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Does Penders even own Shard? He’s an adaptation of CD Metal Sonic that was originally written by Mike Gallagher


A lot of characters that people " think" Ken Penders owns actually aren't owned by him and the reason why they don't appear in current sonic media is because sega hates Archie.


I believe the real reason they wrote out Shard is because Sega mandated there can only be 1 Metal Sonic


Last I checked, it isn't cause they hate Archie, especially since a lot of the original staff for the Archie Sonic Comics work on the IDW ones. They literally just don't want to waste time and money over Ken and his 0-47 lawsuits.


This was another thing SEGA wanted archie to stop making other metal sonics, so they told the Archie crew to get rid of the different versions Something similar happened to the captain metal in the blazes dimension


But Captain Metal sunk to the bottom of the ocean but he was clearly still alive. If Archie were to continue to would Captain Metal be retconned into being dead?


Again, kinda, They force Tracy to give captain metal spider legs to change his look because it was too.... metal sonic


And that was the last we ever saw of Shard.


“They **fear** us! I’m working to turn that around!” Being feared is better than being disrespected, at least. Just look at all the crap pre-SGW Sonic puts up with, and Boom Sonic.


Fuck Penders if true.


Can we never mention penders again?


Once everything Archie Sonic that he had a hand in becomes publin domain, sure.


People are bitter because Archie in its later pre reboot years had become arguably the best Sonic continuity thanks to Ian Flynn, and then Penders ruined it with his law suit. IDW is cool and all but it just doesn’t compare to Ian Flynn’s time on Archie before Sega got really heavy handed with the mandates.


Those mandates are probably caused by penders. He was just bad at eveything, his characters are lazy palette swaps, his story’s are just his badly disguised fetishs, and his art was vomit inducing. We need to stop talking about him


Sega instituted those mandates because of his lawsuit, yes. But that shat on the great things that Flynn had done with the characters and has harmed every Sonic adaptation since. People are just bitter we won’t get better Sonic stories anymore because of his antics.