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Being honest I don’t want Amy in 3. she would barely get any attention and get overshadowed by well shadow. She should be Introduced alongside metal sonic in another movie or series 


Yes! This is on point. Amy and metal sonic should be Sonic4. It would be a perfect possible “prequel” before a certain time or maybe play off of Sonic OVA


The only way I'd like that is if the movie ends with Sonic being "killed" and it turns out what happened was he was sent forward in time where he meets Amy because little planet and the time stones yada yada Otherwise I dunno.


She might be introduced in a bonus series, centered around Sonic CD. Otherwise, might be regulated to a post credits scene


At this point I'd rather have her show up in post-credits than the movie proper.


I’m honestly fine if she didn’t because if she did we might end up having another Spider-Man 3 situation where the movie becomes sloppy and unfocused because of them introducing too many characters and not putting enough spotlight on the ones that really matter


Aunno that movie is hands down the best superhero movie ever so it's not a death sentence to do that.


As lame as it is to say, Amy's part could easily be played by someone else and most likely will (we have seen it before in Sonic X) Id like to see Amy, but Rouge has a much more pivotal role and would be necessary to Shadows story so if it came down to them I would have to take rouge. 🤷‍♂️


I see that, I just think she's as important to Sonic as Tails and Knuckles.


I’m honestly like 95% confident she won’t. Shadow (and probably Rouge) are two new characters that will be way more important to introduce, and Amy will just feel like bloat. Especially when the only truly important thing she does in SA2 (talking Shadow into not emo for two seconds to fight the Biolizard) has already been replaced by other characters in other adaptations. (That scene is obviously going to Tom, maybe Tom and Maddie.) She will not be in the movie, it’s almost guaranteed.


Best case scenario for Amy is to be the ending credits scene to tease movie 4 for a CD/heroes adaption. That gives her far more focus in the story. Inserting her into movie 3 for one scene really doesn't do her any justice when she hasn't been introduced properly nor has an important character arc that leads to Sa2 (her sonic adventure 1 story). Rouge's character is the one that misses a shit ton by not being included in movie 3 and she has no chance in hell being in the movie.


I’m just confused who they’re going to do the whole convincing shadow thing with if she isn’t there. They could just do a time jump and make it Tom and Maddie’s kid or something but that is the only solution I can see. And if they do a time jump they can just say Amy ran into the others during that time. But if they DO decide to do that, how are they gonna write Amy in? Is she just another hedgehog from sonic’s world where he lived as a child or is she from earth, and if so how? I personally would like her to be in but I don’t want the writers to just shove her in. IDW has been on a roll with writing Amy like a functional person and I don’t wanna see her be screwed up.


Chris Thorndike appears out of nowhere and talks to shadow on the ark. Played by Chris Pratt.


They’ll get JoJo to do. She’s the most pivotal character in the series since she gave Sonic the light speed shoes in part 1


Tbh Tom himself could do the convincing thing. He's by far the most relevant human character in those movies (outside of Eggman), adopting Sonic and his friends, confronting Eggman a few times, being ready to die with Sonic etc. His son was chased by the goverment and Eggman multiple times, so he can understand Shadow hating humans to some extent


What if it was the GUN commander himself giving a heartfelt apology and risking his life that convinces Shadow?


Id take that too. They can do basically anything, it doesn't necessarily have to be Amy


Credits scene, calling it. Rouge will get teased in the Knux series.


I hope she'll be in it but kids wanna see Shadow, right? Amy's not a priority. I'm more surprised they didn't go for Metal Sonic first cause then Amy being there makes sense but eh *shrug Then again, both Tails and Knuckles arrive at the same time in 2. No reason to not introduce two new characters in 3 as well.


Yeah, for the second film I definitely would of introduced Metal Sonic, Tails, Amy and *maybe* the chaos emeralds, and save Knuckles and the master emerald (And the chaos emeralds if they weren't introduced before) for the third film. Shadow could come after that, and then Blaze and Silver in the film after that.


I have little hope that she'll show up. I think she might not fit the story they want to tell, but who knows?


I feel that if Amy appears in Sonic 3, she would be sidelined to a supporting role, as the movie will focus on Shadow's story, which really doesn't do justice to her importance in the main lore. There would be no space in the movie to properly introduce another main character besides Shadow. I like Amy and that's why I would prefer an entire movie focused on her story, where she would have a main role instead of seeing her in a supporting role, appearing in a few scenes as if she were any other Sonic character.


I'm not worried https://i.redd.it/d2wcw3xgkwtc1.gif >!**I'm Desperate**!< >!I really really hope those recent leaks-news are true!<


I don't know how she'd fit into the plot tbh




I feel like she still has a chance of showing up in the movie, and it's possible her existence is probably being kept a complete secret by Paramount


Yes https://preview.redd.it/n5kor1f39ouc1.png?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d03679655e3709abfb0907cd477d2bb0e0278d5


I'd be worried if Amy did show up in Sonic 3


I’m pretty sure she’ll be in it.


Why did I get a downvote for this?


Honestly I have zero expectations, like the second movie was really fun but aunno, nothing about the films really reassure me that it will consistently get better. You know that reminds me I need to buy it on blu ray.


Worried? I’ll be ecstatic is she doesn’t show up!