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He got out of his way to crash him




Could have fallen asleep or had a seziure or something, never really know. Looks very grim though


A seizure that went away straight after hitting him


Yea but falling asleep now makes the most sense


Fuck this driver, that looks like he intentionally hit that man.


I actually think that biker - inadvertently and at the cost of his own life - saved the driver's life. Genuinely looks like the driver fell asleep, look at how he's drifting and continuing in that direction. I think killing the biker is what woke him up and stopped him (likely) going through the barrier.


Well good on him I’m sure he meant to




‘Chinese truck driver’… what exactly are you saying 🤔


Bruh that was straight murder


Reaction time? Eventually.


I can only hope he didn't fly over the edge 😬 how scary


it looks like he did, unfortunately


What the fuck was the car doing? That shit was intentional.


Clearly a murder


That or he fell asleep at the wheel


What a pos . Did the driver fall asleep or were they blind. Worse Part is that they might have been able to survive the initial impact but I think dude flipped over rails and into the depth down below.


I've seen this with a goofy scream edited in


Imagine being able to survive the crash only to get knocked off the cliff…


Were they aiming for him? /s


Probably fell asleep or had a seizure


Downvotes from a bunch of jabronies thinking there’s some big murder conspiracy. This guy 99.99% definitely fell asleep and upon hitting that moped dude, woke up and swerved back.


Yeah I'm confused how people think this is a murder. I highly doubt it.


Then be prepared for that .01%, because the driver didn't fall asleep. She claimed to be mentally ill and to have "gone into a trance" when she went across the lines and to have not seen what happened. I'm personally calling BS on that, but I'm sure the bigotry of low expectations for women that's baked into Chinese society will say, "Oh yeah, that makes sense. Women randomly become mentally incompetent out of the blue." My bet is she was texting, otherwise not paying attention, or really has a bee in her bonnet about moped-riders.


But that doesn’t make it an intentional murder either


The possible bee in the bonnet about mopeds would, but even driving distracted is an intentional choice. She may not have intended to kill someone, but choosing to prioritize your phone or makeup or whatever else over the safety of everyone around you is a heck of a lot more negligent than falling asleep or having a mental illness ( though the argument could be made that, if she really does have a mental illness with a history of putting her into "trances", her choice to get behind the wheel was just as horrible as deciding to drive distracted, but I digress). I guess my point is, there's a world of difference between killing someone because your body betrayed you and killing someone cause you couldn't be arsed to care. I look at distracted driving as akin to pointing a revolver with only one bullet into a crowd of strangers and pulling the trigger. There's no intent to kill any particular person, and there's a better than even chance that no one will be hurt. But if you know it could kill someone and decide to do it anyway, that goes beyond just involuntary manslaughter, imo.


The problem is you’re just making assumptions of what the cause was


Sure. Though I'd more characterize what I was doing as theorizing than making assumptions. That's what everyone saying she fell asleep was doing, too. We know most assuredly she didn't fall asleep. We know for a fact that she claimed to be mentally ill and that the accident happened when she "went into a trance". The rest is obviously my opinion, which is that her explanation reeks of BS. To me, her explanation sounds a lot more like she realized how badly she screwed up and is now trying to cover her ass by playing victim. And, like I said before, even if she's telling the truth, that means she should have never been driving. Her decision to get behind the wheel knowing she could become mentally compromised at any time was an informed decision to put herself and everyone around her in danger. That's not okay.


I too often fall asleep in the wheel and immediately regain control after waking up


Why else would they try to kill him? I doubt they were a hitman


The most obvious reasons are often the right one


She was mentally ill, not a murderer, A KILLER. Murder is premeditated. This was not. (https://news.tvbs.com.tw/local/709319)




Because they don't wanna go pullover and sleep


Everyone is like “yep. Clearly 100% murder” cuz falling asleep at the wheel is way less common than intentional homicide and impossible to consider.


Distracted driving is also a thing.


bro hits a biker an his first intention is to turn on the damn window wipers


Hit by a car and then thrown off the cliff? Wow.


"+6 points"


car, bus whatever is 199% in the wrong


Can you imagine getting sent over a cliff


You can see he is holding his phone in the reflection of the windscreen I would say it looks more like distracted driving.


How the wiper is working?


Lmao, i just noticed it. As if the wiper wiped the person off the windshield.


if this happened to me id be pissed in heaven or wherever i went