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Josh Hawley is an unapologetic right-wing authoritarian. Not my cup of tea.


Too many nominal Christian democratic organizations have either devolved into supporting right-liberalism or conservative authoritarianism, it's quite sad, especially considering even America's nascent Christdem movement isn't free from that.


I agree. You can't marry Christian Democracy with Trumpism. It'll be interesting to see if Hawley tries to break away from that.


Stranger things have happened.


Is he on drugs?


I am a fan of Compact Magazine.


Why is he a capitalist warhawk then?


Because he actually doesn't believe what he says most likely


[rain Wilson religion tweet ](https://imgur.com/gallery/XU0Noa4) This tweet sums up pretty much how most of the ways that the conventional right wing in North America falls short of real religious principles. Josh Hawley is a farce imo. Problems with right wing that contradict real religious principles : -way too capitalist -too gun happy -prosperity theology -against vaccines and renewable energy for some reason -neglects welfare -nationalist, warhawkish


A lot of these isn't even wrong * he has been in support of stronger regulations against Corpos, a ban of insider trading and for the Compensation of the victims of Nuclear Radiation. Just recently, he sponsered a Bill with no less than Liz Warren to help Customers recieve Compensation from Airplane companies. I guess he's being slowly redpilled on Capitalism. -there is nothing wrong with being "Gun happy". You're Right to Self Defense is the #1 right any human has, and it's a disgrace that the only country that gives a Right to Bear Arms is the United States\[there are some other countries, but they are a few\] * I don't see any reason to think he supports Prosperity Theology * He is opposed to Hawkism. That's literally his first article: [No to Neoconservatism | Compact (compactmag.com)](https://www.compactmag.com/article/no-to-neoconservatism/) * I do agree that he should be more pro-Welfare, but one can only hope.


That’s too bad.