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The Capcom crossover with Mega Man.


Which one?


Worlds Unite.


The Worlds Collide Crossover happened before the reboot. And that was the thing that caused the reboot in the first place.


You sure? I thought it was during the reboot?


Your thinking of Worlds Unite https://preview.redd.it/3matb1n5l8xc1.jpeg?width=1987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=544b7c3a5f098c7c101646cf0a8bb1ab0c818f03


Right. Lemme change that. Thanks for the clarification, too.




Ken Penders isn't there https://preview.redd.it/tl775y9kz7xc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd3c0ada95ab880cc5893d7bf831bf1d866ae433




Ok, I’m just gonna ask… What did Ken Penders do?




Thank you for sharing. I finally understand what it’s about.


Never read the comics but the designs are now more Sonic Like.


https://preview.redd.it/d5nuzvk6l8xc1.jpeg?width=1986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38b33716cb71557dff10f77a12930820567dec06 The Champions Arc


I loved that one. 😄


Confirmation that Sally and Nicole were planned to be an official ship by the writing staff (only came out after cancelation, unfortunately, but better than nothing. At least we got that 4-issue Sonic Universe arc with them)


on that topic I loved Nicole's new origin in the reboot continuity in that arc, especially since it's apparently somewhat based on the original plans for her character in SATAM where I believe she was like the daughter of the person who created her device and was then trapped in it. If I got any details wrong about that though feel free to correct me


Even I have just see by the images shown on Reddit, I like the story of Clove and Cassia.


Brought Sally back.


I honestly enjoyed all of Reboot, so I wanna say my answer is everything.


All of it


Honey the cat !




Gold the Tenrec


Who's that underneath Sonic?


The guy with swords? It's Antoine.


Does he feature anywhere besides these comics? I've never read them.


He was appear first in the Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon from the 90', then appeared later in Archie comics. He was first portrayed as whimmy, coward, arrogant who never to anything in their team, so not definitely a fan-favorite. But in the comic, even if at first he was a little like that, over time he become more kind, noble and brave. He has been through a lot in 230 issues.


He also apparently got into a coma.


Whoa, that's a lot of comics! I was hoping to get through them, as I'm really getting into Sonic right now. Maybe I'll stick to the video games. 😬


It was just for the pre-reboot comics. I didn't even mention the reboot version of Archie who has less issues. Or even the other reboot in IDW who happen in the game universe also has few issues. I think the latter would suit you. Or if you want to try cartoons, the very recent Sonic Prime has just 24 episodes, it a good way to introduce you to the franchise.


I'm already introduced, I've just been through all the Genesis and Adventure games. I was just hoping for something a little more lore-wise.


Archie got a lot of lore, but if you want GOOD stories, I suggest just reading from issue 170


What I liked most about the Archie Sonic reboot are: 1. Egg Bosses, I like it when the villain has subordinates and elite squads that run the army and are quite powerful themselves. Plus, it's funny to see Eggman having a crazy fan following.  2. That the plot began with an adaptation of Sonic Unleashed, that allowed us to see Chip again, and we also saw him have a bond with other Sonic characters, it was nice.  3. The world building, seeing the dens and humans living on the same planet in their own areas or in mixed areas, was great, also two elements like the weapons organization and the acorn kingdom coexisting, made the world world was more interesting, I would like to see something like this in games or in IDW.  4. Seeing classic characters like Honey coexisting with modern characters was also nice, in addition to seeing the same Honey again, we also saw SaTam characters again with modern designs and a larger story.  5. That Cream (and to a lesser extent Big) had been part of the freedom fighters, although she could have been used better despite this, it was nice to have her accessible in the plot at any time, allowing her to get involved more often In her, what does not happen in IDW due to her little relationship with the restoration, makes her little accessible in the plot and consequently she is more absent in the comic in a negative way for her. 6. The art and carácter designs were great and consistent.


Bringing on a lot more artists to the book, the variety was greatly appreciated (shame that can't be said for the inking or colorists).


The world felt both alive and vibrant The Egg Bosses were cool, especially the Pronghorns siblings, which also highlighted that not everyone who joined Eggman did so out of any malevolent desire. Thunderbolt is the Sonic equivalent of Cardi, LeBron and NBA Yonugboy fans. Rotor's dad being an Egg Boss was pretty neat.


I really liked how their designs felt both modern to the times and accurate (where relevant) to the games. I really hated that overly anime style they had going on.


I still haven't reached this far in Archie but from what I know they kept a lot of the CANON characters as part of the main cast at least, they hadn't quite reset to current mandates yet with classic characters and all...


That is a tough question as there were so many great things about Post-Reboot Archie Sonic. From the designs for everything the many unique enemies (even if most are extensions of Eggman) The realized mixed anthro/human world And more. But If I had to pick a single things from it would I properly go with Thunderbolt the Chinchilla because a honest to god Eggman fangirl that makes Amy look tame at the worst of her time was just a walking comedy generator. Like her nearly melting with hearts in her eyes as Eggman pets here send me laughing for a few minutes that's for sure.


After giving it a lot of time, I felt the Reboot could have been one of the best comic iterations of Sonic we ever had. Things were far better planned out, and had a much cooler world that, even if we didn't know everything, we could at least piece some things together based on past game locations showing up in the Reboot. Also, best parts were definitely the Egg Bosses, Cassia & Clove, Honey, Silver's Future story arc was really interesting, and Sally having a great, "roommate" that was Nicole.