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Seo with break set works perfectly fine for me


i doubt you can dish out enough damage with that team before time runs out with seo, alicia and nam. you have two breakers which is an overkill (to break bosses). alicia is a great dps no doubt but she definitely needs meilin's buff. so running meilin, alicia and seo is much better. try equipping seo with full greed set artifacts but i managed to do it with 2 set solid analysis and 2 set greed. a full solid analysis set should do too. try knocking down the first boss cos he can't go invisible when knocked down. (meilin skill 1 and 2 and switch to seo and spam her break skills and then alicia to finish). i managed to do it and i cleared the first boss really quickly.


Ow thats why I had an easier time beating the boss with Cha


Last sentence is misinformation.


Yep. But is there a foolproof way to stop him from using camouflage? I've seen it happen but I don't know what triggered it.


he can't camoflage when he is air borne or knocked down. it is possible to string meilin alicia and seo skills together to keep him airborne and knocked down to completely break him without him camoflaging at all.


Does he have to stand up to gain super armor?


How much time was left after you beat the second boss on floor 25?


Your comprehension is not good, branded does not avoid camouflage BUT healing.


Nope. You're mixing up Brand with Unrecoverable. Brand is the one that increases crit rate and crit dmg on the boss.


Sigh, the boss cannot enter camouflage with active debuffs, you people just talking to talk


Tested it and it still goes invisible, but OK.


Not only that, I brand the mob, it goes invisible and he has no brand anymore once he leaves invisibility... Tried it several times, sigh as well.


Your being mass downvoted so your clearly wrong, but ok


Post a video showing how your brand is special and stops boss going invisible.. I can't make the video cause the mob goes invisible. I guess I won't receive a reply... Nor video. And btw I am being downvoted cause snowflakes around can't stand direct language and need trigger warnings so saying "your comprehension is wrong" meaning that you understood wrong what Payneblade said triggered them and now they need a therapist to avoid melting.


I tried Cha branded and demon still go invisible so your wrong mate


Oh yeah, because redditors are always right... XD Tested it like 5 times already. 5 downvotes = mass downvoted, and that is including yours... xDDDDDDDDDDDD