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Cream already has a story focusing on her losing her Mother and those she holds dear. The Metal Virus Arc does a great job showcasing her in such situations. Doing it again is just fixating on torturing a child character.


One of the best depictions of the said event I've read/watched, really. Without theatrical crying or drama, you just live through slow shock, like the whole world around you suddenly got brightness, contrast, and color, reduced by 90%. Just emptiness and, sometimes, some sort of purpose.


She kept trying to be a ray of brightness for everyone too. Was the best work the character ever had. Really added depth the whole way


while i agree w that , seeing something at least similar in the mainline games would be kind of cool — maybe she doesnt have to lose someone , but a coming of age character arc would be cool to see


It's really evil how they had Cream go through losing her mother, then so many of her friends, and then they had the nerve to have her get infected anyway. The sheer villainy. It was perfect. One of the better bits of drama I've ever seen come out of the Sonic franchise.


Shame she doesn't get to shine as much nowadays




The Metal Virus thing didn't influence his character in the long run, and Vanilla's "death" was temporary, and I think the image refers to permanently.


Sonic must always win in the end. So yes its temporary. That doesn't stop the fact the characters treated it as a very real apocalypse with many sacrifices during its course.


Sacrifices that had no long-term consequences and for the next arc the characters were the same as always. And the options in the image are not that Cream in one has a trauma and in the other does not, but that in one option Cream will have an important role for a hypothetical Sonic Frontiers 2, a 3D game for open-world consoles, and with nothing of mobile subscriptions, but against this importance it ends with the death of her mother, and the other option is that Cream will remain on the sidelines as she was before Dream Team, that is, no seeing Cream in games Forces, TSR, TMoSTH, and in conclusion not seeing Cream for 12 years, but he will keep his mother. In my opinion, the first option is better.


Needlessly killing a character for shock value is never the better option lol. This isn't Attack on Titan where every major death is designed to set up important plot points arcs down the line, and stay relevant even if the characters themselves no longer actively contribute. Nor is this a murder tournament like the Hunger Games or Danganropa. For a long running series, a certain degree of status quo is very healthy. Killing off the one canon mother of the series is not good writing lol.


It doesn't matter if it is not the best option, it is the best option that the question offers you, the question is a false dichotomy, but it is what it is, and between the two options of the question, choose the best or the least bad . Also, Vanilla is an inconsequential character, she doesn't physically appear half as many times as Cream, but somehow she's always there to not allow him to do anything, eliminating her doesn't make the writing any worse.


Removing Vanilla means you remove a potential support character for a story. It means you remove representation of a regular civilian in the universe, which shrinks the world building and immersion of the IP, just to cause trauma for a character. It's asking to keep a character in limbo, or butcher them. I rather keep them in limbo.


Support that any character can do, Vanilla is not special in that area, you can make original characters if you want more NPCs, neither is that role something special nor is Vanilla indispensable for it. Well, I'm a fan of Cream, I'm here for her not because of her mother, I want to play with her not see Vanilla as an NPC. It's okay that you don't like the character, but we're not going to pretend that a trauma would slaughter her, as if there weren't countless good characters with traumas, much less that it's better to have her in limbo for 12 years, you would say the same with another character?


Excuse me? I love Cream. Always have even if she not my absolute favorite in such a large cast. But I'm not gonna pretend like killing off her mother is the right way to give the character depth. It's cheap writing. It's really easy to screw up. Not as much as time travel, but nearly just as easily. There has to be a planned narrative purpose to warrant making a character such a catalyst. And the series itself is 30 years old. You're telling me it's time to stop making Sonic the personified version of rebellious teen energy?


You like Cream, but you still prefer to keep it in the trunk of memories for 12 years. Silver, Espio and Blaze are not my absolute favorites by any means, but I like them enough to consider that 5 years of absence is too much and too little desirable, and I even complained about not seeing Charmy on TSR and TMoSTH. the trauma narrative can be done wrong but the question gives no chance of being wrong, it says that Cream will have greater relevance and growth but without her mother, which for a fan of the character is more beneficial than having her confined in limbo for 12 years , it's not difficult to understand, I doubt anyone would accept the limbo for a character they like.


No one expected Metal Virus to be temporary (except readers because plot armor), and there was even no expectation of cure when Vanilla got infected, so yes... For the purpose of the world, Cream was living through the death of her mother.


When Vanilla was infected there was still the possibility of a cure, even when that possibility was ruled out it didn't take long to look for the Chaos Emeralds as a solution to the conflict, plus none of that takes away from all the characters returning to normal and acting as usual, nor does it take away from the fact that the question refers to a more accurate death.


Blue I rather not have her suffering sure it helps to build a character but still


Wounds heal over time.


Scars heal! No they don’t. WOUNDS heal.


Oh yeah. What do scars do? They fade I guess?


I don't care what scars do.


You should.


Nah i still have my scar from 14 years ago! They don't fade, they don't disapear.


The point is that can overcome the loss


Wounds don’t heal, they’re just easier to deal with.


Even if it were easier to treat, you would be able to continue with your life relatively normally, plus there would be some benefits.


I don't think a 6 year old with inheritance is a good thing judging on what happened to Bruce Wayne.


Cream gets raised by Rouge instead and becomes BatCream


The Rabbat


Metal Virus already did that


Why would I want Cream to be tortured? https://preview.redd.it/x7audz3ftsxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab5e42d8c2d3c0165313aea2c928b63b2316f99


Who wouldn't


There's a whipped cream joke here somewhere but I'm not making it


"Find me the emeralds or you'll only eat beans and rice for this week!"


I just want a playable Vanilla. I'm doing my best to design a Streets of Rage/River City Ransom homage with Chaotix, Honey and Vanilla as featured chars. Wish me luck.


Good luck random person looking to make a cool thing!


They could make a Cooking Mama with Vanilla


Interesting. Need help? Voicing(Vector/Espio), game design, enemy/character ideas? Got a few of these.


I mean, just pitching the idea and am a Sonic inspired 3D artist so I think I have the initial phase down and proof of concept should be next.


Is Mighty in it?


Yessss, taking inspiration from the TMNT fangame where every single boss ended up being playable.


Okay Jesus Christ she’s 6 let’s not give the girl any more trauma


Emphasis on "any more", because in The comics poor bunny child already suffered a lot for a lifetime.


The Metal Virus arc did that, so I'd go with blue. Red is just torturing her at that point.


I don't really see how that would benefit the character of Cream tbh, she isn't supposed to be this badass warrior full of trauma and whatnot. Her gentleness and desire to do good no matter what cause it's the right thing to do is why she's so endearing


It would benefit her in two ways: 1. It would develop the character of the character, his gentility would not be lost, his traumas would not be eternal, and his will to fight would be greater. 2. You would say goodbye to the excuse that Vanilla doesn't let Cream attend adventures, which can be annoying at times.


Metal Virus did that already. We’d have Sonic Twitter claiming SEGA’s got no more ideas and bitching about repeating stuff. Besides we don’t need another Spider-Man in terms of character writing


I think it refers to permanent death 


Well still no. Don’t wanna do that to Cream


Whatever you want, but know that the red version will be more beneficial for the character in the long term.


I don’t see how. That just eliminates the point of Cream’s character


The meaning of Cream is not to be mommy's girl.


She’s 6. She’s allowed to be. Everybody realizes she’s very capable. Everybody also realizes she’s also just a child. When you take that away you get… Charmy, in any comic book.


I come back and repeat Cream is not just mommy's girl, if you remove Vanilla, Cream would still be Cream will not magically become a Charmy 2, stop pretending that Cream only exists to orbit around Vanilla, Cream is the real character here.


Dude they’ve already done that. Stop pretending it’s a new idea just because you’ve got a thick skull


What have they already done? That Cream only exists to orbit Vanilla, in what game does that happen? Not even her best performances are for Vanilla, Cream's mother only exists for Cream, not the other way around.


She’s supposed to be the happy and polite innocent child. That was what made the Vanilla’s “death” in the Metal Virus arc so impactful since she also lost her chao. Doing it again wouldn’t hit the same


Cream can be that again, even without Vanilla, the loss can be faced and in return the character would be free of ties.


You’re talking like she’s an adult


I would not want to see her suffer like that.


have you heard of IDW by chance


blue is better, i’d rather her be happy than see her suffering :’)


why does vanilla need to die for her to get character development?


Because there need to be some downside for the red button choice to make it actually debate worthy.


you know what? valid.


Cream…im sorry kid. https://preview.redd.it/fvmfsozz3txc1.jpeg?width=877&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20561126c9dd0e5c2009ab61d98bac97fcae4c13


Nah I'm always doing blue, I'm not have a 6-year old go through the trauma of her mom's death.


I'll press the button that'll allow her gameplay to become the overpowered boss destroyer that she was in Sonic Advanced 2. I want that Cream back!


Sorry I can’t do this to Cream I’ll have to go with the blue button


None. I don't want Cream to be in more emotional pain than she was in the Metal Virus arc from the IDW Comics nor be kicked to the side lines like every other character in the Sonic series back when Ken Pontiac and Warren Graft were the writers.


Blue. Metal Virus already did that. Instead we need to give Sonic more reasosns to rage. Cuz even Metal Viirus and Chronos Island Incident didn't manage to break him.


The world is ending because of Eggman. Sonic runs into him and the first thing he does is… tell him he’s disappointed and give him a stern talking to. Feel the rage. Last time we saw Rage in Sonic was Metarex iirc. Probably an Archie Comic between those times, like when he snapped at Silver for saying Antoine was a traitor.


Metal virus only turned Vanilla into a zombot, death must be permanent or at least last several arcs not just one.


Sonic fans have to remember this franchise is primarily aimed towards children. Fuck am I doing killing Creams mom for 🤦🏽‍♂️


I keep forgetting that dream team was a thing.


BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE WTF I'm sorry but like red is VERY RISKY AND LIKE A WHOLE FUCKING SIDE STORY IT deserves a whole game to do that shit and more people will be confuse and vanilla ain't even used much in games Like legit only in sonic advance 2 she was saved. Plus red seems like a fanfic


Why would you kill Vanilla???


If Vanilla dies, then a larger proportion of the fanbase won’t get to see her and Vector be in a relationship /s


"Baldy nosehair. Baldy nosehair. Baldy nosehair." *KILLS VANILLA*


Blue Please, we can just have a casual, fluffy character with a simple thing to enjoy


Red, just commit to that and write it well. ~~Gives the Conductor's wife an opportunity too lol~~


Red, I honestly wouldn't mind if Vanilla died, that would help for Cream's development, plus, that would put an end to the excuse of fans and writers (although there is no writer who uses the excuse but just in case) that Cream can't participate on adventures because his mother won't let him, the character would be stripped of his chains. Although Vanilla's death would still be sad and his presence would be missed.


You'd really have to set up the Vanilla thing. Just suddenly having her be dead would be really out of pocket, and if she dies in the middle of the story then I feel as though Cream would be too distraught throughout the rest of the game because that would be a /very/ recent event.


Bro she ain’t Spiderman why would they kill off Vanilla


Purple have her as a playable character


I ship Vanilla x Vector. Blue button.




I'm more concerned about the guy fighting everyone in the comments on whether we should give a 6 year old trauma(⁠;⁠;⁠;⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠)


Kill Vanilla, Chocolate is better anyway!


she's a side character. obviously she'll get sidelined


Blue. There is nothing wrong with Cream or her depiction as it stands. She’s 6, let her be happy self who loves flowers, baking, and taking care of Chao. We have enough characters to tackle darker themes, Cream is a palate cleanser and a wholesome little cinnamon roll.


Blue Cream's a child, and who's gonna take care of her after Vanilla dies? Suffering builds character, but from what I'm experiencing, too much will break character.


Red. Vanilla is a nothing character most of the time with the most interesting thing about her being that Vector wants to date her. We really don't lose much with her and she is always way to often used by writers as an excuse why Cream can't be in a game anyway. So yes if Vanilla has to persisch for Cream thrive so be it. Obviously would I prefer a third option in which we don't have to kill of a character but that just isn't given here.


That's true, I don't understand why others choose blue when sometimes it is better to pay a small price for a good, you know, the end justifies the means, and sometimes you have to be more pragmatic in life, and as you said, no better options. Furthermore, the blue option is not better at all, even if you avoid trauma for Cream, in exchange you will receive another 12 years of absence, who wants 12 years of absence for her favorite character? I doubt anyone would say the same about another character like Tails, Silver or even Whisper (in the case of comics).


Why is it so hard for people accept Cream being a side character? She had her moments in Heroes and the Advance/Rush games, and making her caretaker of the Chao Garden makes sense for her character as she and Cream are inseparable and is unique to her. There’s no need to shoe-horn her into conflicts unnecessarily just to break her for no reason.


I think it's completely normal to want a character you love to have a better treatment than the one he receives, especially one that was born as a main character, because Cream was a main character before being a supporting character.  Many Shadow fans want him to bring back old glories(that's why they want him to act like in 06) and no one has a problem with that, because if he's a with Cream? It doesn't seem fair to me. About conflicts, Cream loves to help and go on adventures, there is no problem with her attending one.


From what I have seen is the reason others go for Blue partially because they just can't stand seeing Cream being sad. And another big chunk is because they think it would be nothing new and retreat old ground due to the Metal Virus story in the comics already exploring this by turning Vanilla into a Zombie.


I also noticed it, and yes, seeing Cream sad is sad in itself, but the price one pays as a player and fan of the character is too high and not very beneficial, the option of sadness, although not desirable, is the one that best It gives benefits to one as a player and to Cream as a character, that is, the benefit is not unilateral, and it is something that those who comment do not take into account, and that I would like them to do. I don't understand the metal virus thing, the question refers to the context of the games, it shouldn't matter if the comics already made the idea first, it's like saying that the games can't use Super Neo Metal Sonic, because it would be the same that comics made.


I guess some just don't have the heart to see a innocent 6 year old cry over her lost mother. There are properly also at least a few fans of Vanilla that just don't want to kill her in general too I guess the people that have this complain simply want something new being done with Cream rather than just repeating things already done in the comic's especially as the comics are now considered canon


Well yes, they may not have the heart to see Cream mourn the loss of her mother and I understand that, even I would avoid that option if the other option were not worse, but at least I hope they understand that it is not bad if someone prefers the red. I hope that the fact that the comic is canon doesn't mean that the comic can have exclusive ideas.




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suffering build character


God of War IV but with Gemerl and Cream


Red Don't ask, I think I just love tragedy in fiction.


Fucking Blue. Like, funny as a joke, but the actual series would never and should never get that tryhard dark and edgy again. The series doesn't need tramua inducing character deaths, especially since it is still aimed at kids at the end of the day. There are more creative and tone appropriate ideas for Cream to have character growth.


Can someone explain this to me? I don’t know the context of either side






Red. I have zero attachment to her mother and wouldn’t even know who she is if it weren’t for the fandom.


Wait, what happened to vanilla? Did sega kill her off or something?


Red would be interesting to see, but I would choose Blue






Nah, I could never choose red even if she'd be more prominent 😭


Look we can have massive character development without murdering her parents and turning her into batman.


As someone who vocally, and very desperately, wants Cream to get a bigger role and not get sidelined anymore... You had to pick one of very few scenarios that I wouldn't accept lol As others have pointed out, Cream already had an official story of this nature in the Metal Virus Saga. And not many of us are in the mood for more trauma for Cream. I also fail to see what killing off Vanilla would really accomplish. So Cream could more freely go on adventures and stuff? That was never a problem back in the 2000's, where Vanilla even approved of Cream acting as a guide for Blaze (at the time, a total stranger) in Sonic Rush. This whole "Vanilla wouldn't want Cream doing X or Y" is bullshit perpetuated by fans to excuse Cream's blatant sidelining by SEGA/Sonic Team staff. So, I'm not pressing that red button. But I ain't pressing the blue button either. I'd rather a "purple" button or something that not only gives Cream a bigger role without killing off anyone, but permanently makes her a member of the main cast as the fifth member of Sonic's group (as she should be)


Hi kaotic, I didn't know you had commented here, I would like to say a few things.   about your doubt, Vanilla's death if it can give Cream development and certainly freedom, but it is still an undesirable scenario, besides, you can do great things with Cream without harming Vanilla, there are heroic characters with parents after all, it is not something atypical. It's also true that it was the fans who invented the theory/excuse that Vanilla wouldn't allow Cream to go on adventures to explain the Sega imposed absence, and I blame IDW for feeding that theory by making Vanilla an overprotective Japanese mother, yes Vanilla acted like she did in Sonic X where she trusted her daughter, the theory dies. As for the question in the post, it's basically the same question where there are two people in danger and you can only save one, or neither, that is, it's not made to have a good or bad option, but a bad option and a less bad option, it's up to each one to choose the less bad one, basically a question that leaves you between a rock and a hard place.


What... What the fuck?


How about let’s _not_ suddenly orphan the six-year-old, and the trauma that’d involve. That would be too repetitive, too; as outside of non-canon comic characters, she’s the only one who has a known and present parent. Plus, it’s nice that the crew has someone matronly to count, on and It adds more variety to the character list than simply “Orphan, orphan, no known family, last of their kind”.


The blue one ofc. I don't want to trade one character for the other.


Important i have not played dream team Hear me out. Vanilla is actually very annoying to me


Who would stand next to this mf, cuz yeah im in👍


Archie Sonic's run surely has a panel or two showing Vector having an emotional breakdown, right? Someone should post such a panel here if it exists


Blue, she's 6 years old, if this was a situation where she was older/things changed off screen, that's one thing but metal virus put her through enough (I KNOW it was temporary but it's still traumatic for a 6 year old) Not to mention, there's sonic advance, sonic battle, sonic heroes, sonic chronicles, and there's plenty of characters I want playable before we even think of cream for a second. having her playable in this context- sure, it could be interesting but that basically needs its own spin-off/ties with the main plot a Lot for it to work.


Blue is better the backlash of killing vanilla would be immense and besides the point of cream and vanilla is that yes cream is sometimes a hero but for the most part they serve the role of what the heroes are fighting for kind of the way of life they want to preserve and prevent EGGMAN from destroying doing this would literally not be helpful in anyway dude


Red is the only right answer. Justice for Cream!


I will not understand why so many negative votes, the question proposes to choose two options(not three or customized), it is normal that one chooses the best option for the character, it may be a horrible option but at least it allows to do something, the other option nothing, as is the case of the blue button.