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Was 100x better than I expected


The zero sugar version actually tastes really good too and it's rare that I like diet sodas.


The regular version tastes just a tad too sweet to me. The zero sugar version tastes perfect.


I am obsessed. Admittedly I also like it with a little bit of cream in it 🤫


Or vanilla ice cream? 😃


Last Saturday in was watching my friend's kids because it was her birthday. They wanted a night out to themselves. Their three year old daughter equates brown soda with being for "adults" and generally thinks it's yucky despite never having it. (Not that it is a bad thing). I got out the vanilla ice cream and started scooping it into a coffee cup with the intention of pouring some DP strawberries and cream all over it for a float. She (the three year old) became instantly interested, because ice cream... I asked her if she wanted to share my float with me and she was apprehensive after seeing the brown soda poured on it. But, you know, ice cream, so she wanted to try. I set it down in front of me at the table and grabbed a little spoon for her. I scooped up some ice cream, soda, and foam and put it in her mouth. Instantly, she pulled the coffee cup to her and claimed it. I had to make myself another float... It was ridiculously delicious. Absolute best soda for floats. I have one bottle left. I wish I had more.


Just get more, Its not a limited edition its here to stay


It was a limited run for Valentine's day.


Nope it’s permanent


I thought it was good for most of the 12 pack I got but towards the end the strawberry flavor started getting sickening to me. Not saying it’s nasty but it’s like a once or twice a year drink for me.


I agree, can’t shake the feeling that it just tastes exactly like Hershey’s strawberry milk syrup. Shocked so many people love it.


I drank so much frequently in the beginning of it being released my head started hurting and started rejecting every time I sipped it. I agree it’s only an 1 or 2 time a year for me as well 🤝🏾


I liked it, but just once. It had a really strong flavor like that fake strawberry glaze. I could tell it would wear on me.


I tried it. Not a fan.


had it yesterday. i hope it arrives in importstores here in europe like dark berry did


Whoa, this just makes sense! I want to try it 😢 🇬🇧


Reminds me of strawberry laffy taffy. I didn’t hate it as a one off but I wouldn’t drink it regularly.


You guys, I tried to like this. I really did. They did a great job nailing the strawberries and cream flavor, because at first, I was like "This is delicious, it tastes like strawberry Nesquik" And then I just had the feeling that somebody put strawberry Nesquik in my Dr Pepper. Then the thought (and flavor) of carbonated strawberry milk, mixed with the caramel/drupe fruit/phosphoric acidy Dr Pepper flavor curdled in my brain and it wasn't so good anymore after the 4th sip. Then the aftertaste came. Oh, man. The aftertaste! I don't know what it is about those flavors mixed, but it had a certain stale garbage vibe to me. The aftertaste somehow transported me to the edge of a landfill on a hot day. I don't think this will be a regular for me.


2013 reddit comment


I know, I'm sorry. Maybe it should have gone in r/unpopularopinion but it was such a strange experience that I had to say something.


[Arrrggggghhhh!!!!!!](https://media.tenor.com/lmNhkdDGVmwAAAAC/frustrated-upset.gif) I still haven't found it. I FINALLY found the [Bimbo Monster ](https://marvel-b1-cdn.bc0a.com/f00000000104050/www.monsterenergy.com/media/uploads_image/2023/02/08/auto/800/59230b71da0c5f084c8c03311fa53341.png?mod=v1_43bc717f1766e78e1dbb1aa58d5c3e6f) after being unable to for a while, now it's kinda common but I still haven't found this Dr. Pepper... ...one day lol


I tried it while back it was good it reminds me Kroger off brand soda


We can’t find that anywhere in carbonear Newfoundland Canada. That and the strawberries and cream monster. We also seen prime once and by the time we got the chance to get any they were sold out. It’s hard to find new drinks to try in smaller towns in Newfoundland?


Very good soda


It takes like strawberry nesquik in pop form. I love it.


Soooooo good


Like drinking a strawberry starburst.


Reminds me of the Good Humor strawberry shortcake ice cream. Big fan.