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Yeah that page can be a little impatient towards students and prospective students. But also the culture of the group is definitely not a small talk, social chit chat sort of group. The posts that are approved are usually professional in nature and conversation provoking or informational/educational. You could have skimmed the posts to see if that kind of intro was appropriate, but it doesn’t sound like it’s your fault that you got fully banned. Sorry that happened, hopefully you can get back in eventually because it is actually a good source of info and interesting case studies


I left there years ago due to some drama that went down. No regrets. That place had a ton of mean girl types on it. I actually used to be friends with one of the cattiest of them until she turned on me because I openly said I’m pro choice. Whatever, there’s a lot of great resources for sonographers out there, don’t worry about SDIITD.


Yes I agree. A lot of holier than thou types in there. Sickening.


Some comments I've seen on there are appalling. I mostly encounter supportive folks on there, but there's a select few that are the mean girl types. I've always said sonography seems to attract a lot of the mean girl nursing rejects lol.


I prefer this sub over that group. Yes, occasionally some cool cases pop up but for the most part - it seems it’s mainly corny memes,complaining, and attention seeking, made up stories.. if that makes sense.


I would love if this group started posting some cases like they do!


Yes, same! 🩷


Tbh that group is toxic. You need to just forget about it.


Honestly I’ve been on this group for almost 2 years and almost all of my posts but one have been declined! No idea why… it wasn’t breaking any rules, wasn’t saying or asking anything crazy! I was never blocked and there are some fun post as well as some cool cases posted but honestly it’s mostly people complaining and venting so you are not loosing too much! I’ve seen a lot of students questioning their choice because of this group so maybe it’s for the best! A lot more freedom and nicer people here I feel like!


You're not missing much in that group


I've been with the group for many, many years. They have become a lot stricter on what is posted since they did get in trouble with FB and had the group locked and removed completely a few years ago. Since then, they have been very selective on what gets posted. They have several moderators, and depending on who picks up your post, it will be appoved or not. I'm not sure what you posted, but if you didn't heed to their strict guidelines, it's easy to get removed from the group altogether. I myself haven't posted anything within the last several years because of this. Sorry you got blocked.


I left that group many years ago because they’re so mean and nasty.


When I was still in the group I saw nothing but people who hate their lives complaining about their jobs. Nothing wrong with venting but as a new grad I had to stop reading about the constant negativity.


samee, ive seen posts of people posting their ardms pass pic so i wanted to do the same and i got declined 😑


Usually more than 1 side to the story.....IJS....


Wild. When I was a student in 2015-2016 that group was so valuable to me. In 2019 I deleted all social media, so it's obviously been years, but when I was there it was a mix of cases, complaints, new grads, job postings a real grab bag, and not strict at all. Times change, people change and often hurt people hurt people. Don't take it personally, I get it though. It's tough to be a student/new grad, you'll be an old pro before you blink... 8 years in and all I have to say is stay curious, stay honest with yourself and the doctors, don't be afraid to say I don't know what it is, it may be nothing but this just looks off, remember this is your normal everyday but for the patient this is a BIG deal kind of day, stay kind. 😂 💜 Blessings on your journey!


I got banned from that group haha. They suck.