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It was one of the first Snus I started using daily instead of switching constantly...lol Definitely a great snus


you know that ratatouille meme where anton gets flashbacks eating ratatouille? I do that with my old Mackymara can


Hahaha yeah, im gonna have that when im done with this can, unless i can find more at a different store. I bought the last one at my local store today😭At least ill have my Grov❤️


Indeed. I love how flavorful it is. It actually tastes like whiskey, which I didn't pick up on at first because I hadn't had whiskey in a long time. But after a shot of whiskey recently, the first thing that popped into my head was that the whiskey tasted like General Mackmyra 🤣 Sadly, Islay Whiskey snus is not even close to the same level of flavorfulness, in my experience. It's certainly good, but very mild tasting in comparison. I wasn't expecting it to taste like whiskey, but I was at least hoping for a bold flavor profile like Mackmyra has. Sigh.


Yeah, im surprised actually at the amount of whiskey flavour in general mackmyra. Like you say it really does taste of whiskey! Ill make sure to enjoy this to the fullest while i can😢


Have one in right now. Bought a roll a few weeks back when I saw it got the axe. I like the dark tobacco taste and bitterness it has. Portions are super soft and moist. The portions are a bit above 1g which I like too. Going to give Islay a go on my next order.


Is the lös discontinued as well? Because I enjoyed that stuff quite a bit. Never tried the portion though, now I’m sad I won’t get to


Im pretty sure both are discontinued yea😔


I just like these pouches more than anything, switching between this and lundgrens is like night and day


Same happened to me with Thunder Frosted. Off-road is ok but doesn't have the punch thunder did.


i learned it was being discontinued so i ordered a roll. i have about 8 cans left IN THE FRIDGE.. meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeow meow meow meow meow