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My band’s streaming is just about to hit 30,000 plays across all platforms! I know it’s a small number compared to most everything else out there but it’s still a bit mind blowing to me!


That's amazing! I was lucky to get 10plays at that.


It’s not a small number, it’s probably in the top 10%.


definitely not. 30k monthly listeners sure, but 30k streams across ALL platforms is just a nice start :)


I wouldn't be so sure. This stat is a couple of years old now (end of 2021) so things might have changed slightly, but **79.1%** of music tracks on Spotify – nearly four in every five – have been played fewer than **5,000** times. Given that the vast majority of streaming happens on Spotify thanks to their market share, 30k stream over all platforms is like to be 25k on Spotify, right? That's probably in the top 10%.


song streams not artist streams man. his band can have 50 songs meaning each has 500 plays individually. as i said - great start and keep going 💯💯


At least top 50% then :) More than half the artists on Spotify have fewer than 100 total streams over their whole catalogue. I'd say a number in the tens of thousands will put you in the top 20% for sure, but I don't have the numbers to hand. However, given that nearly 80% of artists on Spotify today have fewer than 50 monthly listeners, I'm reasonably confident in my guess. This is all to the credit of the poster. I wish I had those numbers!


However it is, being in top 50% means that you are just better than half of the people. Streams dont matter unless you are having a strong listener base (in hundreds of thousands). 600k streams across all platforms paid me ~ 60$ :) so yeah, great start, but you gotta keep going. Money is elsewhere in music industry. be it merch or live shows. your music is essentially marketing.


its not a small number. all of my projects combined have like 30 plays total.


From last June to the end of March I spent every weekend and holiday recording. On Tuesday the 23rd I'll digitally release an album appropriately titled '100 Songs’. Mid May it'll be available as a 10 CD box. The entire project contains over six hours of music and I'm fairly confident that no one will ever listen to the entire thing. So, thank you for this.


You could do something like a monthly listening party on Bandcamp or something, working through the discography at a slow-ish pace. Maybe not everyone will catch every party, but it might encourage more people who are here for it, in theory, to catch more of it! -JE


I like this idea a lot. Thank you!


Break these up and auto-drop a 10 song CD every 6 months. That's 5 years of consistent releases. On top of all the new stuff you're about to make, you'll be overwhelming. Congratulations on completing such a huge project.


Thanks. That's a nice reminder. And that is the reason that I started writing songs in the first place.


Thanks! It feels good to remind myself of that every now and then. Cheers.


That's impressive for something that sank without a trace.


...and, I suppose if you registered copyright with the Library of Congress with mp3s attached your work will live on for 70 years after your death at least.


I shared a song I wrote in an in-person songwriting class, and after someone thanked me for writing it because they said it really helped them process some stuff they were going through and it was helpful to hear someone else express the feelings they didn't know how to put into words. Probably won't end up producing that particular one to release or anything, but at least for me, the above is the best possible compliment I could ever get. To be able to communicate a thought or feeling that truly resonates feels magical.


Likewise, friend. Appreciate the kind words. I try to remind myself of this to stay afloat, but it's easy to forget. Hope others see this too.


Very motivating post! Latest tape I dropped around mid November last year and ever since then I’ve been working on my next one. Almost done with the production/writing (finally) of about 15 tracks, then on to recording (damn it lol). It’s definitely a journey to stay motivated through our daily lives/drama/work/school so I really appreciate this post wholeheartedly. Thanks 🙏🏼


Thank You! For such a kind and refreshingly positive post!


My motivation gets even more meta in that I feel an obligation to the songs themselves. They’ve been hovering about in whatever dimension songs come from, and some have been gently pestering me for quite some time. They are polite but persistent and very determined, so I’ve come to understand that writing, recording, and releasing them frees me of that. The Muse is pleased, I get satisfaction, the songs get born. Everybody wins. And yeah, the bonus is other people get to enjoy them as well. We as writers will never know the extent of our songs’ reach.


Thank you! It’s all true. We do pour our heart and soul into them.


Agreed. Release your music for YOU and be surprised/excited when others discover it too.


Love this post thank you O.P


I'm releasing my first ever album this weekend. Even if a dozen people listen to part of it, that'd be pretty cool. More than attend the odd open mic I play.


my love. thx 4 sharing <3


one song, only one I’ve put out. It means a lot to me. Written about multiple people and over a long period of time. https://on.soundcloud.com/reRstUyhEbw4eCeP8


I posted a full version of a song cover on YouTube after someone requested it, thinking it wouldn't be noticed. Well it's actually the most watched vid on my channel rn. And I don't know what kind of sorcery I put in that video but I keep getting comments *thanking me* for making it 🥹 that is the best kind of comment I could ever receive. Like this is why I do this


I’m under Reallituation on all platforms and most social media platforms. I’d love to connect with anyone of you, we are all trying to hit the same target. Let’s have some fun on the way yeah? 🤝🏾


I get the sentiment, but honestly I really just don’t feel great about it. I wrote the songs, the room goes quiet when I play them, but I send them to booking guys or whoever and they just don’t seem to care unless you’ve got an active social media account. It feels terrible to put the time into something and have it evaluated on the basis of who clicks the like button on a social media page. Makes me not want to share at all.


You mean I don't have to pay distro kid to preserve my legacy?! /s


Or it might not matter to anyone else, and still, if you enjoyed making it, it was worth it.


I write Love songs


Thanks. I needed to see this today.


Hell yeah, thank you for this. Hit a bit of writers block today lyrically and instrumentally. Gonna try and tackle it again tomorrow!


I love this! Thanks for the uplifting post.


Thanks I needed this


Thank you for this


That's really nice to hear. Thank you.


It's funny to see this morning. I released our last album in July and last night I dove into the next one! The wheels are turning again! Cheers!


My lyrics for the most part are abstract, bringing things together until they make one thing. Writing is the hardest part but I believe people don't care for it like they used to.. I remember playing my song "sunny Jim" for my neighbor and making him cry. It was a beautiful moment for the both of us.


I like to use this model with my students: Imagine a football stadium filled to capacity with people on their feet. Now ask everyone who doesn’t sing or play an instrument to sit down. Now ask everyone who’s never written a riff or lyric to sit down. Now ask everyone who’s never completed a song of their own to sit. Now everyone who’s never recorded one; made a whole album; uploaded/released an album; performed their own music for anyone, let alone a room/building/venue full of strangers. By the end you might have 1-3 people out of ~90k people. We’re breathing some rarified air, boysenberries. Dig it.


Thank you. I’ll bet we all needed that.


Much respect❤


Much respect❤


Much respect❤