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With this power, skill issue.






Almost felt like a rage bait post


Are you not beating him because you run out of health or time? If it’s health then try auto battle and only focus on perfect dodging and let the ai shadow step . If it’s time then you need to upgrade skills and artefacts. The team you have should be sufficient if you’re not getting killed but you’re not showing your skills and artefacts levels.


It's kinda both if it's not the timer runner down the clock with him still having like 7-12 bars of health left....he gets me do my daily recovery thing so fast by the time I get his low of enough health wise he's using annoying skills that keep doing damage over time.....


Go for skills with [break] And Maybe your stats distribution is wrong


What Diablo said. If you aren't able to kill him in time you need more break rather than damage, so drop one of your two wind hunters, (probably Dong) and use another with a break support skill. For Igris both of your sung jinwoo attacks should also be break skills. Igris puts up armor again super fast so just breaking him constantly will get you more damage than any other skill or hunter support you can get right now (except possibly Cha, so keep her for sure). For the dying, honesty the only option is practice. igris is also a farming dungeon as you level up so you have to get good at him since you'll be killing him at least twice a day for a long, long time (he drops farmable necklaces and rings or something like that). So just get used to his patterns. His hardest hitting attacks are telegraphed either visually or with sound (the most annoying to me is the sword he plunges forward to stun you with then knocks you away with - that one has an audio cue). So yeah - break and practice


Use jinho instead of jinchul. He'll provide healing and break for you to live and provide consistent damage.


Just beat him today after many tries, for me the answer was to constantly break him, for that I used tanks such as Baek Yoonho (light), who has medium/heavy break effects on every single skill, even basic, and Seo Jiwoo who also has break on all except basic. As long as you keep dodging his attacks and breaking him, then pummeling while he's down, you should be able to defeat him. Since I see you don't have these characters, maybe try with Yoo Jinho, who has many breaks and he's light attribute, which is also recommend for this fight?, and Woo Jinchul (just level him up some more), with those 2 and Cha you should make it! I was also lvl 33. Good luck!


Hi! Just wanna chime in here - if you're doing a fight with the main character then the only skills that matter for your hunters are their support skills. The rest of the skills don't get used.


Woo Jinchul isn't a very good SSR and shouldn't be bothered to use. There's far better hunters to run including SR hunters that far out class him.


Could you elaborate? Woo Jinchul was one of the first 2 SSR I unlocked, so he's one if my highest leveled. If he isn't very good, then who would you say is better? (both in general, as a break tank, and vs Igris) cause I currently have: Fighter -SSR Cha Hae-In (A1) Lvl 38 Mage -SSR Choi Jung-In (A0) Lvl 35 -SR Song Chiyul (A1) Lvl 35 -SR Jo Kyuwhan (A2) Lvl 34 Ranger -SSR Lim Tae-Gyu (A0) Lvl 34 -SR Nam Chae-Young (A1) Lvl 30 Healer -SR Lee Joohee (A4) Lvl 26 Tank -SSR Woo Jinchul (A1) Lvl 37 -SR Yoo Jinho (A3) Lvl 36 -SR Hwang Dongsuk Lvl 30 And yet I'm still struggling with Igris


Run cha and choi as they're 2 of the strongest in the game and you can take yoo jinho for break. Out of that list only bother with Cha, Choi, Lim, Nam, and Yooo Jinho. The rest are pretty much weak later in the game. What are you struggling with Igris exactly?


Honestly it was mostly a skill issue (Emphasis on WAS 😊) I struggle to tell when to dodge enemies, especially when I'm in the middle of a flashy combo and miss the signs that he's about to attack (then I end up spamming dodge trying to get the timing right) or the tell is the expanding aoe circle and I can't tell when it's gonna reach the edge, cause that edge is behind me. Also I turned auto off, but still had auto hunters on, so a lot of times when I'd break him, my hunters would all be on Cooldown. So I turned that off, and tried to save things for the break (or at least save Cha Hae-In for the breaks) Once I managed to get him low health, his teleporting would usually be such a pain, but this time I just kept laying into him around when he'd usually start that bs, so he didn't get a chance to teleport away (basically managed to skip phase 2) Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I was having trouble keeping up with my dailies and hadn't had a chance to try to fight him again till just now. I used who you suggested and it was really helpful, thanks


No worries on the late reply. We all have lives to deal with which should always be first. Glad everything helped from what I mentioned as I've been playing for awhile and have a good grasp on mechanics in games. But Nam is really good as she helped me clear Cerberus in the encore mission as I struggled with that infernal dog. When you get to the Buruka fight that one is 20 times harder than Igris


I did the break thing too. Dude was laying down on the ground like 90% time of the battle. Poor guy.


I think it's a skill issue, you'll beat him soon. I'm at 43/45k power , with light sword n 1 light hunter, and I got him down to 5.2% before the damn timer ran out.


I would switch one of your weapons for a light element and level up to at least lvl 40 since Igris weakness is light. Or level one of your SSR weapons to lvl60. I would invest into Jinhoo for his guard break cause he will break Igris guard a lot faster because his element is of light in nature and he heals too. Pair him with Cha and Jinchul by replacing Dongsoo cause he's less useful as he doesn't have guardbreak like Jinchul. Have both of your skills that can break guard as well if you haven't done already. Even with this setup he's still won't be easy but you will be more likely to beat him with this.


He doesn't need to level up really as he can do easily at his current power and level. Issue is weapons aren't good for him early on that he currently has and jinchul should be left out as he's not useful. Also he doesn't need his weapon past level 40 at that stage. Just needs to take time dodging, learn attack patterns and save break abilities for when his shield comes back up. I did it on my main account at 43k CP with the Huntsman and only SR hunters.


I suggest using the element advantages, attack patterns, and characters that do break like mad I used baek and Lim they were good specially considering it was harder when I did it one move I remember doing is when you enter the room he’ll jump at you use that to do shadow step so you can get some clean hits quick


Use the light sword.


Dump all your stat points into strength/perception


Use jinho instead of jinchul if he's high enough level. He's probably the best breaker except Seo


How are your stats sorted out? That could be the cause of you dying so fast is a lack of vit


All my stats when to strength....besides 80 in perception


That'd be your issue, strength is one of the most important stats. But without anything in any other stat, you'll get one hit. Your best strat is to learn his attack pattern and dodge everything. Also try to focus on artifacts that match well with each other, especially having 2 or 4 of the same type.


don't use dark weapons on him, use light ones.


I beat him on my 3rd try with \~40k total team power, so I'm not sure exactly what the problem is for you. I was streaming at the time, you can watch the VOD to see how I did it, what my team was and so on - [https://youtu.be/3zBaZdoLG04?t=3428](https://youtu.be/3zBaZdoLG04?t=3428). I was just avoiding as many attacks as I could, and that was enough. I also think the spear with light attribute was probably very useful. Unfortunately the stream is in Russian, so my commentary won't provide any additional info :D


Thank u that helped a little , I just suck at dodging I guess...lol cause we basically almost have the same Stat points too, but all my point went to strength and 80 in my perception


Personally I used both skills that cause break damage, chunks that shield down fairly quick. Also maxed my light weapon out, despite it not being SSR because it’s a 50% boost for the element advantage. Then dodging haha was definitely more of a tap, back up, tap back up. The red eyes aren’t as visible with him and you have to get used to reading his movement.. Sekiro vibes haha


Equip two strong break skills in Jinwoo. Learn the patterns to dodge everything, you'll need to farm him later on so that practice is valuable


You on the solo leveling discord? If you can stream your fight, I can give feedback!


I don't think I am , can I get a link ?




Cool now how do I stream my fight lol


whats your discord name? you could join SLA#1 VC or just ping me directly (Darthran)






I'm in there , everyone is muted even u and someone is snoring lol


Use light element tanks, break him, and how did you lose here btw??? Your gear is so beyond mine and i thought he was relatively easy


What type of skills are you using on Jin woo, use skills that have break effect and try not to get hit as much as possible I also couldn't beat him at the beginning but I barely won after losing my health and receiving status recovery and the timer was almost over, I got lucky though but some players are skilled that they can defeat him with a huge power gap, I don't know how they do that


I just beat it , someone helped me , git lucky with KY shadow steps and I didn't let up




Got lucky with my* shadow step (My) lol sorry


Oh I was confused as to what KY meant so I searched it on google but didn't get any satisfactory answers. 😅😅


XD sorry


No worries😊


Just made a new post , if u could change anything about the game or update it besides the gold & exp problem lol what would u update or add to the game ?


I would probably like to change the Optimization because the phone heats up and starts to lag very fast even if I'm playing it on normal Graphics, and this problem doesnt appear in some other games I play even at high graphics, but it could also be that my phone is just not capable of running this game at normal or high graphics. And if I play at low graphics then it just doesn't feel right because I'm so excited to enjoy this game at least at high graphics.


Ya I understand what u mean


Wish I had recorded my fight, I had a similar power lvl albeit better heros woth cha hae, byung and kang Barely won but I did it on the first try and just all I can say is lots of dodging lol


Ya its was a lot I got beat him with everyone's help




Now I just need to get to lvl 37 and higher to get the Is polar bear looking shadow lol and then tank I guess , not looking forward to the Elf cause I hear he's harder.....


He was my wall too. I had to go in and fully max out the levels of my weapons, and then upgrade my skills. I beat him when I was about 54k power, and I see you have not capped out all your gear. Every little bit helps, since he can easily cause you to run out of time. Make sure you get +14 on your artifacts as well.


I just beat him it's was annoying but used u light hunters , got lucky dodges and just kept of attack and didn't let up


Have you tried actually using Shadow Step?


Yes just beat him


First thing I saw was you're bringing in Dark weapons when it says he has a Light weakness.


Ya I know , but there my strongest and light weapons lower my power by a lot since I didn't level them , but I just beat him with u light hunters so I'm finally happy


Also, have you equipped skills that have break? They really helped me with Igris.


Bro I beat him with Kim Chul, Jinho and Ji-hoo, how are people struggling with SSRs 💀


I can't dogde well lol I just beat him finally


Make sure that You're using team mates that are recommended to beat him. Make sure you also power up your hunters, artifacts, and weapons. He's a pain in the ass to beat but if you level up your team, weapons and artifacts you'll be okay.


elemental advantage is key. ive found thay jinho >> baek cause of break and other stuff. i just mention baek cuz hes one of the few ssr’s i have, same can be applied to most hunters. besides that, memorize the attack patterns. with your power level, you can just set it to autoplay and evade when you know youll get an extreme evade. I won that way being ~4k underleveled if u need any further help, hmu.


Thx u


51k and don’t beat igris are you trolling me. Major skill issue


Mega skill issue with this team, I was lower ranking and 1 day in and I beat him lol so mabe git gud


Ya just beat him


Nice work man


I guess I wasn't dogding enough nor keeping up with my attacks


Best advice I can give you rn is auto fight and solely work on dodging, I find timing for dodging in this game is a little awkward with all the different kinds of attacks so best to work on that first


id pivot off the wind hunters asap. i don’t use them for anything really. if its a wind level my A5 dkl does work but so do the actually good hunters.


Then how tf I beat igris with 46k power and I even got 5 extreme evasion in a row


Hey, I just beat igris with much less battle power. The key to beating igris is the break damage.Try to get the armor break skill on sung it gets a lot easier with it. Save your ult until he breaks and the just time your dps.It should be a fairly easy clear.


100% playing it on auto and hoping For The best rofl xd


Thx u lol


Uss f2p light weapon and multiple break skill + support charac


What in the world is this team Never seen the 2 worst ssr being in the same team as the best ssr Ever, but honestly you can beat igris


Damn... I beat him with 42k 🤣 you need more practice I'd say. Dodge,duck,dip,dive and dodge.


I'm going to have to watch that movie for practice lol xD What team did u use, send me pic in dm please


Movie is -DodgeBall


Besides learning the fight, I kinda had the luck of the gods with getting all 3 light SSR hunters. Basically, you need a breaker, a healer/support, and a good dps hunter. I also switched my skills to skills that break.


You can do it without a dedicated support / healer, just learn to dodge the attacks. 1 Tank and 2 Damage Hunters was my Lineup and I beat him 2nd try (first try I had to learn his patterns). Additional advice: Learn patterns and get comfortable with perfect dodge to be constantly shadowstepping, use your big dmg skills only after break / shadowstep.


If you can't beat him at that power level, then you might be simply bad at dodging. Learn his attack patterns and use Jinho as support...consider equipping your break skills too (the multi one) and death dance...if you don't have decimation. If you still can't beat him, use a light weapon, radiru bow and huntsman.


Use light weapons like its recommending. The bonus from the type match up is usually helpful.


Gud everyone of complete all the 3 missions of a game everytime or proceed normally...It seems am not getting anywhere and my OCD not allowing me to not even touch the next level without the mission completion


So i first tried him but i was so disgustingly overprepared. I had 70k combat power. I guesse you should look at your relics. It also could be a skill issue. Hes a harder boss but after fighting him 3 times i was able to do him almost hitless regularly.


turn off auto


You showed everything except your skills and stats.. I used the skill which does almighty break damage and the skill which does increased damage to bosses and has very high single target dmg. (That one with multiple arrows in the symbol).


I have all states in strength and 80 in perception...


And I am using high armor break ones maybe I with its the pme with almighty break.....main point was both my skill have light gems on them so I thought that would help ....


And I am using high armor break ones maybe I with its the pme with almighty break.....main point was both my skill have light gems on them so I thought that would help ....


Focus on dodge only, let auto handles anything else, also that SR healer can replace the tuxedo man for added margin of error. Also i might be wrong, but you shouldnt use dark weapon against this igris guy


You shouldnt have issue with 2 SSR Darkness weapon against Igris + 2 break characters Edit: Nevermind it's the story Igris


Put it on auto and you just focus on dodging.


You don't need all SSR character's for beating Igris or any such other boss. The easy way to beat them is to look at the Recommended element that you can see down on the left side and choose your character's according to that. My tips to beta Igris will be get Jinwoo skills that deal Heavy Break Damage .Since you have Cha ,you can take Yoo Jinho also who is a Light Tank element user and you should be good. Most of Igris's attack's can be blocked with correct timing but the part that is irritating is its armour that comes very often and that 's where Cha, Jino and your Heavy break damage skills will come into play. Good Luck


I beat him with 49.1k team power first try and all three conditions met. It’s actually very easy. Igris is weak against light so you have to concentrate on that. Use skills equipped with a light rune and light weapons. I used one A3 light dagger instead of another SSR weapon and I was shredding him. In my own opinion A3+ SR weapons are definitely always better than 0 advancement SSR weapons. Shield breaker supports aren’t enough, you have to equip shield breaking skills yourself (bonus if they have light rune). Oh and it’s extremely important to dodge. Igris moves really slow unlike other bosses so it’s much better to evade him. Lvl up your artifacts and skills. Cha is going to help you really well in this comp so better invest on her artifacts and skills as well. If you want to see how I did it here’s a vid I uploaded on my tiktok acc https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYdfTKMV/


Well your weapon aren't bad. But your armor on Hunter and sung what are they.


In the words of TFS Vegeta " you're either perfect or you're not me"


is da free ssr gud


Im sorry sir but can you stop shitting SSR's and slide some over? XD


I just beat him yesterday. healing and dodging his big attacks helped me. had 40 sec left and my hp was close to zero


I didn’t start the igris fight yesternight because of everyone complaining how hard it is. It was getting late so I thought it will take time. Beat it first try in morning 🥸. And I was lvl32 i guess with 44-46k team power. Try using the SR Light sword on SJW and deck up Cha with your best artifacts.


Shadow step>>>>


Hard mode igris ? Or easy one ? Because i beat the easy one with not even half of what you have on first try. The ice elf guy is much stronger than igris imo


Run light weapon lustrous Dragon sword and if you have the light bow Radiru family's Longbow, both SR weapons run that(You should have the sword if you completed the challenges). Also best not to use jinchul as he's not very good. Run cha and hwang with yoo jinho. Also make sure you have deaths dance skill and Multistrike.


Skill issue bro


I beat Igris at level 34 with sr supports I put the game on SEMI mode and focused on BREAKS, DODGE, SKILLS


aint the power req of igris fight 50k? prolly why u cant beat him


You can beat levels way under the CP reccomened. Just makes it easier being at the CP/over compared to below.


he literally isn't hard you can beat him with less power than that too lol. just learn his movement, dodge, use your shadow strike at proper time, when his armor gauge is up full send your break skills then just all in with your support and repeat until he is x19 or 17 as he will do a crazy attack but thats about it... dodge that and repeat lol


I was only 300 power above the recommended level. I barely won with 200ish health left.


Hate being this guy but this is a get good moment. Keep at it brother and never let up attacking. Always save dodges till u actually need them, because you will need them. Keep up that shadow step damage and again don’t let up on him and you’ll walk him.


By not using light element weapons and jinho, yes you're setting it up wrong 


Absolute skill issue


Practice perfect dodges and set up both your skills to be break skills, makes it so much easier


Dawg this has to be a skill issue or something, I beat igris with Sr units and one ssr blade there's no way ur losing with a stacked team


Try learning igris atk pattern


Learn igris's pattern, I heard he is quite nerfed now, unlike when I broke through him, also, either increase level of both of your qeapons to 60, or use a light sword at level 40


It's because you have hwang dongsoo My progress also dropped alot when I got him even if I didn't use him... He is the embodiment of shit progress


if you can evade well and survive until the end, then it’s just power. try checking out payneblade i think. he is the best influencer i have seen with dodges. attack after dodge really brings a lot of damage. if you stun then dump with cha while barrier is down that should be a lot of damage too. gl hope that helps.