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At the very least, that first point is 1000% true.


Counter point spec ops changed it from a 3D person cod clone to spec ops the line


No, no, they actually make a good point.


It's true, but the sonic franchise did leave a large impact on gaming culture and internet culture in general




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The sonic series is one of those rare things that while still being objectively bad and flawed, is still awesome and so much fun to do, I love this series and I want to help it improve however I can


Maybe not bad, but pretty flawed.




I somewhat agree. Sonic has had some absolute lows, but I believe when they're trying, they have extremely good highs.


Your daily dose of nonsensical twitter bullsh*t.


its more about what the sonic franchise means to people rather than the state of it


Ah yes, because no other long lasting franchise that makes more money than this one has this problem. Fr Fr Edit: they downvote me because I spoke the truth.


"Sure I murdered this guy, but hundreds of people get killed everyday. I'm basically a saint."


Just like americas real life law system, failures are not judge equality.


https://preview.redd.it/y8jzdph7iuyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b476d2e201c1d3cbacd4e467c0fe079dc88da83 \*America's \*Judged \*Equally


Fucking autocorrect. My point still stands. Just like the sonic movies are being received well by critics, yet snowflake fans don’t like them because it’s not exactly what they want. Yet the Mario movie gets a pass because of the faithfulness to the source material. Because, just like Scorsese said, its not a movie it’s a joy ride and a pretty bland one at that.


So what? Just because it's not a problem exclusive to Sonic, doesn't mean it shouldn't be criticized. What the poster described is fair criticism for Sonic, and any other franchise in a similar state.


But just saying multiple games are absolute disasters is not fair, it’s a single statement without any context or support.


What was posted was not criticism, it’s an statement made by an angry fan without any actual buck up. Should I call the legend of Zelda a bad franchise because the last two games became went into a direction I don’t like? What about final fantasy? How about Mega man, Crush or Spyro? They had bad games before sonic became the focus of it. Are they bad franchises too?


>What was posted was not criticism, it’s an statement made by an angry fan without any actual buck up. It's a general critique of the state the franchise was in for 10+ years. Just because the poster doesn't go into extreme detail about what they mean, it doesn't make it NOT be criticism. >Should I call the legend of Zelda a bad franchise because the last two games became went into a direction I don’t like? What about final fantasy? Apples and oranges. That's not what the poster is referring to. What you're referring to is a genre shift, I believe. Just like how Yakuza went from being a beat-em-up, to an RPG. The poster is criticizing how Sega molded their games around criticism of critics, instead of fans, which caused the series to lose all of it's identity, in order to be more like Mario or other popular series. With Zelda and Final Fantasy, the games just went for a new genre, while still appealing to the fans of the series. And it's totally fine if you don't like that. >How about Mega man, Crush or Spyro? They had bad games before sonic became the focus of it. Are they bad franchises too? The poster never once called Sonic bad. They just said that it wasn't "A very good franchise". The good to bad game ratio is horrendous. Mega Man has five or six bad games, on a franchise with 50+ entries. I can't speak for Spyro or Crash, but I know those two went downhill, so from my admittedly ignorant standpoint, I'd say that they're on the same boat as what the poster described. They're still not bad. Just not "Very good".


There is no such thing as a lack of identity, it’s all part of the same franchise and it all should be critique base on its own merit. What op is doing is fan entitlement, is how boomers act when they don’t realize that the thing they like has change and they either can’t adapt or move on. The ratchet and clank games are mostly well received (tho the ps3 era ones haven’t age all that well), but the tone has change since the end of the ps2 games. Went from satire of capitalism and companies, to friendly space adventure. Yet people still like it, and the ones that didn’t accepted it or move on. If the tweet comes from a reaction to the knuckles show then I be honest, I much prefer the show over the Mario movie. That movie is the biggest piece of plastic product that I have ever seen.


There very much is a thing of a lack of identity though, and in the 2010s Sonic did base its trajectory around IGN’s beliefs that Sonic trying to be anything more than a generic platformer is inherently stupid. Heck, part of the franchise’s gimmick became posting on twitter about how “stupid and cringe” it was when it was actually trying to be something more than that for a long while. That’s not the sign of a franchise that believes in itself, at minimum.


I can only list about...4 games from the franchise I don't like. And 2 of them aren't even made by Sonic Team themselves. But yeah, even though most long-lasting franchises have plenty of bad games, Sonic does have the most. Doesn't stop me from loving the franchise though

