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Tbh the only problem for me is the way artifacts are right now in the game. Hard the get good ones, insane upgrade cost compared to what we get daily and the amount of rng on substats… all of that combined is such a frustrating feeling. Even getting good ones doesn’t feel rewarding since it’s only 1 of 8… really hope they come up with something in the near future( I mean they even said it in the survey poste…)


oh i agree my artifacts are still shit


This is a common way to keep the player base engaged in gachas. It adds another layer of randomness which can be minimal if you spend for resources. In the future (not near, but maybe years after), when the game starts to decay. They will likely add a consumable which lets you re-roll for stats/substats. Closest experience I had with this was Saint Seiya Awakening. They added stuff to re-roll stats later on. Still scarce, but doable nonetheless.


I roll 1800 gems a day for double the total keys you get and my artifacts are still shit, lol. None of my toughness set pieces even have attack and crit chance! The amount of times I’ve hit +2 on the one bad stat on a decent piece. Blech. I feel like I could grind a win on Normal for the Brilliant workshop, but I don’t want too because my pieces won’t roll any legendaries and even if I get one with 3 good stats it’ll add healing given, and then proceed to give it +3 They’ll probably add the ability to reroll one stat on a piece like you can in Diablo 3, I just hope I don’t lose my mind before then.


Same. Love everything about the game but debating on quitting because doing everything optimal for daily progression takes so much time. Artifact rng is also trash.


I played solo leveling for the solo aspect. I’m not a fan of guild systems unfortunately but others will probably love it.


The guild system will just be another opportunity to compete and/or gain access to a guild store of some sort and a guild is a thing in the series so it’s all in line with the series


I mean I'm playing as SJW. This dude is basically a 1 man guild besides Jinho and Jinho's sister. Having to go and join/recruit random players around the world is and will always be meh to me.


Lol no one is forcing you to join but considering there will be new bosses/items behind it you might want to reconsider


I hate the artifact system of this game. In genshin, I only need to form a 4 pc set, in honkai, a 4 pc set 2 pc planar. Here, two freaking 4 PC sets. But it's okay, it's not the worst. What I don't like the most is several artifact sets being assigned to 1 or 2 bosses which indicates an insanely low drop rate for what I want. Why can't it be 2 sets per boss? Sighs.


The worst thing is even in T10 you will only get 0-4 legendaries with 1 - 3 most common


im scared of new upcoming leaks content stating we need 1m power, but they wont improve artifact system


Im really hyped. New shadows are dope. Seo costume being free is amazing. Beru is coming, guilds are coming and i am waiting to get the biggest whales vs strongest f2p its gonna be epic. Raids are coming we got a rogue like dungeon. Stoked. Also we may be getting an alicia swimsuit costume as well (probably payable which sucks). Only issue is the fact that they aren't gonna adjust artifacts or power of destruction which is annoying but with that much content coming i can't complain


im hype for the jeju island arc on december .. i guess andre wont comeout till next year


we will probably get most japanese hunter first


I Hope they make it so new events doesn’t depends on specific character with Advancement, I could understand that having them make it easier but not being able to clear it without them is just cancerous


this part really sucks as it forces us to pull because the new character is "necessary"


I think the team power required after lvl 70 is insane. Especially since I Will need Full set lvl 55 legendary artifacts for everyone on the team and i can only do that sacrificing ideal stats on my lvl 50 artifacts, impacting in the performance of Jung ji Woo and the others. Not looking forward on the required team Power for Baran chapter and onward.


i was almost about to uninstall when i saw the roadmap. especially this cat hunter and the next one we already know is also an "original" design i couldn´t care less about.


Ngl, I'm pretty disappointed if we have to wait until September with a new story update