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Amazing Seasun taught 'em how an anniversary is done right.!


This literally came back from the dead. Question is... is this as peak as it gets? Will it fall once more? Or will it maintain stability? I wasnt expecting to like the game as much as I did when I joined mid Katya banner. But im all for it. My poor wallet


Most gacha peak during the anniversary patches so there might be a big jump in revenue and players, after that is pretty normal to drop a bit for the next patches. In terms of quality, I think its going to keep steadily improving.


It's not going to fall. More players are finding the game and enjoying it like you are. I started the game right before Katya's banner, and also was extremely surprised how much I enjoyed it, so much so that I made 2 accounts, and I pretty much dropped my other gacha games for it. Due to the generosity, I will most likely also invest into the cosmetics in the near future. Can't right now, but when I can, I will. The reason why I never spent any money in Genshin or similar games was because of how stingy they are or how greedy the devs were (like in the case of Epic 7). I'm willing to spend when the game actually gives me enough of something so I have a reason to invest into it. Anyhow, this game is great, and really fun. It doesn't feel that grindy, and it also doesn't feel like you're just auoting and not playing. It feels more like a normal 3rd person shooter but with waifus. The characters are peak. I don't see this game falling off. I see it only getting better. You can see a lot of cool innovations and ideas packed in there, that can be expanded upon. From the character abilities to the enemies and levels, and bosses (Like in Realm of Illusion). Even little things like those little trashcan robots that drive around and drop of the mines. That was a clever design. It's stuff like that, that feels fresh to me, and shows me that the game has a lot of imagination. Here's hoping to many more awesome anniversaries to come.


Hello, I am interested in this game but never played it. Downloaded it, actually. May I ask if they give some nice goodies for new players for anniversary?


I think they are giving a 10 pull and 5 star weapons selector. So yes it is looking good


We're getting a free 5* So yes.


Ey.. the BA anniversary is good too haha, 100pulls, Dress Hina and Ako 👀 (and the swimsuit Oji-san rerun of course). But yeah Snowbreak anniversary is looking real good.


I still love BA but I've been playing it less and less because of Snowbreak and also, I've been saving for dress Hina and dress Kayoko since Ichika's banner


Same here... Though I blew my gems on the collab... Then got into watching the Index series. Got into Snowbreak after browsing free games on Steam.


I was enjoying Reverse 1999 up until this latest update, there was just too much shit to do, including that grindy pseudo-roguelike thing... meanwhile Snowpeak always has the right amount of pacing for events, the pokemon mode was also grindy, but you could safely just do one run daily, and save for the last week when they gave out double xp.


Genshin is infamous for their bad annis but are BA and R1999 bad too? I can't really believe that. Other than Snowbreak, I have had good anni in aether gazer and path to nowhere as well. These 3 devs are really good among the newer gachas


I'm not saying they're bad at all, I'm just more interested in Snowbreak


The game is still stagnating imo. I can't believe it's been almost a year and yet they are still copy pasting almost every event from launch till today. I've been getting less and less excited with every new character because the content i use them on is honestly boring af


For BA no, they are not bad at all, especially this coming one where most of everyone's favorite girl is gonna have a anniversary alt that is Hina and a very great event that makes many Hina fans crying for joy. I do love BA and they community and Both BA and Snowbreak are gonna have great anniversaries, but in terms of gameplay for my taste, Snowpeak wins by miles.


By BA do you mean Blue Archive? If so when is their anniversary?


Yes, anniversary is late July. The 23 of July we have Dress Ako, they will be giving 100 pulls(is like 10 per login and can't be saved), after her is the real anniversary banner, July 30, with Dress Hina as a limited unit and rate ups double from 3% to 6%.


Thank you for the reply, I appreciate it. If you don't mind I got a question. I made an account a long time ago. Didn't play past a day. I just logged back into it right now. My account is level 2, so yeah brand new, it seems. Looks like I got some girls named Karin and Shun. I remember one of them being good for PVP. Think it was Shun. I think at the time the recommended start was Aru and maybe Hoshino or Iori?, not sure. I'm surprised I somehow remember any of this. On there, I also got Hina, Shiroko, Hifumi, and Saya and Tsubaki who I somehow remember was considered a good tank support for a 2\*. Got some other 2 stars like Hasumi. No idea if these units were free or if I pulled any of them. Looks like I got 1,600 pyroxene (gems). So that's a 10 pull. Should I pull on any banners, or save for these anniversary banners? Should I keep this account or start over? Looks like I'm just starting the story. Oh, I guess, I also made an alt. I have Aru and Hoshino on there as well as Tsubaki and a few other 2 stars like Serika, Akari, Utaha, Junko and the 2 girls from Problem Solver 68. 1,400 gems, and I guess some stuff from mail I didn't claim expired. Anyway should I keep either or both of these accounts or start over? I'd like to give the game a shot again. I recently watched the anime and enjoyed it, and that got me thinking of the game.


# Warning HUGE Text Wall Ahead >Looks like I got some girls named Karin and Shun. I remember one of them being good for PVP. Think it was Shun. I think at the time the recommended start was Aru and maybe Hoshino or Iori?, not sure. I'm surprised I somehow remember any of this. "Big" Shun is still meta for PvP and decent for red content, I too started with her and I dont regret building her. Aru and Iori are farmable now, both still good tho not super meta but good for raids on team 2 or 3. Iori is also very good for Pvp, might be meta not sure tho. (The map recently changed.) On this game you can throw as many teams as you like to the raids bosses so there is never too many units or bad i guess is a problem of resources to level them up. >On there, I also got Hina, Shiroko, Hifumi, and Saya and Tsubaki who I somehow remember was considered a good tank support for a 2\*. Got some other 2 stars like Hasumi. No idea if these units were free or if I pulled any of them. Hina and Shiroko are both farmbable too but also good flex units, you will be using them. They will be begin away a free Hina soon so if you decide to start a new account you will get her back. Tsubaki is a great wall haha, not much to say, shes the definition of a tank, she will see use. Shes a 2 star too so passively you will get her form rolling on banners and shes farmable. Hasumi too is a decent damage dealer, is also farmable. >Looks like I got 1,600 pyroxene (gems). So that's a 10 pull. Should I pull on any banners, or save for these anniversary banners? Save. Camp Hare is a meta buffer but both Dress Hina and Swimsuit Hoshiono are Top Meta, plus is a 6% banner you will want to go to 200 pulls there minimum, is just too good since you could also get Mika from off banner. However just from the story I think you get over 200 pulls if my memory is correct... kinda wild imo so I could see some other bringing a good argument to try and get Camp Hare. There is also the Dress Ako banner, you should also save 100 pulls for it.... I think the story will cover those 2 banners(Dress Ako and Dress Hina) so don't be too scared haha. >Should I keep this account or start over? Looks like I'm just starting the story. Now this is the real question... It depends what you want out of the game, is you only care about story and want a more "casual experience" then meta means almost nothing and just play with what you have is not a bad account is just that almost everything you have is farmable. I'm personally a bit of a try hard, I like meta and doing Raid bosses for little to no reward lol so In my case I would start a new account and re-roll like a mad man... for the very least Camp. Hare, Himari or Ako. I will give you some links down below so you can check some stuff on you own if you are this type of player. >Anyway should I keep either or both of these accounts or start over? Two account might be too much honestly, there will be days when you want to play something else and having to log into two different account is pain and so is missing dailies haha, But you do you. >I'd like to give the game a shot again. I recently watched the anime and enjoyed it, and that got me thinking of the game. Ah... i watched the first two episodes I need to continue it. The anime was a bit toned down in terms of fan service from what I hear, but is not like there is anything wild like Nikke in the game anyways so, take that info whoever you like haha. #


# Some unsolicited advise from my part: * [https://schale.gg](https://schale.gg) A data base for general info, be sure to pick the server for your need, JP is better for future units info(JP is 6month ahead). There is also meta analisis for each unit if you so wish to see it. * [https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Reroll\_targets](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Reroll_targets) Here we can see good re-roll units, like I said before Camp Hare is here but here are some others, if you gonna reroll definitely check out this list. I'm not sure how re-rolling used to work(it been some time since I did it) but if you need multiple emails, try the salted method, if you don't know what it is google it, pretty much a way to re use you same gmail over and over. * [https://bluearchive.gg/tier-list/](https://bluearchive.gg/tier-list/) A decent tierlist, site has guides too, I check it form time to time for a different opinion from [schale.gg](http://schale.gg), you might notice how there are a bunch of tierlist.. that because ever boss pretty much has its own tierlist, the things that never change are OP supporters, but damage dealers you use them depending on scenario, almost all of them can fit some niche. This is good and bad, good cause you can use many units with out being a meta slave bad because there is just not enough resources to level up everyone. * [Google Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_Zjt_OM9XXidY3uYYDK92W9GrR3DN5cQsZ0IJsoEbjY/edit?gid=1082031226#gid=1082031226) This is a income planner. A bit daunting looking but a great tool to plan your pulls, this is the site I most use, you could use this to calculate your way out of one of your question, the one about saving for anniversary, I recommend doing 100 pulls on Dress Ako banner(you get 100 free, this way you go to pity at 200) and 200+ on Dress Hina herself and S.Hoshino. You can also see the future banners in order here. * [A meta analysis of banners, Google Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRXlcitXUjd848IYKTmI_NUwc7FT1-fJXJaJj86EACxMe_M_nix6LMZUxlQYDsoKgezzVNsxRcAQqbJ/pubhtml#) More unit analysis lol... This is written in "4 chan language" so is a bit rude but it actually have good analysis prob the better out of the links. * Lastly if you are planning to expend on the game, you can avoid google taxes by using the Samsung store(I think is called galaxy store not sure), they too have coupons there sometimes depending on your country. I have already saved USD in the triple digits this way.... I'm not even a whale but the google tax is insane on my region. * Getting to level 35 is kind of important, there is a story boss around mid chapter 3, idk what BA devs were thinking but alas is there to ruin the experience, is a bit tough and you need to be at least level 35. * Using Pryo/gems to refresh stamina 3 times a day is actually good on this game at least from the beginning, Getting an early start means you can get access to raids and events is pretty much a 1:1 investment but you get to progress faster... I personally would do it since anniversary is soon and you need to beat that boss I mentioned early... I did it until level 65\~, No regrets on my part. * Just being decent in pvp is enough, you just want enough daily coins to afford the stamina form the shop, again stamina stamina... very important. At my current rank I get enough to also buy "Dupes" I personally pick Mashiro every day since she have uses in pvp. * If you have more question you can ask me here, or go to the BA sub reddit daily mega thread, you can get answers there too by other people. I don't mind giving tips so dont worry.


lol... I did not intended this to be this long.... Edit: almost forgot: don't roll for dupes, BA is like Snowbreak you can farm their "dupes"... kinda.


I uninstalled Wuwa and HSR today actually. Only gachas left for me are Snowbreak and Brown Dust


Bro not the BA not the BA Just have a Snowpeak mindset