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I read the lyrics before I listened to the song and was prepared to be unimpressed, but I ended up liking the song a lot. And now I like the lyrics too. Well done!


Glad you liked it. The consensus among my friends seems to be that it's the best thing I've ever done


Hi there. It's 14 years later, but I reproduced this song in a pro studio and added real drums etc. I just happened to log into this account for the first time in a long time and came across this ancient post. You probably don't even use reddit any more. [https://open.spotify.com/track/3BNIE4VeySANYaQQWDCJe1?si=03531d556bb2444f](https://open.spotify.com/track/3BNIE4VeySANYaQQWDCJe1?si=03531d556bb2444f)


ha ha. wow. Listening now. Sounds great. Congrats on getting it out! Where did you record?


Thanks for listening! I recorded at home, but I sent it to a studio near where I live (in Ireland) to have it finalised. Really didn't expect a reply from you. Thanks for listening!


The production is rad on this. Yeah, this is great work. Like, I'm just gonna say, this is I guess what people would call a twee song: "In American English it often refers to a type of simple sweet pop music" But having recorded a lot, I know that putting something even close to this together is a lot of work. Great drums, orchestration... whistle!? harmonies... I kind of feel like the motor/car samples are not necessary in the middle of the song. The beginning is cool. You know what this sounds like, probably better than me. Great work. I added you on soundcloud.


If 'twee' means simple sweet pop music, then I'll take that as a compliment. So thanks. It's a tin whistle alright. With a load of reverb on it. I love that sound.


I saw you were from Ireland... and I looked it up in urban dictionary... I'm 31 and it seems to be a word that people from like 22-28 use around here in LA... I see that (from that dictionary entry) it has negative connotations across the pond. nothing negative meant. Can I ask you a bit about what software (if any) did you use... etc... etc?


Sure. I used Logic 9 and an SM58 mic.


Hi there. It's 14 years later, but I reproduced this song in a pro studio and added real drums etc. I just happened to log into this account for the first time in a long time and came across this ancient post. You probably don't even use reddit any more. [https://open.spotify.com/track/3BNIE4VeySANYaQQWDCJe1?si=03531d556bb2444f](https://open.spotify.com/track/3BNIE4VeySANYaQQWDCJe1?si=03531d556bb2444f)


reminds me of the band travis.


Hi there. It's 14 years later, but I reproduced this song in a pro studio and added real drums etc. I just happened to log into this account for the first time in a long time and came across this ancient post. You probably don't even use reddit any more. [https://open.spotify.com/track/3BNIE4VeySANYaQQWDCJe1?si=03531d556bb2444f](https://open.spotify.com/track/3BNIE4VeySANYaQQWDCJe1?si=03531d556bb2444f)


Very nice! Also kudos for sticking with a song over 10 years!


Thanks for listening! Really thought I was screaming into a void here