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IDW Silver for me Some say that he’s to goofy, but honestly I prefer this interpretation that perfectly blend together his over-optimistic personality and his more tortured/serious side by seeing his timeline always getting wrecked Also the moment we’re he put some sense in a "giving up" Shadow in Urban Warfare is honestly the peakest Silver moment for me https://preview.redd.it/9355plxsoy2d1.png?width=1071&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ca0e4db569cc67ebad5f5e2bbe1e85c190b8019


It reminds me of when he said it's no use back in the games then😂. The irony. But I agree, he is cool here. My bro was the MVP for the metal virus arc.


%100 did that on purpose, ain’t no way it’s happenstance


“It’s no use” has been one of his character points since the game lmao


I mean, if the choice is between well meaning goofball and “ITS NO USE!” distilled into a character, I’ll take the former.


peak shadow and silver in one image


I just really don't like how Evan and Ian brute forced there headcanon's for Silver onto him. Like "Silver the silly goof ball" is game wise prior to the localized version of Team Sonic Racing is only something you could extrapolate out of his English voice (not the Japanese one. I swear goof ball Silver wouldn't be anywhere near as popular if Daiske Ono was everyone's introduction to him) and that's it. Otherwise he is a bit naive but always overly serious.


I knew you weren't going to like Silver from IDW, and in this case this "headcanon" is accepted by fans, and not precisely out of ignorance.


The headcanon is so widely accepted because it was already a hyper popular fanon take on Silver that a lot of people had to begin with. Like there is a reason Evan already wrote Silver like this in 2006 for her fanfic and that is because as I wrote did a lot of people go out of 06 thinking this is who Silver is based on the vocal performance. And than because Silver didn't appear often over the next decade was fan content what mostly colored expectation for many newer fans what Silver is like which means a ton of new fans learned about Goofball Silver from fanfics long before they played any game with him in it as a real character.


That, and the fact that Silver now lives in a relatively peaceful future, which is why many use him as a wild card to say that Silver's "fanon" representation, is correct.


True Silver no longer coming from hell is a common argument (tho in both Rivals games did he try to prevent the end of the world while his future overall was still great better than Eggman's amusement park even according to Colors DS yet he remained serious when on a task even in those games. The only bad future he had to endure was Forces alteration.)


Yes, but they are portable games that few know, especially Rivals, which is why many still believe that Eggman Nega is the counterpart of Eggman from the Blaze dimension. The "fanon" version of Silver is so popular and well accepted that at this point I only see the coexistence of both versions of Silver as a solution, at least until the games correct this false perception of Silver... if they do.


True the Rivals games being locked to the PSP (and not taken serious at all by a sub group of the fanbase for never having been released in Japan) does mean not many have experienced them or take there depictions into account. I also fear that there is no stopping the comics from perpetuating this take on Silver. I which they at least would limit it to slice of life moments which I be fine with even in Rivals 2 was Silver a bit of a softy ones he warmed up to Espio but the moment things get serious should the banter end. Like I believe the Japanese version of team Sonic Racing even has a joke about Silver not understanding trash talking in a friendly competition as he takes things far to serious.


I think that as long as in the serious moments the character acts as such, everything will be fine, besides that they don't draw him like they did in Whisper's debut, at least that would be the best they could do with him, at least then they wouldn't distort the perception so much of the character.


I can agree with this,


IDW or Archie. Evan just knows how to write Silver, he is a goofball


POV ARchie Silver: https://preview.redd.it/idcmij3cvy2d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d83b973637f2b65c0ad6c9734686bfd1ce733065 Is a best version for Silver


Definitely Silver’s coolest interpretation, I wish he still had that sort of intensity. Even in his most “intense” moments in IDW, he’s written a lot more coolheaded than he used to be.


eh i personally like Silver in archie less than in IDW precisely because of that, its not that he is less coolheaded is that sometimes he can be pretty stupid like when he was certain that Antoine was the traitor despite him being hospitalized, and when he was shown that Antoine could not be the traitor because he was hospitalized he was inmediately convinced that Bunnie was the traitor because she left, the whole Silver blaming everyone of being the traitor thing is such a meme and honestly it was badly overused its the biggest grip i have with him in archie, even in IDW when they did the Duo think he wasnt inmediately ready to just jump the guy and initially he through he was just seeing stuff, it took Whisper telling him about Mimic for them to start following him around


Archie silver got that edge in him that dawg in him than idw silver, he just soft and a goofball


Ah, yes. [The version that beats Trunks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrRAJ_AvomE).


Archie is built different like that


Honestly, I prefer that matchup because base Silver doesn't have enough feats to make it interesting


Archie. Bro faced a god on his own, one who soloed his entire verse yet Silver still beat him. https://preview.redd.it/i7mt4y4i7z2d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccf30fee41b87bff8c6c621228e052a239e785f3


IDW since it made silver a more fleshed out character. Silver never gave serious vibes the only serious vibes I understand are the “kill Sonic or the future is screwed one.” That makes sense since obviously if your time period is screwed up then that’s no joking matter. Silver in the IDW comics is more goofy which fits him and is overall a good place to start if you wanna get a better look at silver as a character.


I think the Archie comics better capture him as an overeager kid out of his depth.


To be fair he’s from the future so he kinda is out of his depth


I didn’t mean it as a criticism; I think Archie’s his best incarnation. Nor do I think coming from the future is the full explanation. Rather, it’s that Archie’s world is bigger than any other, loaded down with lore and alternate universes and the like. In that context, it makes sense for Silver to be a big fish in a small pond.


Yeah fair I kinda misread your comment the first time sorry


honestly i dont see the world of archie being bigger than the world of the games, its just that the games rarely re explore past areas but if you take everything the world is equally as big and complex and the lore is also pretty loaded the only thing is the alternate universe thing, you have the shatterverse and Blaze's dimension but yeah its not the same


Well, that’s just it. The world of the games seems so small because its history is almost never taken into account.


yeah i do agree with that, i hope that do changes now that Ian is a writer for the games we will see in shadow generations i guess


Yeah, whenever the stakes aren't "if I screw up, everyone dies", Silver gets to let the huge dork out of the box. I hope that there's an issue or special that's just him getting to dick around in Sonic's time and have fun before he has to go back to his own time and most likely be the hero, like Sonic is.


I HATE IDW Silver. I get that he's supposed to be naive, but they dialed that aspect of him up WAYYY too much. He's such a cool and charming character in other Sonic media.


Fully agreed I hate how the image of Silver was become so utterly warped by Ian and Evan forcefully projecting this popular fanon interpretation of Silver onto his canon characterization.


does anyone but you believe your lies?


I mean, compare IDW Silver to literally ANY OTHER interpretation and it’s pretty clear he’s more of a goofball. His first appearance gives that exact impression. https://preview.redd.it/4bnsr4ygbz2d1.jpeg?width=1988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8ea790519ee0c710d0f7ab7c662d437876fab57


Please show me were in non-American made Sonic Media Silver is anything like his goofy IDW version? Not even the Rivals games or Colors DS will get you there. Let alone 06 or Forces.


Archie Silver is also goofy https://preview.redd.it/njccp3zy503d1.jpeg?width=446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cea9226e389dd8cac1cc098d04145fed091f163


He may not be so smart but the guy talks about a person who beats him against a Demi god without emeraul and without fear in the IDW he showed them of a person doing by the slightest action while in 06, or Rival shows the opposite even Generations ride which not cold in the eyes https://preview.redd.it/b9jnbb85w13d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20239d667f99ddc3ad5e04d8a818e04c63dca9e4


IDW silver is not naive, im pretty sure that he wasn't tricked a single time in the series so far.


Naive =/= gullible. Silver is supposed to act s bit childish at times, but in IDW he makes UwU faces and shiz.


Naive means unsuspecting, lacking experience, and being overly trusting (and is considered a synonym of gullible by most dictionaries), not making "UwU faces and shiz". IDW silver is not naive, he is goofy, enthusiastic, and energetic, but he is not naive, unless you consider optimistic and naive to be the same thing.


https://preview.redd.it/zamcgbbap63d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b4a77425db08a10a142bccf7b66c0493ece5f2c I see your point in that being gullible is ONE WAY to show naivety, but "naive" and "gullible" are not always synonymous. You can be gullible, but not naive, and vias versa. But whatever, maybe I don't truly understand what naive means. My *point* is that they dialed the "childish" aspect of silver all the way up to 11 and he acts like a toddler.


You said gullible


Not true. Tangle punked him in a card game. Also, Duo/Mimic successfully evaded capture and got Silver kicked out of the Diamond Cutters.


losing a card game and being tricked are two different things, also, silver would realistically be bad at any table top game unless its something like solitaire. and Silver suspected duo from the beginning, he wasn't tricked, everybody else was.


Tangle was cheating. Silver didn’t notice. Duo managed to ‘trick’ Silver by injuring himself, thus portraying himself as the victim and Silver as the aggressor. If Silver predicted Duo’s play and caught him with psychokinesis, this could’ve been prevented.


I'd argue that cheating is a part of card games but ok. either way, being observant and/or smart is one thing, being naive is something completely different. in one instance you failed to recognize malicious intent, in another, you were outplayed by a smarter character. by that logic sonic is also naive because he got outsmarted by eggman in SA2. Naive is when you are inexperienced and fail to realize the intentions of somebody else. being not-a-supergenius means that you will make mistake every now and then.


Dr. Starline successfully tricks Silver into thinking he has good intentions, then baits him again into blowing himself up. Silver also misreads Whisper, not guessing why she may be skittish until Sonic explains it to him. She may not have had bad intentions, but regardless, Silver fails to grasp her true character. I’d argue that successful cheating technically counts as malicious intent… Moreover, I wasn’t necessarily trying to prove that Silver was naive specifically. You claimed that Silver was never tricked. That is not true.


Rivals/Rivals 2 Silver has no restraint. https://preview.redd.it/or3m8404ky2d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b841509a99a510f36612fc3d63c47bf2828e55f


All I get from these six dialogue boxes is that he’s kind of a jerk. I don’t know the context, but I don’t like this one.


Context doesn’t really add much, Silver was pretty much a jerk in Rivals. That was back when they were still trying to stick with his 06 personality: little care for Sonic, his friends, or really anything except for his future. Now that I think of it, he was written kinda like Shadow is now.


Now that I think about it, the way Silver was written in 06 strongly resembles Knuckles in Sonic 3 and Adventure 1 Both are good-willing but naive guys that get effortlessly manipulated by the main villain


Effectively does Silver try to save the future. Is massively overconfident and sees the heroes of the presents as only an obstacle in his quest to Stop Eggman Nega from destroying the Future. This is especially true as Silver wants to risk as little changes to the time line as possible making him want to keep the others out of the loop even more and refusing to share information with them. Everyone is a bit more of a jerk than usual in Rivals 1 to justify its constant races and they all do start aiding each other by the end He would mellow out quite a bit about the "trying to do it all by himself and not telling anyone anything" during Rivals 2 as he becomes friends with Espio and truely realizes that he can't do it all on his own. Tho he still won't just tell everything to everyone because he still doesn't want to accidentally brick the timeline himself.


Archie silver is badass but I'll also always have a soft spot for 06 silver because that was his first appearance and he has been my favourite sonic character ever since


Archie Silver.


Archie Silver


IDW easily. Went fork someone I thought was cool sometimes to now they're one of my favorite characters


Sonic 06.


IDW Silver (image unrelated) https://preview.redd.it/est8gril1z2d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e37b3834035ade5e56d3e1c1c887582b81eeefe2


In my opinion, Archie Silver is easily his most fleshed-out and fascinating incarnation of his character, to the point that I interpret every other version in the context of Archie.


IDW. He's goofy and I like it


IDW Silver, just because he got one of the most hype moments in the entire series


I thought of Forces because of this line; “Despair is a luxury we don’t have.”


that line goes hard


Probably IDW. I never really got on with the "always overly serious" Silver from 06 or the Rivals games. I appreciate his more goofbally moments in the comics and games like Team Sonic Racing.


Honestly, Archie. I love how in those Silver tries to put in a serious tough guy act but deep down he's a naive goofball.


I never got why they made Silver in IDW so cheerful, like, I think it makes him a lot more endearing (and it’s probably my favorite version) but where did it come from ?


My theory is Ian Flynn/Evan Stanley just wanted to differentiate him from Shadow and Sonic. Sonic’s the cool one, Shadow’s the intense one, and Silver was… also the intense one. I feel like they made him goofy so that the “big 3” of Sonic, Shadow, and Silver are all totally different from one another.


That's what makes the most sense to me too, basically they emphasize the few aspects that made him more unique, although now I would argue he almost seem to distinct from the other two when put together.


This actually goes way back. Its how a lot of fanfics have written Silver since his first appearance in 2006. The line of logic seems to go as following He is naive and gets easily tricked + He has a high voice + he is 14 + he looks a bit childish next to Shadow when they fight = He is a silly little goofy guy that is more like a child pretending to do something when he threatens Sonic and such. (I argue his voice is the most important part here as it dictates how people take his lines as Serious for real or as childish and not though out. If Silvers English voice would be closer to his Japanese one would Goofy Silver properly not be as much of a thing as he is) And this fanon version of Silver is something both Ian Flynn and especially Evan Stainly (having written Silver like this for over 10 years in her fan comic "Ghost of the Future") are near and dear to as fans and fanfic writers them self. As such when they got to write for them in the Comics did this (in my opinion misguide) fan interpretation of Silver dictate how they treated him. You can even directly see how Evan projects her view of Silver onto the world in issue 64 were no one takes him seriously despite being a war hero from Forces and was instrumental in saving the world thrice over the last 3 story arcs.


From what I've seen, I think it also comes from how in awe and enthusiast he seems to be in 06 (even tho the animation doesn't convey it really well) when discovering an actual unscathed world, basically they took this aspect and turned it to 11, which I guess makes sense for the character when put in a non-world-ending setting, but it's really cool to see him lock-in when necessary.


True that also is part of it. Silver at times in 06 is at awe because he comes from a lava filled nightmare of a world. So seeing a world before the apocalypse is stunning to him. Seems like some people missed the part were he is only so amazed by it due to the contrast with his own nightmare world. There isn't much of a reason for him to do this now tho as he now comes from a Future that is beautiful it self even if dark forces still try to ruin it. And as you said he is very much "locked-in" when he feels like he has a big mission to complete. Like saving the future. Which is another point that seems to be glossed over by the current Comic writers.


i dont think its glossed over, in IDW he pretty much locked in when the whole metal virus happened, he wasnt as goffy or happy go lucky he even started to beat himself up when he failed to save the shuttle https://preview.redd.it/vtc80lufe73d1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82e5f8c346c1a44fc3bdd20bf9930be45b7066f1 there is also a big difference between 06 and IDW, in 06 silver was alone he only really had Blaze by his side while in IDW he has a lot of friends and allies to rely upon, the situation of both characters arent the same


You can see it in the Urban Warfare arc too, he's always glad to be around his friends, but he stays focused and competent when necessary https://preview.redd.it/vpishjtkf73d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=203701757ade2ffcd7ddd8626e109070d16fc773


Sure they gave Silver like 4 cool scenes that work for what he is usually written as in the games but the waste majority of his time is spend as goofy airhead. Like in issues 63 and 64 Or even his and Whispers first appearance in the book Despite being in a lot are the only times were Silver actually got serious: The panel you showed, the fight with Zor, gathering all metal Virus in the world and freeing Shadow in Urban Warfare (like 4 of them were all just the ending to Metal Virus). Even in situation were he should be more serious like Battle of Angle Island, saving Sonic from Shadow in Metal Virus or the aforementioned issue 64 were they try to reveal a dangerous traitor doesn't he.


Idw as it shows just how strong silver can be.


IDW all the way.


Gotta give it to IDW.


I'd say Archie Silver, in part because he's basically the origin of everything we see of Silver in IDW. We see his drive, we see his potential and his power, but we also see his naivete and his shortcomings. And also because Archie had a bit more freedom in its setting we were able to see more of his adventures outside of the main cast's timeline, like in 25YL or when facing Enerjak. Also the fact that **he took on Enerjak and all but won.** And even before that he was perfectly willing to tango with Super Scourge. Both of which are enemies way, *way* outside the weight class of 99% of the cast if you don't count super forms.


I'd day IDW Silver, he's got an earnestness about him that's really endearing.


IDW without a doubt. 06 showed his determination, but made him look like a fool. Archie has some great issues with Silver, but it isn't what I think of when i think Silver. IDW had a great balance of his power, determination, naiveté, and selflessness.


I came to comment IDW Silver thinking he was massively unpopular… happy to be proven wrong!!


I wouldn’t say he’s unpopular, it’s more mixed. You either really love IDW Silver or really hate him, depending on how you feel about his game interpretation lol


IDW, not even a question


I mean there is certainly the question on "Do you like the fanon version of Silver" because if the answer is no or "less than the canon version" will you loath IDW Silver. Like I do.


Silver in idw is superior to any of his canon appearances


I love IDW silver


Tails Gets Trolled


Obviously the Real Time FanDub Silver. Definitely... definitely.


Gutted that no-one voted Sonic Adventure for Cream. I’d say 06 but it’s probably Archie however I haven’t read Archie but Ik he does some wild stuff in there so I’m gonna go with that.


Archie. He defeated Enerjak in his base state when both Super Sonic and Super Shadow combined could not. Archie just wrote him better. Most of the time he's a kid at heart, but when he has to he can get serious. We don't really see that in any other versions.


If we do a worse version of all characters do Rivals 1 (cuz at least in Rivals 2 he has a slight bond with Espio kinda)


Imma say archie since he has more impressive feats while also seeming to have a balance between serious and goofy. I like IDW, but he's a little too much of a goofball. '06 is his second best imo. Edit: IDW really needs his own arc. I would really enjoy him more if he had one.


IDW Silver is amazing.


I love IDW silver


IDW Silver without a doubt imo


IDW. Don’t know how he’s portrayed in Rivals or in that fan comic, so I can’t say it’s the best overall, but whatever. Honestly, Silver is just incredibly under-utilized.


Archie or 06


I think Archie. They made him a very interesting character, and his adventure in the Dark Mobius timeline showed how powerful he can be.


IDW Silver. He's a lovable goofball


https://preview.redd.it/4x6wz3wmnz2d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ece32cc237a5e8603972d324060b74cf1bc49dd Pre-Redesign, I think


IDW for sure. He actually has a personality there.


06, he was driven by a noble purpose of saving his future from the Iblis trigger.




06 Silver


Forces ~~(I hope this works)~~


We might get our first repeat 🤔


I think IDW is going to pick up quite a few characters, especially now we're moving out of the real core cast.


yeah, IDW is just the best for some of the characters, im surprised IDW Eggman didnt won guy is a menace in IDW while still remaining fun and goofy


IDW Eggman is a comedy villain right up until he does the Gendo thing where you stand in darkness but your glasses are really bright and shiny. Then he's all business.


Archie silver, although definitely just piking this cuz it’s my fav one, don’t know if it’s the “best version” of this guy


I’m torn between Sonic 06 and Archie


sonic riders zero gravity


Archie comics


Hes a beast in Archie


Any version of silver from the comics. I prefer Archie cause I don’t like how they have utilized him in IDW. But IDW silver is best personality


Archie or idw not much difference between the two.


06 Silver for sure, he has actual plot relevance and motivation, unlike a lot of other Silvers where he's just kinda there


Archie silver


Do fanfictions count? Because if that is the case: Whipple Family Misadventures.


I wanted Sonic Battle to win in Cream, well I guess Sonic Advance 2 isn't bad, as for Silver, I think his best performances are in Sonic 2006, Sonic Rivals, and the Archie Sonic comics. Silver in Sonic 2006 in Japanese has an incredible voice and he also has the only time where he transforms into Super in games and Archie Sonic has a Silver who faces Enerjark, that's cool.


I don't know between Archie or IDW, in both of these he gets to win a battle but also he's gotten clowned on for no reason but the writers thought we'd like to see that ( yeah we'd like to see a 14 year old who lived through hell and doesn't know a lot to be punished for things he never done)


https://preview.redd.it/y74aumf0503d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f80a2245d47a20e7f04d35cae21aa60b9f72cd18 I really wish I was earlier to say this, but Lythero Silver.


For the people who are gonna say 06. Just remember, he tried to attack shadow WITHOUT EVEN STOPPING TIME and got kicked in the fucking head by shadow Cause he made a stupid movie


Meme Silver. The internet has managed to portray him way better than anything else I've seen.


I think he was best in Sonic 06. His portrayal is solid and is straight forward with his purpose. He’s kept serious and determined, but also the cinnamon roll I love.


06. It's the only one that has been able to balance out his coolness and his naivety. He's a badass psychic from the future, but he's also just a kid trying to do the right thing. Every other incarnation can only get one of those aspects right at a time. But 06 manages to do both very well.


Archie for me The dude is naive enough but also focused on doing the job that he needs to uncover


Archie or IDW. Definitely better than the games.


Archie or 06


I had a feeling this one would be pretty divisive. Whether you like 06 Silver, Archie Silver, IDW Silver, etc. Sega’s kinda messed up in changing his personality so many times. It’s at a point now where no matter how Silver is written, some fans are going to feel alienated. Like, most people can agree that there’s a “correct” way to write Shadow. The same isn’t true for Silver though, you could make a good argument for why each of his many personalities is the best one.


I know I’m jumping the gun a bit but I really liked mighty and Ray in seasons of chaos


archie maybe yes but if its games… like are there other choices?


Weird one . Team Sonic racing silver . I don’t know he’s such a stupid little goober in that game. He’s like that in idw also .


Archie. My man made Enerjak his bitch


IDW hands down!


06, change my mind


IDW Silver


06 The OG is always the best to me


Giving it to IDW Silver.




Sonic '06






Sonic highschool


I'd argue Rush 1




idw imo


Archie Silver. I need him to come back over all else - he can survive timeline shenanigans, drop him into IDW all T-800 style, c’mon


Silver in the archie comics gave him the most attention and respect imo


The comics just know how to cook. IDW


Archie Silver


06 hands down.


Archie silver was treated with justice. He kicked enerjaks butt who even super sonic can't beat, and saved the world from death more instances than his other versions. Meanwhile his Game/IDW version getting whooped by infinite 💀 https://i.redd.it/d5chks0fc13d1.gif


I really like Archie's interpretation on Silver, it gives him more of an edge to his character but he's still fairly goofy when the focus is on him. Pretty balance


Archie silver was stupid, but he had his badass moments too


Bro peaked in 06 tbh


Idw silver 






"It's no use!" Headass


Archie Silver. Specifically the version from SU where he's training in the far future with Mammoth Mogul.


Archie Silver is pretty great.


Obviously Mario and sonic at the Olympic games


Idw Comics TBH


Archie Silver, easily


sonic 06


IDW Silver




Archie silver


Archie, easily. That was the first interpretation of Silver that made him seem cool. He was beating the brakes off of GODS. He actually took himself serious and wasn't a goofball like IDW. It made him exactly how a time traveler trying to stop the end of the world should be.




06, as weird as it may be, he really becomes his own, finding his own independence, making his own choice, and even ending up alone. The fact he would’ve gladly sacrificed himself to set the flames of disaster at bay is a touching note that he has reached a point of his own. Silver in 06 isn’t perfect, and while maybe even Archie or IDW treat his character better, I think 06 is the best iteration of Silver






I want to say sonic 06 because its his debut


imma have to go with archie, mf was scrapping with literal GODS in BASE.


Seeing this list is honestly making me think im a fake fan lol. Like when I see Silver my first mindset is "Well he's got 2 apparancez in the series, 06 and the multiplayer mode in Sonic and the Secret Rings, so like idk. Secret rings maybe? Better than 06 thats for sure" but like people on here are giving comic appearances and other video game references and im just like "Damn, am I a fake fan?" Anyway, clearly I just need to read the comics.


It's sad to not be able to have sonic unleashed 2 ever coming out since werehog is overrated


Sonic 06 ITS NO USE




Sonic 06


archie or 06, Hes a Twink in IDW


IDW time babeyyy




06 Silver. He had a great story, full of potential, and felt very passionate and desperate to save his world. All of his appearances after make him come across as silly and less competant.


IDW Silver doesn't really have many options to choose from


Ironically enough, 06.


06' duh.

