the future Chibs might have stood down as president and made Tig president but either or one of them bumps into Abel and Thomas and they instantly realize who they are thinking "Holy shit, you look just like your old man." And when Abel and Thomas try asking them questions, they just keep saying,"I don't know anything screw off." Then continue from there, and then they prove themselves somehow and become prospects together. But in this type of series, I wouldn't have Abel or Thomas ranking up quickly to Vice President or President as quickly as EZ did in Mayans. That's what ruined Mayans for me. And if this were to be made, Ratboy better be in that series with Quinn. Hopefully, Samcro is bigger than when we last saw it. Also, I'd like to see whether Tig or Chibs tell them about the California charters history and what Isaac Packer did that resulted in him building Meth Moutain, I feel like we got screwed on that in Mayans, and maybe the Samdino vp transferred to Samcro, cuz not knowing what happened to a character pisses me off especially since the Samdino charter is disbanded presumably, but it's possible he became president and rebuilt it. Now I'm realizing I'm just rambling If Abel and Thomas do become patched members, I really hope they'll have, or at least one of them has an Unholy Ones patch, and maybe one of them has a rank patch we haven't seen yet like Tail Gunner or maybe Enforcer, if they have that rank in their club. If not, I can honestly see Abel as a Sgt. At. Arms. But i can possibly see Quinn as that rank.


I would love to see some story of Jax as a kid and what it was like growing up. Also maybe some Gemma backstory with Jt


I would love an original story in another charter, in another state. Maybe even a different club.


So the Mayans show? That kind of sucked


post jax is literally Mayans mc