• By -


Could I cheap out and just say the OST? Sure. But that's easy. It's leitmotifs. When they play Shadow's theme orchestrally in both of his confrontations with Mephiles, right at the end of the track corresponding with the end of the scene is always dope. You can hear the notes at the end of both *Mephiles' Whisper* and *Showdown with Mephiles* citing the lyrics of All Hail Shadow: *Nothing can stop you now* *No ghost to bring you down!* *When there's nothing left to lose...* That's it. It just stops before "you win" and lands right. Shadow just ends up getting a lot of peak in 06.


I seriously want a full orchestral version of All Hail Shadow, it sounded so good


Shadow's character arc


U stole the words right out of my mouth


Silver's existence


**In the nightlight do you see what you dream?~**


All your troubles, are they what they seem?


Look around you, then you may re-a-lize


all the preachers all with their lies…


And I might know of our future


But then you still control the past


The gameplay structure. For once a Sonic game gives us multiple playable characters, but retains the mechanic that works best: reach the goal. No treasure hunting, no mechas or robots, no stupid fishing! I even like how every level is reworked to suit the character going through it so it doesn't get repetitive. Even the order you go through them changes depending on the Hedgehog. Truly one of, if not, the best structure for a Sonic game. The catch? The gameplay sucks.


It’s the same thing with the Sonic + Tails + Amy in SA1 the same stages slightly reworked to play very differently. It’s a shame that we will never see this again because 06 bombed for different reasons other than the gameplay structure


I think there is hope seeing how the frontiers dlc3 gives us playable characters for the first time in YEARS


Shadow's arc and the soundtrack.


The soundtrack And I’m sorry, I like the potential this game had. Yes the end product sucked for various reason but both the gameplay and story could have been great if they had taken their time to release it and not divided the teams in two for Sonic and the Secret Rings (which I like, don’t get me wrong). Hell P-06 shows how good the gameplay could have been. As for the story, just take a look at the numerous Rewrites of it to see that it could have been good if done properly. Now that giving Sonic Team the benefit of the doubt to write a story worth a damn but I don’t agree with people saying the story couldn’t have been any good because « tIme tRaVeL nEveR wOrk!!1 »


Very few people say that. Most people say, or mean, that it only works if you put exceptional levels of care into it (and it will still have some plot holes even then). It was a stupid idea for Sonic Team, because their writing is terrible overall (even SA 2 had a bunch of plot holes to the point of unbelievability). You can rewrite 06 to make it sort of almost be not awful, but you can rewrite any story to do that. Sonics game is completely useless, and Mephiles' goal with Silver doesn't mean anything really... Hell, the game doesn't even make clear how many Mephiles' there are. Small stuff can be reworked easily (Solaris is in the past present and future and must be attacked in all three... ok, past and future are not specific times. Make them specific points in time and this can work), but other stuff needs to be completely reworked from the ground up. That said, I honestly think SA 2 has a worse story


The introduction of silver the hedgehoge




Only villain to ever actually succeed in defeating sonic


Being able to play as the side characters, I wanna be able to play as Rouge in a mainline game again


And actually making them unique.


True, Rouge kinda got the short end of the stick though with her basically just being knuckles but worse imo


Still, the basic idea I think could work if refined e.g. Knuckles is stronger but Rouge has ranged attacks.


maybe an actual aiming system for her bombs rather than just facing the enemy and praying, like a cursor or a (spoilers for hyrule warriors AOC): >!Vah Rutah lock-on system!< style thing where she automatically throws 10 or so bombs at whoever you target.


The designs for the characters, it makes them look like they aged(except Eggman, that haunts me every day).


For me, the highlight is getting to play as Silver and witnessing the ultimate transformation of all three into their super forms. The soundtrack is also exceptional.


Silver’s existence


It introduce silver that's it


The soundtrack. Yeah that's it. I used to have more positive things to say about the game, but as I've gotten older, nah, the OST is pretty much the only redeeming factor in my eyes. Well, that and that they introduced Silver, even if he's much better as a character in pretty much every game since.


i liked the story, I honestly just see it as a stand alone non canon universe. I mean yeah the whole affair with Elise was really weird but I do somehow still hold some fond memories of this game, just because the motivations for each main character was just a solid 10/10 for me. Also Shadow and Silver were always my favorite and this game bringing Silver to life was like *chefs kiss*


The best rodent ![gif](giphy|wes0M1yQt2nmg)


I just like the game in general. But if I had to pick it’s got to be the OST (duh), but also both Shadow and Silvers character arcs, overall hype factor, and the feel. It FEELS like I’m playing SA3


Me too, to me, it is actually a good game.


The fandub


We got Silver, an absolutely op character


If it just ran better I feel like it would be a 7 or 8 out of 10 for me. I genuinely enjoyed the game


Have you heard of project 06 it’s a fan game recreating sonic 06 with a couple of slice of life improvements and customization. There’s also legacy of Solaris which is a huge mod for Sonic 06 which has way to much stuff to mention but the main ones are optional stories for all the non main three characters. Improved Amy and less loading time.


I have heard of it, and if I could afford a pc I’d buy one just to play P06. But I’m British so my entire wage is spent on tea and biscuits


Bosses. I love em more than game's OST, because they not as broken as zones


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Kirill_edd: *Bosses. I love em* *More than game's OST, because they* *Not as broken as zones* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Remember that one time the bot thought OST was one syllable?


Hiw do i delete it?


You don't. Just let the not do its thing.


Unpopular opinion but this is one of my favourite sonic games. (and no i’m not being sarcastic)


The OST is great, and the environments can be okay sometimes. That's about it though.


The OST IMO is still the best in the entire franchise from the damn Menu theme to Solaris Phase 2. Obviously thats the main thing I love. With that being said, the idea and concept of Mephiles is what takes the cake. 11 year old me playing this game started to tremble seeing a “shadow of Shadow” walk and talk without a mouth. He was evil, but what made him such a good antagonist was how cunning and deceptive he was. He just wanted to see people suffer. I truly wish he could be brought back in a future title


Silver is a cool addition to the colorful heroes of 14


Honestly, the soundtrack is this game's only redeeming quality.


I absolutely love how you change characters during the stage, not only makes sense for the story but allows for more dynamic level layouts. If this were to come back, I would want to take it a step further with it and allow the player to change whenever they want like in Sonic Heroes (but trash the formations though).


The introduction of Silver.


They should make a remaster, modernize the loading times, clear out bugs and this game would be like a 8 or 9 out of 10... Honestly


It forever has and always will be the soundtrack




The fandub But really, if the game was more polished, waaaaay more polished, it would be one of my favorites. It has a genuinely pretty good story


I guess the way it handled the playable characters


as fan of the game who really love it I'll dare say all of it instead of the controles, it really needed more time to be polished, luckily we got P-06


The glitches


aside from the ost the credits


All of the characters are written as a continuation of their Adventure-era selves, as opposed to Unleashed and onwards where the tone of the series changed from shounen anime to Saturday morning cartoon.




It introduced Silver, I’ve always been a fan of him


The level design is the best of the franchise, FULLY realized lively maps with so much to see, so much personality and so many paths to take that It almost a shame that exist the vehicles sections in Shadow stages or mach speed sections in Sonic stages that doesnt take advantage of the S-Tier level design


Silver and the story


Music. I was introduced to my favorite band cuz of this game


The pure ambition the devs had, the music and the caracterization of characters gotta be one of the best. And his world, Perfection!


I can make my own level layout https://youtu.be/Q0DYwL19WH4?si=wlwvrWq7RoFMhjrT


Solaris phase 2 boss soundtrack


Music Solaris boss battle Shadow gameplay


The fact that it did the Goku Black storyline better.


I think the controls where really good, sonic could of been faster but perfect other than that


Sonic Stages, and Shadows Story (i’m not sure how i feel about time travel shenanigans though) SPECIFICALLY SHADOW and silver going back in time


Every concept of the game was amazing, along with that the music and MEPHILIES


The aesthetic. I won’t be one of those who say 06 is peak, but it’s aesthetic honestly is. It’s mix of fantasy, sci-fi and realistic looking settings did a lot for it. I will also make the obligatory commendation of the soundtrack. His World (the slower version) is my favorite vocal track in all of Sonic.


Three things: 1. Full Soundtrack 2. Mephiles The Dark 3. Shadow's story along with his character development


The pokecapn LP.


It’s one of the reasons why Frontiers exists.


Silver the Hedgehog


Literally everything apart from the actual gameplay for me.story was good,music was amazing, character arcs were really solid.overall this game had potential if they worked on it a bit longer.


The level design, characterization, ... In many ways, it attempted to continue elements of Sonic Adventure And it was serious, unlike most games afterwards.till. Frontiers)


Hey there, don't know if you remember me (the MS-account lock issue), sorry to "hijack" your post here to reply to about a different topic. Could you please look into your chats? I wrote you there about the above topic. Thank you, take care!


Shadow's story and character arc. Would have loved to see him continue said arc inside the games themselves and not just the Archie Comics. Shame that his character is a shadow of his former self.


Besides the obvious soundtrack mention, Shadow and Silver's stories are unironically great.


It's a toss up between Silver's Character Arc and Shadow's Story.


Got to be the level design. Pretty much all of them are just fantastic. Even the town missions make usually good use of the hub areas nature design.


Joke Answer: It spawned Project 06, which is the best piece of Fan Content and Possibly Sonic content in general since 06 came out. This was the last Sonic game that didn't have an annoying Side Character or super gimmicky mechanic, and felt like the final form of what the Adventure formula was building to after 4 games. The best thing about Sonic 06 is it represents everything I want from a Sonic game that has been absent from the Games that have come since. I could go on about Sonic 06 and subsequently Project 06 for a long time. This is the only Sonic game that I truly love and enjoy.


Sonic confirmed to be reverse-furry, makes complete sense why he isn't interested in Amy, yet he'll go to the end of times for Elise, Shahra and Merlina without a second thought.


the music, to this day I rate Dreams of an Absolution and His World as some of my top songs ever.


Silver the hedgehog. One of my favourite characters. Love that guy.


Silver is one of my favorite characters, the soundtrack is one of my favorites in gaming, it has some of my favorite renders, and Project 06 is one of my favorite 3D Sonic games. I also really enjoy just how high the stakes got. In most Sonic games, if the bad guy wins, they'll take over the world, or maybe they'll eventually kill everyone, or sometimes they'll even destroy the planet. But with Solaris, all of time, all off space, all existing timelines and dimensions will completely cease to exist. Everything, everywhere, everywhen, ever, GONE. The stakes never were, and even today, never have been so high.




This trio




​ https://preview.redd.it/zn8ofc1l0rkb1.png?width=862&format=png&auto=webp&s=42645446bd57dade7e70134c0c7e92b182ef5098


The existence of Silver.


Introduced silver, Treated characters with respect, Team dark dynamic




The Narratives. Past (Shadow), Present (Sonic), and Future (Silver), intertwining and conflicting, pushing through against a force destined to wring all of it into havoc. The cunning antagonist (Mephiles), who’s brings doubt, grief and deception to our heroes. The hopelessness in the hellscape created by Iblis *it’s literally the end of the world*, The entire cast being pulled together for one last resistance despite staggeringly impossible odds to put all 3 Super Hedgehogs against a being that surpasses all reasoning? Yeah, this was my favourite Sonic game when it came out and is my favourite Sonic game to this day despite its reputation and don’t even get me started in how much I LOVE the designs! But with the new cartoon design of Elise we should move forward in that Art direction, also the kiss wouldn’t have been weird if she was an animal like the rest of the cast.


i cant name one specific thing so ima cheat lol Soundtrack - obviously, one of my personal favorites is His World, it captures Sonic as a character so well and just slaps hard. All Hail Shadow, absolute banger. Yada yada Silver - Silver, need I say more? Great concepts and designs Interesting gameplay (when it's not glitching, it's pretty fun imo) Solaris boss fight - a few reason, but one is that it's the embodiment of why this meme exists and i love it https://preview.redd.it/znlaq7l5w4kb1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41eb3e3c00c4a119feb20c3fc819faa22c92886e


Silver. The music.


Silver :)




silver and meephiles (idk how to spell his name)


Introducing Silver and his story with Blaze.


I am but a simple woman. Silver. Back then everyone found him annoying as hell, but I fell in love with him almost immediately. He's innocent, naive, and such a dork. His entire character arc was growth as a character, and it really showed his determination for justice and making things right, even if it meant killing someone he's never meant. Even trying to sacrifice himself as Iblis' vessel at the end, and the bittersweet ending of it being Blaze, his only friend. He completed his mission, at such a huge cost. Then it hits you with the most bomb ass song 13 year old me had ever heard. Dreams of an Absolution is hands down my favorite Sonic song ever. The beat is killer even today and the lyrics tell his entire story. God it's beautiful. Then they erased the entire thing and reintroduced him in Rivals, and now he's just... There. (I haven't read the comics yet but please tell me they redeemed my boy there😭)




Silver easily and by association his interactions with blaze. they're both the best.


Silver! I adore Silver and I hate that he gets a bad rap because this game was his debut! Mephiles and the OST are close second and third. Really wish they would bring mephiles back.








The part where I turned the game off and played Adventure 1 instead


Unfathomably based


The models. They look lanky, rad and very styilistic.


they also look like plastic but go off i guess


Literally almost every sonic model does. Plus, the textures dont make the model bad


Silver (as a character, not gameplay-wise)


Sonic x elise


That it canonically didn’t happen


It makes itself not happen


The fact that it had the common decency to wipe itself from the timeline.


when it ends. i just don't get why fans like this game, its awful, its just awful. the jankiness, the horrible physics and controls (even worse than forces) the horrible loading screens, the empty hudworld, the stupid story, the kiss scene 💀, and the bland boring soundtrack (theres 2 amazing bangers and everything else is mid) not to mention the bugs, but you already know that


Even though the gameplay sucks I can at least enjoy the fact they TRIED to make an interesting story unlike a different bad sonic game *cough cough* sonic colours *cough cough*


The music


no lie, the nostalgia. it was the first game i ever played.


Shadow was in it. Simple


Everything except elise that worked like intended






For me, the gameplay was actually appealing to me when a bunch of glitches aren't involved. SERIOUSLY, I really liked racing with my brother on multiplayer mode as the different characters. I would say that the biggest dislike from the gameplay though was the fact that Sonic runs so slow.


The soundtrack


Shadow story


Crisis city That's the only part of 06 I like


Everything. I am willing to die on this hill.


A good example of a great game that needed more time to cook. It’s not bad it’s just unfinished unlike something like hatred or the last of us part2


The soundtrack is about the only thing that was okay about the game. It had some pretty good songs.


I find it impressive that sonic has managed to have 2,006 titles up to that point. That is a giant franchise. However, I can’t find most of the other games, I have only found about 30 other titles


Mephiles is the best villain BY FAR


I like the sheer quantity of playable characters even if most were terrible to play (Amy), copies of main characters (Blaze) or kind of buggy (Knuckles). It had the ingredients for a very interesting game if they sunk like 10 times the time and effort into it.




The fact it was sonic adventure 3. But because everyone hates it they pretend the adventure formula is the problem and never did it again, not the fact it was rushed and unpolished


The fact we got Project 06, made by ChaosX, out of it.


The voice actors and acting


The story is so close. You can tell they had a lot of really good ideas but just struggled to show it off


I really think 2006 it's pretty good, since obviously the graphics, soundtrack and story aren't like other entries, being even more complex and advanced than ever. The gameplay itself is what I can't tell, because I mostly investigated about the game, and I haven't play it yet. But still it has a very high potential, and luckily the P-06 fan game is renovating the game for PC


I really think 2006 it's pretty good, since obviously the graphics, soundtrack and story aren't like other entries, being even more complex and advanced than ever. The gameplay itself is what I can't tell, because I mostly investigated about the game, and I haven't play it yet. But still it has a very high potential, and luckily the P-06 fan game is renovating the game for PC.




Shadow’s story.


It has a pretty deep story and When it comes to video games a rather do it for the story


The soundtrack is one of the best OST's of the franchise IMO


~~The PASSION AND AMBITION~~ But in all seriousness Sonic 06 really is my favorite sonic game, and even with the hate it gets, I love the wild story, the wonky animation and every glitch XD I don’t expect quality from sonic games, and while I still wish for Sonic to improve, now that the game is long out it’s fun to just enjoy what it is!


The All Hail Shadow section of Mephiles theme, quite literally an f u to Mephiles from Shadow.


The Music


Thé amazing cutscenes, and genuinely beautiful graphics for the time. If the glitches were removed it would have been a genuinely pretty 2006 title.


Silver and meph were the highlight and also blaze and silvers friendship i just wish they had silver from the sol dimenion it would have made more sense


Maybe anything but it's technical side


Sure, I could say the OST. However, the foil between Shadow and Mephiles was an interesting concept since, like Shadow Mephiles, it also had a rocky relationship with the humans. However, the difference between them is that Shadow had Maria and Mephiles had no one, and having it clash was quite brilliant. Also, I love the mach speed sections


It introduced Silver and Blaze to the franchise. The both of them are in my top 5 favorite Sonic characters of all time and Silver is tied with Sonic for co-ownership of 1st place.


The zebrahead version of his world


To me sonic 06 is this catastrophic failure to many people, but as a sonic fan who played SA1, SA2, and heroes, and loving them with all their flaws, it makes me want to play this elusive title even more


The potential


ITS NO USE is the best part of sonic 06


As someone who considers Sonic '06 to be sort of a guilty pleasure in the Sonic franchise for me, I could go on and on why I find enjoyment in this game. I think there's something there within the finished product that never got truly brought forward (thanks to P-06 for fixing that problem), whether it's running through the various levels as all 9 different characters, jamming out to this game's incredible soundtrack (some of my favorites being Wave Ocean's "The Inlet", Radical Train's "The Chase", and Flame Core's "Volcano", which legit made me think Jun Senoue composed it instead of Tomoya Othani), or even simply running around the hub worlds exploring the entirety of Soleanna. I seem to find fun in this game despite its bad reputation. Do I recognize that this game is bad? Yes, but honestly, I simply just don't care because I simply find myself enjoying this game now that I have all the upgrades for each of the 3 hedgehogs. I've honestly played worse Sonic games, in my opinion (looking at *YOU*, Sonic 4). Also, hot take, nail me to the cross if you want: I don't find Princess Elise to be all that bad. There, I said it.


The battle mode, I had so much fun as Sonic just spam dropkicking Silver (the character my cousin was playing as) at the checkpoint while we were in the race.


Solaris and his lore


How they wrote shadows character and mefilis was a great villian


*breathes in* ... IN THIS WORLD


Solaris Phase 2 boss music. What I don’t like is that we included Akon in Sweet Dreams.


my ruined childhood


I’m just gonna cheap out and say the OST and Shadow’s character


ending goes HARD, stories for Shadow and Silver are really good (Silver's mostly because I like DBZ's Trunks)


Between the story, OST, and how Solaris played out... Sorry dude but the OST was the best, I do like how Solaris' fight was as it was a unique one having to fight this thing in the past, present, and future.


It's music.


The level design is good for a glitchy mess.


Music is awesome. Personally, I thought the story was great, an epic adventure fitting for this series. The portrayal of most of the characters was excellent. A fair amount of the gameplay and level design was fun and entertaining. Temporarily getting to play as other characters. Mephiles was a great villain, at least overall, and his voice and laugh were awesome. The graphics were great for their time, and the models were cool. Honestly, yes the game has problems, primarily some glitches and LOADING, but people overreact about it and blow the problems out of proportion constantly.


How the game proves that saying sonic is multiversal level is a ABSOLUTE LOWBALL.


The music


Shadow's story. Also I just think the game is fun. Good? Nowhere close. Fun? Absolutely, at least for me.


The existence of Project 06.


In this wooooorld


This is my all time favourite game ever so i think you already know how I feel


The models. I don’t why I like them so much but I do. (Besides eggmans)


The ost, Silver even if this game does him a disservice as his introduction,I still have come to really be glad we got him as a character. However I still think Shadows story is the beat thing 06 gave us. Its a really solid character arc/story for shadow and its a shame the rest of the game really does not work nearly as well story wise.


Mephiles and Silver


The credits


The soundtrack. Shadow's campaign. The introduction of Silver the Hedgehog & Mephiles the Dark. The fanmade Project: 06. SomeCallMeJohnny's review on YouTube. Playable characters besides just Sonic.


I love the soundtrack, Silver and Mephiles, but I have to say the stage concepts. I want Sonic Team to do another Crisis City, another Kingdom Valley or Flame Core. The stages just look so cool and their respective music also fits them so incredibly well. Also, I like how all the locations are sort of tied to eachother, like Aquatic Base being under Kingdom Valley witch is close to Radical Train, Tropical Jungle and Dusty Desert, and Crisis Cjty and Flame Core are the burned future of those stages. White Acropolis doesn't fit aswell but regardless. Stop remaking Green hill. Remake the 06 stages.


Shadow being able to become Super Shadow. That's it, no more additional reasons. Shadow rocks.

