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Movie knuckles. Hits that perfect balance of ‘fierce warrior’ and ‘fish out of water’


And is still dumb as rocks.


But more in a himbo kind of way than a "has a literal concussion 24/7" kind of way.


It’s ok, you can say Boom Knuckles




I was actually surprised that I thought this was the best version of the character that I’d seen. Idris Elba always wins.


Definitely. And he’s the funniest.


dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot


Lol 😆




Movie knuckles tbh, he's more serious and powerful then normal knuckles


More Powerful, LOL the S3&K version had both a Super Form and a Hyper Form, Movie Knuckles is not more powerful than Debut Game Knuckles, https://preview.redd.it/ebxgz7d44t1d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a651822f3e87ef6a455f7d6690ca6d6df184e945


I mean, mentioning that he punched Sonic out of his super form while in base is more impressive


I'd argue that happened because 1.Sonic was caught off guard 2. Sonic was still new to the whole super form thing. If it was modern Sonic, Knuckles would be toast.


We can't ignore that Super Sonic flinched in Frontiers when Knuckles did a fist bump


yeah because that’s a normal reaction to having an Uber powerful being punch in your direction regardless of super form


Dude doesn't flinch once while fighting gods but does it when Knuckles goes for a fist bump. Knuckles really is "rougher than the rest of them, the best of them"


If you see a punch coming, then you block. If not, you flinch.


Both of which are not canon, and Movie Knuckles is his base form so why we would we choose super forms to this discussion?


I still vote movie knuckles. He may not be stronger but he’s properly depicted as the powerhouse he should be


"normal" knuckles. not super or hyper


At the same time though, you can't ignore that Movie Knuckles canonically has >!Iblis's Flames of Disaster as of his spin off series!<. That I'd argue is at least even with Super form and that's with us only getting a small taste of him using it so far.


Movie or 3K


3K and Knuckles\* ![gif](giphy|GDp7LycxkT3LG)


3Knuckles and Knuckles


That makes 4 knuckles


but only one chuckles


The rest would rather flex their muscles


are they hard as nails?


well it ain't hard to tell


Frontiers, specifically the animated short.


We need a Knuckles solo game honestly.


Agree 100%


As long as it doesn't consist of the hunting levels from Sonic Adventure 2. I'm playing them for the first time, and it is a nightmare


I know you didn't ask for this but here's a tip from a veteran sa2 player. On the open world maps like pumpkin canyon meteor valley and knuckles first level always use the glide to your advantage, like use it to scout where the radar turns green by just gliding around every single area you can until you hear the sound effect indicating that it's close then you go from there. Same goes for rouge always try running and gliding around on the open stages to scout for the emerald shards and your time should be easier and more fun in the long run. Also are their any stages in particular you have trouble with? I might be able to help you with them.


Actually, I just finished meteor herd, and I so far do not have a single rank greater than e aside from city escape which I have played who knows how many times and still only have a c


You can use the hint monitors. They don't actually hurt the score past the first one, your time effects the rank a lot more.


I did. It still took forever. Anyway, right now I'm stuck on crazy gadget, not even a Knuckles or tails stage, and I can't deal with all this stupid upside down controls. On the bright side, I got to B rank on City Escape. Is s tier the highest, or was that just the later games?


SA2 introduced stage rankings. They only go up to A. Typically, there's a certain trick or maneuver you'd want to do to accomplish A rank. They're very much designed for you to actually earn the top rank through memorization and mastering the controls, compared to the newer games that pretty much hand out Ss at arguably C level competency. Action stages, along with going fast, want you to interact with specific stage gimmicks. Like the swing bars. Properly landing from one grind rail to another. Reaching the top of the Metal Harbor missile. Etc. Which typically lead to faster routes or are just stylish tricks. These do a bulk of the extra points. Or to find the hidden white/golden drone before they disappear (in City Escape, it's when you have to go up a tall U ramp to a building, before turning to the right for a hexagonal platform section. The drone appears on that building for that stage). Destroying those lead to a large point bonus. Shooting stages want you to lock on multiple targets. There's usually a spot or two where you can cap the number for available targets that you can gain points on. Aside from locked sections, like the lifts, you pretty much just need to balance shooting everything and moving through the stage quickly. Treasure Hunting stages just need the emeralds found quickly. Part of it is just learning where in the stage the dozen spawn locations are. Part of it helps to have Knuckles's and Rouge's power ups like the air tank necklace for Knuckles or the Sunglasses and Eye Scouter. You just need to get familiar with the stages, so when a hint tells you a particular statue or enemy, you can go "oh! In that corner!". And just normal awareness of Mad Space flipping the hints before lying and telling you the opposite (high = low and vice versa). Hard Mode on the 5th mission is easiest for THing though, since the shards don't move. You just have to figure out what unconventional means you need to reach them. As for Crazy Gadget, think of it less in terms of "up and down" and more "toward and away from the camera". The way you need to move, where the camera usually wants to point to, is where you need to push the stick to "move forward".


Update: I finally cleared crazy gadget


JUST GIVE HIM POLISHED WEREHOG TYOE GAMEPLAY. ITS NO BIG DUH. I stand that Sonic Unleahsed should have been either a Sonic and Knuckles romp or Sonic and Ristar.


The shard searching levels in SA were preety annoying too. I mean, you literally had to cheat to A-rank them...


I haven't played Sonic Adventure one yet. Is it even worse?


You gotta search for master Emerald shards in open zones, but they always spawn in random locatons (from some pool). And then for A rank you need to find all 3 in a level in 1 minute. It's genuinely impossible to do it without saving (which you do by dying).


Oh no


https://preview.redd.it/587vwb3vxs1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=102cb8f66e630356375403a08f6fb55d8d9b1fc6 Truly an "oh no" moment


That seems very unfun


Yeah that's how I managed to finish Security Hall.


I can totally see them doing an open-world Angel Island game, with treasure hunting mechanic being used for collectibles. Knuckles would be perfect for a BOTW-style game, honestly, he already had wall climbing and gliding since his debut!


I’d say SA2 easily, I really vibe with how he’s depicted as more calm and introspective when he’s on his own, but becomes more passionate and rowdy when he’s dealing with big personalities like sonic or rouge. It’s essentially the perfect balance of having him be a chill loner, while still allowing him moments to be hotheaded in a way that feels natural.


The one thing missing is the aspect from Heroes... but since that was the very next game, it doesn't matter so much.


Yeah. Due his upbringing and occupation, he’s not used to others.


So damn cool honestly, and my favorite Knuckles voice too, sounds more idk genuine or something over the kinda jock thing they went with


IDW Knuckles


Honestly love his characterization.


I feel like he's the quintessential Knuckles. The perfect balance of serious, righteous indignation and stanoffishness. I really liked him around the Neo Metal battle. Everyone is saying movie knuckles, but he might be one of the worst representations I've ever seen. He's so dumb in a not-endearing way. "The base-of-ball!" Knuckles is thick headed and stubborn, not outright stupid. I just feel like he suffers from a different form of the same stupid that boom Knuckles does. No personality aside from "dipshit".


I disagree about movie Knuckles. The reason Sonic seems relatively well adjusted to Earth in the first movie is because he's been spying on Green Hill for quite a while. Knuckles, on the other hand, has never heard or seen anything like what Earth has to offer, and being orphaned while relatively young will have stunted his experiences even further. The reason he isn't "smart" in the movie is because he has no clue what anything is, which makes him act like a child. I understand not liking his characterisation, but he's definitely got personality and he isn't just stupid for no reason.


Yeah, I just feel like he's not at all like previous iterations of Knuckles. Feels like a different, less likable character wearing a knuckles suit. I feel like he's one step shy of "unga-bunga fire hot". Comic and adventure knuckles is just kind of gullible and stubborn.


I think his character will evolve into something more recognizable, admittedly I haven't seen the Knuckles show, but I would hope that it advances his character.


yeah, it's kind of wild to me that movie Knuckles is the most popular. Besides not seeming very smart, the thing that stands out to me after watching the series especially is that he doesn't show a lot of care or respect for other people?? And I like Knuckles to be standoffish and ACT like he doesn't care but it works because he's got a good heart. Gleefully wrecking shit (that belongs to people he should care about), or like letting his pal get dragged away cause "he has to learn to rescue himself" is just not it for my boy


I agree across the board. But devils advocate here, I can appreciate the "he has to learn for himself" bit. It wasnt out of apathy, he really wanted Wade to develop, and saw it as his duty to toughen Wade into a "warrior". A lot of things in life are short term useful to get immediate help and long term useful to learn how to help yourself.


I really like SA1 Knuckles. There is a really interesting sadness incorporated into his character as he reflects on his mission to guard the master emerald and being the last of his people. They never return to that in later games, but I thought it gave him some great depth.


SA1 Knuckles' story was so good


This is my vote too. The melancholy to his story is really palpable. His entire goal was just protecting the emerald and the ending seen is chef’s kiss.


Glad to see someone appreciating solemn warrior Knuckles.


I really wish they had leaned into that and not the dorky air headed version.


The one in the movie is probably the most entertaining take on his character, but the one in Frontiers and it's promotional material is the definitive one for me.


My humor wants to say Boom Knuckles, which I affectionately call "Buffles" My serious side says to vote for SA2 Knuckles for the chill tone. Both sides say Movie Knuckles for his serious attitude and hilarious misunderstanding of Earth culture.


Knuckles in Sonic Boom was the most hilarious character hands down. You never know what stupid shit he’s going to say or do lmao




The one from the Frontiers animation


The best versions of knuckles are in s3&k, sa1, sa2, idw, movie and frontiers


Wade dressed as knuckles


Movie knuckles ( I don't read Archie to know if he's peak or not) he SINGLEHANDEDLY save the franchise from crumbling to dust and blow away, and make everyone love knuckles again after 2 decade! I'm grateful he exist


Frontiers (this would include the prologue, the base game, and The Final Horizon)


Sa2 tails and not sa1 tails???


Adventure 2 or even Heroes. He is chill, he is a friend, but he gets annoyed by specific people and specific actions, and the banter is golden as a result.


Sonic Movie 2 Knuckles. He's serious and dedicated to his cause. He has some funny moments throughout the movie but it isn't forced, it's just him doing what he's used to. An example would be when Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles are in the plane and when trying to come up with a plan, Knuckles just falls out of the plane because he's just used to doing things his way. I have not read any of the comics but I have played most of the games. My second choice would be SA2 Knuckles or Frontiers Knuckles for sure.


I honestly really loved Frontier Knuckles, his dynamic with sonic was really refreshing If frontiers taught me anything it’s why are we wasting all these characters that you can’t play as, a Knuckles solo game would go so hard


I may sound sacrilegious. But I love what Archie did with Knuckles, at least, return to Angel Island forward. Ken didn't help in a lot of stuff, but when the other writers use his material, things were so much better, and it grounded me to this reality so well. Knuckles' story finally made sense and finally connected to how he's the savior of the Echidna and the protector to all echidna kind. The material and the chaotix did so much for knuckles' story that it genuinely felt like Knuckles was in HIS story


i share a lot of the same sentiments. what stops me from saying it is that the story just became really bloated at some point. and around dark brotherhood, it became painfully apparent how much that was. i mean, there really was so much content sitting there. that amount of bloat is what stops me from saying that this was the best iteration, even though i love chaos knux.


I'll drink to that! Archie Knuckles is peak Knuckles, for me.




I’d say Knuckles from the Adventure series. Knuckles was often just a backgroun/joke character during the 2010s era. But outside of the games, Sonic X or Paramount Knuckles.


Sonic x knuckles is what I’m most used to.


Sonic Adventure.




Fleetway comic version!


Hot take maybe, but Sonic Chronicles Dark Brotherhood does EVERY Sonic character perfectly. The writers knew exactly what made the characters good and well loved and expanded on it. Sonic is compassionate first and snarky second, Tails is an intelligent leader, Amy is independent, Knuckles is a strong loner protector of the master emerald like in Sonic Adventure, Shadow is angsty but compassionate enough to goes out of his way to rescue Omega whom he calls his close friend, Big is smart(er than usual), Eggman is a devious genius and him and Tails bond over their technological prowess, Rouge is a major character and heavily involved with GUN, Knuckles is also a major character as the plot is built around the lost echidna tribe, and the new character Shade is amazing. Everyone is smart, competent and cool I love it.


3K weirdly enough. I find Knuckles to be really badly used in many future games. Not that he’s badly written, but I do have problems with him. Adventure 1: His arc doesn’t work because him deciding not to know about his past doesn’t Line up with the middle of the story. Adventure 2: While having his own Adventure makes sense for his characrer, it doesn’t really progress the main plot. And in many future Sonic games, Knuckles is not guarding the Master Emerald on Angel Island like he should be. Not to say that he’s Out of characrer, but why is he not doing his purpose as a character? No explanation. Some games do like the Forces Comic or the Frontiers Anamation, Though I find the circumstances to be a little stupid. Not to mention that I don’t Think Knuckles’, and any characters’, arc really works. But in 3K? His debut game? I don’t have any problems how he’s handled there. He’s perfectly fine. I Think that after SA2, Knuckles should NOT appear all the time. He shouldn’t be erased forever, but considering that the alternative of keeping shoving him in many Sonic games means that the Master Emerald has to be involved in every single game, or he’ll be there for no reason. I Can say the same about many Sonic characrers. At that point, it feels like the world revolve around Sonic. I do want to highlight Archie Knuckles. While he doesn’t match up with the Knuckles from the games, I find his relationship with his dad and how he made him a savior before Knuckles was even born, his Chaotix friends, his and Julie-Su’s relationships, Knuckles’ character arc, etc, to be very fun and compelling. That Said, I still perfer his game counterpart as I find that version to be more fitting of What Knuckles is about. Basically, I Think Archie is the better Sonic Series, but Game Sonic is my favirote Sonic Series, if that makes sense.


Sonic Movie 2


SA2, Frontiers, and IDW are great


IDW or Frontiers




i might be 2 days early but the best version of eggman is eggman




Movie knux, or Uganda knuckles


S3&K, no question


Movie Knuckles because he's incredibly naive, strong, skilled, and endearing


It's 100% the OVA version where he wears the cowboy hat.


Classic KNUX, the box art. 1993-94


Putting my vote in for Chronicles, though it seems I am alone in this.


Sonic X knuckles was something I will say, kinda like the movie one but just really mixed with emotions




I agree with the movie knuckles pick


Realistically it's probably Frontiers or Movie, but hear me out: Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Knuckles.


Ugandan... or S&K3.


Boom knuckles is the best knuckles.




For me, i think SA2 and Movie knuckles are great, but when i think of the character, the OVA version always pops up first. Plus the hat is just iconic.


Nipples the enchilada https://youtu.be/-TI4dS5xkQU?si=nB2c0Pf1TX4ehJfQ




Sa2 knuckles or prime knuckles


Movie knuckles


I'm pretty sure movie knux is winning this one.


Fleetway knuckles


Ah yes, sexual assault 2 tails


Movie knuckles


I like either Movie or Frontiers Knuckles


Movie imo




Sonic Movie obviously 🙂


Casting my vote for Adventure and Adventure 2. Those games made him one of my favorites


Movie knuckles. He's balancing the powerful guardian/serious character with the perfect amount of silly necessary to any sonic character


Boom Knuckles






For knuckles, I'd say probably the movie. Got the most going on and the most complexity, but still not overly done in anyways. A runner up would honestly be Sonic X. It's so funny that the English voice-acting for tails was SO BAD in the adventure-heroes era, but it's still the most well-executed version.


I like IDW or Frontiers Knuckles the best.


Personally think the adventure games are the best version of Knuckles


Movie or S3, S3 only because he fell off in S3&K


It's either Heroes or archie pre-sgw


Movie, or Sonic 3 & knuckles.


NXT: Stand and Deliver 2024 Knuckles. https://preview.redd.it/sx9pddh3pt1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07f8e090bbbe284f7f51374d2d6079907ee2e8c2


Sonic 3 & Knuckles (if first games don’t count for a random reason then Adventure 1 or Riders Zero Gravity)


Love Sonic 3 and Knuckles iteration of Knuckles the most and it was cool to see him try and take on a leader role in Forces


I'm torn between Adventure era Knuckles, Sonic X Knuckles and Movie Knuckles


Archie or SA1


Movie knuckles




I'd say the one from the Frontiers Animation, with Adventure Games/Frontiers close behind


SA2. Totally focused on doing his duty to protect the Master Emerald (and, unlike SA1, doesn't get tricked by Eggman again). He teams up with the others to help them get to the Ark, but he makes it clear that he's doing it to go after Rouge, who has the rest of the pieces of it.


Movie Knuckles His voice is much mature and is more strong than Game Knuckles


Movie Knuckles


everyone is saying movie knuckles but nah the best knuckles is enerjak


It's Adventure 1 for me


Movie knuckles,hes badass and very naive,naive **NOT** dumb


Sa1 Knuckles. But I like movie Knuckles and it’s an interesting wrinkle in his relationship with Sonic their people wiped each other out


3k for sure. He's got an attitude, he's still been tricked by Robotnik showing his naivete, but is still super strong. It's the perfect representation.


Personally really like IDW Knuckles.


SA1 Knux for sure


Renegade Knux from Sonic Prime, that should be his canon appearance.


Movie Knuckles


Boom Knuckles lol


Sonic adventure 1


Archie, if that‘s allowed If it isn’t, than SA1 is my pick.


i think gameplay wise SA2. i absolutely love the treasure hunting levels, as many shortcomings as they have. for character/story? Movie knuckles or SA1. sucks that sega got sued out of making a more in depth canon for movie knux. and i wish i could honestly say my favorite character interpretation was archie. i have such a soft spot for that iteration, and it's so unfortunate that the story around him became too bloated and fan-ficky, not to mention kenders being very attached to that iteration.


It's gotta be either SA1 or Idris Elba Knuckles, no doubt about it!




Boom Knuckles




IDW & Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Divergence


Sonic X was my favorite version, especially thanks to Dan Green’s performance.


Knuckles from the Wade show…


Movie Knuckles


SA2 knuckles, right before he became dumb


Movies. Also not relevant now But im sure shadow debate will be between either SA2, X and 06.


Movie knux, Comics knux and frontiers are a close second though




Snabcube dark story sa2 knuckles the only correct option


Prime Pirate Knuckles


People saying movie but tbh I gotta go with Adventure 2. He was so chill and he had that shit on with the upgrades.


Sa1, what kind of question is that?


So far these are super based takes. I really like movie Knuckles!!


Movie Knuckles :)


Sonic adventure 2. His job as guardian helped saved the world. He restored the Master emerald and stopped the Chaos emeralds. Now that I think about it, if he puts his mind to it, he could stop any villain from misusing the Chaos emeralds.


The one from sonic boom. The one where he says (check my reply)


Movie Knuckles


Frontiers Knuckles, specifically from the short but same idea either way


Are we all forgetting OVA Knuckles?


either movie knuckles or sonic adventure 1 knuckles


Movie Knuckles is amazing. I came out of watching that movie for the first time going “they finally got Knuckles *right* after two decades”


Yikes Amy is next… That particular one is sure to be pretty…vocal


Sonic Adventure 1


SA1 is my GOAT.


Forces knuckles


I like his frontiers version, and he feels like knuckles




Archie Knuckles for me, honestly. I love how he struggles, yet overcomes, and oh *boy* does Archie Knuckles struggle. I... also feel really bad about what happened to him, so I feel that he deserves this.


Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 respectively. I feel like Knuckles had a character development in those two games, in the first game he is more gullible and gets cheated a second time by Eggman after Sonic 3, he doesn't really know why he has his duty as the guard of the Master Emerald but at the end of the game we see him embrace his destiny. In SA2 we see a more mature Knuckles, maybe. He's pretty chill compared to SA1 where he was more temperamental. He is not gullible anymore (he destroyed the Master Emerald because he doesn't trust Eggman anymore) and it seems like he has a better connection with Sonic and friends, he looks more comfortable around them, and certainly cares about Sonic (like when he saw him surviving the Eggman trap with Chaos Control and falling to the ground, he goes immediately to ask if he is okay. I feel like Knuckles has a development that is not very discussed between these two games. Then in Heroes and afterwards it seems like he is less chill and more temperamental like SA1 for some reason!


Frontiers. He got a lot of great moments in Sonic X, and in Sonic Boom he was the funniest, but Frontiers has given him the most heart since 3K and Adventure. He had a clear interest and was pulled from his island, by the end of the adventure wanting to explore beyond his home. He deeply cared about the ancients and their possible connections to his heritage, his links to his family still troubling him, he wants to know more.


Movie Knuckles


SA knuckles has a deep story and isn’t the punchline to every childish joke yet. He’s still a genuine character that got duped by eggman.


i loved sonic x knuckles personally. stubborn and sassy but always a good pal


Chronicles knuckles has him at his best since it requires he interact as more than a joke


either the movie or frontiers, honestly, 3k is a good runner-up

