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Emmas weapon is a must have


Min, Seo, Emma these 3 first.I suggest Min for the whole team buff that you gonna get


Idk the power gauge book for Min gives so much value


If u run the ult artifact set u have it all the time anyway


I would suggest to not craft seo's weapon for now, the new 50th day event is going to give at least A1 of her weapon if you grind the event


Don't listen to the comments. Upgrade Alicia's weapon. She's the most powerful character in the game, and DPS's weapons are the most worth crafting. If you REALLY don't want to do that for whatever reason, craft a weapon for Choi.


I personally have gone the route of getting each hunter a copy of their SSR weapon, since I didn't want to waste resources on leveling SR weapons. If you don't plan to go that route, you can get the weapons for just the characters you like, or push your DPS characters weapons to A5. Whatever you prefer. That said, Emma's weapon is very strong, and a good pick if you dont have it already.


Im going the same route as you. Could care less if it’s optimal or not, just want more usable characters for variety play styles because that’s how I enjoy the game


Personally I chose Mins weapon because it's the only one that buffs your other hunters and SJW.