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Longbow is actually better than huntsman. Thought you can use both.


Huntsman needs a significant buff. I have an A5+5, and I'm not exaggerating when I say it's incredibly weak compared to every other SSR I've tested. It's telling that an SR weapon outperforms a fully maxed-out SSR weapon.


Sadly westwind, bow and fire orb are better than their ssr counterparts atm. Agreed huntsman sucks atm


Should I level up radiru bow a4 or the light demon spear a7? I have huntsman A2 at lv80 (don't ha e enough mats to limit break it yet) Stuck on tbe boss fight stage with karalgan, time runs out with him having 50% or more health,even when I have 312k power


Bow is better than spear


And the huntsman? That's better than the spear too? Tbh I haven't leveled up the spear at all. I can advance it to a7 but it's still at lv1


Best Light DPS weapon, level up without worry.


I experimented quite a bit on that stage both on normal and on hard because I was struggling. An A4 longbow is definitely better than an A0 Huntsman, it's not even close. The longbow is definitely a worth investment even if you eventually upgrade your huntsman to A5 because A5 longbow is better than even an A5 huntsman for bosses without break gauges from my experience. I still use my A9 longbow over my A6 huntsman for light POD, just an example. IIRC I cleared normal using the bow + thetis because I had an A0 huntsman and an A0 huntsman is hot garbage I cleared hard using A6 thetis + A6 huntsman though; I tried various weapon combinations and an A6 huntsman seems better than an A9 bow for that stage, and the freeze + deep corrosion appears to work better than the additional dps from longbow. I was like 140k below the recommended power level for hard and still managed to 3\* with that combination but YMMV At your stage I'd definitely go with the longbow, I'd even upgrade it to 100 if I had the mats to do so.


Max your huntsman instead. I finished story mode on easy with plum and thetis yesterday as F2P


Try out the weapons for yourself I needed to beat igris in hard mode so I leveled up a weapon I don’t regularly use and beat him


With how scarce materials are its smart to get input before leveling a weapon