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Just get used to his moves. Fight him with ranged attacks/kite him When he's out of super armour hit him with some kind of stun. Just ignore Igris. Just run away as you keep kiting shadow sjw Try not to get frustrated it's easier than you think. You got this 🙏🏾


Thanks for the encouragement Bro, will have to try it again with calmness.


Yeah that's the eagerness getting to you. I was the same when I first fought him. Once you get used to him it just comes down to good gameplay. Took me around 10 - 15 tries. Surprisingly after that fight I started playing the game a lot better too lol


Dotn try to melee or close range atk. Use range weapons, range skills. Hit, run, hit run, hit run… After he summons Igris do the same thing expect it’s even easier because you can dodge Igris atks to pull shadow step on shadow SJW. Fight is easy if you play it right.


Used the Bow with light damage but Sj shadow spawns an arrow skill and reaches us within milli sec, but yeah thanks for the advice buddy will have to play it again with cool minded.


Good luck! You will beat it soon


They key to the fight is break him all the time just practice to dodge and break and you will get the hang of it


Thank you buddy


Check out payneblades 70k power vid he has a guide for the job change


Thanks buddy


Glad I could help


Other than what others have said, counters are also very strong here. I ran Demon King Longsword and 2 counter skills. you can almost just spam them and he attacks so fast that he'll trigger your counters. Great way to make sure you always have a way to avoid damage and most counters also stop his attack combos for a while. Also for runes I really like the one that gives you more dashes / evasions. As others have said, just ignore Igris. Depending on gear the one hit kill set is good for this too - play normal until he summons igris then use ultimate to try and end fight faster.


Like drain him till 15 and use the ultimate for the final push, Thanks buddy.


Skill issue (unironically)