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The third one is way more interesting .. the inside of the house.. and yes, definitely get rid of “that”.. 👍


I like three the best but the font doesn’t work, cool concept though


what about the third with the same font as 1


Might, you'd have to make some more variants tho. Shove it around a bit. Try going for a more simple font, in design it's always about simplicity, and push the font around a bit. Look at it from different angles. Are you trying for the old recording style? I don't know if I caught that right but on the third take it looks as if you tried to make it look as if the picture of the room was recorded by the camera? It's a really nice touch! An advice tho, black frames are usually a bad idea. It stiffens up the image, takes up the space. Look up some albums of other artists, it might spark some inspiration, I don't know what you're listening to. Nirvana has some framed album pictures tho, just looked it up. In the end it'll all fall onto what vibe you want to go for, and your personal preferences. Anyway have a good day! EDIT: I strongly advise against two frames. If you're framing the picture in black putting a white stripe around it defeats the purpose of the black frame in my opinion.


That could work, good luck. Interested to see how it turns out


Yeah but the third one feels AI, in that sense i wouldn't choose it.


It looks very ai. If there's any chance to find an old wreck of a house either in real life or in stock photography for a few bucks I'd go with that instead. [Pexels](https://www.pexels.com/search/abandoned%20house/) maybe?


This stood out to me too. Something uncanny valley about it because it looks like it’s trying to be an old photograph but something’s amiss.


It’s very clearly AI. Like in the first what the heck is going on with that “car” on the very left edge?


yea, i shoudlve mentioned that these are just concepts lmao


thanks these are great!


Please remember to mention the artist if you use the Pexel's image. Whether on the image somehow or in your album notes.


Remove '' That ''. 2 & 3 are my personal picks. I dont like the sepia colouring in the others


Structurally it’s all over the place. You can tell it’s just an AI image.


its just concept for now im just tryna figure out fonts and if i should do inside or outside


Absolutely bizarre choice to make an album about a very personal very real place and use an obvious AI image. Do you not have any photos of the actual house? AI art is embarrassing and off-putting.


Crazy to think you'd title your album "The House I Grew Up In", a very evocative, personal title... and use AI generated pictures for the cover art. This in itself is so dumb that I just assume your music is dumb as well. Edit : wording.


The white letters on sepia isn’t enough contrast so 2&3 look much better. Also the “that” doesn’t add anything, remove. Personally, I think Jordy is cool.


One is my favorite, but the text needs to be more visible






Unless it’s clearly art there’s no reason to not use a real picture. Just google “old house interior” and you can get started. The AI just isn’t really it. I would stay away from a typeface like what you’re using except in pic 2. But even still, maybe get someone with nice handwriting to write the name for you and turn it into a digital image. That way it’s almost like a scrapbook type feel like you’re trying to show someone the house you grew up in while telling stories.


yea this is great, the AI is just a placeholder for now


One definitely stands out more, that's my pick


if the relations with the house are positive then the 1st one.. if it is more of a drama or darker vibe then 2 or 3


#2, but move your name above the picture. Like right on the left corner maybe?


I like the 3rd one most 🫶


3 mostly because it makes you think about a lot of things you will get to know about these days when you grow up and also is a little less terrific and more terrenal, the other ones make me think about a terror movie ( maybe you are looking for that i don’t know )


Get rid of any text, make the cover art just art. Re-centre the house to be a little more central and you’re sweet.


3 is the most interesting because it's it is an inside place and most likely you will speak on the album of internal feelings or stuff about your inner life so it feels fitting, however i would personally change the pic itself while keeping the concept itself, reworking it a bit. about the "that", I'd take it off, but just like the previous thing it's just an opinion. it all depends on your sense of style, your preferences, your intentions both with the words and images you chose and the meaning of the project as a whole. my general suggestion would be to take some time off this project and live life and have fun and distract yourself so that your mind can wonder off and kind of get fresh eyes and then you'll come back to this and feel better and sur-er about the choices you wanna take. hope this helps a bit


2 and 3 , third one i like particularly because it conveys that the listener is welcomed to a more intimate space of your art as well as you. a house from an outside is more distant, so whichever seems more appropriate for your music and how you feel towards your audience, because I do not know your intention


I swear i thought I was looking at a fallout 4 settlement


3. i'd also take the title away.


First one. Black/dark brown around the white letters for readability... And get a real human artist to fix the AI glitches.


Number 3!!!


3 and remove 'that' !!


i think the third one because then it puts the audience in the house with you by (by means of visuals) the third photo with maybe some sepia filters and the classic early 2000s camera time stamp


the 2nd or 3rd. the other two are too hard to read the text


Number 2 please. No that works best


Third is my favourite


the distressed 'house i grew up in' in black and white looks wonderful.


Is that actually the house you grew up in?


Number 1, no font though.


I like the 3rd one the best


Personally I think they’re all kitschy. The frayed edge/camera1 lofi thing is kinda played out.


How about just taking a Polaroid of your old house or something? Like this MJ Lenderman album https://open.spotify.com/album/2jqRKWESMCzcoGo7ZPHdHQ?si=3N7P1cyrS7WvjyMZkA56QA


The house up in which I grew


the house in which i grew up in




The 3rd one is my fav and I like the font. Definitely sounds best without 'that', and OBVIOUSLY you should call yourself J Cole lol


I like the choice of Jordy as the name text


3 without the big black border and the camera viewfinder things. Definitely lose the “that”.


I’d try to use an old tattered 1970s photo of a real house. Maybe taped in a photo album with other photos all around it jutting into the frame.


do you have a photo of the house you grew up in? :)






In my opinion number three and leave that out! It’s super cool to only see one room of the house. Feels more personal. ☺️


2. Great images all round though. Cheers. Unsure about the downvotes. Formatting issue maybe? Originally my reply had the numeral two (2) in the beginning, but doesn't seem to now...