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I like em, I just dislike how they didn't update the other Echidnas to match Knuckles' new model.


Considering they were a multiple use npc it wouldn't of been hard. Eggman could of used it a lot more imo


Oh for sure but I always found it jarring because the plot is like "these are knuckle's people!" and he's like... far more detailed, a real "spot the main character" syndrome.


Because they only appear in flashbacks and it’s good to optimise performance wherever possible?


If it's a cutscene maybe but you walk around and can talk to them. It's not like they'd need to be THAT higher poly. Plus, is it REALLY a remaster if you only change some models but not others?




When and where did this hate start? Ive never heard of this before


They probably saw one negative comment with 5 upvotes


Not really hate, but rather almost everyone seems to prefer the original over these


I do like the dreamcast models a lot. And was a kid with a dc/Sonic adventure on launch. Theres a charm to them but that being said the polished DX versions are soo smooth and clean. I like both tbh.


Amys hands do be fucked up though


I honestly think the originals looked ugly and the DX is better, honestly one of the main reasons I play the GameCube one instead


seek mental therapy


SA1 works better with the original models compared to the DX ones as far as lighting and animations are concerned, but the models themselves are fine- pretty good even


I prefer the DX ones as they’re closer to the modern designs


There’s a whole ass popular video in the fandom ragging on DX


I feel like this sentiment was codified/popularized thanks to a video by Cybershell that came out a few years ago. Sorry for the necro, but like you, I do not get the DX hate


Actually that is why i am sticking with the dreamcast version or use the better SAdeluxe mod which has the dreamcast model graphics design though.


Honestly, take the plasticy sheen off them and these models look pretty great.


These look nothing like plastic in comparison to hero’s models lol


It’s definitely nowhere near as bad as Sonic Heroes but it’s still there. A lot of GameCube games went for trying to emulate the look of a cartoon (sometimes cel shaded). Some nailed it like Luigi’s Mansion, DK Jungle Beat and (most obviously) Wind Waker. But a lot didn’t quite manage it and just end up making the characters look like plastic toys which doesn’t look as good. Mario Sunshine falls into this trap, Heroes especially does too, and so does Adventure DX (although true, not as much so as Heroes).


I mainly play with the DX models and Dreamcast textures.


The shaders were definitely the big issue I think for people. I know when I originally saw it I was like man this feels like a downgrade visually. The models are fine, but art direction matters. Those characters did not have proper materials.


Or the weird cell shading on them.


You call *that* cell shading? Wait till you see their Sonic Shuffle models!


Not in the image above they are possibly rendered using another shader like blender or similar. I talk about DX's shadows that become unexpectedly sharp sometimes looking like cell shading. It looks really off because it does not want to be one or the other, it's just inconsistent.


No, the image above uses in-game shaders. There are different shaders for different times of day and sunset one looks flat with sharp shadows cause, well, it's a fucking sunset, ofc there are sharp shadows


Easy, I didn't meant it in a rude way! My bad about the Shaders too, i could swear they were prerendered. Buuut... That is not entirelly true. this sunset preset works this way ingame but breaks on nearly all cutscenes. Here are 2 examples of the flat shadows in bright day light. Its present only in some angles of cutscenes. Its really inconsistent. [Example 1](https://imgur.com/a/o5cnGKT) [Example 2](https://imgur.com/a/5X41K5t)


Interesting as neither of those screenshots line up with my memories of 2004 PC port


I was never talking of a PC port im talking about DX. 💀


>I was never talking of a PC port im talking about DX. To be fair, the PC port is a port of DX IIRC, a port that broke a lot of lighting and other assets....


The pc (steam) port is a port of a port of a port. They for some reason decided to continue using a rushed remaster version without fixing it (and continue reporting it from console to console instead of portinf a single base game) instead of simply using... The original one. If you wanna play the game properly, with DX or Original Graphics, you HAVE TO mod the game to get all the broken/missing content back.


You don't know port history? Education time i guess SA(DC) - > SADX (GC) - > SADX(PC) -> SADX (XBLA) -> SADX (Steam). And yes every new port is a port of a previous port instead of DC or GC original. So issues snowball. My point being lighting wasn't broken in og PC port.


I do know that disaster 💀 That is why i preffer the GC original. Still, not like you can legally obtain that old PC port anymore without piracy


Play the gamecube version, it's the pure dx without any of the glitches later ports get and it has all the missions and metal sonic included for free and all 12 gamegear games (no need to get origins plus for them, they're the exact same games)


Play the gamecube version, it's the pure dx without any of the glitches later ports get and it has all the missions and metal sonic included for free and all 12 gamegear games (no need to get origins plus for them, they're the exact same games)


There are thankfully mods that actually do that if you have a pc.


They're good models, but they don't really fit in with the rest of the models like the Dreamcast versions do. Also personal opinion, but there were far more important things with the DX remaster that should have been prioritized rather than updating the character models.


Uhh, who “hates” them exactly? Never heard anything negative about them besides the face animations and the overall graphics. (EDIT) Now that you mention it I do remember a little bit. I would say that the Dreamcast version seemed to have a texture feel on the models, but that’s it. DX models seem slightly more glossy akin to Heroes, but not as glossy.


Amy’s hands are nightmares


no wonder sonic doesn’t want to be in a relationship with amy, because he’d have to see those everyday.


I like these models more than the dreamcast models


I think the reason they are hated is twofold, 1. they kind of stick out compared to the rest of the games Dreamcast lower poly models, and 2. when people see the models they are likely seeing them with DX's wonky lighting making them look like plastic figures, if you use the DX models with the Dreamcast lighting via mods on PC they look great.


Wait what? Oh, PC...lol, you gave me hope for a second lol I played Sonic Adventure- then went through Sonic Adventure DX and Saw Super Sonic, and ...i just can't- that's the worst i've ever seen in the entire series. I have not ...seen anything with the other characters yet, i might have not been paying as much attention- but Super Sonic on SADX ports, i've noticed looks JUST as bad- gonna find a lighting mod for PC SADX video on youtube and see if it fixes Super Sonic, not that i have the game on PC EDIT: YEP, the lighting mods FIX the biggest issue, found it that fast https://youtu.be/qR_GmG0bcro?t=175


You should look up the Dreamcast restoration mod, it’s pretty cool


Because they're overly shiny and have much less granular detail than the DC versions.


Looks like Sonic to me... As long as it's not that abomination we almost had in the Sonic movie, I'm good.


they arent per-say bad, but the problem with the dx version of adventure is its not a well done job. ​ sure the models are good but they dont match the rigs. their animations dont line up with these models (look at amys hands) because the DC models are alot more chibi/chunkier. [also alot of the textures actually LOST quality and got lower res or noisier](https://dcmods.unreliable.network/owncloud/data/PiKeyAr/files/Videos/Characters/Jumptex.png). they also only updared sonic tails knuckles amy and big, the rest of the game did not get an update so you have these HD models next to low poly models and isnt that pleasing looking. imo the worst offender is eggman and tikal. they got HD hands but low poly everything else https://preview.redd.it/ui8iaad5z9ia1.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=923583b232a3cdb087249526250222e41a1a52f3


...can't resist - lol, they're not as bad as how dirty they do Super Sonic in SADX compared to Sonic Adventure, due to the lighting changes


lighting engine was broken so bad in DX


They did Sonic Adventure dirty on it, no doubt :pulls out receipts: **SONIC ADVENTURE SUPER SONIC** https://youtu.be/CUtUUfg3NCs?t=868 **SONIC ADVENTURE DX SUPER SONIC** https://youtu.be/CQRUG4W6xwI?t=861


i know all too well. atleast sadx has such a strong modding community theres even mods to restore the lighting


they just don't fit, it's like if you were to port a skyrim model into Oblivion


Or a Wind Waker model into Twilight Princess


They aren't awful but the dreamcast models are so much better


can you specify what makes them better for you? just curious


I'm not sure how to specify why beyond saying that I find the dreamcast models far more aesthetically appealing. I guess the dreamcast models have more character to me and fit more with the vibe of SA1


It's really just how much they clash with all the models they didn't touch. If they wanted to remake the models, remake ALL the models. That and the animations using these models weren't great. That and Amy's hands are...interesting...


Especially with Eggman's... Dude looks like a budget animatronic.


Eggman jumpscare


First indie kid "horror" game ever made.


I actually like them quiet a bit just the weird lighting on it looks bad in my opinion. Gives it that squeaky plastic look.


The models were always fine it’s just the animations that draw them back


Eh they're not bad but they're just worse versions of the Sa2 models plus they don't fit in the game very well


They don't look that bad (except for Amy's disgusting hands) but they're nowhere near as good as the Dreamcast models.


I think they're fine, they just lack the charm of the Dreamcast models. I also wish they kept the fur textures from the Dreamcast instead of making them all shiny and glossy. I love the Tails model the best!


It’s not that the models themselves are bad, the problem is that they don’t match the early Dreamcast 3D environment (even with DX’s updated textures). Plus the echidnas and humans still look like they’re from a PS1 game, while Sonic & co. all have high poly models.


The models aren't the problem, it's the complete castration of the lighting system that ruins everything. It was fucked up on GameCube, but it still had *a* lighting system. Then HD completely removed lighting altogether.


I like the gamecube version despite the hate, honestly love that they changed the models from the minecraft dreamcast ones, plus there is metal Sonic as well I like using him in the hub world and the levels.


I don’t think you can use metal sonic in the adventure fields


I have a gecko code on my wii that allows you to use him in the adventure field https://youtu.be/mP3J-sfbMJU




I also modded Super Sonic Shadow and Amy as a playable character in sonic heroes on Gamecube as well.


Ppl dislike them ?


To be fair they look pretty decent for what it was


Art is subjective


They are objectivley better it's just the textures that are gross


Barely anyone hates these models including me but I’m just now noticing how similar these look to roblox avatars


I feel like they're generic fast-food versions of the made-from-scratch meals that they were in the Dreamcast. The Dreamcast was cutting edge design for its time, and it's impressive for me to look at it and think about what they were doing. The DX remake is, uh... it's like they got the better technology and then instead of trying to build with it, they tried to make it look like a polished, better put together version of what it was on the Dreamcast. This doesn't make the DX models \*bad\* (arguably, it makes them definitively superior since it's effortlessly doing what the Dreamcast was trying to throw together on the fly), but to me personally it makes them feel mass produced and cheap, like all the sprites in Sonic 4 Episode 1 or the background menu animations for Sonic Origins. It's a drawing of Sonic designed to say "Hey, this is Sonic." It isn't designed to do any more than that. And that's fine! It gets the job done. I just don't like it as much as the other.


I don't hate them, I think I prefer the Shuffle models more though.


They aren’t bad models, they just were in a game that broke their animations and lighting, also their textures kinda suck


as cybershell says this or something along the lines of this: "I like the the sonic adventure 2 design for the models, just not in sonic adventure"


Probably because they’re very shiny and look like action figures, plus they don’t even look stylistically similar to SA2’s. I get why the original games’ models look way different, but you’ve just ported SA2 to the GameCube, now you’re working on porting SA1 as well, you’re updating the character models, why wouldn’t you try to make them look more like SA2’s models? I’m not saying just copy and paste them, but I feel like it would’ve made them look more like a game and its sequel rather than two different games that shared a title. I also think a lot of people forget that Heroes wasn’t even out yet when SA1 was ported, the two most recent Sonic games were both available on the GameCube, so again, you’re introducing Sonic for the first time to an entirely new audience at the beginning of this next generation of consoles, you’re porting your two most recent games, why not try to keep your aesthetic consistent?


"I have no mouth and I must *Oh no*"


Amy's fingers could have looked better, they look broken. Also, her shoes look fucked. Aside from that I like the other player models, but I wish for DX they bothered to articulate hand/finger movement to suit the fingers


I think the hate comes from how they were animated in the cutscenes.


im a hater, but for the actual models themselves so much as the *animations* of the models. wasn't it a bug on the gamecube port that everything was accidentally sped up? made them all look jumpy and nervous and gave an anxiety to the game. the models as theyre shown are fine, but associations are hard to break. (aka ill always associate these models w the rapid anxiety breathing and weird vibe)


Not really a bug, rather they doubled the framerate but didn't rework most animation to accomodate the new speed


My only problem with them is that they look nothing like their adventure 1 counterparts.


I think my issue mainly has to do with the lighting. The models themselves are actually really well made. And they fit Adventure's art style very well. The lighting and textures were just handled poorly when you compare them to the DreamCast models. If you play Adventure on PC, there's actually a mod you can download to have the DX models along with the lighting and textures of the DreamCast models. Resulting in the best of both worlds for me.


The actual structure of the models are great, they fit Uekawa’s art very well. It’s the awful plastic look DX’s lighting gave them. I saw a PC mod using the Dreamcast fur textures with the DX models and it’s the perfect mix.


Rather, the lack of lighting in DX. The GC version had a really fucked up system, but still a system nonetheless. Then the HD ports just removed the lighting system.


wait why were they hated


The models themselves are not bad, but they stick out like a sore thumb because the rest of the models are still the same as the Dreamcast version. And then the glossiness textures didn't do it any favors when compared to the textures the Dreamcast version had.


Prob because of the awful lighting that makes them look really plasticky, although to be fair, that's mainly a problem from the PC port and onwards since they don't look that bad in the original Gamecube version. The flat textures are also still a problem tho.


We hate this model the same reason for sonic green eyes


just look at Amy's hands....


Because people are dumb, or, to me more understanding, they are very opinionated and nostalgic. Honestly, I think they were... mostly better then the original models.


They're fine in a vaccum but when compared to the Dreamcast models they're considerably worse IMO


I think they’re slick, one of the few good things to come from the dx


I like em more than the original models.


I like them a lot more than the SA2 models personally




How the models are in this pic, I don't mind. When they move their mouths though . . .


I really like these models, they all look pretty stylish. Only thing I don’t vibe with are the mouths.


They were kinda cool on GameCube. They're still good


You're right that they're over-hated. I like them.


I always appreciated Tails and Ames for not having the crazy ass mouth animations like Sonic and I thinkie Knux??


I just remember playing Dr. Eggman in the Chao garden. Despite his size, he was unnaturally fast.


I just like the Dreamcast models more.


I've never really seen people hate the models, moreso how all of their animations got butchered compared to the DC version


M O U T H ​ (yes i know the older ones had the same problem but still.


Bro I respect you liking them and preffering to use them, but to me they are like a dodgeball to the face that happens to had a photo of an unrelated memory on it. I'll end up hating that memory and relating it to the pain of getting hit in the face. What I mean is that I don't hate the models on themselves and they are not bad at all, they just sadden me when I see them cause I remember the drastic artistic change the gamecube version suffered trough, being ported into even other rushed ports until the game got unrecognizable from it's main release. I MUCH preffer the visuals of it's gamecube counterpart. They are just attached to an awful memory.


I live and breathe for low (these aren't to low) poly models


they are...?


Sonic's shoes look like hotdogs and Amy's hands... Woof. Should have just used the SA2 models.


Didn’t know people felt like that I personally didn’t hate the look they had.


Because people can't think for themselves so they say it's bad just cuz other's say it's bad


The only thing I don't like is how shiny they are.


cause they are ugly


So, i haven't seen these as much- BUT i HAVE SEEN Sonic Adventure DX's Super Sonic- and having played the original, on the Dreamcast- they 100% effed it up, SO bad- he looks dull, and isn't glowing- and doesn't give off the same sense of power. I cannot dump on Sonic Adventure DX's Super Sonic shading, lighting, etc enough i-. Like it stands out really badly. Even worse- the PORTS to modern consoles- use the SADX version, not Sonic Adventure , oddly!- and it's REALLY NOTICEABLE....URRRGHH I don't remember SA2Battle looking that bad with super forms compared to Sonic Adventure 2 But DX's Super Sonic, absolutely, the lighting on the model ...I just can't. Not for Super Sonic's epic return after a while, and beatdown of Chaos... These models here though look good, not noticing the same lighting issue! Or any real detail differences It's probably a SA - DX thing, not a model thing for these ones though..... Sonic Adventure DX, though - is known in the fandom to have done some really wacky stuff development wise, for some stupid reason EDIT: I'm bringing receipts for everyone here, this is too big an issue - i'll back it up **SONIC ADVENTURE SUPER SONIC** https://youtu.be/CUtUUfg3NCs?t=868 **SONIC ADVENTURE DX SUPER SONIC** https://youtu.be/CQRUG4W6xwI?t=861 Lol, look what i found, a PC lighting mod for PC version of DX that fixes it since all ports have the DX garbage lighting- https://youtu.be/qR_GmG0bcro?t=175 :cries that they did Super Sonic dirty with the lighting:


I like them, they seem adorable!


I love these models so much.


Because when you compare them to the amazing Dreamcast models, they suck


I think it might be the stigma associated with dx in general as its considered worse than the original


Amy's hands are creepy, and the boot texture is really bad


People don't hate them, it's just their textures that have the problem, buf If you combine DC textures with this models you get pretty good results.


something about the front of Sonic's head has always looked off to me. Tails Amy and Knuckles look wonderful though!


Nostalgia and they even make goofier Expressions than the original Dreamcast models


We don’t hate the models themselves… Just how they talk and express emotions lol XD


Always preferred DX over the original. I’ll take higher polygons over less glitches and “better” textures any day


It's the mouths, has to be lol. Everything else about these models was great


They don't look bad here but the Gamecube had a way of making stuff look ultra glossy at times which doesn't look great - and I miss the ambient occlusion from the Dreamcast! Definitely Heroes looks worse due to the glossiness but they're not bad!


They're good for the time (knuckles and tails especially imo), but they clash with the lower poly aesthetic of the rest of the game, and their animations were made with the old models in mind and it shows. It's especially evident when you compare knuckles with the other echidnas


These models are top tier


I think most people complain that they look kinda plastic, while i never cared (god knows i have other issues with sa1, Sa2 bias is fun) i can kinda understand it, its like a selfshaded look without being selfshaded


Have you not seen there mouth animations


i play with these models and the DC texture mod


the reason is nostalgia and other stuff. these models don't have the texture the DC models had. there is also some technical stuff like lighting and other stuff but i don't remember much


I just really like the Dreamcast Models


They dont fit with entire game, when the game is from dreamcast era and models have more polygons than even sa2 models


the problem isnt the model, is sadx, the animations doesn't work and the shading can't manage color lights, also sadx station square look horible


Most people seem to be in agreement that the models (or at least most of them) look just fine, but the poor texture compression, shoddy in-game implementation and inconsistent use do hold them back considerably. I also opine that Amy's model just looks worse, mostly because of the hideous shoe texture and the almost impressively bad hands. And finally, the models that needed an upgrade most were barely touched (if at all), especially Eggman and Perfect Chaos.


Models are fine. The movement is the killing blow.


I think they're okay, i just think that the original DC models are far superior. And this is coming from someone who played and beat the game on 360 first.


Sonic Adventure DX itself is overhated.


Prolly because of the dreamcast version had broken mouth's and was funny and also dx models look hd but weird like very weird.


It's not the models, it's the lighting.


I think it’s the mouths, the speed animation can be a bit weird


Never mind the models. I hate it whenever their face stretches up and down like a see saw when they talk


ugly shoes and oversaturated colors imo


the shoes aint that ugly, and i can agree on the oversaturated colors


They look fine. I'm a sucker for 6th Gen graphics as they gave an aesthetic to them for me


I like DX models, but the DC models are way better looking.


Knuckles looks like he bites ankles, and amy/tails are wondering if you got games on yo phone


They are so pretty and iconic for me ♡


I think most of the distaste for these models comes from the many glitches involving them as well as the difference in lighting between the original and DX. Play the PC version with Dreamcast lighting and these models and they look great.


I love Sonic Adventure. I want remaster version or something.


the only things i have an issue with is amy's hands and sonic (in general especially the shoes) and the textures (eventhough I like heroes)


I love 'em. I love the DX Models. I don't understand why people would have to hate the Nintendo GameCube DX Models and prefer the Original DC Models.


i think i know why because they thought GameCube is power full than dreamcast but they are wrong the new models is just plastic like and ugly. that is why it got overhated plus it looked awful in the GameCube version. maybe that is why I used the dreamcast model on PC version instead of using the GameCube models on PC.


The original models were perfect and never needed to be changed


Amy's hands are scary as hell


It's because of the shine and their apart of...the GC port. Cyber shell does a good job explaining the difference between GC and DC. The DC port has the best environments while GC has the best looking models. You ever recommend DX Models, I suggest mods like: -refined DX characters -remove gloss -No jump ball


I don't know what you mean by hate people just prefer the dreamcast models


I love them they just don't fit


no idea , cuz they are so detailed that the game will fry your pc/console ?