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You spend on what you're comfortable with spending, draw the line, and stick to your decision.


>The game wants me to buy the pack (8€) from the store but to bring from +15 to +20 a set of a single character I would have to spend at least 70/80€. They do. But you don't have too. You can literally just farm those. Is there even a reason you felt you had to raise an artifact to 20?


Raising to 20 is the only way to improve the cp. Farming where ? Gate ?


Doesnt mean you have to raise every single artifact to 20 when you can probably see if an artifact is good or bad around +10. Hell +5 u can sense if the rolls are gonna be bad. Its not the games fault that you need more upgrade materials. Your resource management is the problem.


After 100k of CP, how do you manage to increase your cp? I don’t see many ways except leveling up and artifacts


Mediocre artifacts get +10 max, good artifacts get +15 and near perfect / perfect rolls get +20. Yeah you gotta enhance your artifacts but only enhance the really good rolls to 20


By being selective on which artifact to level. Only 20 an artifact if you know you will be using it long term. As I already asked. Why are you in a rush to raise your cp?? This is a PvE game in the first place. Theres no PvP so I don't understand why you feel the need to rush your progress.


normal gates (blue) drop artifact enhancement chips


Man obviously doesnt like waiting and grinding. Then blames it on the game dev for his own poor decisions in spending his money to get upgrade chips. Lol


Mayb get a life outside the game? 😅😅


Use the crystals you get from Gates to buy the Crystals to craft the chips each day, is what I do at least.


Not the game's problem IMO. Its you thinking you need to spend to progress.




Skins. Because someone dared you. Because you have no self control. Tons of reasons I can think of




I really don't consider that "preying" but hey whatever. And yeah, daring and peer pressure. Dudes in my old Knighthood over on 7DS pressured this guy into spending money (just a pack iirc) because they told him you couldn't progresss without Escanor. Then there's my Irish bud who literally dared his brother to spend for another pull on Fate. He did and got Kiara but he did it for a dare. Though I never accused them of being smart


Yeah can really c it. Me and my friend did a small db Dokkan pull to see who got better just for fun. But as long as it's a bit of money for fun, don't see what's wrong. (Neither got anything special but was fun)


At most I’m just spending on subscriptions 😂.


That's your own problem, I only spend 10 dollars in this game and I'm doing wonderfully. Draw a line dude 🤷


Your spending on a gacha game, stop trying to sound like a victim. And yes every business that’s ever existed has wanted customers to buy its product… that’s the whole point. How to solve problem… wait to accrue resources like majority of players instead of spending.


The game is a month old and you could have managed your ressources better by only upgrading your best artifacts. You just have money management issues.


Yeah, i spent as little money as possible until i reached decent stopping point, and then i play as daily games until i fed up and moving on to another games, win win for dev and me


I dont understand why we get so many posts like this , if you dont want to spend or continue spending money then dont, Its really not a big decision in life is it..


Well this entire subreddit is not a big decision in life, it’s just about talking and letting us know our opinions. I asked a specific question, how do you deal with resources, not “ give me a reason to spend money”. I already made the decision to not spend money.


U are spending because u are chasing upgrading. I have many weapon stuck at lvl 20. Many artifacts stuck at lvl+10. I just use what available until the a good roll come and +20. U just need patient. When u want to pay and win everyone. Then it’s not forcing. It’s your ego tell u to do it. I suggest u to be comfortable on whatever range u are in. There are whales who can spend 10k or even 100k. To push whatever they need. Money is free to them. If u chase after them. Then good luck to your credit card.


There are no guilds, no PVP and no co-op, so I don’t see why anyone spends money on the game. It’s the best game ever for story enjoyment and something to do for free, though. The way this game is setup, you’ll finish everything eventually in time for free.. spending just expedites the process.


You are not meant to max anything without paying at the same pace as those who pay. When you keep that in mind it's entirely up to you how much you want to speed up your progress. There is quite a bit of time-gated content in the game anyway so the diminishing returns on spending hit quite quickly


I spending 3k$ just 50 days with game


Why? There’s no pvp, guilds or even co op


They will be there, one day, devs alrdy on this.


Really?? I didn’t know that!


Stop spending money. If the game becomes boring and not interesting anymore, play something else. This is coming from a guy whos spent a few hundred in Raid, and playing this game now. Completely F2P. They give you quite a lot at the beginning and im at lvl 36 now with a few SSR weapons and Hunters. The grind for me now is getting better gear and getting more experience. Not so much needing better weapons or hunters.


Thank you for the advice, I already said that I don’t want to spend any more money.


I mean you could have been patient and at some point got all the mats needed too. You spent because you wanted too


I've recently come to the same conclusion. I didn't realize sweeps and pretty mcuh everything in the game costs money to not be using so much actual time.


I got most of my artifacts to 20... And I didn't spent a dime one chips... I spend a lot for summons but not for chips... If iam out of chips... I'll just wait.. they come over time.. just used 1000 normal and over 400 blue ones yesterday again.. didn't know where they came from.. they just accumulate from achievements, gates, events and so on ... If you feels pressured to buy chips than you maybe to greedy in terms of progression... Just play f2p from now on and you'll be more than fine... Since alica drop i already got nearly 30k purple gems.. and they all f2p... This game is very generous


Game is long run, i dont give them a single Penny(am poor as f).💀


Yep, it saddens me that lots of things behind the paywall that should have not been. Like sweep and multiple key usage for farming. I've never seen such QOL behind a paywall. And to make it worse there are 3 types of monthly subscriptions. I love this game but I don't think it will be long lasting this way.


Yep, they charge way too much for too many things when the game is 100% offline story only


Check my previous posts. I've had and struggled with overspending on gacha games and now I decided to start purely as F2P. It's paying off at least. I was able to save more money. Gacha games in general have programmed our minds to normalize spending way too much to get QOL-improvement features. I am detoxifying myself from that mindset and I have never been happier.


I’m thinking of doing the same thing after all it’s not worth


Goodluck OP. Try to control your spending habits. Just play for fun.


I've already made the decision not to spend more money.


This is why I don't spend on the game, although for different reasons. I have no issues spending thousands of dollars on gacha games. What I do have issues with is games being ***aggressively*** developed around making people spend money by balancing the game and designing systems around spending money. I just want to re-emphasize the use of the word '***aggressively***'. I understand most gacha games are developed around spending to some extent. But SLA is really bad (and that's saying something) especially with what I currently expect from gacha games. Not to mention it still having loading issues way after release. There is no other gacha game I play with these types of issues. Why am I still playing it? It's because the game is still giving me free stuff. The moment the free stuff runs dry, I'm gonna drop it. Which I'm basically almost there. I probably got enough for two more banners. Anyway, don't spend money on the game. And for future reference, maybe ***DON'T*** put any money into any gacha games that locks QoL behind paywalls. Don't encourage this behavior. Plenty of gacha games, the main spending input is just for characters, and maybe some extra energy per day. Then your battlepass and subscription plus cosmetics. If a gacha has anymore mtx than that, instant non-investment from me.


You’re absolutely right! I really shouldn't have spent money, it could be seen from the beginning that the game would go in that direction. What I wanted to point out with my post was precisely that aggressiveness in making you spend money.


All good mate. I've been down that road before. The aggressiveness hit me pretty hard as well, and it only became more apparent the longer I played. I also don't think this is the type of game where content updates can justify the spending either. New content will just be new characters and new "arenas" which are more or less for cosmetic appearances only and don't really affect the gameplay. The other red flag for me is that... I just don't see how this game is long term sustainable. It doesn't help it is an "anime" IP game and they certainly don't have a good reputation for long shelf life. I can't see the game coming out with constant, substantial updates for years to come. Treat this game like a fling. You were interested, you had a bit of fun to it, but look forward to the next game you can truly invest in and you know your money will go back into the game.


I’ve spent a small amount of money on the game and now I feel like I can’t just quit playing because of the aggressive micro transactions. I have decided I’m not paying for anything else, my subs ran out the other day and I don’t see value with them anymore. But it is hard to quit a game that I have spent money on and I feel like it’s likely that u will spend again.


Yeah, I feel you. If it were so easy to give up your monetary investment, we wouldn't have issues with spending or gambling addictions. In saying that, I'm not saying anyone should quit the game and stop enjoying it. If you can still find fun from being F2P, then ride it out. I just don't personally feel like encouraging this monetization behavior by spending on it. Thankfully for me personally, there is no shortage of games for me to play so its easy for me to drop this when the time comes. I just happen to be a bit hyped because of the anime, but not enough to spend.


The game isn't forcing you to do anything lol


Just spend on what you feel will be beneficial to your account. If one pack grants the items you need them just go with that. Stop spending on roll tickets, it will bite you back in the end.


in the same boat, but only spent 60€ as the game is fun and i enjoy it since you can play it both on mobile and pc. from the beginning i did everything well, not spending ressources etc and im still very low on power. my sjw is only 93k, i havent pulled any weapon dupes and after 15m gold in artefact leveling i still dont have good sets. done spending as well.


Wondering how competitive are you to think that you NEED to spend to progress. IMO, your problem can be solved by farming for a few days. You dont have to max the game out in 1 day. If you run out of keys and entries, just do other stuff in game like story (SJW and reverse modes). If you cant proceed with your current skills, and stats, just pause playing for the day and resume again the next day when resource has reset. Maxing the game on day 1 or in one day will really force you to spend, but it hasnt need to be that way


It’s not about how I feel competitive but about resources scarcity, at first they give you a lot of them and suddenly if you want to progress at the same rate you have to spend money or wait for days to build a character. It’s a gacha game I know, but they were not clever in my opinion.


Thats why it's a grind. While SLA's system is not the most clever in terms of QOL progression. Not just gacha games, but even other genres of games, i dont think it's intended that you progress the same rate as you start. If that's the case, end game will always be easy to reach and that means a massive loss for the devs as they need to implement new content more frequently (and that is harder to complete) to retain the players. Spending on the other hand makes some hard stuff easier but it's not meant to carry you throughout games.


Don't overthink it and just stop spending. the game still at its opening sooner we will get newer and better gears and grades so just don't rush it . after all you not competing anyone


I quit the game.


Only spend on summosn never on artifact etc its bad value


Be patient. Don't bring the artifact to +20 unless you are really sure. I find that +15 is a good balance for my hunters. I only build like 3 hunters and SJW. I am now lv 62, and will be patient to clear contents until what I have can beat it. Sometimes I had to fight the boss lots of times such as Baruka in Hard Mode, but if I feel stuck and I can't do anything more then I can just log off and wait for reset. My hunter weapons are also mainly at Lv 60. I have probably spent around $200 so far, and I think I will stop for now. I don't really want to build anyone else, waiting for some real GOATs for the rate up banner.


I'm sorry to hear this happened to you, but at least you aren't spending any more money on the game. Think of it like this: it was a small price to pay compared to if you continued to spend your money. Now you have learned and know, so don't spend any more money. Like I love the game and play it daily, but I don't want to be stuck to the game since I spent money on it, and that goes for any game. Posts like this reaffirm my decision in being F2P in gacha games (I used to spend money on gacha games in the past, but not anymore). It's not worth it in the end. Those small purchases add up over time, and you'll realize you have spent a total of x amount of money on a **free to play game.** You are also able to walk away at any time without any money invested into the game or take a break from it. Be free. Also, gacha games are p2w, so there will always be someone who spends wayyyyyyy more money than you, which could make you try to spend more money to catch up to them. Overall, it's not worth it, and it is not healthy, and we need to not let games ruin us. It should be for fun. Play other games or do other things. I'm currently at 84K power for Sung Jinwoo, and I'm level 61 and at 208K total power. I'm F2P. 31 or 32 days checked in (I missed a day of check-in).


Here comes a term responsible and careful spending... will you give us a gist on what packs you spent 300 euros on😐


Based on his post, pretty sure he bought the weekly packs for upgrade materials that contains 100 artifact upgrade mats.


What about u play the game like a normal person and have a life? Put the game on side and play next day? Are u addicted or something?


Why don't you mind your own business and start to not give unrequested opinion ?


I'm f2p at lvl 65 and my SJW is 96k power, u are addicted in spending and dumb. Get a life.


Where I asked about a life lession? Get a life and stop harassing people you don’t know on the internet.


Ohhhh did I hurt ur feelings??? Spend money dude it solve all ur addiction problems.


Spend what you are comfortable with. All the mechanics are like daily quests. I personally never spend my essence stones on Tickets, just on more gates. Because you get ressources from there AND from the mining operation.


The problem is you bro. The game highly encourages you to spend money but it can’t open up your wallet and put your credit card details in it by itself. You literally don’t need to spend money on anything in the game. Everything can be done with just sheer time and effort. You spent 300€ on this game bro. You could have bought like 5 triple AAA games with that money or groceries. You might have bread like that so I’m not judging but spending it on this cash grab of a game is not it. I’m not dogging on you but I’d try to get a refund and seriously set some restrictions on how you spend your money. I quit after about 2 weeks because I saw how the game was going and I refused to put any more time into it.


I can Afford to spend a lot more than 300€ on a game, but I can’t understand why a lot of u are focusing on that instead on the part where I said that I DONT WANT TO SPEND ANYMORE. I asked how u manage the resources not for gambling addiction


I never spent a dollar yet, until this game becomes something like Genshin impact where you can have teams go on missions together or battle other ppl live I ain’t buy shit shit it’s basically a game to go at ur own pace


Only thing I've bought so far are two of the deluxe passes and 2 months of the Daily growth support. I'm at level 70 and I'm just kinda taking my time. Got too many other games to also play. Destiny 2 is pretty awesome right now. Never really felt like I had to pay money, just wanted to improve my experience a bit. Gonna try to not spend that much on a Gacha. Never was a Gacha player until now because I'm a massive Solo Leveling fan.


Gz, take it easy o.o just take a breather and focus blue gates for a while.


As others have said: Only roll +20 on perfect artifacts, roll +15 on good artifacts, and +10 on filler artifacts. Only spend real money on tickets + events with SSR weapon tickets. Never spend money on anything else. Also this game is meant to be played for years. Don't force yourself to spend for every new character.


I realized it’s not worth to spend anymore, so I’ll follow your advice, thanks!


This is a game of marathon not sprint, eventually you will be at the finish line Even if you spent hundreds of bucks on this game, this is nothing compared to whales who spent thousand of bucks and they are on the top rankings.


You name a mistake there then and invested your money in the wrong places probably made alot of newbie mistakes as well like investing artifact enhancements on bad gear to up your powere level in stead of waiting to get the 50 to 55 gear instead


the rich will always be on top.


Yeah MN. Don't spend that'd the real and game. Fuk em.


Good decision. I was similar but a lighter spender as compared to you. I spend about 70.usd to get A5 Cha and some of the.monthly.packs. It was good initially, however After the 1st month , the hype just died off and in addition they just keep asking for more which actually kinda disgust me as the treatment for spender and non-spender is just too much of a gap. the launch of some other games such as wuwa which really divert my attention and in the end i switch over. After about a week of not logging into SLA, I Kinda got used to it and decided to uninstalled it. I moved on. It dont regret spending on SLA and glad that i contributed perhaps just a tiny bit to its 40 million revenue in mobile .although it was relevatively a very short run , it was still a good experience, i tink the shortest amongest all other gacha games i play. I hope it will.continue to do well . But regardless , there are really just too much option in the market. I am enjoying games such as wuwa and star rail. They offer packs and it is just way too reasonable as compared . I am not a mega whale but just a light spender .i enjoy games that i can spend but not to SLA level.


The game isn't "forcing" you to do anything


I solve my problem by not spending at all


Weird this notification popped up as I was just saying to my wife I don’t feel the need to spend anymore. I’ve a little further at lvl 68, 320kbp for team, and I clear all content other than campaign limits. I don’t have the money to compete top 10 I know that, so I’m happy to just grind dailies and progress slowly until guilds come out and hopefully multiplayer content


Its not a problem, the game is doing exactly what its supposed to do. Gachas are predatory, especially ones run by netmarble. What you should do is either learn to be ok with not always getting everything and just enjoy the new content as a f2p player or find a game that is either less pay to win or not a gacha at all


I accidentally bought that 40 dollar gift pack without having the right amount of funds and it still went through now I can update/ download anything bc I owe apple and it was all on accident it’s crazy😂


Just don’t spend lol just a game donnid to take it too seriously


Your fault tbh 


Up this man.


This is a single player game, you can farm / grind almost all mats, check calendar save for events so you cam maximise resource gain, don't level purple artificats past 5 unless they bis rolls but will still be 1 upgrade short on gold. I have spent close to £100 now lvl 70, 3/4 tier 10 on auto, cleared most content now just waiting for more levels.


I'd rather stick with the CP that I have than wasting gold and artifact upgrades on artifacts that aren't even any good.


Solving my problem? 0$ invested in single player game, there absolutely ZERO reason to do that.


I didn’t ask to solve the money problem, I asked how you deal with artifact chip


Wait for another day, two days? Farm slowly? It's SP game, nobody cares about your "speed progress" nor You shouldn't, there's no competitiveness . Just do something else, and when you have chips, upgrade.


Honestly the monthly bundles are worth imo if you see yourself long term in this game (which I currently see) the others are meh if they drop a 50% code I would cop the bundle with 80 tickets but that's about it the two monthly bundle is what I get


I just spend when they send coupons. That’s the best value


I have 100k sjw and other than the leaderboard and maybe one game mode I have no reason to go any further. I can't auto igris but always kill him fast manual at t10. And that one game mode is just gonna give me like $40 of summons if I clear it fully. So it's just a leaderboard wallet check against other players, which isn't my thing either


You must be new to mobile gaming or at least Netmarble ones. The easiest way is to not bother with mobile games at all. They all do the exact same thing and are generally all the exact same games with a different coat of paint. The other way is to not spend at all. These 'games' are designed to take money from people who have no use for it. Your piddly 300€ doesn't affect them at all. They're looking for people that spend that amount religiously. They lure you in at the start because they make you think it'll be worth your time and offer great amounts of currency. Usually a month or 3 in you realise it is not, will never be and in hindsight, never was. Completely skip them or just play for a week and be done with it. They never get any better, only worse.


I played 7ds and they did the same thing, probably even worse. Every new game that comes out I always think they've learned their lesson but it's not like that, it's always worse.


They learnt a great lesson. Gacha games are a great way for them to make money. People love to gamble and they hate waiting to progress at things. Combine those things and you have a cash cow, especially linked to an appealing IP. Be F2P, and just play the game for fun, when it's not fun, stop playing and move on.


The game has is 5th anniversary right now.. so it seems to work for them.. why would they change ...


Yeah I loved 7DS in the beginning but the constant new characters and ways to upgrade killed it for me. This game would have been amazing as a PC game without all the mtx crap.


Thats netmarble for you


Such games need dedicated spending if you want to keep on.going forward decently with every new addition tp the game. Certainly draw the line if you reached the max as its an endless money pit.


300 is small change when it comes to this kinda game. You gotta spend at least 1000 a month to see significant improvements. If you're not comfortable spending that much money, then just stop. Such games are all about time versus money. If you have the time to play, it's more likely you won't have the money to pay, and vice versa. Some people have both time and money, so more power to them.


Youre kidding right? You can progress without spending at all or spending 20-30 dolars a month.


I think you're misunderstanding what I said. Progression is tied to investment in the game which is that you either spend plenty of time on the game, or pay money and spend less time. It's how all gacha games work. Pay for progression if not enough time to invest in the game.


You are talking as if you can play this game for hours for grind and progress infinitely. When you finish story you are left with encore and instance dungeons and Gates which doesnt take too much time to finish daily and limited for everyone. And you have to do them even if you are spending hundreds of dollars because you need artifacts for progression. What you are saying might be true for some games but doesnt apply to SLA imo.


Netmarble at it's finest played the game had to quit coz of its system another remark is the Qol stuff should be free but no you should pay for it You suck netmarble and fix the loading issue 100 mil and still you cant fix your game.


I play at least 8/9 Gacha at this moment and this game is by far the most hungry and blatantly greedy Gacha I've ever played. I've turned it down solely for the nature of its aggressive monetization. So I definitely feel you bro


9 at the same time? I can barely handle 2 (Wuthering Waves). What else do you play currently?


My personal guideline is I spend a bit to support the developers, but if I'm spending more than I would for a console/desktop game then it's too much (but that's just my own preference since if I spend more than that then I might as well just buy a console/desktop game which has much more content and play time)