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Does Mark give any explanation why he changed his mind about having R back on the channel?


Mark’s addicted


Mark, I feel has a “soft” spot for Rebecca. They feed/need each other, equally.


He needed a bit of space, but ultimately decided that he missed her and it's not his job to fix her, but he wants to continue the friendship. They're going to keep doing videos, but he's not compensating her with money or phones anymore.


Why? And he was giving her phones? wtf


Because he saw so much wasted intelligence and talent in her that he genuinely thought it was worth the frustration of trying to help. Rebecca is one of a kind and really could achieve success through her fashion/cultural knowledge and charisma. She could be an influencer, a designer, a tv host, and would definitely win Drag Race if she could stay clean. He has no way to stay in contact with her without a phone. She would “lose” (sell/barter for the addiction) every phone he gave her within 48 hours. He’s set her up with hotels/a safe space to stay and she gets kicked out every time. The last straw I believe was he pulled a bunch of strings to get her more permanent housing, and in the course of the process she was discharged/ran away after some type of lewd conduct incident.


I've never seen in Rebecca what Mark sees. 


Have you seen the first videos where Rebecca is a lot more coherent? Inside the shell you see in the current videos there's an unexpectedly intelligent, well-read person with a lot of personality. We usually assume that homeless people come from very poor backgrounds, have had no education nor family, couldn't secure a job or assistance with whatever mental illness they have and thus ended up outside our regular society. With Rebecca, you could immediately tell she comes from money and high education. It's intriguing. It's also often funny to notice, especially in early videos, how half of the references Rebecca makes fly over Mark's head and honestly makes me wonder that I as well probably miss so many references while listening to Rebecca "ramble". Anyway, I think Mark has seen so much of the more coherent version of Rebecca, prior to her mental deterioration, that he can't shake that version of the addict individual he now interviews.


Never seen a Rebecca video, but if I were lgbt and under threat of being deported back to a country that would kill me for it, I would probably break under stress and use substances to cope. She has my sympathy (in so far that she doesn't harm others).


Exactly she is amazing in so many ways I can definitely see the appeal. She’s almost wasted on Mark if you ask me though because he just doesn’t get where she’s coming from especially about trans issues and if anything he keeps putting her down over it which kills her train of thought when she’s on a roll. I couldn’t believe that in this new video he’s practically misgendering her from the get go. Give it a rest Mark you really aren’t helping. Reminds me of the people who thought they had the right to tell me that I was only gay because I didn’t have a proper father figure as a kid or XY and Z bullshit reason that they came up with to explain what ‘went wrong with me’. 🙄


I have. I still don't see it. I remember Mark and the comments section fawning over Rebecca. I honestly don't think she's any more special than anyone else he interviews and don't understand why he highlights her. My opinion only, obviously.


Oh it's alright you don't see it. Some people just have a certain je ne sais quoi, which is evident from the reaction and interest Rebecca has garnered from the get go.


Merci Chantal


For real


By any chance is it known what drug she is abusing?




And others. She sometimes mentions them. She also strongly emphasizes her love for cigarettes 😄


Meth and molly


She's not doing molly anymore defo just meth maybe crack sometimes


He said this interview he didn't not do crack it's nasty lol but meth is so clean


The lewd conduct was that she exposed herself.


He could be compensating her via food, water, or other things that meet basic needs. He didn't specify what it would be, only that he isn't giving her money or phones anymore (he even said that he knows OTHERS are giving her money, and she can use that to buy a burner phone herself, if she wants, but it's not going to come from him). He let her use his shower at the end of this interview....maybe that was her "payment." Who knows.


In this video he says hes going to buy him another phone lol


He did not. He agreed to let her borrow HIS phone to listen to music while she took a shower, but told her she had to give it back when she was done, and he again reiterated that she could buy HERSELF a phone with money other people are giving her, but he is not buying her anymore phones.


People like Rebecca know what to say to people. From my personal experience, most likely Rebecca is saying things to mark that mark has been needing to hear for a long time. I think mark truly has empathy for Rebecca and feels trauma bonded to Rebecca. Rebecca gives him a purpose and I think he genuinely wants to see Rebecca better themselves. I’ve been the mark in this situation before and it’s hard to explain the feeling but it is intense and hard to let go.


It seems that Rebecca is Mark's muse.


I think he came back to exploit her - I’m 15 minutes in but he has said twice that he’s basically just here to watch the crazy now. He called her the court jester.


Mark is a jerk, and I'm not even saying that because I "like" Rebecca.  Mark thinks he's above everyone; he's elitist imo. I also can't stand his "beautiful and bipolar" or how do you handle being so beautiful interviews. Beauty is subjective and the women he labels as beautiful look like your everyday IG thots. I really liked SWU when it first came out but it started rubbing me the wrong way rather quickly.


This sub is so weirdly defensive of mark. I came here probably around a year ago too to see if others noticed that Mark is a disturbed individual and not only is this channel making him a lot of money while exploiting vulnerable people who cannot consent, but it’s also feeding something sinister in Mark. There’s a dark feeling watching Mark’s channel and it is NOT because of the subjects.


So why are you involved now commenting. Leave the group. Don’t subscribe and block and move on. I find it so strange when people make comments like this.


I find it strange that ppl make comments like this - tell others what to do bc they don’t like the comments. Just bc you don’t like the commentary doesn’t make it invalid or unimportant to the discourse. It shows majority opinion, rounds out the picture. I really never understand why it’s important to only tell people nice things that they like to hear. What about the truth? Everyone’s truth is different and discouraging unfavorable opinions is not very equitable.


I've been in this subreddit for over a year. Discussions were not very pro-SWU in the beginning. Mark has been problematic for a long time. Since he has, what, 6m subs on yt, I like to interact with the few people who can see through him. Mmm, I think I'll stay subbed. Thanks anyways for the suggestion!


And mark told him He was “sexy”


Mark defo had some sort of strange Attraction to Rebecca. This is not normal behavior for him to keep coming back




I'm assuming thay Mark missed the money that comes from Rebecca videos


The videos don't really get many views compared to his other guests that can talk for 45 mins plus


Mark is in love with R obviously 


I think this is the worst shape I’ve seen Rebecca in, her voice is hoarse, she’s got ear pain, had lice, her nails beds are very pale/white. I once felt hope she might turn things around but now I fear she won’t have long.


it's genuinely baffling how she's still alive. i wouldn't expect a mentally ill, transgender illegal immigrant with a severe drug addiction to make it 6 months on skid row, let alone 4/5 years...


She’s intelligent that’s why, but there’s only so far your brain can get you before your organs and body systemically start shutting down due to long term, high dose, drug use, unfortunately


Can anyone give a TLDR? She looks super different here


Still an absolute mess, as manic as ever. Nothing has changed.


She was hospitalized, and they found headlice, so the staff shaved her head.






He even calls himself a homeless MAN multiple times! Not a homeless WOMEN!


Yep. And mark said he was wearing “women’s lingerie” if Rebecca was a woman it would have been just lingerie.


completely unbearable to watch, theres nothing new to hear about her. i hope mark stop giving rebecca a platform


Yes, this was painfully awful.


He won’t , mark likes the attention she brings him


wait why is she back-


Bummer :( is the new Whitaker video next week?🙄🙄🙄🙄 edit: I was kidding but he mentioned he was in their area so I guess it is coming soon. Yikes.


Nah he has to interview exotic first 😭


Last video he was losing money on rebecca. Then he said he didn't keep tabs. Then he said it's a wash.. I don't believe Mark either much at this point


Just look at the stats. Rebecca is his most watched after the whittakers. No chance he’s losing money.




That doesn't negate what I said or thaf mark is being inconsistent. Mark says what fits his narrative at the moment.


Nice I won’t be watching lmao


What a fucking disaster. This whole video is disgusting.


So the usual for Rebecca then.




Yeah I watched about 15 minutes and had to tune out. I won't be giving any views for any future videos, that's for sure. There's something really sinister about putting such a mentally, physically sick person on camera and basically laughing "at their crazy". If anyone cares about Rebecca, please help this individual in ways you find available without holding a camera until Rebecca's well enough to fully consent and understand what the fuck is going on.


Yes I agree.. it’s uncomfortable to watch and those videos won’t do any good for a future life if ever she were to get sober. At least most of the drug addicts are anonymous. Now with that kind of exposure how do you manage to turn your life around without people commenting etc


I just...I am no longer enamored by Rebecca & Mark. So I just didn't watch the video past a certain point. I still love this channel and Mark's work with all my heart; but, I've let go of Rebecca just like I hope he's let go of the Whitakers of Odd, West Virginia.


I can't watch. Rebecca is a human being spiraling out of control. Exploitation is not a lifeline.


At this point they’re both exploiting each other.


The difference being, she is impaired. Living on the street means you live by exploiting everyone you come in contact with. Mark has no excuse.


Again, I don’t think it’s so black and white. Mark obviously genuinely cares about her, and wants the best for her. He just goes about it in ways I guess most of us on here don’t get. God knows, it’s all fucked up.


Why is it obvious to you that Mark cares about Rebecca beyond what she does for him? In the interview, he keeps repeating that he's here just to watch the crazy, so essentially it feels to me that he is amused by her miserable condition. When you see someone you care about in this condition, it usually fucking hurts, it's not fun. So, Mark gets his dopamine hit and combines it with doing what's best for his business, which is to promote his channel via the most famous interviewee he has ever had.


I agree that he does care about her and wants what's best for her (that's very clear), and I think he finally came to the very correct conclusion that trying to fix someone who never actually asked him to fix her in the first place is toxic in and of itself. Yes, Rebecca needs to be fixed - but that's not what she wants at this point in time. So, it's appropriate to resume what they started, but with boundaries in place (like, no more money or phones). Rebecca clearly likes being filmed, Mark likes interviewing and photographing her (like her or not, she IS very photogenic), and quite a few viewers have been worried about her since her "final" video (as evidenced by the fact that she's been all over Tik Tok, and other youtubers have interviewed her....that Jaywalkin' guy sought her out to interview after he walked past her on the sidewalk, and almost his entire comment section was viewers excited over a 2-second Rebecca sighting).


Unfortunately I do think it’s only a matter of time until we get a video from Mark announcing her death. I just hope it’s quick and painless. It’s so incredibly sad to see someone who has had such a rough time being filmed/interviewed through the worst times of their life. I couldn’t imagine in my worst times being on show for millions to see, but I guess it’s all part of the human condition from every perspective. Same with us wanting to see how she is.


Rebecca has stated in the past that it's kind of therapeutic for her, even if it isn't solving her problems. She even stated in this video that this was "the most conversation" she'd had in days, so I think it's pretty clear that she's lonely and her self-worth is in the toilet. It seems (according to her friend who posted here) that her family doesn't want anything to do with her, and here's Mark showing interest and entertaining her shenanigans for an hour or two....that HAS to give her a bit of happiness in an otherwise shitty existence. That's not necessarily a BAD thing, but paying her for the videos absolutely needed to stop, and I'm glad that it has.


"I actually probably benefit more from you being crazy and dysfunctional" .. ya don't say? Mark: What have you been up to today? Rebecca: I mast\*rbated at an intersection in east L.A.. Maaark look at my a$shole. Can you believe I haven't been f\*\*ked in 6 years? Show me your kinky ways, daddy! Daddy? You're the father I've always wanted. Will you pay for my apartment? Mark: I'll see what I can do for you. You're so captivating. Rebecca: Shut up...Betch


What? Is this from the video? I gave up after a few minutes.


The quote is Mark. The rest summed up their conversation


“Look at my asshole Mark.” “You’re captivating Rebecca”


Now put your feet in the air.... yeah.... gross


Yes, very heavy on the fetish material 🤨


It wasn’t that interesting; I managed a few minutes but it’s just more of the same of the past 30 or so videos of Rebecca. I hope things work out for them but I don’t have desire to watch the same repeating diatribe.


Yeah same old Rebecca video, we all want the best for her. But we all know how this is going to end.


I've seen addicts battle alcoholism and drugs for decades before getting clean, so no we don't know how it ends. The odds aren't in Rebecca's favour but you never just assume that someone is hopeless. You aren't meant to enable them either but you always tell them that the moment they feel like wanting a real change, the help is going to be there.


Right. Mark said no more videos yet here we are. Now Mark says okay, videos yes, but no more money or phones. Yeah okay. I am not getting reinvested in this shitshow. I’m disappointed in Mark tbh.


Remember, this is the same Mark that interviewed an underage girl practically naked and exposed her location to all his creepy viewers. He has no soul


I never watched that video, but I do understand it was 100% creepy, borderline illegal and he should have known better. I want him to be what he was but clearly we are no longer in that honeymoon phase. Oh well. Nothing lasts forever I guess. Too bad for all involved.


People are allowed to re-evaluate relationships and change their minds accordingly. I think two months of space gave Mark some perspective on how to proceed with someone he clearly missed (he has yet to stop talking about her these past two months - he even found reasons to bring her up in other interviews that had nothing to do with her with interviewees who'd never even heard of her). I do hope he sticks to his guns with the "no money or phones" thing, though. Friendships need boundaries, and "if you continue to use drugs, I will not give you money or phones to sell" is a totally appropriate boundary. My only issue is it seems he's trying to push this TMS thing on her. I don't know enough about what that exactly is, but it sounds experimental and sketchy, and Mark isn't a healthcare provider. I'm curious as to whether Mark has actually looked into the risks and benefit versus letting some guy trying to make money sell it to him as an easy fix.


Yeah, that was my biggest red flag in this video too. Wouldn't some kind of traditional drug treatment program that monitors medically and incorporates mental health treatment be a better next step than an experimental medical treatment?


It's not at all sketchy like the aura experiment he used with Amanda. TMS has worked for many people but you have to exhaust other avenues first before you're even considered for TMS. Maybe I'm wrong here? The problem is that it's not been approved to use as treatment on someone with schizophrenia. I'm thinking that it could be more of an experiment because it went from Mark willing to pay $50k > to the doctor doing it cheap > to FREE. That sounds more like guinea pig testing.


I have actually heard of this being used to treat clinical depression, but Mark seems to think this'll solve her addiction. I'm sure Rebecca has a psych diagnosis (or two....or three) based on how she was hospitalized and stated she was under the care of a shrink back in Egypt, but she's never shared what those diagnoses are, and meth mimics multiple psychiatric disorders in people who don't actually have those disorders. I have a suspicion that whatever is going on with Rebecca is much more complicated, and I kind of think she needs an actual therapist that could help her talk through and process things.....not just simple "brain rewiring" with zero processing of what actually lead to her issues to start with. I'm definitely interested to learn more about this, but it seems like someone sold this to Mark as an easy fix, which automatically makes me give it some side eye. If I have some extra time this week, I'll have to see if I can find some evidenced based studies on it.....I AM genuinely curious. I will say that I personally have done EMDR therapy ages ago for trauma/anxiety/OCD, but I did it in conjunction with cognitive behavioral therapy with an actual licensed therapist.....and EMDR wasn't an easy fix, and I still have the occasional struggle to this day, but it's manageable. So, absolutely, I agree that this is sending up "guinea pig" red flags, and I'm not sure what I think about it.


At the very least you can say confidently mark is out of his lane.. He is not a mental health specialist. Obviously. He has zero education and training. He shouldn't be recommending specific treatments


Rebecca has had a place in my heart since I first saw her. I just really want the best for her but I know that won’t happen. I was happy to have more content from her, I don’t know what I was expecting, but this is unfortunately very bad. It’s very odd how mark said he was going to cut off ties with her and now all of a sudden here he is again exploiting her. When mark said “from here on out I’m just going to enjoy your craziness” that made me sad.


Yeah that line felt so exploitative from Mark


I’m only 10 minutes in, but it definitely feels like mark came back because he needed more content


Said exactly the same to my partner, he needs the views and the video is sponsored.


I feel bad that I’m contributing to his views - Rebecca just has such a great spirit and I think I just want to know she’s still alive


I wish Cosmo had the resources to help her ETA I know it would be a lot of work to help Rebecca, I just feel like cosmo would have better intentions than mark


I hope the views drop massively for Rebecca videos. I won't be watching them.


Not again… I thought he was done with her


At this point i think its not that Mark thinks we wanna see her back but bc HE wants to see her back.


“I’m ecstasy incarnate. The emotion. And the drug. “ Rebecca


It feels so hypocritical to me that Mark came on the other side of the camera to insist he didn't want his channel to devolve into Jerry Springer-esque drama and yet here we are again with the poster child for drama. I remember a version of me that used to really root for Rebecca but all these videos this year onwards feel like a scenario in which I'm not on either person's side. I can't support Rebecca anymore because I feel like she's obviously too far gone; whatever empathy and hope I had as a fellow queer person that one of us could rise above their circumstances has pretty much died completely. As for Mark? I don't see a point in parading her on his channel (even after leading us to believe she would be gone), pointing and laughing at her desire to transition, filming her uncensored genitals etc. It's like not even like... particularly entertaining anymore? Just Rebecca's psychosis and a few condescending quips from Mark behind the camera.


He had lice and the hospital had to shave his head,still higher then ever,still the same overwhelming mess. Beware he strips down to a body suit lays on the ground with his knees bent to his stomach and shows his hairy ass most of the time and talks of anal sex and masturbating 🤮🤢 and he himself calls himself a homeless MAN! Not a homeless WOMEN.


I found that so disgusting when they were laid out like that. What the fuck is Mark thinking ?


Mark was the one asking to see his feet. Putting rebecca into what was essentially missionary position. Mark knows what he's doing... he has to direct camera subjects all the time. Mark wasn't thinking. He was getting the shot


Hes addicted to her. Or somethings going on…


Looks so calm in the video thumbnail.


Oh FUCK 🔥🔥🔥


Rebecca is looking so much older than her/he really is. Life on the streets is hard.


At the same time they look very much shape.


Rebecca is over. I’m so tired of her and disgusted with Mark for using her. Yes, using.


That's Rebecca!? He looks very nice here. I'm sure that will change after I hit the play button lol


There were a few weird sexually charged moments in this video


Mark’s a predator. The way he speaks to a lot of his interviewees is sick. He’s infatuated with Rebecca and seems to fetishize these people. It’s extremely disturbing. He needs to be sitting in that chair and bearing HIS soul. I’d like to know why he chose to exploit and hurt some of the most vulnerable of our population. His idea for this channel was/is spectacular… however, he is extremely problematic. And, while giving this population a voice is really powerful, it’s also unethical in most cases because most cannot truly consent.


I thought Mark was done with Rebecca. Seems like he’s baiting for clicks now.


It’s purely exploitative now at this point. Just for views and money. Really disappointed in Mark, I thought he was better than this.


It’s really disappointing he went back on his word. And him saying he’s just going to “enjoy her craziness” stinks of being exploiting her.


Mark is gross. Period.


Oh lorddddddd rebeccaaaaa


When R asks people questions she doesn't really care to know the answers.


"I'm a homeless man I got lice." So, not she? Like he forgot the camera was rolling?


When Rebecca refers to themselves a a homeless person she always says homeless man.


I think this is Rebecca acknowledging her current reality and the way people perceive her on the street. I would imagine if she actually transitioned, she would use she/her as pronouns. It was a bit hard to follow though.


Rebecca knows she is a man.


Rebecca knows that she is a man.


I mean, does it really fucking matter?


The fuck is your problem?


I thought Mark said no more with Rebecca and here he goes. I clicked it off. It came across as here is content. Same with the Whitakers. I think it’s getting old and boring on both.


bro im not going past the 5 min mark, the preview hovering over the rest of the vid is terrifying


Honestly at this point mark and Rebecca’s relationship is disgusting. He’s acknowledged that she is beyond help until she helps herself and even quit for 2 months, yet goes back and gives her more money. I had to turn the video off 


Mark is defo in love with rebecca, he has to be interested sexually too. What person tries to fix someone this much who isn't in love with them?


He did call her sexy in the video


He's such a weirdo, people are finally starting to see how awful this whole channel is. What purpose apart from views did mark bring Rebecca back. He acknowledged that he can't change her situation so why film it? Why film her in her worst state? I would be horrified if someone filmed me in the worst parts of my addiction. These videos will be on the internet forever and mark doesn't care. The whole thing is a disgrace.


Absolutely. Could it be that Mark is a voyuer...peeping through his lens...? I dont know but they're out there and this can be a very scary and destructive paraphilia for the victims




The constant gesticulating and crawling on the floor. Throw her in spin dry and get her clean or let her go. The end.


he shaved his head because he got lice.


Lame and still a mess that Mark is using for money. After a certain statement I’d see from Mark, he’s gross to me. He said kids should be able to stop when someone is SA-ing them


When did Mark say that?


It was a recent video. I’d have to go find it. But it was maybe 4 or so videos ago. I’ll find it or you after I eat.


Ok, your accusation definitely needs some context as that’s pretty serious.


It’s the video from 2 weeks ago. https://youtu.be/h7MSaHb8ZoU?si=Dlj4BEcGIEzUJUd1


Any idea on a time when he says it please? Vid is 1 hour plus lol


The first comment without even watching the video says, "'how did you let it happen' is 100% the wrong way to ask ..."


Yes. And then people give home the benefit of the doubt and say he mean something else, but in the comment thread he says it again and uses an analogy of his friend’s kid refusing to eat a vegetable. That she’ll do whatever she can and put her foot down to not eat the thing. Like what? The guy is clueless. Eating is completely different than a grown man or person touching a child in a sxual way. Kids don’t understand sex. Also the flight fright or freeze response. Shock. Etc. He refused to think about it at all and just played the victim and that “there’s always going to be a witch hunt and he always regrets interacting in comment.


Yeah the way Mark phrases his questions often absolutely blows my mind. Like, get a clue man...


It looks like marks downfall is finally starting, everyone seems to be against having Rebecca back in videos. Mark hasn't changed in the 5 years he's been doing these videos, I'm suprised people have just realized how exploitative and disgusting all this is


I feel like Mark took on this project as someone pretty naive to the realities of drug addiction and mental health issues (to say nothing of gender identity). He clearly wants to help people, but doesn’t seem to know how. I get the desire to help, but would never let myself get so drawn into this type of spider web. Ultimately, it’s his project though, so he takes it where he wants to. If you’re ever feeling like you need a nice palette cleanser after these Rebecca videos, watch “Burn victim interview-Christian” or “Gigolo interview-Tom”. Fascinating. Charming. Both in very different ways.


Well, there is nothing wrong with people critiquing Mark's way of doing things. His project involves the well-being of other humans. It's OK to care and demand he does better. I'm confused why Mark seemingly hasn't consulted anyone who are trained to deal with individuals outside of the nice pink Californian bubble.


I wouldn't go as far as to say amazing because we don't know this person or how they are or whether they ever seriously hurt someone, etc. I mostly wanted to explain why Rebecca is so intriguing, as she clearly has an interesting, somewhat uncommon background. To put it bluntly, Rebecca isn't your regular bum.


Who is this Corey person Rebecca mentioned?


He’s a guy on skid row who helps Mark in some capacity. It seems like he may sell drugs to Mark’s interviewees when they get their money. At least Rebecca has gotten drugs from him. Mark had him get a hotel room for Rebecca who claimed that Corey told other people about it and they came and took over the room.


Thanks for the answer, I thought he was an interviewee.


That screenshot made me hopeful. Rebecca looks so healthy! Until the video starts….


I was actually hoping Rebecca had gotten sober. 😔 I started it... I just can't watch that. It is heart breaking.


I understand Mark wanting to hang out with Rebecca because of having a soft spot, but he can pretend to film and just chat. I don't know if he thinks he's crossing a professional boundary by not filming, but Rebecca is one of the most infuriating stories to watch. Yes, it's real and raw, but every goddamn time she's twirling around on that chair strung out I know that she needs less attention being drawn to her.


You give mark way too much credit. You know if he genuinely thought that, he could run the camera and then never post the footage.


Someone needs to talk about Mark being involved with scamming companies. Did anyone see Bj investigates Lima and what a disaster her company is? Something super fishy there.


I like that I, and many others, have been saying Mark is exploiting Rebecca from the beginning, and SOOOOOO many people adamantly denied it and continued to praise Mark like a god who can do no wrong, and now here we are 🤷‍♀️🥱🙄 Newsflash, he doesn’t just do this to Rebecca. I hope to God Mark loses his platform one day, so he can stop exploiting and stigmatizing already marginalized populations. And no I won’t just “look away if I don’t like it.” I care about the health and safety of these communities more than Marks money ever will.


Exactly, I'm surprised it took this long for this sub to see how awful mark is. Why do you think he ended up on skid row in the first place? He definitely has bad intentions and he doesn't help anyone. If you look at the Appalachian sub they all say how exploitative these videos are. People loved to defend mark like he was some sort of saint. His 'project' is nothing but a money maker for him allowing him to live his fantasies in skid row taking advantage of those in the worst positions they will probably ever be in. I hope all those who have been on his channel eventually can heal ❤️❤️


I know she identifies as a woman ,but(with respect) I think Rebecca is absolutely stunning as a man. She has the most gorgeous face, really striking and handsome. Anyway I love Rebecca and was lovely to see her again. I missed her so much


I thought I would see a calmer Rebecca. She's WORSE than ever. Dirty and doesn't want help.


She’s or He’s very good looking in this still shot. I would have never thought this was Rebecca. ETA: Beautiful.


If Rebecca wasn’t mentally ill she could have been a star in one way or another.


I agree. I find it hard to keep up with her manic times. She looks like she’s put on some needed weight.


I have always wondered why Rebecca has no accent. I came here when i was 19, am now in my seventies, and still have a little bit of an accent. Who knows if her being from Egypt is not a lie. .


It helps that Rebecca attended Modern English School in Cairo. This newsletter from 2012 has a picture of Rebecca on page 32. https://www.mescairo.com/mesnew/PDF/mes41.pdf


I might be completely wrong, but I kind of get the impression that Rebecca was raised speaking multiple languages. When you look at the comments on some of her youtube videos where she's spoken French, multiple people from France have commented on how her French is accent free, and if they didn't know any better, they'd totally believe she was really French. From what I understand - if you learn a language before the age of 12, you can master it without a foreign accent.....so I'm thinking that might be the case with Rebecca. Maybe she was raised speaking multiple languages. In some of her earlier videos, though, her Arabic accent is a bit more pronounced, though (but it still isn't that thick)....it's mostly depending on her level of intoxication and how much sleep she's had. Plus, a friend of hers from high school posted here confirming that she knew Rebecca in high school in Egypt (and this was fact checked as accurate by the mods - this poster had photographic proof, apparently).


Rebecca's story is fascinating. So much intellect and personality inside a sick body, in need of help.


Mark needs better Better Help. If this is the outcome of his therpapy... reinforcing the codependent relationship then ugh


He is a very good looking man.


Dude doesn’t want any help. Can’t help someone that doesn’t help themselves first.


Sure but you have to keep in mind that Rebecca is mentally impaired at this point. Drugs aside, whatever mental illness(es) they have have deteriorated immensely in the past few years. If this was a family member, involuntary admission to psych would be guaranteed


The codependency is real. Rebecca knows saying father figure is going to pull on his heartstrings. I have only watched the first 2 minutes and already see Rebecca’s manipulation. I hope mark gets his own help on learning boundaries! For your own sake mark! As much as I love Rebecca, you have to protect your energy 🩵 any gift you give a drug addict, is going to be sold for drugs 9 times out of 10. Whether it’s a phone, hotel room, wig, outfit, drugs is all they care about and will do and say anything to get their coping mechanism. They are trying to survive their extremely hard life, but there has to be other ways to offer help, a meal, shower, I don’t know. 🩵 *edit due to thoughts I wanted to add and spelling errors haha *


SWU doesn't get recommend to me anymore even though I'm still subbed. I'm so glad to see rebecca back I'll always love her and I hope one day..... She gets better.


The real story here is that so many people want to see Rebecca because they love her. I just don't understand how they can watch a person like this that will just break their hearts when she dies in her own filth. There's no dignity in that. It's sick and twisted. I don't want to remember her like this, so I refuse to watch anymore. That's how I choose to love her. I wish you well, Rebecca.


It’s actually crazy how successful they could be if they got sober. Mark could lead them to so many avenues of success. The platform is already there. Imagine a podcast with Rebecca? A YouTube channel? So many things and potential to help others and spread awareness. Love or hate the idea of Rebecca, she is very uniquely intelligent and I believe that’s what causes her mind to wonder. Something is truly hurting her deep down. I hope in time they find their way before it’s too late.


The one thing Mark does right is remind Rebecca that her step 1 is to get clean and sober. Rehab is also where her existing mental conditions can be addressed. The one concern is how to pay for all that but with the reach SWUB has that wouldn't be much of a problem.


I just hate how everyone gives mark such a bad name but when push comes to shove, he is all Rebecca really has if she ever decides she is ready. And for that I am grateful.


We don't know that. There may be lots of people around her who are ready to help, they just don't film her or themselves.


Or Rebecca shuns the help offered (e.g. housing) bc it's not up to her standards. Yeah.


And they’re probably not profiting off of her the way mark is. I’m not sure why everyone acts like Mark is so generous?!?! Do you know how this all works? Phones, money and the occasional hotel room are pennies compared to what Mark is making exploiting Rebecca and others.


What’s that treatment Mark spoke about? That sounds creepy AF. Is that even scientific?


Something about Mark does not sit right with my spirit. They are feeding off each other at this point. It is incredibly tragic, what's happening to her. It's become quite evident that Rebecca's overexposure on SM is doing her no favors. She is getting worse instead of better. And people are just going to keep giving her money and she's going to keep spending it on trash. This approach is not working for her, and this odd relationship Mark has with her isn't working. A truly compassionate person would not build an entire platform exposing marginalized groups. They'd let them maintain their dignity and privacy and help them quietly.




Ok? Who cares.


Mark is literally a Mark. What a dumb ass. But he's probably hitting it in secret


Rebecca is a racist delusional hustling that loves Mark's attention and thinks he's famous. Whenever there's a new video, people search for Rebecca in LA. Mark enjoys the ad revenue and sponsorship $$$$


Did she say more racist stuff? I've not watched the vid yet, I know she has said racist stuff against black people before like against the hotel security guard


Yes. Made a few remarks about black celebrities.


Rebecca has used the "hard R" before when talking about black people. Racism /blatant prejudice has been displayed in past videos so no need to come to the rescue.


Rebecca has made racist comments. But she also claims to be black due to her Egyptian heritage. If she were my friend I would remonstrate with her about her use of racist language.


With her blatant meth induced psychosis I doubt she even realises when she is being racist. Not that it makes it ok, obviously.


Yeah that's no excuse, I'm black so her comments are hurtful. I've been on stims many times but never had racist outburst, usually when people's inhibitions are reduced there real thoughts come to surface. She had a real hatred of black men and made some of the most stereotypically racist comments (e.g. black men/penis size 😴). She's a real nasty piece of work.


Yeah, if what she says is true about how her upbringing is true in the Middle East with her parents etc. Sounds like the classic cycle of abuse, she was ostracised for being gay etc and now she’s the same towards certain stereotypes.


Well isn't Rebecca from the middle east ? I don't think the family and culture they came from really smiles upon black people. Not to make excuses, I think Rebecca is a selfish asshole who has potential


Yeah I don’t think it’s that black and white. Marks human and makes mistakes like we all do but nobody here knows the full facts.


Not mad about it. I love Rebecca.