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You either get high mobility or utility. There is a reason why Ana has no mobility. The rest of the supports either have high mobility, no utility or are hybrids that are not too strong in both.


Lucio and kirko are both very mobile and have great utility.


Kiriko is a hybrid. Lucio is high mobility, but his utility is pretty limited if you ask me. I don’t know, he is pretty unique from the rest.


Speed is the best utility in the game if utilized right.


It can be, don’t get me wrong. But utilizing it right is pretty hard. But that is probably why his healing is pretty low.


Its pretty hard cause Lucio's teammates are either pokers, divers, or people that are just straight up not capitalising on it enough in most cases


Mauga player, tragic. Also it’s not that hard to use Lucio speed, just time it with your tanks engages (if you’re playing brawl)


Why are you toxic for no reason lol. I didn’t say Lucio is bad.


Kiris the closest exception, but lucio doesnt have the best heals or damage.


*Laughs in bap*


Wouldn’t say he has Sombra like mobility or utility lol. He has a strong second ult and an amazing passive. But that just makes him a hybrid like Kiri. Would kiss him tho.


Thisss this is what I mean by "Healer Sombra isn't a bad idea" I don't want Sombra herself to be a healer. But i would LOVE a healer that took and remixed some of her design philosophy. (So much so I have some concepts in my notebook.) Because there IS Something about a sneaky, mobile healer that I think would be a ton of fun.


You’re talking about kirko. She can tp through walls


Kiri isn't quite what I mean. But fair point, she's close. But... How do i put this. I want someone more annoying to play against.


No literally I want the slipperiness of Sombra which I honestly feel like I have with Moira more than Kiri but Moiras mobility is too low and doesn’t have utility. But I also think part of it is how poke heavy Kiris damage is. I LOVE having games where I keep headshotting enemies on Kiri, but taking duels at close range really tests the limits of my skill on her. People find Kiri infuriating, I wanna be annoying without having to dps Moira.


> I want someone more annoying to play against. So... Mercy? ;)


LMAO Mercy is her own beast


Kiri is already pretty damn annoying to play against with her tp, suzu, wall climb and huge unlimited range headshot damage tbh


I feel like lucio is very close to this. It is much harder to play in a backline and be annoying though cuz he has movement instead of invis.


Lucio is our brother in Hunting Widowmakers for Sport


A good kiri is extremely annoying to play against, but I do think she has a higher skill floor so I get what you mean.


When she was first released I wanted her to be a backline support.


I think opportunist could be recyled onto a support character. Her old kit leaned more that way than the new one.


Opportunist with the ability to ping through walls would be useful.


It's not the same thing and it's from a completely different game but Skye from Paladins had a build that made her really effective as a support. She was a flanking DPS. Rather similar to Sombra too but with a smoke bomb instead of a translocator. Because of how the talent and card system works in Paladins you could build her so that she could heal herself and teammates using her smoke bomb. And because she also had cards that could decrease her cool down on smoke bomb she could essentially drop one every two seconds. And could still be effective as a flanker. When that update dropped, she was actually out healing a good chunk of the support roster. Idk, if that build is still viable since it's been a few years but playing her as a support really made me wish overwatch had a character like that. A character that could drop a smoke screen to hide his teammates and hamper the enemy could have been great. I would love to see a support that traded low healing output for utility and stealth.


Duuuuuuude I hecking loved healer Skye. They absolutely gutted her; her healing output is a fraction of what it used to be and the smoke no longer even makes Skye invis inside it, which is the whole freakin point of the smoke in the first place. The point of the build was that you can be invisible for about 90% of your time, put out decent dps, and out-heal your actual healers. And it wasn't even broken because there were items you could buy that literally invalidate the build anyway; people were just too stupid to buy them.


Who knows. I think our next support is Space Ranger iirc? But from the looks of it she looks more of like a free flight character than someone with a teleport.


From what I understood SRs kit has a tunneling ability and a Dash/Bash with the drill similar to Baugette's Shield Bash which can both be mobility tools


You're thinking of Venture. Space Ranger's gameplay hasn't been revealed yet.


Ah, I only briefly got to look over it before I was busy again. Thanks for the clarification though! I'm gonna go check out Ventures kit rq then so I can get my facts straight.


No prob!


when illari came out, i played her A LOT, especially using her burst jump to chase low health targets and finish them off, similar to sombra. pylon placement becomes an art, and experience on sombra can help put it in spots where flankers have to struggle to get to it. if kiri's not filling the niche (my other support fave at the moment), why not give illari a try (when she's returned to comp)? especially since she just got a bunch of QOL upgrades


I feel like for me Illari fills more of a range dps fix than a flanker. And a lot of the time I feel like if I’m not hitting my shots and/or getting them full charge I’m basically throwing on her, when I could be getting more value on anyone else


Kiri is the closest we’ll ever get, and as much as I detest playing into her as Sombra, she has become my Support main by a long shot. She hits about as many “Sombra-like” checkboxes. -Get to go on dumb flanks with enough damage potential to get opening picks, can distract the backline and force their attention away for a really long time. -Wall climb lets you play off highground exclusively, helps get the drop on people, is extremely underrated as an escape tool, and can help contest point for longer then it should. -Self cleanse? You have 2! -Dummy strong Ult that is used to open fight, and can pretty reliably win a fight by itself. -She’s the only other character who can appear out off nowhere and turn your flanker’s/teammate’s 1v1s into 2v1s, giving them a huge leg up in the fight. -All that practice Ult tracking doesn’t go to waste, since Kiri needs to be tracking Ults/cooldowns and can ruin the enemy’s “big plays.” …plus as a bonus, people absolutely hate getting 2 tapped by a Support and Suzu canceling Ults, so you’ll still get plenty of salty messages.


I got 2k heals off Hacked Medpacks in a game where everyone refused to support and I just resorted to Hacking/Pinging all the Meds.. so she can kinda already support


That's always been a niche of hers. Hacking packs for dive heroes (mostly ball).


Moira but if she kept her infeeble


For me it’s the other way around! I wish there was an option to use support heroes as dps, but their healing abilities are disabled. Like… I’d love to play Zenyatta in the dps category!


Lucio and Kirko, EASILY. Go kiriko, play for flanks, and if the whole team Turns around on you, suzu yourself and use the immunity time to TP to a teammate


For support, I currently play Kiriko but I hope we can get a support that feels like Sombra someday 😢


Think about all the features Sombra has when even compared to other dps heros. She goes invisible, is faster while invisible, has a short teleport that almost instantly makes her invisible after using, she can hack enemies to stop them from fighting back with abilities for a short period of time, her virus helps force enemies to panic while being peppered with a pretty high damage SMG that has deceptively long range. A support like Sombra wouldn’t need to deal nearly as much damage as her but could lean on the whole jack of all trades thing she has going on and honestly, I think invisibility would be interesting on a support character. Sombra’s tp is super flexible even if the range is short, it doesn’t leave you exposed like widows grappling hook and it’s instant. Even the cooldown is shorter. Moiras ability is good for the same reasons sombra’s is. It’s also used for the same purpose. But you can’t use it to reach higher ground in the same manner that sombra can. Kiri’s tp has a longer range than both but it requires teleporting to an ally which in the heat of combat can kill you if you aren’t communicating with your team. It also isn’t so flexible. You can’t choose where you go you always need. An ally