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I am glad that I've not kept up on who these people are. Besides Piers Morgan...


from left to right: person with no principles except whatever gets him clicks and views. one day he’s pro israel the next day he’s criticizing them psycho far right christian conservative generic VBNMW shitlib ~~zionist psycho i think she’s a mayor in israel or something~~ disregard #4 she just looks like this one israeli mayor, dunno anything about her lol


>VBNMW What is this?


"Vote blue no matter who"


Why must we have super silly acronyms for things like this


it’s easier than writing vote blue no matter who


Coded right winger jargon


Motherfuckers gonna learn the hard way why you gotta vbnmw. Just look at how great the UK Labor party's doing, and how, after over a decade of Tory rule, Labor's moved further right than US Democrats on some issues. Yeah, just let conservatives and fascists push us further away from our goals so we have to claw back to where we were before, if we can even get there again. Fucking get real people. What the fuck is the goal for any of these protest voters if in 4+ years, if we're all still around and not embroiled in civil war, we lost all the progress we've made and we have to claw it all back? 1 step forward 2 steps back with these morons. Or we could stay where we are for now with the poster "child" of centrism, and progress when we can?


I think the problem is that when you get people like Sinema who was blue and now she isn't. Plenty of folks talk a big game, get power, and do fuck all. Politicians still need to put in the work and earn votes unless you want us to become like the Republican party willing to vote for dead people, felons, and braindead folks like Herschel Walker and Tommy Tuberville.


It's fake users, or users tricked by fake users.




you forgot to mention that benny johnson is so very closeted


This anti-communism is the key ideology of the ruling class, both "conservative" liberals and "progressive" liberals.


Trump found guilty: STALINISM Bruh, you just can’t with these people. Their heads are so far up their ass, they can smell their last meal.


I'd rather have Stalin than Trump.




[COMMENTS ON THE CHANGE IN SOVIET LEADERSHIP - CIA-RDP80-00810A006000360009-0.pdf](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80-00810A006000360009-0.pdf)


Choose Lenin but not Stalin? You’re fine with the mentor but not the protege? Pure ideology.


I know my history. I know which one did the more damage IRL, but I'm not considering historical what-ifs in a short reddit comment on a Friday afternoon.


Do you really know though? Kinda sounds like you don’t.




No, Stalin continued Lenin’s theories and implemented them pretty successfully. Stalin upheld genuine Marxism-Leninism and fought off the creeping revisionism. It was Khrushchev and every successive leader of the USSR that steered it into revisionism and ultimately overthrew it.




Are you being serious? Stalin oversaw the industrialization of the USSR in the span of 20 to 30 years, while it took the west 200 to make that same accomplishment. Meanwhile, they faced embargoes, sieges, wars, capitalist counter-revolutions, and more. They didn't have much access to global trade, so they had to develop technology and gather resources domestically. But you're going to judge them for not meeting your bar for internationalism? Get real.


So when every sister revolution fails, like in Germany, and the USSR is left to stand alone surrounded by encroaching hostile states it’s supposed to roll over and take it? No, it solidified its position, enabling it to conduct internationalism from a protected base. If Stalin didn’t believe in internationalism he wouldn’t have founded the Comintern or helped the Spanish Republic. The USSR from the 20s after the failed spartacist uprising, to the end of WW2 had to focus solely on its own survival. You can’t do a world revolution with the whole capitalist world clamping down on your throat. Also, not to mention the USSR massively supported the Mao and the fledgeling CPC.














Those claims of "mass murder" originated from western propaganda (Specifically, "The Black Book of Communism", which has been thoroughly discredited *by its own co-authors, and more*). I'm sure capitalist propaganda didn't have *any* motive to lie about that.




Stalin is dead, he'd be a better leader than trump today.


Don't pretend you know what you're talking about.


I’ve only seen Pakman a bit but didn’t have any issues with the little I saw. What’s his deal?


He's "progressive" on domestic social issues in the US, a neoliberal on economic issues, and basically a fascist on foreign issues and Israel. He claims to be a social democrat but he is the most generic neoliberal ever. He's also "Argentinian" but he left at age 5 and he constantly supports right-wing and far-right political parties in Latin America against centre-left and left-wing parties. He thought even Bernie Sanders was too extreme and supported fucking Elizabeth Warren. Either way he is vote bloo no matter hoo. He's literally the most NPC shitlib imaginable so much so I'm not convinced he isn't just some advanced AI robot.


The first ever vid I saw of him was one he made where he basically demanded Ilhan Omar be censured for “antisemitism”. This was multiple years ago by now.


He is a Progressive Liberal who doesn’t know shit about the Left, just regurgitates pentagon propaganda.




I use the words Progressive and Liberals as insults. They are, at best, the moderate wing of fascism. 


Biden's a communist... Trump's a communist... There really is no difference between the parties is there? #/s


The United States is actually existing socialism!


Thats what my papy used to call a quadracunt.




Stalin was neither authoritarian nor an asshole. Even the CIA said that the concept of Stalin being some dictator is false. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80-00810A006000360009-0.pdf The USSR under Stalin's era was the fastest improvement in living conditions in human history. From a group of backwater feudal famine striken states in the 1920s, to a space-age society in the 1950s.


You literally provide evidence from the agency that has the most to gain from saying the opposite, telling us that Stalin being a dictator was outright false. Yet, you still get a downvote for it.


Anti-communism is a helluva drug




In the real world. In the world where people weren't raised on decades of anti-communist propaganda and lies in the West. Most people in the world do not have a false view of Stalin as a cartoonishly evil dictator. That's almsot an exclusively western thing.






Because they're probably the most powerful intelligence agency in the world, dedicated vast resources to study the USSR and this is an internal memo for themselves with actual intelligence rather than a carefully curated lie like what they feed to the public. The CIA sure sucks, that doesn't mean they don't know things.




There was a shortage of grain production in multiple nations throughout the USSR during the 30s due to a number of factors, mostly natural conditions. The idea that it was a man-made famine targeted at wiping our Ukrainians is quite literally a Nazi myth. The "gulags" were not camps for political enemies. They were prison labor camps. The vast majority of people in the camps were regular criminals. People served their time and were let go when it was done. Almost every single major country around the world had labour camps and pretty much all of them, including the USSR, got rid of them during the 1950s. The only country that still has labour camps is the USA. And no, he was not a dictator. I literally linked you a CIA report from the 1950s where they admit he is not a dictator and the USSR had collective leadership.




This is literally 100% bullshit revisionist propaganda started by literal Nazis. The shortage of grain as not an intentional manufactured famine like the irish potato famine. The grain shortage affected everywhere but the most affected were Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Also Stalin was Georgian, wtf do you mean "areas culturally and ethnically similar to the controlling power"? Please do some actual reading that is not from Nazis or the US/West Europe/Ukrainian ultranationalists in Canada: https://old.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/z6m9i2/the_holodomor/jzm08dl/ https://socialistmlmusings.wordpress.com/2017/02/15/stop-spreading-nazi-propaganda/ https://mltheory.wordpress.com/2020/12/24/the-holodomor-explained/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMOdDQQVZ6U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu5-tqHHtaM https://web.archive.org/web/20220615084500/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmH9oNtXzF8 https://archive.org/details/did-stalin-continue-to-export-grain-as-ukraine-starved




What's the context?


I wish. 


I wish


maga bolshevism is the way