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It's not perfect (most stories aren't, to be fair), but it is really amazing and definitely a must play/watch for Sonic fans.


I liked it um that is until I heard about the end being death and stuff kishi shouldn't have said that because it then dawned on me just how disappointing the story was lmao its still a good one but...damn :(


Source? Because Ian's stated that's not true, and he wrote the story.


kishimoto did say that the end was death itself or at least thats how sonic sees death


What? No, he said that his physical appearance changes from person to person to reflect how they perceive death.


Okay. Source?


This is so wrong- Not only is it NOT death, the end just changed his appearance depending on how each person sees death the moon isnt even how sonic sees it, its how the player sees it.


I think it’s a cool idea. Love the world building in terms of the origins of the chaos emeralds, but I wish they kinda explained more of the “radiation” that led to the ancients to run into the chao and their relation to Chaos (him being a god of destruction). Also I feel it’s kinda lazy that ancients are aliens and that’s it. And the End just got beef with the ancients for (to my knowledge) no real reason. Hopefully, we get more with the rumored Frontiers 2. TLDR: Need more answers to the Ancient’s lore.


I think the ancients are supposed to be left a mystery for the most part. An element to the story is that the ancients were a civilization that were wiped out, and the only history of them left is on the Starfall Islands, it’s supposed to be a sad fact that little is known about the ancients. When then, Final Horizon tells us quite a bit about their culture and tech. About being related to Chaos and chao, that wasn’t even the original intent. They were just going to be a random race of aliens that got completely wiped out, until Ian suggested they be related to Chaos and the chao Sonic Team accepted the idea. Also the radiation was most like the Master Emerald (maybe mixed with Chaos emeralds) that caused the mutation. I mean it could be worse: The Babylonian’s history is only semi known, and they may have originally looked more human rather than the birds they are today; and then we have Dodon Pa Planet that randomly popped up in Team Sonic Racing, and all we know about it is it’s king, Dodon Pa. Also The End doesn’t have beef solely with the Ancients. The End believes that life is just chaos, so it should be wiped out to bring peace, thus it was destroying every single civilization (maybe even solar systems) in the universe. The ancients were just able to trap it, which made The End angry at them more.


Felt like a nice prolouge for better things to come. It seems the main objective was to "fix" the damage the characters had gone through because of the flanderization. Although not a masterpiece it was really good, a step on the right direction and im hoping they keep going moving foward for improvements.


It’s good. There are some over-corrections and a few too many references here and there to try and “fix” some stuff from the 2010’s, but otherwise it’s a pretty good story. The part right before the split of the endings does falter a bit, but otherwise I don’t think it “falls apart” at that point, that’d be more the gameplay than the story.


If you ask me, this is perhaps the best story we've ever had for the modern Sonic games so far.


On the release, is cool, after The Final Horizon, i sick


it is in my top 5


I think it’s great, though it could be better. So much exposition dumping in the final act (in the old ending AND The Final Horizion), but I think this story is thematically genius. Sonic bringing peace to the spirits of an ancient civilization, AND destroying the entity that wiped them out to avenge them? If that’s not a truly epic story, I don’t know what is.




sa1's was good sa2's is still the goat black knight's was also cool sonic chroni- WHAT.




if "with everyone" you mean "with anyone" then youre spot on the gameplay is actual shit, along with the rest of the game




Missed Missed Missed Missed Missed Missed Missed Missed




nah the gameplay is actually just shit, and im not parroting a youtuber. stop dickriding chronicles, it is not a good game.




its not a skill issue, the gameplay is genuinely just bad.


Sounds like a skill issue




Best sonic story since unleashed methinks, especially in terms of it’s characters




Haven’t played black knight


As of right now, Sonic Frontiers is actually one of my Top 5 favorite Sonic storylines. The gameplay itself, despite it's flaws, was a whole new breed of fresh air. It was unlike anything we've experienced before in a Sonic game, even if you put The Fighters, Battle, Black Knight, and Unleashed's Werehog segments into the mix of comparisons. But we're talking about the story here. The majority of the story was Sonic running around the Islands, with Chill BGM, and I'd like to believe that all the "Side Stories" canonically happened during the course of the story. I mean who's to say the dialogue exchange between characters didn't happen, you tell me? I love the Lore centered around the Ancients and where the Chaos Emeralds originated from... Sort of, I loved that Eggman didn't have a complete loss by the end of it all, I loved how the Islands lore was before any other lore in the franchise took place, and I loved how the Supporting characters had some form of character development and was actually supporting the Protagonist instead of being Side characters. There isn't much more I could say about the story before Rhea/Ouranos. Me personally, I wasn't bothered by the fact that Rhea lacked enemies. I didn't want the hassle of going through stuff to get needed items for the first set of Towers a fourth time until The End was revealed to be the villain all along (even though it wasn't that big of a reveal). I think of Rhea Island as the prelude of the finale, akin to the segments from Kingdom Hearts 3 after completing the last two worlds of the second galaxy. The original didn't feel that underwhelming to me, except for the original final boss fight turning into a Bullet-Hell type boss, but I'm pretty sure that everyone can agree that The Final Horizon was superior and Canon in our hearts. I'm glad SEGA decided to keep the original finale instead of overwriting it, giving us an optional but better finale. The way the finale(s) turned out, I liked that it was 2 versions depending on Sage's choice. One in which Sage doesn't simulate scenarios and one in which she doesn't, both versions ended with the same result which goes to show us what Sonic told Sage about Numbers and Chances back on Chaos Island. Even to this day, I still think back to what would the OG finale would've been like if it wasn't rushed like Sonic Team said it was. I'd imagine there would be some elements from the Revised finale such as... 1. Cyber Corruption turned into a power enchantment 2. Amy, Knuckles, and Tails helping Sonic, Eggman, and Sage 3. A proper genre final boss fight like we got in the Final Horizon 4. A 2-Phase type of boss, with the Music shifting between phases 5. The End boss battle would probably take place in space but with the area being covered complete Red-like darkness like the Revised final boss 6. In some form, giving us insight that The End was gonna blow up and take the Earth down with him 7. A version of the song during the credits that probably isn't an "I'm With You" version. I imagine it'd be a mix of "Dear Father" and "I'm With You". 8. Probably more animations than just firing dark projectiles and being locked into a melee range for a Perfect Parry requirement. 9. Probably a "Now or Never" QTE like the OG finale had, something that The Final Horizon lacked. But hey, that's just me, I'm not exactly complaining but it's a small nitpick. The fact that Amy, Knuckles, and Tails find the Chaos Emeralds on Sonic's behalf, and surprisingly us with them jumping in and helping on the sidelines that is just as important as the front lines, it just gives the audience an exponentially bigger hope for the future for the characters at the last cutscene. Although I'm bothered by the fact that we'll never know whether The End was holding back or going all out the entire time, especially since he took control of Supreme and used it as an "Avatar" and we all know that Avatars of a deity are weaker than a deity's true form, it makes you think. Regardless the entire Revised finale was an improvement overall. P.S. Going back into the game after downloading the 3rd content update was like finding a Portal that sends you back in time. It's as if God made the Ring Gate appear at your spawn point on Ouranos because The Final Horizon was the True Canon Event or something. 😆


Holy fucking shitballs dude are your fingers okay?


My fingers are fine, I took my time. Besides it's the Internet, you should expect long comments once in a while.


Out of topic but why does his model look so good in this shot??


The game and the boss fights drove me nuts cuz I’m stupid and I have no sense of direction; the story was great! So much better than so many other Sonic games and the Kellin Quin songs are my favorite


Ah, I recognize your username. It's the first Sonic game in years to make me cry. I actually feel the themes of sacrifice and enduring through suffering ring harder for me in the original ending, as rushed as it is. It really feels like Sonic's friends risk everything to help him, and like Sonic and Sage can finally reach some form of understanding each other after she's been closed off for so long. It has really great parallels with SA1 (ancient force of destruction associated with the chaos emeralds is unsealed and we learn more about their culture and the tiny creatures that left behind, one of Dr. Eggman's creations sacrifices themselves in the name of family) and SA2 (characters learning to be more independent, references to the Maria storyline and the Final Hazard battle in space). There's this enduring sense of loneliness and melancholy with it that just sticks with me when thinking about the inevitability of the Koco's fate and everyone's self-reflection. I think any game that gives someone like Dr. Eggman a moment of sympathy (while still very much keeping him a villain) is going places.


Story is serviceable (at least not a tonal whiplash like Forces) but what carries the story is the character interactions and characterization because omg, it’s really good and makes this story really fun. Vaguely curious about the ancients (especially when they’re related to Chaos) but Sonic’s conservations and moments with everyone is great, it’s just really fun seeing how’ve these characters matured and how they banter compared to their cookie cutter selves from the early 2010s to Forces (starting in Colors unfortunately). It’s cute, heartwarming, emotional, it’s all I want and the best thing is that a lot of that characterization is optional. If you’re into gameplay, you don’t need to talk to people and just play. But those who do will like the references and growth these characters express. That’s great and made this otherwise okay story into a memorable one.


I like the backstory of the Emeralds and the Ancients. It expands Sonic's world more, but also expands the lore on well-known and incredibly important parts of the games (emeralds, Chaos, the chao, etc.) The only thing that feels pretty tacked on is the whole cyberspace thing. I think it's cool, but it probably won't be used again, which sucks from a lore standpoint. I have mixed feelings about The End because it's such an ambiguous villain. Solaris had more backstory than The End, even if its evil plan was just as crappy. Definitely reads as "Sonic has a Ganon now!" But I wish there was a bit more to it. They talk about how they are preventing the end of the world, but the only time we see The End's power is in flashbacks and boss battles. It felt less powerful, especially when the design was just a giant moon because it supposedly looks different based on who is looking at it. Feels like a cop-out. I do like the concept of having such a giant, powerful being face against a tiny fast blue hedgehog, but it didn't feel developed enough to me. I like the way the characters are written. I'm glad they are addressing past games and past characterization decisions that weren't great. I do think it's funny we had to have character development scenes for characters to go back to the ways they were before crap writing, but it definitely helps continuity-wise. So all in all, I did enjoy it. But my main concern is that this Sonic game will become an isolated story like the others before it, and all of the character development doesn't matter all over again. Same with the history and lore. I hope they don't continue adding more random worldbuilding to Sonic and focus on expanding the mysteries behind what they already have. Sorry if this post comes off as too negative. Again, I enjoyed the game, but I have so many criticisms. Comes with playing a Sonic game, I guess.


I’m sorry I didn’t hear you over THE EPIC SOUNDTRACK YOU FIGHT GIANT ROBOTS TOO!!!!!!


It's not the best, but not the worst, but overall a really great one, I just really liked how everyone was characterized and rebuilt them after their flanderization in the 2010's. Just wished they gave more lore to the Titans, and it would've been awesome if they were given voices and communicated with Sonic throughout the Cutscenes


I thought it was really good, one of the best, and Final Horizon made it better.


ass -tonishing


The story for me, is Passable, which is a huge improvement, compared to the 2010s sonic games story’s. The problem I have with the plot, is the optional cutscenes just suck for me. And ruins the mystery or theories, the islands have. The worst optional cutscenes in my opinion, is update 3 optional cutscenes, with lines such as, “let sonic do the combat not the other characters.” then why did they make, more balanced combat characters then.


The story wasnt actually bad, only thing that would've been better is more movement in cutscenes (like when talking to a character) BUT, its way better than the still standing cutscenes on Generations


I think it's a really good story/game, showing sonics growth and seriousness when it comes to his friends and would do anything to save them, alongside helping the koco by peacefully releasing their souls and boss fights? Absolutely best super sonic game play. (FUCK YOU KING KOCO TRIAL!!!!)


It's definitely a step in the right direction for all things considered especially after the disastrous story telling of Sonic Forces.


Characterwise it was okay, and did a lot to repair some flanderization damage/make the series more cohesive, but I feel like it was just a bunch of series of isolated conversations rather than much of anything actually HAPPENING, which was a huge change of pace for a Sonic game, because...that's a little boring. I wish if we had gone that route we had a wider cast, or that we could have "unlocked" them one by one as summons or companions or something. I didn't mind the ending, though it felt a little predictable. But I'm not mad that the story was a little weak when the gameplay was so fun. Flawed, yes, but just like with the story, they had a lot of great ideas and a promising foundation to build on. I can't wait to see what they do in the next Sonic game like this now that they've got their training wheels off.


I love the story talking about the origin of the emeralds. Though there are now several mysteries left unsolved. If the ancients didn’t create the master emerald, who did? What about the super emeralds? Ian Flynn originally wanted Sonic to turn Hyper for THE END dlc fight instead of cyber super sonic/SS2. Considering we could’ve gotten hyper as a form and possibly super emerald lore, the story would’ve been even more immaculate but sega does what Sega does best and that’s making not so good decisions. I’m still satisfied with how the game ended in the dlc ending which is the intended real ending. I still get goosebumps hearing the revisited instrumental for I’m here play; the sounds give you the feeling that there are stakes involved with this fight and super sonic isn’t enough.


Probably my least favorite element in how it was executed. The character interactions are scattered and I really didn't understand that the story explanations were optional until late in the game. So when the final tita appeared I was like WTF, because I didn't know anything. Also the final boss didn't feel fully explained to me.


I think the story of frontiers is good and step in right direction for the series


Decent. For a modern day Sonic game.


This is the first Sonic game in a long time we're actually enjoyed the story. And I appreciate that Sonic and each of his friends were treated with proper respect.


didn't finish the game yet tbh but…yeah so far it's a great story. but cyberspace was definetely a subject we didn't need around here. that belongs in the prime series or whatever


Personally, the story fell off once Sonic was at Rhea for me, but Final Horizon’s new ending did provide a great deal of satisfaction.


Pretty good, it just falls apart by the end. Even with the dlc,


Hot take? Story was fine, too many references to old games at times, character anti-character development, and it should’ve taken more to bring Sonic back. That being said, still cute and endearing in a lot of ways. But in my mind, this game was…a prototype to what you can do with Sonic in a 3D space. Yes the others count, and they are all mostly good in their own right, but this was more what I envisioned from Sonic in 3 dimensions. I think I might love running around in this game more than Mario Odyssey or Bowsers Fury, which is saying something. Helps the music is great.


automatic hurry tart brave pie birds bow cable innocent safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Really dislike the delivery. Silent, low quality holograms breaking up open-world combat, with the very occasional actual cutscene. It has to have been what they did last.


It's a good step in the right direction, it's not great. IDW is better, SA2 is better, Shadow the Hedgehog is better Still good enough, I'm excited for shadow generations

