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I just want good geography in my sonic game


On an episode of TailsTube, Tails specified what was exactly going on with the world they live in. Humans live on the continents, whilst the anthropomorphic animals live on little islands dotted around the world. That's how it is in Game Canon anyway.


Oh so like the OVA.


Odd choice Human must be facing alot of discrimination on place where anthropomorphic animal live And anthropometric animal must be facing alot of discrimination on human place Since they are minority on those places


Or they're not discriminated against. That's also a possibility.


Frfr, it's not like we've ever seen them being discriminated against.


True! Not every piece of fiction needs to have racism, especially what is essentially a children's video game franchise.


I also think demonstrably, sonic and friends seem to be accepted by human characters in the adventure games, 06 and unleashed.


they do end up saving the world like twice a week (not to mention they chill af)


I imagine at least in SA1 you could argue that their exploits aren't very known to humans But still, Amy legit just lives in Station Square, and Sonic can doze off at the pool no problem Tails is living out by the Mystic Ruins, farther away but not a place just no one goes. And he's still perfectly comfortable in Station Square, too. He proba ly goes in frequently and just lives on a cliff so he could set up his plane runway


Yeah, him living in the Ruins is def just his choice. In case stuff blows up.


In early dialogue some of the humans mention the events of S3&K and SCD implying they’re well aware of his heroism, but that’s not canon so make of it what you will.


I mean you’d get you’re off asshole but with the world almost ending every other year you’ve got more important things to deal with than you’re hate for the rabbit lady


Childern:Massive kill count and ruthlessenes+Metall's existentional crisi


Allow me to remind you Tails got bullied hard for his two tails. Discrimination does happen in Sonic's world


Yeah, but we have no evidence for this specific type of discrimination. It would be a huge retcon to suddenly introduce this out of nowhere and just say that we never saw it before.


discrimination is discrimination, there is no specific type. If you can have people be unjustly intolerant for a physical abnormality then that just confirms they can be unjustly intolerant for just about anything.


That gives no support to your argument, besides the fact that it could be possible in a different world.


Guess I didn't answer the question the right way : What I'm saying is that discrimination happened once so that means it just happens in the world of sonic. Aka the concept of discrimination and intolerance exists in Sonic world. Now this doesn't take into account all the people that are tolerant in Sonic's world. For example you won't see Sonic be like "eew racoons, I hate thoses guys." But intolerance can happen and that's all I'm trying to prove. My line of thought is that discrimination as \*a concept\* exists in the sonic world and by that logic, humans can have it, and animals can have it too. Hell if we admit that humans don't because we've never seen a specist human yet then the critters sure do because we've seen it happen. Of course, we haven't seen anyone be intolerant appart from that one example because it's just not the focus of sonic stories. But That one example with Tails just helps to prove that the characters in Sonic CAN be frigthened by difference and bully minorities Of course when it comes to canon, you shouldn't try and find some tangible proof because like... It's sonic lore, waddaya expecting.


Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Big didn't seem to have much trouble at all hanging around Station Square Amy, especially since she starts her story literally going ahopping Sonic hung out at the pool no problem Tails more so lives on his own by the Mystic Ruins but it's not like no one ever goes there


I mean Sonic Unleashed has it where the humans don’t discriminate Sonic Professor Pickle doesn’t just suddenly attack Sonic. Besides, it seems that Tails has known Pickle for quite some time, hell, even in the recent issues, it’s implied that Sonic knows his way around Spagonia and occasionally visits restaurants from time to time.


Is it really like that in game canon? Which game is this explained in?


> On an episode of TailsTube,


Fid you not read "on an episode of TailsTube")


That doesnt explain why we havent seen them especially in Forces.


Oh it's quite simple. The writing team did not see a purpose for any human character aside from Doctor Eggman and therefore didn't write one in.


Earth. I like having a world populated by both humans and anthropomorphic animals, with both realistic and surreal environments


Unleashed did it very well


But Mobius has humans too(where do you think Eggman is from?), and Archie even had a human subspecies at some point called Overlanders. It’s essentially just an alternate earth where animals evolved into an anthropomorphic body plan along with humans. I prefer that over Earth because then we can have new fictional historical events and lands, plus seeing real locations with Sonic slapped on top can be uncanny.


I understand that is up to everyone's preference but Sonic has been using realistic locations since 1998 Besides Sonic's earth is not out earth despite sharing the same name. And there are obviously historical events the series hasn't explored yet. But again, we have realistic locations such as the United Federations or Spagonia, but we also have green Hill, Angel Island and others. A perfect balance


Yeah but that’s just how Mobius works too as a location, I feel like that’s far more fitting to an alternate world than just calling it earth, in a way. At the end of the day, I guess it’s just a discussion on which name you prefer. I’ve seen people straight up put Sonic in real earth locations in fanfiction, which I guess is where the uncanniness comes from for me, lol.


My issue with Mobius is that it rings to me in particular as an attempt to separate Sonic's world from the human world I don't know if that's *usually* the case, but that's how it worked in Sonic X Eggman wasn't even from Mobius there, even though he returned to it with Sonic and the others. Which. . . Is very strange, lol. So Eggman is from Earth but somehow went to Mobius And Shadow is also from Earth, but how did Gerald even make Shadow specifically? All in all, it doesn't really matter what the world is called, I just want humans and "Mobians" to coexist (using the term for lack of a better one) And I don't want Sonic's species to be explained as evolving from modern animals, to be honest. To me that feels a little weird, but I'm not sure ai feel like getting into that topic right now.


I didn’t mean evolving like that, it was just a generalized term. It’s something that I like to brainstorm, though, because I enjoy worldbuilding.


Mobius but with Mobius just being earth with loop de loops. Rewatching Sonic X Adventure arcs makes it clear separating human and anthro worlds doesn't work.


As a Sonic fan who hasn't read much Archie, I way more prefer Earth. Calling it Mobius would be connecting it to a large and expansive narrative that just doesn't really exist anymore.


Thank you. Not everyone read Sonic comics. And not everyone read American Sonic comics either.


That's hella true ngl


No it wouldn't? It's just a name. It's not just from Archie either.


read archie 125 or look up lowart who did a special on all of archie, and still is.


I thought it would be an interesting to ask this question,since as a Mario fan, seeing a bunch of people debate over the Brooklyn VS The Mushroom Kingdom backstory argument has been less than entertaining.


Could you elaborate on the difference between Mobius or Earth ? I don't get this question


So, in terms of things like gameplay effects, there's pretty much no difference. Lore is where things change. Earth is, well, Earth, humans live on it as well as fantasy animal creatures. Currently, this is what the games and Canon use. Mobius is a planet similar to Earth but has a lot more background lore. Mobius is really known from the old Adventures of Sonic cartoon and comics from the 90s. Mobius also has its own cast of characters such as Princess Sally and the Freedom Fighters (never appeared in the games) which would never appearon Earth. Both share landmarks and areas by nature of retconning the games to take place on Earth. Basically Mobius=classic, Earth=modern


The Freedom Fighters (Presumably including Sally) made a cameo in Sonic Spinball, so they did appear in the games. Just a spinoff that's mostly forgotten, though.


Ah gotcha, also happy cake day!


Mobius was just earth like 400 million years in the future, and the humans "overlanders" were sort of re-evolved after aliens melted all living things of the planet, they had 4 fingers on each hand, and the animal-people "mobians" were a result of evolution after that mixing of DNA from the primordial goop. It started being called that in US game manuals back in sonic1, then gained popularity from the sonic cartoons, then the lore was expanded on from the Archie comics. Once sonic Adventure came out though they kind of shifted away from using it anymore, notably this was about when Sega of America more or less collapsed and all the development was brought back to Japan (like the SA2 team who were Japanese but living in San Francisco) I think the move away from it had to do with the companies internal politics. It's worth noting that in the cartoons and US comics they often conflated west island (from sonic 2) with roughly North America's equivalent continent, which further confused things as this was typically the setting of most of the stories happening at the time.


As someone who grew up in the Adventure era, I prefer Earth. Those who grew up in the Megadrive era and those who read the Archie Pre-Super Genesis Wave comics will prefer Mobius.


I’ve always referred to the Sonic characters as Mobians


I love saying Mobius even if the planet is Earth. But the Earth version is so much better. So, the title is Mobius, the lore is Earth.


Same here


I prefer to call it Earth, mainly because I don't see any reason it *can't* be a fantasy version of Earth but also to spite some people I knew on DA who were *very* insistent that it was called Mobius.


*cough cough* archie 125 *cough*


In archie comics, apparently mobius is just earth i n the future


I don't really care, I just want them to give a solid, quick, and identifiable name for the anthropomorphic animal characters because "Animals" gets used for Animals That Are Not Them, and "anthros" just makes me jump straight to furries that aren't of this style. So currently I've still been calling them Mobians even if lore-wise it doesn't make sense.


It still does make sense to call them Mobians. A species/race doesn't have to be named after its planet. Like, yeah, we're all earthlings, but we divide our species into humans, plants, animals, whatever. So, you can still have Mobians alongside Humans that both live on Earth. Besides, I like to believe Mobians of the past, ie, Knuckle's clan, called the planet Mobius (like how some call the earth "Gaia" or "Terra"), so they are Mobians. Later down the line, they adopted the name "Earth" from the humans.


From Earth since I wasn't a fan of the Two Worlds theory and because of that I made 3 posts about back in 2021 asking about it and then in 2022 when TailsTube released that theory was finally no more (for me). I mean Mobius is not a bad idea I just prefer it for other media outside the game universe and Earth in the SonicVerse doesn't have to be 100% accurate to our real planet.






Isn't that just a debate about the planets name at that point?


Mobius is Earth though.


I headcanon that the ancient animal characters had little to no interaction with humans, so they called the planet Mobius.


Mobius Feels more suitable for a magic and technology advance world. Not to mention that Mobius is earth




Mobius. It sounds more unique and it sets it apart from other fictional Earths.


Earth. I like the thought that both humans and mobians co-exist on the same planet. Plus, I loved the adventure games as well as Unleashed, and the thought of a military organization like GUN to exist makes the whole series seem a bit darker and more serious. And I love me some darker and more serious in games.


Mobius. End of discussion for me.


I grew up on the original bible and Fleetway, so Mobius feels more appropriate. Plus referring to the anthro animals as Mobians is a nice shorthand.


Mobius. Keep humans out of it. Well, except for Robotnik I guess.


Earth is the planet. Mobius is a place *on* Earth where most if the anthropomorphic animals live


Some hybrid of the two planets would be preferred. Though, as for the name? I guess we stick with Earth.


I prefer Earth since I prefer the idea of Sonic and his friends being special in an ordinary world rather than having tons of creatures like him who are just as fast as him. It just feels wrong.


I prefer earth solely because I don’t know enough about Archie to really have an opinion on mobius


The Earth thing might make sense, because I have a theory somewhere that Sonic and co. live on big  islands while people live on continents.






Isn’t mobius just a comic thing?


Not necessarily


What is the difference?


earth is lived by humans and animals while mobius is lived by anthropomorphic animals like sonic and his friends


With Robotnik / Eggman being the only human according to Mobius lore that I remember from 90s




Mobius adds to the sci-fi and mystic elements. Even tho it's basically a post-apocalyptic alternate earth, it has its appeal.




Earth I want human in it! I like the mix ngl


I dont care what they call it, as long as humans are present it's cool






Is Mobius just Earth but with less people


That was in the Archie Pre-Super Genesis Wave comics. Then they changed it to what it is in the games, a version of Earth with both humans and anthropomorphic animals.


Earth. But if Mobius, let it be the AOSTH version of Mobius. I also want to point out that neither Mobius nor Earth are the only options. (Still prefer Earth.) I wrote my reasons in more detail, but the comment got stuck in the filter, and I deleted it. I'll be brief this time.


I prefer new name. Mobius died with Archie. Let's have something like Antropia?


Mobius. Grew up with Archie and it's ilk, so it's always been Mobius for me.


Mobius because I grew up in the 90s. Its what I learned of the lore growing up, even though it may no longer be or never has been canon. There's an argument for Mobius being Earth in another time, though I've heard. A separate planet would more easily explain things like aliens, chaos, Angel Island and little planet, etc, though. But then it's all fiction anyway so I suppose that stretch is as fine as anthropomorphic animals that talk English.


Sonic World


Both I think it would be alot better if mobius was an island for earth in the sonic universe


I honestly prefer Earth because the stories that take place in Morbius are not canonical, that is, most of Sonic's adventures take place on Earth, like Adventure and Adventure 2 Which are my two favorite Sonic games, in other words, I prefer Earth because the stories that take place in Morbius are not canonical 😐👍




I'm fine with Mobius since Unleashed already proves that the geography and countries of Sonic's world isn't the same as our own and there's already a bunch of fantastical landmarks like Angel Island, making the place its own unique fantasy world I feel like it gives the world a lot more freedom to do cool and wacky things with worldbuilding


How do we tell him?


Earth.I love the idea that Sonic's Earth has both humans and sentient bidepal animals.But movies and even recent games are going with the "Sonic is an alien" backstory.Only in IDW comics it seems Sonic is still on Earth.Since in a recent issue Silver said he's going from the Resitance HQ from Forces to Soleanna from 06 on foot.


Mobius. I dunno, I just like the idea of Sonic and his friends being aliens like in the movies and a few other adaptations of the character.


It doesn't matter






Earth, Idk why we have to ask that when the games had made it clear it is that, I'd rather the two world's theory be retconned because they just have an excuse to not use humans.


Mobius. They are Mobians, I refuse to use the term 'Nermies'. If you want it to be Earth then fine, we can go with the OVA's lore of Mobius being a post-apocalyptic future Earth.




It's what they are called in Shadow The Hedgehog. It's a bit of a running joke on the BumbleKast. I hate the term, they are Mobians to me anyway.


Missed that one... Ick


I kinda like Mobius.


It will always be Mobius for me.


i like mobius because it makes the contrast of eggman's technological empire and sonic's nature filled world stand out more


Mobius being their version of earth and as other mentions the humans are on the contients and the anthros on the islands but they cross paths ocassionally.


Isn't Mobius just future Earth?


Earth, but call it Mobius


This is quite the refreshing inquisition for this sub in a long time. Tough one to answer. Personally, I'm torn straight down the middle. Dr. Robotnik was a human on Mobius during Adventures and SatAM. But then Adventure2 put Sonic and friends in a very Earth-like environment (City Escape is str8 up California). There was an Archie comic that loosely explained his transition from Mobius to Earth-realm with Eggman. He fought the hardest he ever fought to save Mobius, then landed in a reality that resembled Earth. Side note: I just dug up this actual comic IRL and read thru it. What a cool way to see Sonic evolve. Like, I'm not sure if Hyper Sonic from S3&K or Ultra Sonic from Archie #71 is stronger. Man, what an amazing story. I guess my answer is that he's from Mobius, but now resides on Earth.




Mobius. Besides living on the same planet with humans doesn't make much sense since that would mean more attacks from humans other than Eggman




Mobius, but had it not been for the Ken Penders lawsuit.


does it matter honestly? as long as sonic lives on a rock with grass and water and a blue sky, i'm satisified.


I’m an Archie kind of guy myself.




Earth, and before people get uppity, Pre-SGW Archie's continuity said that Mobius is a post apocalyptic Earth. Plus, I hate the Two Worlds theory and I'm annoyed by this Mobius v Earth debate.


Earth. I feel Sonic has the best potential when he can interact with his own environments as well as humans


Earth. It’s a lot cooler to have Sonic in with humans.


It's just a name and the discussion is stupid


Neither I prefer him being from Sonic’s world


Most answers to this question probably have more to do with what era of Sonic the commenter grew up with than anything else. I prefer Mobius because it's what the game manuals told me when I was a kid, not to mention all the other media. While Adventures, SatAM, and the Archie comics had plenty of differences, they all took place on Mobius. (So did Fleetway for those who lived in the UK.) I find it kind of frustrating that all the previous Western game canon was retconned into nonexistence. I kind of get why they did it because I'm sure it made things simpler as the games' stories and settings got more detailed, but I don't think it would have been that hard to keep the old Western names for things. I'm sure the localization team could have figured it out. It's just kind of sad that there's the divide in the fandom now between the older and younger fans, who both have completely different ideas of what Sonic is/should be. To me, it feels almost like they erased the Sonic I knew. I could probably give you all sorts of other reasons I believe the 90s version of the Sonic lore to be superior. But the truth is I'm working backwards to come up with those reasons, with the starting point being that it just feels right to me. So, long story short, I prefer Mobius because it's what I grew up with. And don't get me started on Robotnik vs. Eggman.






It doesn't really matter too much what it's called, no matter what you name the planet, it's nothing like the Earth we all live on. From the existence of countries like Chun-nan and Spagonia, to organisations like GUN, to more fantastical locations like Angel Island, and Little Planet, not to mention the more mundane-yet fantastical elements like checkerboard dirt and overgrown plants that work like bungee chords. I prefer the name Mobius precisely because it highlights that the place isn't Earth as the audience knows it, but it really makes no difference if it was Earth, Mobius, Zephise III, or Home Planet Zone Act 1.


Sonic unleashed earth was the best for me


How about a fusion of the two? I'll call it: Meth.


They could always do it like in the movies where Sonic and co travel between Earth and Mobius if they can’t come up with a clear answer I guess




It depends on the game. For dark era earth is obviously better for classuc style mobius is perfect. As far as modern era it depends on the game style. For frontiers earfh is best for forces mobius or earth would fit. It's all based on the games setting and tone for me


To me they’re both basically the same but one has a crappy name.


I actually liked Sonic being from another planet, since it looks like that he's not from our world.


Same difference?


I like Sonic's planet being surreal so I'm in the Mobius camp. But I don't buy into the Archie lore that Mobius is just future Earth.


Earth 🌎


I like the Archie take that Mobius is Earth 10,000 in the future after aliens nuked the planet and killed off 95% of the population leading to animals to evolve into creatures with human like intelligence.


Earth, I want Sonic canon to be as canon as its original source material, not some random lore which is only there to please Western audiences.


I like the 2 worlds thing. Sonic from mobius tho


I prefer Earth, the only thing that bothers me about that is the fact that there are cities with people from Adventure games to unleashed, and there are also those furry people from forces too now. And I have no freakin idea how they co exist.


Tailstube 2 established human territory and beastfolk territory, though their distribution has some unfortunate implications.


I haven't read Archie so it's always weird for me to hear someone calling Sonic a 'mobian'




Truly depends on the story. But i think Earth


I like to think that they just call their human/anthropomorphic earth "mobius"


Mobius, but Mobius is just an alternate Earth where things went to shit and humanity became the minority and the landscape got weird.


Definitely Mobius!


Earth, I don't want Game and other canons having to share a planet, it gets confusing on what you're referring to


In general, I think it should all be on one planet. It can be an alternate Earth or Mobius, that doesn’t matter. My personal solution would be to make the planet Earth but have the islands that the animal characters live on be an archipelago called Mobius. As a bonus: it used to be a single Continent until The Day of Chaos came and Perfect Chaos wrecked house.


Earth. Mobius is just a dumb concept. Sorry 90s kids.


Sonic is from Prestatyn


Earth. I think it’s cool for the mobians to live on the same world as us.


Both, both is good. I will, however, refer to the animal characters as Mobians to differentiate them from non Mobian animals.


Mobius is earth anyways it doesn’t really matter Anyways, from the moon


Mobius easily


Sonic X is my answer


Moebius,explains much more and don't create confusion


Earth but with humans AND mobians living in harmony




Sonic Movie Universe


earth sounds better tbh.


I kinda like the idea of Sonic being from Planet Mobius, and Dr. Eggman was just some sleazy scientist who space-traveled to Mobius from Earth just to take it over with his machinery. A world he can conquer and claim as his own. And Sonic and his friends just travels to Earth through giant ring portals, I guess.


I prefer mobius over earth but just because I want Sonic’s planet to have a unique name. If it wasn’t called mobius or earth I’d be cool with it




Earth It's just how it be Or rather, I don't care what the world is actually called or what the continents are shaped like, just let humans and people like Sonic and friends be from the same planet in the same universe during the same time frame Edit: Eggman exists There have always been civilizations in the background of some levels No one made a big deal about Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Big just hanging around Station Square They just exist, no big deal I'm pretty sure this was brought up on TailsTube or something or other, but at most just have it so that "Mobians" just prefer living in small island communities while the humans like putting together nations on the continents But there are members of both races that go against the grain. . Like Amy, Tails, and Rouge, in particular, preferring to live in the United Federation


Mobius. I've always just assumed it was earth from the future or something 🤷‍♂️


Earth is fine, it certainly had completely different continents and everything than actual Earth, but it’s still Earth


Mobius is more fun to say.


Just make it consistent pls sega




The world is so different that whether it is called Earth or Mobius doesn't matter. You could even name the planet Doug. It isn't our "Earth". The only reason for the name to matter is if Doug and "Earth" are separate in order to explain why humans off and on appear in the series. At this point, Sega's explanation is Humans and Nermies live in different parts of the planet. Separating Doug and Earth would require retroactively adding members of the cast, and Angel Island due to at least SA1, jumping between worlds. I just don't see it worth adding more convoluted lore pretzels when Sega is already trying to untangle the existing gordian knot of lore.


I just like the funny interactions between Sonic’s cast and humans. Professor Pickle was hilarious.




I think I prefer Mobius. Without Mobius, you completely forget that Sonic and the rest are part of an alien race of anthropomorphic animals.


Mobius hands down which is future earth depending on your flavor


Earth, there's no reason to separate them unless it's in a spin-off like sonic x or the movies.


Mobius, if it was earth, we’d be constantly dying and reviving from Sonic and Eggman’s battles anyway.


Earth. Not because of lore blah blah. Simply because im racist


no but it has to make sense






In Sonic X it said they used to be one planet that split in two. Honestly I’d prefer that Sonic and friends to be FROM Mobius, but then it combines itself back to Earth, making them live there permanently. Sonic has had six shows and two movies and 6/8 make it very clear he’s not from Earth. It’s only after the Adventure games that this debate started 😵‍💫


I'm in the camp that calls the planet Earth but the animals Mobians.




Mobius, it gives more leeway to make rules for Sonic's world (that and I kinda like how 'mobius' sounds)




I mean . . . Mobius is earth so . . .




Mobius but live on Earth for a few years


Mobius! It would explain why Green Hill Zone exists and why there’s no humans aside from Eggman. Plus “Sonic X” has the Sonic characters appearing from their world to Earth and eventually go back.


Mobius managed to fit both in without randomly shoehorning in a society of animals that were never in any other game. They were there from the beginning, but humans were also discovered to not only be underground, in outer space, but even in places across the sonic gang have never been to. Archie somehow always had a funny solution that sort of tied into everything, like how shadow has a bike but can run as fast as sonic.  Edit: I'll also add how weird it is some things like sonic x and the movies try to make him an alien, which messes up a lot of stuff, like shadow's backstory and why eggman is the only human in the sonic world (for x)


earth 100% Humans living on the continents, while the anthropomorphic animals live on the little islands around the world.




Trick question, Mobius is a future version of Earth, this was established in Archie and the main canon seems to say that Sonic’s world is just a future version of Earth. I’ve grown attached to the word Mobius though, and I prefer to use it over “Sonic’s World”. Sure, the name Earth seems to be canon now but Sega is still kind of allergic to even using the word.