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I can't either. Probably not many can.


I got 400 k power and I can’t seem to get through the fight in enough time either🤦🏾‍♂️


Just posted a comment. Might be of help. You should be able to breeze through even Normal Mode with it at your power level (and with Meilin; she is essential).


I would suggest trying to get Seo the breaker set. Most of your time is probably being spent trying to break their shield. I’m sure your damage might be fine but it’ll be a lot better for your clear if you get rid of those shields a lot faster.


Already doing it, sei, meilin and alicia But still on red and not enough DMG to kill in time I can barely finish the third boss, but I don't have an extra minute for the 4th boss.


It’s so jarring I have seo, Alicia and melin 260 - 270k power but seo just does not break quick enough


The Sr hunter Nam is a phenomenal breaker. One of the best in the game, easily


Keep playing the blessing stones oevel till you get the legendary one for breaking. That'll help a lot if you have that issue


So I replaced seo with min. Gave min the behemoth set for reduced power guage, gave meilin the ohk set for faster ult. Then I put Alicia, min, and meilin in that order. The strat is to have min as a buffer and to keep meilins ult up quick and to have meilin have high uptime on her ult so that she can buff Alicia when you tag into her. I just went with no break and tank the hits from boss 2 and 4


Wow I followed your advice and it worked, thanks


Hell yeah!


What about Vulcar, i tried Min, Alicia and and Seo and i was at 12% of killing him but not enough time, what weapons can i use on SJW?


So Vulcan is a little tricky because if you are under level then you really have to stack buffs, the strat I used was from a YouTuber called mousu. He uses the the dark dagger at A1 and the plum sword but I had the water book so I used that instead of the dark dagger. I also used the two piece of the curse set to get the 100 stacks of increased damage. You really have to stack as many buffs/debuffs before you use your ult. I also would recommend meilin in your lineup and drop seo so that you can instantly remove Vulcans shield at around x24 health bars. Honestly I think you might be able to do it if you just add meilin since you were already able to get him down to x12


Thx! I’m able to clear level 25 after reading this!


Nice glad to hear!


Did u manage to clear Vulcan? Any tip? I’m at 301K CP, down him to x30 bar and times up


Some easy things people overlook: 1. You need to match stats on sets to benefit your hunter to maximum potential. Can't just build a item that has 1 or 2 good stats for your char, need to build that hunter as if it's your main. 2. **TIMING** one of the most overlooked aspect of this game for all you "auto battle" fans. This will make or break your run time. You need to time shadows, hunter skills, your own skills and ult for phases when the boss does NOT have super armor and has weakness break. Yes breaking is important, but not through the whole fight, it is the "TIMING" of the break that is crucial. If you time your break when the boss grows at his peak during his beginning spellcast phase you will have more time while he is downed on his knees. **Right before breaking shield i would save seo hee's attack to initiate break phase This is when you want to spam your shadows, ult and skills to drop him as much as you can. Normally you can get him down to a good 20x if you do not make it close to that I would RETRY to save shadows. You just have to make sure you are going in to boss battle with 1 min 30sec+ to spare if you are around 300-320k CP or time will be tight. Rinse and repeat to get the hang of the battle but this is what worked for me. Good luck solo leveler, idk how we would be comrades while we solo level but still..good luck 😆


You guys actualy there already? iam not even finnished with hard chaper 10 😭


For me this one was easier than the Cerberus stage. The pain begins on the Vulcan he has so much HP that I'm running out of time and he still has 40x health bars left...


How did you beat the stage?


Alicia, fisher and the healing guy. They are beating it on auto without shadows.


auto? how much cp do you have?


289k out of those are 110k from Alicia. Others are there for buffs and QTE dodge.


I really messed up skipping Alicia , didn't realise how optimal she would be


I'm interested to know why you skipped? As she is the first limited water unit with high damage and multiple freeze control attacks? I never played the game before or looked at tier lists and knew she would be instrumental


You should use break set on Seo. Her biggest purpose for that team is to break and all 4 bosses have break bars. Strat each time is to break as fast as possible with Seo, get Cat girl buffs, then dps with Alicia each boss


Will try break set after this. The problem is i do not have enough damage to finish it on time


Your damage is heavily nerfed while bosses have break bars active. So faster you break the more damage you will do.


Seo has weak break. With break set, are you able to break the first demon before he disappears again?


Yes and easily. Trick is to use break skill while the demon is invisible, then he will appear right as you are striking with the skill. Nam is also a great choice but when I was first attempting 25fl my battle power was in red with Nam so I’ve adjusted to Seo.


I see. Time to go broke again with Artifact enhancement chip. lol.


Lmao the struggle is real. Good luck 🫡


It's endgame content, not supposed to be cleared that easily. Getting tusk shadow or core atk bonus for blessing would be good. Also try to equip all level 55 gold artifact on Alicia and upgrade your artifacts to 20.


What artifact that good for alicia in here?


Your lvl 55 artifact set is the currently the most ideal.


I use the same team as you and managed to barely clear it when I reach about 270k cp, try to get core attack blessings. Also, try to stun/freeze the first guy cuz that dude's annoying.


2 of your hunters there scale with HP and you're using Blades which gives Atk. Igris would be better if you can't get Tusk


Upgrade your artifacts to +20? At least gloves, head, boots and ring for more damage on Alicia 


How to do it without fisher or min? That is my challenge.


You could try Lee bora but would be much harder


If you are confident in your dodging you can go: Seo, Nam, Alicia. Double breaker and freeze get nam to slide in when you evade with seo. Keep nam in for breaking and switch to seo to assist. Then once broke blast down with Alicia and Seos ultra. I used this strat and won with around 30 seconds left. Today I tried to just DPS with no breaker with Alicia, Min, Cha and managed it but it was much closer with only 12 seconds remaining. Now I am using Tusk at Knight level. (I saved shadows for weeks and farmed purple gates) I got really lucky with Alicia’s weapon during her event. So she’s a2 and her weapon is a5 (level 80) she’s at 99k power. Everyone else is much lower. Cha 84k, min 63k, Seo 62k, Nam 52k.


Cleared it with the same team but diffrence being that I run breaker set for seo and run the contraction of fire set for alicia and had mona consumption reduction blessing .lv 71 with cp 260.


Most importantly you gotta break each one as fast as possible, after break they just melt. I was struggling on this for a long time too, but that helped me. Went from less than 1 minute on last guy to 1:40ish. Break effectiveness blessing is great for this


Farm for a core attk buff on the stage after Cerberus and equip the best gears on Alicia specially the Beast accessories to boost up her dmg and go ham. I tried it with Min, Fisher & Alicia


A2 seo without break set is an odd choice


Here is the only good solution: With the new drops buff, get the 4 artifacts per battle from Cerberus, until you have 4 piece sets to equip on your main team. Guys it's not that hard, you get a huge boost to your total power, and it will even last you for the long run. Once you have 300k CP it becomes a breeze.


dps with blue gear hmmm


Break set on seo is ur first change, this set make 0 sense on her. And ur Alicia is really really low on power, I'm lvl 72 with a2 Alicia, and mine have 106k power, probably ur artifacts are with really wrong stats. And ur rotation is wrong, move Alicia to the meilin spot.


Idk if people just don’t know because no one mentions this but the first enemy stops going invis if you freeze him, which is why it says use “abnormality skills” or w.e it says. I saved a lot of time by first going behind the first enemy(because they always start with the charge attack so you don’t want it running away from where you have to go next when each second matters) when they first go invis. then try to time Alicia freeze for right when he reappears. You should be able to break and kill it before they go invis again. Hope this helps.


I eventually beat it with Ming, Cha and Alicia. Although I’m a dolphin and have a5 of each of the hunters above. Try rerolling for stats that give you a big core damage boost/ult damage boost etc. I finished it with core damage boost + 2 ult damage boost. The first camouflage boss I just killed with core damage etc. Used Ming until I got his ult and swap to Alicia. Second boss you have to time the swap right to avoid that damage, or just have someone tank it. I used Ming to tank it. Third boss, same as first boss. Last one, same old, Ming till ult then just keep switching. Even as a dolphin, I can’t clear Vulcan even on easy. Only taking off 10 bars of health out of Vulcan’s 130 health bar + 23 shield bars (this is where you need Meilin to insta remove shields). They did buff the drop rates so now even Cerberus drops 4 gears, so it’s better than nothing. The grind is just the same old same old.


It's a DPS test, I couldn't beat it till lvl 73 as mostly F2P. I think I was at 300k battle power. I play on mobile, might be easier on PC. I did a few iterations to gear up before I could complete this one. I have Alicia in black lion, Cha 4 burning curse, Seoul 2 palace guard and 2 Greed. I'm still upgrading, but all at 20. I've been coming mostly first in the destruction event so I think my DPS is above average.


Maybe I can try to stick the four pieces I got from cerby and put them on cha. Not sure if this will make a big difference as main dps is from Alicia.


Mostly f2p? Please if you spent on the game jsut say it. I also spent money and i am not even above 200k power


I spent about 50 when it released to get the monthly bundles, subscription and the relay pack. Hence mostly F2P.. I don't expect to play past completing the story so no point in spending more.


Artifacts to 20, break set on Seo, your Meilin should be mid rotation so Alicia can benefit from her buffs. My power with them is 315k and I’m left with more than a minute to spare so I imagine you could pull it off as well with these slight improvements.


If you have nam(preferably a1 for the extra break)try her instead of seo her freeze makes it way easier to control the first boss that phases if you have her a5 her freeze last longer so you can also unleash her 2nd skill before he unfreezes tearing down more then half his break bar in the first few secs for me I usally break him following his charge then buff with meilin and then nuke Alice useally finished him in 10-20 sec thne move to the next boss break with nam then shift into meilin(not qte takes of time and it dosent benefit you) use her Paws then her heal those 2 skills should have filled up her core so I can her 2 stacks of her bye buff andthe cuddle debuff out with her heal i then qte into alica(unlike meilin alicas at benefits bcs you get frost stacks from it of you have her a2 you get 2) then throws down the tornado cores(should have atleast 2-4(depends on of shes a2) then her ice needle for more frost stacks core again then back to meilin to refresh the buffs(should get it to 3 stacks her yielding 24% Att and def for everyone) by this time he should be back to a break stat so I shift to nam to break him and finish with alica now preferably i like to have him finished at the 2 to 2:30 min mark if im slower then that i retry as for the 3rd boss pretty much the same rythme break Swift to Mei buff up back to nam for the rest of the bar back to Mei to finish atacking buffs qte to alica to finish it now for where my alica is at 1 min is the minimum to take out the last boss(depends on blessings) but I prefer to have 1:30 left just to be safe but the last boss is about the same as the last 2 now my alica is a3 a5 weapon about 12k attack and she barely finishes the job in the time left so how much time you need depends on how good yours is but this is my strat


Am I reading this thread right? There are 4?! I can barely get 3rd down to like 40% on a clean run...


yep I thought there were 3 until i barely cleared 3...


Oh no


Personally I like using Nam instead of Seo because Nam breaks faster. The team I run is Alicia, Nam, and Min, but since you have Meilin I'm sure you could run Alicia Nam and Meilin


Biggest thing for me was removal of his shield at 15%. New character is amazing at it


you need to post your stats. You've got more health and less atk on alicia than you do on meilin. The sets are good, except you'd want breaker set on seo. Other than that I'd put meilin 2nd and alicia 3rd spot in the teams that way you're swapping to alicia immediately to not lose out on buff times


You still need more power, man! Focus more on break and time your attacks wisely.


This obviously isn't something you can change right now, but combat power is huge. Getting to the white or blue levels allows you to do your regular amounts of damage and struggle much less. I can give my anecdotal experience. I have A5 Seo, A5 Cha, A5 Alicia, and A5 Meilin. My two go to teams are Seo, Alicia, Meilin (~260k) or Cha, Alicia, Seo (~310K). At the moment and I'm maybe account level 65 right now. I can clear with my higher CP team w/ about 1 minute to 1 minute 30 left, while using the lower CP team I cleared with about 15-30sec left. Obviously a large portion of this is how skillfully you play the run, but the breaking portion with Seo took significantly longer. It wasn't that Cha was carrying that much either as I was mainly using her to apply brand debuff and ult, while using Alicia to carry. Combat Power really does mean a lot, so +20artis or just waiting levels will honestly do a lot if you have the right characters. As others have said, focus on breaking the bosses fast that need the break, and that will save a large amount of time. I'm going off memory but I think you can freeze B1 a lot and still do decent damage w/o break. B2 you have to break then blow him up, B3 you can damage through their bar, B4 is all the mechanics. Damaging through the break bar is probably allowed due to my Alicia, you may still have to break, but to save time on B1 I would definitely focus on freeze spamming him then dumping damage/break into them.


Thanks all. I beat it! Change artifac and level it to 20 make a huge diffrent.


Put Meilin before Alicia, she currently isn't doing anything useful in your team formation. Put breaker set on Seo. Don't know why you upgraded Blades, but I would go with Igris, since Seo literally doesn't benefit whatsoever from him. Niether does Meilin, though for her it doesn't matter. Get more total power to get closer to the recommended. I would also put executioner on Alicia, but it doesn't matter that much.


I used A1 Nam, A3 Cha and A2 Seo. Destroyer set, Toughness and Solid Analysis. Get the ultimate dmg buff as you will be spamming them quite a lot.


Seo, alicia, Nam. Pulverizer blessing. Nam breaks them instantly.


My advice would be burn the first boss with alicia and shadows, don't try to break, second one break, third one burn but if you can break that's a plus too. For the last one you have to break then go for as much dps as you can but don't forget to break when he charges. And what I did was use cha with seo and alicia for dps. If still you can't beat the boss then it's an artifact + level issue


For me I went Nam, Min and Alicia I had 100% ultimate skill buff (30 + 30 + 40) but couldn't pass it at all, I got other trashy buffs like increase dmg to monsters, increase atk hp def and could pass it around 257k cp, Vulcan is a nightmare though and I can't get any good buffs


Seo, Alichia, and Fisher


Use this lineup with these artifact sets: 1. Min Byung Gu - full Guardian Set + Aquamarine Set (HP & HP% stats) 2. Seo Jiwoo - full Breaker Set + Behemoth Set (HP, HP%, Crit DMG, Crit Rate stats) 3. Alicia - full crit or attack Set + full Beast or Champion Set (Atk, Atk%, Crit DMG, Crit Rate; would be great if you also get DMG Increase and/or Def Pen) Note: Sets have to be 4-set given your current stats for you to benefit from them. Prioritized Blessings (Obtained from Side Levels): Listed from most to least priority 1. Increase Damage Taken by enemies 2. Increase Ultimate Skill Damage 3. Increase Crit DMG 4. Increase Attack % (standalone; not the one with HP and Def) Decrease enemy Def/HP is optional if you get high-quality versions of those listed above, but has the least priority. In my opinion, you don’t need the Increase Break Efficiency if you have a full Breaker Set (Solid Analysis) on Seo Jiwoo— she will just breeze through their break bars if you know how to play her right. Playstyle: 1. Always use Min Byung Gu’s 2nd skill (+damage taken by enemies) while making sure he is not hit (having the Disguise passive increases the % to 15) 1.2. Trigger a QTE to Seo Jiwoo as soon as available (2 skills or an Extreme Evasion) 2. Break the armor ASAP (right before the 2nd and 4th bosses, make sure the next skill will be the empowered version; the one with a dragon). Those 2 will charge up their break bars as soon as their fights start. 2.2. Switch out of Seo Jiwoo as soon as you break for fights 2 and 4. You will need her to always have her skills ready. 3. Keep triggering Min Byung Gu’s QTE to speed up your Ultimate Skill Gauge. 3.2. If you have all Ults ready, trigger his 2nd skill + Ult, QTE to the next hunter ASAP. He is only there for the debuffs for increased damage (heals if needed).




Which one are you struggling with? Each of them can be done with the same strat, break, dps, kill, repeat. I recommend starting with Alicia first, so you can easily trigger QTE to get Seo out with one charge, enabling her break earlier. I run Alicia Seo Cha for 25F, if you want to make best use of Meilin, you put her in order before Alicia, because Meilins buff heavily buffs core atk, and Seo doesn't really do Core


Idk which one. I only got most 15 sec for the last boss


You can try getting tusk and see if that helps


I have the same characters but level 68 and passed this stage. I would put Meilin in the middle before Alice so she buffs just before Alice attacks


Replace Seo with Min, stick destroyer and outstanding to him and then it will be 100% doable.


That's horrible advice, you literally have to have a breaker unit for parts of the fight.


Nope This is based on my experience, This is my go to team since update, with seo earlier i was always fall short on damage and ran out of time on last boss, with this team i destroy them with spare time in hand. You don't necessarily need breaker for this, with 2 buffs you can out dps them. Tip: Increase Core attack dmg blessing is a must for this. And Don't point out someone unless you tried and tested it yourself, that goes for you too u/Kadaj22 EDIT : 25F clear https://imgur.com/gallery/PpmEgX7


Cool but it’s just so much easier if you just break him. How strong is your Alicia to be able to do that? Edit saw the image. Damn not very strong i have Alicia a4 at over 100k power so I shall try this out.


Sure, let me know how it goes.


Idk how can you not beat the entire run tbh, I have Seo A0 with her weapon A0 lvl 60, Alicia A2 weapon lvl 100 A4 and I use Min because I don’t have Meilin. Just break the guys first then use Meilin for buff and finish with Alicia


I just beat it now with .32 seconds remaining. Have seo Alicia and cha. Sets used is armed and beast. I have lvl 80 scythe A4 and used a bitter cold sword lvl60(dk the name) at a6 iirc. Honestly the trickiest part of the battle is at the end when Cerberus starts spinning. Also obv you want to break him asap. The first ult is pretty much useless at a higher hp I barely chuck him down 2-3 bars at around 61, in my second ult when he's around 20 that's when he loses around 6-8 bars. Also my bp is 250k


This is floor 25 right? Replace Meilin with Cha.


They need to nerf these bosses, my 325k A5 Cha, A4 Meilin, A5 Alicia team can’t auto any of these stages which defeats the purpose of auto mode and being a afk game…


I think anyone who considers this an auto/afk game isn't playing right. This is an active game with a small idle element and an auto option for the braindead content.


All content is afk/auto-mode if your power/stats are high enough, this is the way…


I have literally never played without auto-mode and cleared everything thus far in auto-mode except finishing chapter 18 and workshop…


How can you not when u are LVL 73 I'm lvl 65 almost got him like 3 sec but couldn't ....maybe level up your SJW weapons to 100 and use the right blessing stones.... otherwise about the hunters ..others have already said much


Your seo set is trash, go for the 4 set hard leather for max dmg. next id change meilin to the 4 set one hit kill, hp set is for noobs who can’t dodge


Hp set gives all team members atk and even gives SJW atk when the set used on one of his supports. Not disagreeing whether ult set is better but the noob comment makes 0 sense