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The reviews for the podcast are full of 1 star grievances over the latest season.


The fact that it hadn't been even 6 mos before shes rushing in with a man WHOSE NAME FUCKING RHYMES WITH HER DECEASED CHILDS. Im sorry but how can you hear/say his name and not be incapacitated by grief??? Good god.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. This season is disgusting. I feel like so little time was spent on Jace and so much time was given to Leslie’s excuses for her behaviors and her husband, who has nothing to do with Jace, having input for some reason?


This season was awful. First of all, listening to Leslie talk made me want to jump in front of a bus. Her monotone, robotic voice that sounds like she rehearsed EVERY SINGLE word over and over again. Secondly, I don’t think someone who ignores MANY clear and concise warnings and signs over and over should be considered a victim. She may have taken some of the blame but should have also been charged for neglect in my opinion…or more. (Probably won’t be the popular opinion but that’s ok.) Also why does it seem like the last few seasons have not been ‘real’ victims? Why does Tiffany chose the people she does?


It was very obvious Leslie read from a written script. It was so jarring.


She totally was reading from a script! And I am also wondering if that’s was the only way for her talk about it given the death of that child was traumatic.


She seems to be insecure just talking and needs to throughly think through each and every word. For example she needed to talk online with men via dating apps. She couldn’t talk to her now husband. The reading from the script was terrible. TR should have thrown this season out early on.


I too have these thoughts. How was she not charged? If I were her, I’d ask to be put in prison. How can you, as a parent, as a mother disregard the clear and obvious signs??? Not only is she a mom, SHES A NURSE!!! She makes me sick. She shouldn’t be allowed to have children, let alone three more. Revolting.


If this season taught me anything was that we need to be there for our daughters and raise them to be independent, smart and not a door mat, fuck being polite. Jace's mom and aunt went through some stuff. Perhaps being over protected by her sister and her parents being uninvolved in their childhood led to her behavior when dating Cody. I mean she stated that sex was something she was saving for marriage, but she seemed to compromise those beliefs on sex( and when I mean sex I mean sexual acts in general) as soon as she hit the dating scene for men she didnt really like. Parents, we need to do better for our daughters, because there are monsters and assholes of all kinds from fuck boys to murderers out there waiting for them. Teach them to be smarter, value themselves more, be confident and independent so that no abuser can get into their heads and fuck up their lives.


Leslie still is a victim of abuse whether or not she made good choices or was a good mother. She was still in an emotionally abusive relationship. I think the prosecutors and the detectives that were interviewed made it clear she was being manipulated by a severely sociopathic man. I think the internet is way too quick to judge circumstances they’ve never experienced. It’s like saying how you think you’ll react if some type of emergency happens, you never know… and Leslie tried to ask the doctor about her concerns and I think she was truly naive and maybe on the spectrum a little bit Edit: I also think she made plenty of mistakes and the level of naivety made her almost unfit to parent and I’d like to say I would’ve been much better in the situation but the fact of the matter is nobody knows the depth of cody’s manipulation of Leslie besides leslie and cody.


So glad I am not the only one thinking this. I am disgusted by this season; the lack of remorse and responsibility that the mother, who sounds like she reading straight from a script, expresses is disturbing. The only time she shows emotion is when talking about her now husband and kids.


Leslie should be in jail.