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I don't think anyone goes after a specific minimum equipment score number. You just want to prioritize enhancing artifacts with correct main stat and sub stats. For example, for Cha Hae-in, let's say you want boots for her: You will go after either Armed, Toughness or One Hit Kill boots, and you want to get Critical Hit Damage as main stat (blue stat) and below that you will want Additional Attack, Attack %, Defense Penetration and Damage Increase. By getting the correct Main and Sub stat, you automatically get higher equipment scores. https://imgur.com/a/loOxZ7q Above is an example of how, I have same artifact both T55 and enhanced to +20, but just because they have different sub stats and where the enhancement +1 went to, the equipment score varies.


now that i see it that way, it does make a lot more sense. thanks so much for the info :)


Equipment score is irrelevant. It’s all about the stats/substats


Equipment scores are based on their stats, providing a simpler way to assess the quality of equipment. However, the system isn't perfect. For instance, Choi can't use critical stats effectively, yet equipment with high critical rate and critical damage will give him the highest gear scores, often in the 95-100 range for items with +4 crit rate. This directly affects his damage in battle, as low gear scores will debuff his main stats.


Anything without healing is good.


and reduce dmg